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File: 39 KB, 1200x420, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5694014 No.5694014 [Reply] [Original]

Unless Omise puts a price floor on transaction fees a validator can charge, there will be a "race-to-the-bottom" for transaction fees and it will reach equilibrium at 0%.

In the Bitcoin network, people pay REAL money to host the full blockchain on a Virtual Private Server, validate blocks,and relay transactions to other full nodes (paying $10-$20/month while receiving 0 tx fees and 0 block rewards). They do this because muh decentralization.

In the Omisego network there will be nodes that validate for a 0% transaction fee because muh unbank the banked. Guess what? Every transaction will run through them, because everyone wants to to pay the lowest transaction fees. And there will not be only one that does this. It will be thousands, and then tens of thousands nodes that will do this.

See you guys at 0.


>> No.5694231

but skateboards

>> No.5694299

Valid fud, that's why I got out of OMG train at $18.

>> No.5694328

But what is the incentive for someone to run a node with 0 fees? It costs at least some money and expertise to run a node, so why would someone even bother running a 0% node? Lightning network will have the same "risk", there is no incentive to run a 0% fee node.

>> No.5694392

Just dumped my bags, small loss. oh well. Thanks for the info, wasn't too sure about this project anyways.

>> No.5694406

The US dollar will be worth absolutely nothing because people can just give away goods and services for free.

Great grasp on capitalism, you dumb fuck.

>> No.5694451

Altruism my friend. It makes them feel good. People run full nodes in Bitcoin at a loss because it feels good to be part of a new currency and to disrupt the banks. The same thing will happen in the OMG network. People will feel good about unbanking the bank and will charge them 0% fees.

>> No.5694575

I'm not too familiar with OMG, but won't running a node require staking your tokens?

It wouldn't be in anyone's interest to charge zero fees unless they want their investment to go to zero.

>> No.5694614

Shit, you're right OP
Just burned all of my USD (future value is 0) cause someone gave a dollar to a homeless bum today

>> No.5694656

thanks op just sold all my holdings

>> No.5694691

Nice, just sold 100K.

>> No.5694693

just sold 100k good looks

>> No.5694711

Correct. You can set your fees at 0% until people say "Hey I'm not getting any transactions, OMG sucks" and they sell their tokens and leave the market, then the 0% fee-ers can raise it up a little bit and actually earn money. Or the 0% fee-ers will try to outlast eachother and buy up the tokens as everyone sells their OMG on the cheap and leaves the market.

>> No.5694776

Are you being ironic?

>> No.5694794

Just sold all my money

>> No.5694800


Dude, my fucking SKATEBOARD. Leave it alone!

>> No.5694828

Yup.. it works out actually, thanks OP .. too bad altruism won't win in the game of greed. A good concept but I'm out.

>> No.5694852

damn that was good fud. actusöly sold my bags for link

>> No.5694856

poor omisegoons.

little by little they understand they hold the shittiest of the coins.

only a skateboard to show.

>> No.5694884

No there are curently 12,000 people paying $10-$20 a month to host the full Bitcoin blockchain on a Virtual Private Server, validate blocks,and relay transactions to other full nodes (paying $10-$20/month while receiving 0 tx fees and 0 block rewards). They do this at a loss because of altruism. It makes them feels good to be part of a new currency and to disrupt the banks.

Proof of Nodes doing this: https://bitnodes.earn.com/

>> No.5694899

>>5694014 Because running a omg node will cost nothing ? I see. Read the cosmos implementations to have a idea of how much it will cost.

>> No.5694903

>Owning OMG tokens buys the right to validate this blockchain, within its consensus rules. Transaction fees on the network including (but not limited to) payment, interchange, trading, and clearinghouse use, are given to NON-FAULTY VALIDATORS who enforce bonded contract states. The token will have value derived from the fees derived from this network, with the obligation/cost of providing validation to its users. THIS TOKEN MUST HAVE VALUE, to prevent low-cost attacks and is necessary to enforce this network
See you fags when this hits 400+

>> No.5694907

How does zero fees tank the price of the token?

>> No.5694976


> It's like no one does their own research
> It's like these brainlets think they are more intelligent than Money Skelly and the Skateboard Posse.

>> No.5695010

The OMG token price is 100% equal to some multiple of 'estimated future fees per token'.

>> No.5695057

Those 12000 people are mining, there is an incentive to run your own node with which to mine and use your own wallet with, I do this with Monero and any cryptonight currency, and for those who are not mining, they are doing it out of the goodness of there hearts.. yes..

But you forget. You can not get fucking paid to host a bitcoin node. If they could, like with Lightning Network, they would choose to get paid, no matter how altruistic you think they are, and there would be no percentage of outliers in such a system for longer than a week. Those people would be flooded out of the network by a torrent of transactions.

One node cannot process all of the transactions on the network, and no more than a few nodes will exist that offer 0% fees, like I said, the relative few that exist will be flooded out of the network by the large amount of users that want to take advantage of a 0% fee. There simply won't be a high enough ratio of 0%ers to users that want 0%. This is called a fee market, and it exists because of incentive. And you are a dumbass for circumventing this baseless fud.

>> No.5695068

You will have to run a full Ethereum Node to process OMG transactions. That will be $10-$20 (or more) per month in Virtual Private Server costs.

>> No.5695109

To clarify, they are mining.. OR being altruistic on a raspberry pi, not a fully capable node, and of that percentage of nodes that are altruistic, there are very few that are capable as a full node with high capacity.

>> No.5695209
File: 91 KB, 877x518, Feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. East asians HATE people from thailand, laos, and vietnam. Jungle gooks is not a meme, they literally see them as savage subhumans.

2. People don't have bank accounts in thailand because they are BROKE AS FUCK. Women there are basically forced into prostitution to survive. Why would they try cashing money into a shitty app for a cheeseburger when the American dollar is KING?

3. The hostel movies are based off real events in thailand, and was supposed to be a doc. The director thought it would be dangerous to do this so that is why it became a horror movie in eastern yurope. People sell their elderly family members to elite torture gangs for as little as $10k, even less in most cases.

4. Crime is rampant in southern asia, you really think people are going to drink their koolaid and use an app that allows people to steal your cash by beating you up and taking a pic of your face? Of course not.

Do you want to be a part of this? Human suffering, human trafficing, and torture?

I don't. Jun and vitalik can shove their shilled skateboard 'sucky sucky, me rove u rong time' coin up their asses.

I filed reports to the sec about jun and his false advertising and constant attempts to mislead investors.

>> No.5695210
File: 204 KB, 1326x596, bitcoin nodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, they are not mining. Look at attached picture. Most nodes are in Eastern US and Europe with almost none in China. These are people paying paying $10-$20/month while receiving 0 tx fees and 0 block rewards to host the full Bitcoin blockchain on a Virtual Private Server, validate blocks,and relay transactions to other full nodes.

All of them are losing $10-$20/month in VPS fees because it feels good to be part of a new currency and to disrupt the banks. This is 100% altruism.

Proof: https://bitnodes.earn.com/

>> No.5695212

You can always see if something is FUD or not by looking for the number 0$ in a post. Nothing in the world is worth 0$.

>> No.5695244

Do opposite of what Biz says. Just bought some.

>> No.5695375

ty for confirming i should hold

>> No.5695389

Fact: you have no idea what will happen in the future.

>> No.5695396

The Omisego network won't allow it. They already stated they don't want outliers of people charging 1000% fees or those who are doing it at 0%. Those people will be stripped of their ability to stake in the network. They want fast transactions and having those bottlenecks won't help the system.

>> No.5695501

I hope they do! Because this scenario only exists if there is not a price floor for transaction fees.

But they have stated multiple times in the past that the network would be a free an open market, they're just the ones building it at first.

>> No.5695535
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 356c934837841989c3f5aad6a8eaab8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how come every nigger pajeet that fuds omisego gets a respond but the only two people who actually gave the valid reasons why the fud is bullshit are simply being ignored?


>> No.5695663

Please read the follow up before you strawman.

"To clarify, they are mining.. OR being altruistic on a raspberry pi, not a fully capable node, and of that percentage of nodes that are altruistic, there are very few that are capable as a full node with high capacity."

>> No.5695674

There was an omisego chart floating around here a couple of days ago outlining what I stated.

>> No.5695740
File: 292 KB, 1304x596, bitcoin nodes1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Consensus rules are that it is a free and open market for validators to choose what fees they charge to confirm transactions.

My scenario only exists if there is a not a minimum fee that Omise requires to stake.

To my knowledge there is not, Omise is treating it as an open market. And seeing as Bitcoin Nodes are happy to validate blocks for 0% fees, I believe OMG validators will as well.

Here is a map of everyone currently paying $10-$20/month in VPS costs for a return of 0% fees to validate blocks on the Bitcoin Network.

>> No.5695783

i got into crypto since the beginning, so even tho i live in thailand and this could probably get huge and i will miss the train, i really cant distinguish this from any other centralized corporation. seems just like more of the same.
dont trust anything that cant be mined

>> No.5695839

this and if you look at the alltime trend for OMG since binance inception, you are losing ETH by owning this token

>> No.5695847

soon Ethereum won't be mine able anymore, wouldn't you trust them anymore?

>> No.5695969

I agree that some are mining. I believe most are not because of the locations on the map. If most are not mining, that means approximately 6000 (or more) nodes are paying $10-$20/month in VPS costs for a return of 0% transaction fees.

That could be 6000 OMG nodes very easily doing the same because it 'feels good to unbank the banked'. 6000 0% fee nodes spread out across the globe. Nobody charging more than 0% tx fees will get any OMG transactions to validate and earn from.

>> No.5695984


I swear to god

>> No.5696025

They said they don't want insanely high or low fees, also the idea that the whole network will be 0% fee is ridiculous. People put money in expecting money back and to think a few altruistic individuals will cause the collapse of a multi million dollar investment is stupid. Stop FUDing.

>> No.5696034

It's pretty amazing that people are trying to fud $20 billion mkcap token. Is the volume for all crypto just wash trading?

>> No.5696080

I said this scenario only exists if Omise does not put a price floor (a minimum) on tx fees validators can charge.

To my knowledge they have not, and they have said they are going to treat it as an open market.

>> No.5696103

the point is that it wasnt premined. anything premined is liable for an exit scam. only way to lose everything you have in a mineable currency is if all the early adopters made a cooordinated exit whereas these tokens and xrp for example just one guy can make it insolvent in a few hours

>> No.5696186
File: 292 KB, 1294x596, bitcoin nodes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The math is there. The value of 1 OMG token is some multiple of the tx fees it will generate. What if people charge 0% tx fees and all of those transactions run through their node?

Currently 11,800 people are on the Bitcoin network paying $10-$20/month to be a full node for a return of 0% tx fees because muh decentralization. Half of those could easily be 0% fee OMG nodes because muh unbank the banked.

Check the pic

>> No.5696355

Wow I sure love how Omisego is going to follow a somewhat similar model to BTC and ETH, gotta love those 0% tx fees for both of them. You are fuding out your ass.

>> No.5696361

OP is right.

this is why btc fees are free and not insanely high

>> No.5696385

You're reading the phone book, none of that matters.

So is the value of Raiblocks and iota $0? Should bitcoin descend to $30 because that's the transaction fee?

Your premise is incorrect (even if we assume that there actually would be no fee, which Fomo combined w/ a million transactions a second on plasma) no transaction doesn't equal a zero dollar value.

>> No.5696409

You are stupid as fuck dude. No one is going to do zero fee validation. Comparing it too bitcoin nodes is retarded. BTC has some serious maximalist willing to do whatever to support it, but you can be ABSOLUTELY SURE, they would not run their nodes for free if it negatively affected their BTC holdings

Yeah, you have never been outside of the US or your mommys basement. Fucking redneck retard

>got into crypto since the beginning
and still can't understand fucking basic concepts, doesn't see the value in OMG, doesn't understand the difference between centralized and decentralized, thinks you lost ETH by holding OMG from the beginning, thinks there is a possibility of an exit scam.... wtf
>got into crypto since the beginning
well since you are a living meme, probably an english teacher hippie, living in Thailand I assume you are like the rest of them with an IQ lower than the current USD value of OMG
Happy new year and go fuck yourself, mate 5555

>> No.5696411

You had me sold at human suffering

>> No.5696444

When plasma is millions of tx per second, there is no incentive to pay more to receive in 0.0001 seconds vs 0.2 seconds, therefore no incentive to pay more.

>> No.5696454
File: 130 KB, 634x815, 38374FDB-71A5-41CA-9C03-C1ABAF22A530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This meme still provides the lulz

>> No.5696535

There is limited space in a BTC and ETH block. You pay extra to hope to be included.
There will be approximately unlimited transactions rolling through Plasma (https://twitter.com/jun_omise/status/919595778632323074?lang=en).).

No incentive to pay more if everyone gets through.

>> No.5696577

there will be an equilibrium that has nothing to do with block placement.

>> No.5696597

Please, come on, read what I said before you reply.

They have no option to charge, if they did, a large percentage of them would. Please read. You have no evidence that they are running the nodes for altruism either, they could have other incentives, such as a general sense of DIY. Altruism will not be dominant enough to make a change in a system of financial incentives.

>> No.5696631

and there is no incentive for stakers to validate with 0 fees lmao
You do realize the future business model of OMG relies heavily on them staking their 30+% of tokens and receiving revenue on it?
OMG is such a good project even the FUDsters have serious problems coming up with any real or even possible risks.
I'll tell you one, ETH or Plasma fails. That is a real risk. 0% fees is not a real risk

>> No.5696641

I do think the BTC maximalists do go pretty crazy for it. But if 1 person moves their month's $10-$20 VPS charges server from receiving 0% Bitcoin fees as a node to receiving 0% OMG fees as a validator, why won't more?

>> No.5696659

K, you can make a thread when omg hits 0 and tx is 0, i'll be waiting faggot.

>> No.5696660

>OMG is such a good project even the FUDsters have serious problems coming up with any real or even possible risks.

>> No.5696667

So why does BCH not have 0 fees huh? There is no congestion, why would anyone pay? Or hundreds of other shitcoins with unlimited space. Fuck off already

>> No.5696697

Yes totally, this is one of the reasons omg will clearly not be free.

>> No.5696741

Because OMG doesn't have the same kind of maximalists that BTC has. And there has NEVER been a connection between nodes and BTC value. There has also never been any chance for these pajeets running nodes on rasperry pi to earn anything off it. the majority of OMG stakers have no interest in doing 0% validation

>> No.5696758
File: 292 KB, 1288x596, bitcoin nodes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also no incentive to run a Bitcoin node for $10-$20/month in server costs in return for 0% of BTC fees, but 11851 people are.

If even 1 person validates for 0% on the OMG network everyone will send their transactions to them, and then if 1 person is doing it, why won't more?

All the people in the pic are running 0% tx fee BTC nodes around the world.

>> No.5696808

are you under the impression that your pictures get deleted if you don't keep reposting it?

>> No.5696820

Since you aren't listening to what I have told you several times already here is a suggestion for you. Close this Nepalese cat breeding board and go to omg rocketchat or anywhere else where you can talk directly to the team. Ask them this question and see what they say

>> No.5696838
File: 82 KB, 800x531, 1513810254123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the chart says otherwise

pic related

>> No.5696855

btw, I have never ever even slightly thought about running a bitcoin node. there are millions of people in btc nowadays, only 10k people are doing so

>> No.5696878

I think a more likely scenario is not 0% fees forever, but 0% fees for a time so that people who are charging more than 0% fees get no transactions, get frustrated with how much OMG sucks, then sell their coins for the cheap.

The 0% fee-ers do this until they buy up enough of those cheap coins and then raise tx fees back up so they make money.

>> No.5696929

This is the funniest fud I've seen. Fucking altruism in crypto.. Lmao.

>> No.5696930

I agree. I haven't either, but some people are. And if they move over to OMG because it feels good to unbank the banked while charging 0% tx fees, then all of the other validators will not get any tx to validate and therefore no fees.

>> No.5697039

Yes I'm going to see if they will have a minimum price floor for tx fees.

>> No.5697062

omg will run through plasma, so it means the fees will be set by a centralized system

>> No.5697105

So if this is a genuine concern of yours and not just sarcastic fudding. I can assure you if the scenario you described were to happen, there would be some minimum fee set. Like I said, Omise revenue will depend on this, and they are a for-profit company.

>> No.5697112

11,851 people it in BTC right now mate. Paying to run a full node and collecting 0% tx fees. This could be where all your tx's you can validate will be going. They won't want to pay a fee to you.


>> No.5697116

>so it means the fees will be set by a centralized system

>> No.5697169

So how do I send BTC through these nodes so I don't have to pay a tx fee?

>> No.5697187

Incorrect. Omise has said the tx fee rate will float on the free market and they will have no say in them. It is up to the validators to decide what to charge, and the transaction senders to decide what they are willing to pay to have it sent.

>> No.5697200

Why do you think they'd be able to process all the fees and who fucking cares? It doesn't matter if there's a zero fee.

>> No.5697233

oh shoot
yeah im waiting for this coin to reach 30$ then im dumping.
i can't afford to wait until they implement something that only exists in theory

>> No.5697240

You set the fee to zero to hope your transaction come through within the next month kek.

>> No.5697263

You can't because they are non-mining nodes i.e. worthless and have no reason to really exist. It is just all this Core propaganda about how every pajeet who can't even afford to send a single tx MUST be able to run a node on a $5 raspberry pi without having any incentive for doing so

>> No.5697285

That's literally every project lol.

Who the fuck fuss a $20 billion mkcap coin?

>> No.5697288

Very genuine. And I said this scenario wouldn't happen if Omise sets a tx fee floor that a validator can charge.

Omise has said they would let the tx fee rate float on the open market and have not said whether they will enact a price ceiling or a price floor. So right now, with the information we have, validators could charge 0% tx fees. They will suck all the txs away from everyone else.

>> No.5697342

that's not the same. omisego can still run without plasma. but saying that the ENTIRE project relies on plasma is nonesense
plasma and lightning only exist in theory, so being reliant on something like that is foolish, i want a solid product that already have a test build running

>> No.5697368

Okay, just realize your OP sounds very much like fudding. But like I said, go ask them right now, as much as I hate to recommend plebbit, the team is pretty active answering questions there or on rocketchat

>> No.5697374

They're called full nodes on the Bitcoin Network.


They pay REAL money to host the full blockchain on a Virtual Private Server, validate blocks,and relay transactions to other full nodes (paying $10-$20/month while receiving 0 tx fees and 0 block rewards).

They do not include txs in blocks, miners do. They only validate and relay, for 0% tx fees.

>> No.5697429

why aren't they the most popular bitcoin transaction processor?

why are people paying $20 fees?

>> No.5697435

Because then other people staking and validating that charge a fee would get 0 txs to validate and therefore 0 tx fees.

>> No.5697436

>i want a solid product that already have a test build running
the problem is that by this time the price will already be in another galaxy and you wont have time to get on board.
Big returns only exist because of big risk

>> No.5697489

Then leave crypto and invest in stocks, why are you talking to a bunch of neets instead of the developers?

>> No.5697510

Yes that's what I will do.

>> No.5697520

The network has to be physically able to handle that, why do you think 1 node can handle every transaction in the world?

>> No.5697551

They don't includes txs in blocks, only miners do. They send those bundled up blocks to everyone else on the network (nodes and miners) so everyone has a complete and true view of the ledger in its current state.

>> No.5697567

good, looking forward to see their (hopefully public) reply.

>> No.5697574

>nodes are the same thing as stakers
no they aren't.

do you understand how PoS works?

The reason that there are altruistic nodes is because the cost to run a node is relatively small, assuming that no transactions are being processed.

Now, you don't have to run an ASIC miner in a PoS construction but you DO NEED TO POSESS THE ACTUALY FUCKING COIN

And the size of your staking investment represents the percentage of transactions you will win the leadership election on.

So tell me, how much will altruistic validators be willing to spend when OMG is $400 a coin?

You buy ONE OMG and run it altruistically (assuming a 1 OMG staking requirement) and your altruism grants you the ability to transact approximately 1/100,000,000 of every transaction.

the theory is infeasible because staking is expensive by design. you need the STAKE first.

>> No.5697628

The point is if 1 person does it, why not 2 or 10 or 50 or 1000 or 10,000?

There are approximately 12,000 people paying $10-$20/month in VPS costs to house the full Bitcoin blockchain, and then verify & relay completed blocks for 0 tx fees on the BTC network right now.


>> No.5697660

what if their altruism was limited by the amount that they paid up front?

>> No.5697664

because i don't hold much omisego to begin with, i sold most of it after the ((roadmap)) was out.

don't get me wrong, im still excited for the project but ill most likely not gonna make it until the end

>> No.5697691

You can't really compare bitcoin with the omisego network

>> No.5697694

excellent reply, listen to this OP

>> No.5697721

Because fuck you I like money and can get your transaction done in 0.5 seconds instead of 20 minutes so you don't look like an idiot when you're paying for coffee with your neetbux?

>> No.5697773

HA. Got em.

>> No.5697776

No, if my validator is set to 0% tx fee, every person sending a tx will say "search for lowest fee" and will come to me and I'll validate them. Then if 1 person is doing it that way, why not thousands?

You are explaining a PoS network correctly, but OMG PoS will be different than that. Because what if every whale set their fee to 10% and all the whales have 50% of the coins, then there's a 50% chance someone will pay a 10% tx fee (or more) for every tx. That's why OMG PoS will route txs through the cheapest nodes.

>> No.5697799

This too, if the cost for a full node is 1000 omg that's a fucking lot for most 'altruists,' although zero transaction doesn't equal a zero dollar coin so the entire argument fell apart from the beginning

>> No.5697811

This thread has gone beyond a joke. Everyone just stop replying to OP.

>> No.5697848

Yes it's about people willing to charge 0% fees and eat the loss for the love the project. If people are charging 0% fees while you're staking OMG, you will get 0 txs to validate and no tx fee income.

>> No.5697849

$10-$20 a month running a bitcoin node is not the same as losing fucking all of the money you put into bitcoin by driving it to $0, as would be the case with your scenario.

>> No.5697878

is op a bot or a pajeet

>> No.5697883

Yes I read it.

>> No.5697913

There's no PoW, so no time to wait in the OMG network. Plasma will have 1 million+ txs/second

>> No.5697960

Staking will require much less than that. Jun said he wants validators all over the world.

>> No.5698028

>implying the redneck retard isn't correct in this situation
fucking soyboy retard

>> No.5698052

No you charge 0% so that people sell their OMG because they aren't getting any tx income (because it's all coming through me as the 0% staker). Then I buy those people's cheap OMG and increase my stash.

>> No.5698054

Hey OP I'm back, my thought is if you're looking to bet on OMG as a global currency you're fucked. If you look at this from a regional perspective (thailand chains, small asian chains) there is still potential. I'm not expecting another BTC with this, but I expect a decent ROI, you don't see this happening?

>> No.5698055

>Then if 1 person is doing it that way, why not thousands?
Because money.

Staking is expensive. If stakers have thousands of dollars wrapped up in OMG but stand no chance of yielding fee dividends, they will sell.

And there goes your network.

So your reply will be "it will just be filled up with altruistic validators"

Which is completely vulnerable to 51% attack and spam attacks.


>> No.5698069

Read my impeccable argument, you fucking samefagging faggot.

>> No.5698124

he isn't, and anyone who knows anything about Asia knows that

>> No.5698137

Hello friend, welcome back.
View above reply, this is the strategy I'm afraid of. That whales will validate at 0% fees forever and then scoop up cheap OMG as frustrated validators leave the market bc they arent getting any txs to validate.

>> No.5698173
File: 2.73 MB, 1360x768, 1429562762971.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont understand a word of this thread. I have 355 omg, can some just tell me if ill make it?

>> No.5698174

The biggest whale is Omise and their partners. They wont do somthing like that

>> No.5698205

you need 4k

>> No.5698209

Staking will be a small amount of coins bc Jun says he wants validators all over the world.

The strategy I'm worried about is I'm afraid is that whales will validate at 0% fees forever and then scoop up cheap OMG as frustrated validators leave the market bc they arent getting any txs to validate.

>> No.5698242

stop repeating the same fucking thing asshole I understand what you're saying.

do you understand me or are you an 80 IQ pajeet?

>> No.5698262

god fucking dammit, I thought the XLM news would tank this, fucking sold at 108

>> No.5698300

If someone is staking and is charging 0% fees, all transactions will go to those people. All that matters is they have the minimum amount to stake and can last long enough at 0% to drive everyone else to sell their OMG because of bad tx fee ROI. Then they can increase their tx fee they charge bc they just got a lot of competing nodes to sell their stash.

>> No.5698318


>> No.5698327

you could make the same argument with crypto trading in general.

yes there will be some whale manipulation. don't have weak hands faggot.

>> No.5698353

it's just a meme keep accumulating.

>> No.5698357

I don't think you really understand how staking works. One guy staking 1 OMG wont get "all transactions" in any scenario

>> No.5698365

Is it worth holding or what if I've only got 355? From what I read omg could potentially be widely used. Req mentioned using it in one of their updates

>> No.5698371
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1505055203042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope bud

>> No.5698378

If I'm a validator I want as many other validators to sell so that I have fewer people to compete with for txs fees. I keep mine at 0% at the beginning so others don't get any tx fees and sell on the cheap, then I scoop up. Eventually I raise my tx fees once many validators have exited the market.

>> No.5698399

yes that is generally how manipulation works

what the fuck is your point


>> No.5698400

There are retards everywhere in cryptosphere. People think for some reason that traffic is free. Shit like iota will never work cause it will consume terrabytes of data per second and which fuckin ISP is gonna transfer that for free? Unless your blockchain is subsidising nodes in some manner you can know that your developer team are a bunch of retards living in fairytale

>> No.5698433

whales have more power in this because they are taking tokens plus future tx fee income from those that sell. more incentive for them to keep their fees at 0% so you get none and they can scoop up your sold coins for cheap.

>> No.5698448

ok. try not being a retard and holding maybe?

>> No.5698495

If they have the minimum to stake they will charge 0% tx fees and wait out the weak hands to sell because they are receiving no tx fee income. They will scoop up those coins for cheap.

>> No.5698509

I want to ban you so fucking badly.

>> No.5698556

Not me, other people who are mad earning no tx fees in the OMG network and missing out on other moon missions

>> No.5698580

thanks for your concern for people even dumber than you

can you shut up now?

>> No.5698589

That if you're staking you will get zero fee income if there are validators set at 0% tx fees bc all txs will run through them.

>> No.5698619

haha, the 4k thing is just a meme anon. In every thread there used to be a guy asking if he will make it with 4k. Yes it is worth holding, this is my top alt for 2018

>> No.5698654

But if Omise sets a price floor in this network, then none of this will happen. They haven't said yet, so people could charge the 0% tx fees as a validator.

>> No.5698714

lmao stop this shit already
several people have already responded as to why what you are concerned about is impossible but you keep repeating the same shit man.
You could even extend your ridiculous theory to any other POS coin, but staking does not work how you think it does so it is impossible.

>> No.5698907

OMG PoS will work different. It will funnel a tx through the cheapest node. Idk why you would think Omise would allow someone with 10% of the coins to charge 20% as a tx just because they have 10% of the coins and will get 10% of all txs to run through them and pay it- that's dumb. They will route the tx through the lowest fee node on the network.

>> No.5699003

Thanks for being nice, who'd have thought it

>> No.5699107

>It will funnel a tx through the cheapest node.
No it won't.

You set the price as the user of OMG.

You want to set it to 0? Okay. Have fun waiting.

(I am aware of what you will say about 100000000 people offering free transactions YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPEAT IT)

>> No.5699297

If the tx fee a sender is willing to pay is 0, then it goes to the validator that is also willing to charge 0. If the tx fee a sender is willing to pay is greater than 0, then it checks if there are any validators who will accept 0 (bc this is best deal for sender). If yes, tx goes to the 0 fee validator. If not, tx goes to the next validator that has a fee closest to 0. As a sender, you are never guaranteed to have to pay the full fee you are willing to pay. Same way at ETH operates with GAS, unused GAS tx fees are returned to the sender.

>> No.5699381

>then it goes to the validator that is also willing to charge 0.
no response needed.

really man, have fun with that brain. i'm surprised you can use a computer.

>> No.5699521

Think of it like an order book. You will always get matched with the best deal. See ya mate!