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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56931394 No.56931394 [Reply] [Original]

well /biz/... what now?

>> No.56931428

I dunno but the "israel-hamas war" is redpilling a lot of normals on the JQ

>> No.56931435

It's pronounced
>IS'rail,EL hay'Myassss

>> No.56931439
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>financed by wallstreet globalist
>meth heads
>larped as romans
>romans saw gemanics as subhumans
>indian swaztike
>brainwashed and killed disenfranchised German youth
>managerial class abandons Germany and get comfy jobs and management positions in the US
>Nasa deception, welfare drain too produce fake cgi
>Lyme disease
>pedophile colonies in SA

>> No.56931442

i unironically believe this.

>> No.56931462
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jews civilized these clowns, descendants of barbarians that had zero culture, no lineage nor identity.

You adopted jewish culture, customs and religion because you had nothing, you're a groomed women that betrays her bridegroom out of jealousy and self hatred

and more importantly, give India their flag back

>> No.56931473

>>indian swaztike
It appears in Vinča
Last used ~3,500bc

>> No.56931482

>give India their flag back

>> No.56931501

You're kvetching pretty hard there, rabbi.

>> No.56931512
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and second in importance , Germanics caused the literal dark age, jews were long settled into the world and its beauty long before the germanic plague arrived, rome was cozy with the. jew, and rome knows best , apparently they aren't the problem.

but as always the women points the finger at EVRYONE but herself

I would never expect a nip to behave in the effeminate manner of these morons, whiny menstrating germanic with a chip. Japan was the masculine Yang, Germany was the feminine Yin.

Japan thrived off of willpower and self respect.
Germany operated off envy and magical incantations cause god forbid you fight your own battles

>> No.56931514

Ok Rabbi
The Financed part is toal bullshit btw, he was financed by german industrials and especially with the money of lots of small people

>> No.56931523

The right one is jewish
>rome was cozy with the. jew
Yeah yeah right, the jewish insurrections depopulated entire provinces very cozy

>> No.56931537
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>off of

>god forbid you fight your own battles
Ahem.... lol

>> No.56931550
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don't give me that shit, Nazi Germany was financed to the point that adolf couldn't put a pint of gas in his mercedes until the international checks cleared. Even niggers had rule in German soil during the middle ages, its a cucked nation with cucked people, and your self hatred is the reason for your suffering

>> No.56931577

Nice divide and conquer shilling
Reminder that your "medbvll" Italians allied with Germany during ww2 and was also fascist, little jewish nigger

>> No.56931587

All nazi's should be shot like rabid dogs. Together with ISIS. If i could press a button to kill them all at once i would.

>> No.56931598

same but for Commies,Isis,hamas and zionists. Maybe then we can have world peace

>> No.56931646

>Nice divide and conquer shilling
They're working the ayshun angle now
>Japan was the masculine Yang
Godda work that ayshun angle
>imma ayshuns now

>> No.56931664

>soicuck hands typed this post

>> No.56931667

You first kike

>> No.56931673
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>He started a war that killed more white people than all other wars combined
>destroyed his adopted country in 12 short years
>shit his pants multiple times a day during the autumn of 1942 (this went on for months) due to dysentery.

>> No.56931677


Just a friendly reminder that history is way more complex than we're taught in history books and NOBODY will ever actually know the entire truth.

>> No.56931758

After he took power he did not need any fiance you schizo
And the rest is extreme bullshit

>> No.56931761
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now jihad wins and kikes go in the oven

>> No.56931776

Hitler looking lean there

>> No.56931853

>Germanics caused the literal dark age
The Roman empire wasn’t exactly a thriving beacon of scientific advancement.
Also, look up how the western Roman empire fell. It was pure retardation on the part of the Romans.
Alaric actively wanted to avoid attacking the city.

>> No.56931876

The commies held out until the late 80s, because they knew the real enemy is the eternal Anglo. The commies wanted to give you a comfy life in white majority countries. Imagine if the US had ethnic republics designated to each ethnicity like the Soviets did.

>> No.56931895

instead you'll do nothing. cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.56931908

>rome was cozy with jew
lol ye literally destroying judea means “cozy”
Also it’s bullshit that only German had issues with Jews.
Almost 2000 years ago Persians rescued Jews from Babylon and a few decades later, a LARGE portion of Persians tried to kill all Jews
Now you tell me, how the hell, you go from savior of Jews, to genocider of Jews, unless the Jews themselves were responsible for it?
Read about haman

>> No.56931927

Oh it’s probably an azn masculinity dude and is pissed that whites are getting racially conscious
I mean, shitskins now that a racially conscious white group will be their doom
So they doing this division
Although it keeps failing

>> No.56932871
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>> No.56932942

They didn't lose...

>> No.56933144

If you understood his political and economic aims, you would understand they intentionally destroyed the older capitalistic system from the Weimar era (what was left of it) to finally transition away from international banking. It was a means to an end to fund re-armament; extreme inflation occurred as a result, but since this system was to be removed after lebensraum it did not matter.

I think Nazism is retarded a fuck ideology in modern day world & he was very wrong about shrinking markets, but brainlets like you are who distort history.

>> No.56933195

capitalism,socialism and communism are retarded as fuck in the modern world. We need a new system.

>> No.56933280
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فلسطين ستتحرر من النهر إلى البحر

>> No.56933315

Fuck off slimy, ignorant hitlerist. Read mein kampf before worshipping this scum. He hated white people, he was very anti-intellectual (almost what jordan peterson considers post-modernist) and extremely destructive to the whole world.
If you still consider him a good guy after reading main kampf, you deserve to have your skull crushed.

>> No.56933324

Hard to believe that over 90% of Poland's three and a quarter million jews were bankers and not in the lower classes but it's a fact we can't get around. Thank god the nazis exterminated those deceptively peasant looking villages' population of believe it or not, mostly bankers. Did you know 30% of warsaw was just bankers? Hard to believe a city could function under such circumstances but it is not to be doubted.

>> No.56933325

>he was very wrong about shrinking markets
I agree with you, but can you expand on this?

>> No.56934280
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t. dummy

the nation was always subservient to globalist bankers, that control never faltered, they purposely caused the depression to set the context for the war machine and jewish persecution, hitler was a face, he had zero input in the realm of finance, he was like the last president that talked big then locked down the economy only allowing corprorations to operate, allowing for the biggest wealth transfer in history. Nazism wasn't a movement of the peasant class, it was always sponsored by the elite and used your broke wallet to convince them to stick their deck inside of you.

>> No.56934342
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germanics are naturally feminine that is why they are natural liars, envious and insecure.
The feminine is defined by. atrophy and Kali Yuga is when the feminine principle swallows the masculine, the barbarians invasions was the start of Kali Yuga, a bunch of menstrating blonde haired tranny golems, possessed by archons was released into the world and now we've been living in the age of the NPC ever since .

Asians want to be left alone, gemanics are always trying to force themselves in your business because their paranoid and insecure, they need attention and cannot live with themselves, like a women

>> No.56934379
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You have to go back.

>> No.56934421

how are they tranny if they are literally menstruating?

>> No.56934426
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whites are slaves, your racial consciousness should whisper it in your ear every night, thats why you hate yourself, you're a golem without sovereignty, an existence perpetually ruled by a heiarchy that determine your faith, your ancestors were worthless disposable peasents in europe, whiteness didn't save you, it in fact condemend you.

The last few centuries gave your kind a small repreive since your wranglers and masters began to focus on actual humans to draw them under the same system of exploitatin, the age of exploration, colonization, globalization.

Now that the free world is no longer free, the domestic side things will return to the mean, seemingly unaware that their house nigger status was only temporary and their uppity disposition is an inside joke. Your freedom is a meme, you were never free and you will never be free.

>> No.56934447

its true

>> No.56934458
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>> No.56934473
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>> No.56934481
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>> No.56934515

Fuck off back to /pol chuds

>> No.56934530

You won't do shit keep fantasizing about your gay little magic button

>> No.56934553

Glad a lot of people are waking up, damn shame it took this long.

>> No.56934602

Will you ever fuck off with this bullshit. This is exactly what the glowies want retards, you to take down the credibility of everything people stand for with your Hitler nonsense.


>> No.56934608
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don't believe everything you read, chudski
the last few years should've given you the hint.
germnaics are npc like agent smith in the matrix, they operate through deception, gaslighting and reality bending, a women imperative and a mans logical capability. A truly robust npc that never sleeps

>> No.56934619
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>> No.56934629
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shutup retard its a real article

>> No.56934643
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kys jew

>> No.56934647

I never said it wasn't real, I'm saying the Nazis were scum.

>> No.56934662
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shutup jew

>> No.56934670

And by you prancing around talking about how much of a cuck you are for Hitler to wipe your genetics from the planet through eugenics, you undermine all anti-jewish sentiment on this website. If you want to support someone alternative, support Putin. He is by far the best leader in modern times and perhaps ever. The Soviets are the ones who actually defeated the Nazis btw.

>> No.56934680

This Jew was basedfacing when he typed this out

>> No.56934692
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>> No.56934695

I miss Hitler so much bros

>> No.56934704
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he was a lovely man

>> No.56934720
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>> No.56934738
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>> No.56934797
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remember my spirit lives on in you

>> No.56934827

I wouldn't trust a nigga with that haircut either desu senpai

>> No.56935374

Nigger Majority of humans were peasents
You were either a Jap slaves getting sliced by drunk samurai, an Indian one getting bitten by snakes, and or a chink one getting raped in local kings warfare
We were freeer than you that at least we had idea. Where we went, barbarism stopped, slavery stoped.
When we went to China, death by thousand cut stopped, when we went to Middle East, woman beating and slavery was stopped
When we went to India, life improved
When we went to Japan, it got industrialized
We are BETTER than you by a thousandfold, chang.
Never forget that
Shut the fuck up jew
You know why we are angry? Because WE saved you from Germany appreantly, but you still hate us and our nations
You should have known, that they only friend you had, was west and now thanks to your shitty decades of racial brainwashing, a huge number of western people think it’s ok to kill a Jew because that jew is white
The rest of us? Blame you for this idiotic ideology
Now you have no more friends
You played
What Hitler didn’t finish thanks to the (misguided) compassion of white people for Jews, will be finish by Muslims, thanks partially because of indifference of white people for your issues.

>> No.56935404

oy vey

>> No.56935485

Javier Milei has taken up the job, starting with the central bank of Argentina

>> No.56935792

Jews love to larp as humans.

>> No.56935847
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shut up bitch
take your propaganda and shove it up your ass.
india was the wealthiest nation prior to western invasion, their structures were more advanced them yours, their populations was healthier than yours and the living standard was defined by autonomy, it was a near paradise, only through subversion where they toppled.

The same subversion used in China, where the population was drugged because the nation realized you had nothing of value to give them, you wanted what they had. They told you to fuck off, dismissed your bullshit and like a women you became frenzied. When I say you, I'm referring to the mercenary class, not the peasant class like you that would be back home wearing potatoe sacks with missing teeth.

You're a bitch, a cuck, a joke.
Europeans only got the edge in the modern world because they are contracted with reptilians, you rely on otherworldly power to sustain you because you are weak. You are nothing but a vessel to be used and discarded, a middle man , closer that sold its pussy for a taste of power,

>> No.56935982

India was a rape ground of a dozen civilization
The only time it had power was during Bronze Age kek
Then Persians Arabs Turks Persian mongols raped the ever loving shit out of it back to back to back kek
British literally took you out of a rape den and let you live a little, like how police rescued a orangutan from bunch of rapist in Indonesia
China ALSO was fucked as hell. Peasants had no value and never did
Bunch of azn propoganda won’t dissolve our white racial unity
Day by day, we are becoming more conscious of our unity and it makes parasites like you angry
Deep down, you know that our unity is your doom
The faster you accept your inferiority, the better your lives will be, shitskin

>> No.56936424
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Oy Vey, Moshie! Nobodies perfect, but for 12 years, not a slave.

>> No.56936488

India was a billion warring states filled with such subhumanity that the modern word "thug" comes from a tribe of rape-robbers who would strangle their victims to death, you people worship TUMOURS because you think CANCER and DEFORMITY are divine gifts.

China was likewise a backwards, degeneracy filled shithole where the lowest were rape and abuse slaves undergoing such inhuman treatment that it would make anyone blush.

The way modern Indian "historians" calculate historical wealth is a hilariously inaccurate and fudged formula.

You (and China) were cum dumpsters for your neighbours for thousands of years before the white man came and civilised you in the blink of an eye, and as soon as they left you returned to your baseline. This current India, this current China, they aren't exclusive to modernity but the default state of your "people" without a civilising influence.

In the same timeframe from the Brits departing from your shithole continent Japan was nuked twice and still able to industrialise to major economy status with a fraction of the population, with a fraction of the resources available. The problem with India isn't Europeans, it's Indians.

>> No.56936875

Even Japan rapid rebuilt was thanks to Europeans (Americans) Japan after war started copying EVERYTHING Americans did, including their companies
Rapid Success of Japanese companies relied on them copying American companies to boost productive and lower corruption
Hell, they even hired product managers from America to teach them how (just like how it got industrialized)
See the difference between Indians and Japanese is that Japanese realized their own inferiority and decided to instead of crying like bitches about their “grorious past” move forward and learn about white people.
Indians however, are at a point, that UN have to make music videos about shitting in the loo
It’s because Japanese don’t have inferiority complex like Indians

>> No.56936904

KYS tourist

>> No.56937310

kys brownoid

>> No.56937366

And they wonder why haman 2000 years ago wanted to kill them all, 30 years after rescuing them from ovens.

>> No.56937406
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Sorry, im not going anywhere. Sneed

>> No.56937453
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india prior to the British was defined as Mughal reign which was functional, stable and had an economy that held the lions share of global gdp, trading partners relied on india and their surplus in abundance it what defined their reputation.
War is the exception not the standard. Pcic related also shows the exceptional knowledge and craftsmanship of a culture fully aware if the trasndent, buildings reflecting the fractal nature of reality.
China doesn't need to reflect, they rmodern circumstances show how much more industrious and organized they are, to where the livelihood of your existence depends on their goodwill. You don't build, you don't manufacture, you just exist
You see, the world was much better prior to germanic occupation, you are a plague, a condemnation and a parasite.

White nationalism is no different then feminism, parasites that blame the world for their problems when they are the problem and its sole cause.
Shut up and swallow.

>> No.56937581


is this faggot trying to use vagabonds to define a nation, thugess were a fringe cult organization with fringe beliefs. Meditate to hard and you might hear voices as well, enlightenment sometimes precedes a bad trip, doesn't mean you cant have a little fun ;)

I don't know why you take instances and embelleish them when the fact was that European standard of living was far worse discounting the privileged class, where the quality of life was dismal for the average person, plagued by rickets, vitamin deficiency and early mortality. Taxed to live, taxed to die, escape was your only ambition.

>> No.56937622

So the only time that india was “anything” worth it, was when it was under occupation of mongols and ruled with shariah law
Got it
So nothing Hindu
Nothing “Indian”
>war is not standard
Funny to say that about india, which was the cumdumpster of the region
Oh and you think China didn’t had 100 year wars?
China is “China” today, because again, white people came in and saved its ass, by defeating Japan
Shame of nanjing is still there and Japan doesn’t care
The moment green light is given, Japan would it’s raping campaign again
Also funny that you think “producing” junk means anything
You are slave
And the moment China got uppity, the manufacturing moved to India, and we all know Indians are too much of a subhuman to complain, so the manufacturing is there to stay
>gemrnix occupation
It’s pretty funny that you go complain about Germans, then American, then all white people when American are the reason that China and India exist today
>muh building
You can’t build shit, not even a freaking toilet
Those building were probably made by aryans before they mixed up with your subhuman “people”

>> No.56937639

>bro it, it was just a fringe thing
Fact is, it came out of India, the sun continent of subhumans, and so therefore, were Indians

>> No.56937831
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except the building preceded the Mughal empire by many centuries, its ust an example of a relative peak still ecplises the comparatives current circumstances and muh aryans,

arayans were illiterate culture less barbarians, appropriators that assigned themselves after the sophisticated cultures they envied.

The foundation of European itself culture wasn't crated by whites, they are just imposters engaging in a multi generational larp to help obscure their pathetic origins. a delicate balance between cope and seethe .

and china was an example of their potential and their natural industrial capacity to eclipse the lethargic nature of the germanic, white societies aren't self sustaining.
germanics cant function without relying and parasitizing off of others, your western economy is built around it.

Fake jobs,fake money, fake history, fake people.
An ethnstate would be just desserts, quarantine in your own hell so the world can finally heal

>> No.56937948

>muh painting
Nigger if Greeks were “black” as you are claiming, they would have called a land full of blacks “Ethiopia” (land of burnt faces”
>muh foundation
Again, india was good when it was aryans, and when it got mixed with trash subhumans, it fell apart
>muh cultureless Aryans
Nigger the entire Zoroastrian and Hinduism is built on the aryans religion and culture
But again, you are one of those “muh Indians” coping and seething
>quarantine so the world can breath
Preach, so when you subhumans would stop coming to Europe and USA?
Can you stay in your own “utopia” and leave us alone?
Nigger the only reason we hate your assess is that you wanna escape the hellholes you create and come to europe and USA to create a new hellhole
We know you are trash, so please, do us a favor and keep yourself in the trash bin (India) and don’t infest us with your sight

>> No.56938895
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>> No.56939306
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hey fuck face, let me simplify it for you, there are only three races, blacks, whites and asians,
Whites were irrelevant for all of history until the dark ages, asians were living in isolation so that leaves one last canidate, modern meds are a vestige of a race, not a race itself, they are largely germanic mutts.

Barb(aryans) entered the picture after cultural peak and only contributed to its ruin, they are npc, they can allow adopt and craft themselves after established cultures, they are a derivative that builds it neural network from mimicking, golems.

and of course people flock to where wealth is centralized, especially if its siphoned from their home country. the west depends on the resources and prodcutivity of the global south, people want to partake in the whiny they've created. you have no nation, you are a colony, a means to an end, a disposable consumptive unit.
Your leaders laugh at you.

>> No.56939445

Fascinating to observe after having studied the question extensively to the point of boredom for ages. They can't keep the lid closed any more even in areas where they were proficient. Looking at any sob story comment section about how "hamas is raping Israeli women" etc it seems like nobody is buying it anymore.

>> No.56939461

>whites irrelevant
>dark ages
lol, lmao even

>> No.56939539

>muh nigger Greeks
If Greeks were negros, then they wouldn’t call Ethiopians “burnt face”
>whites were irrelevant until dark ages
Oh I thought we just caused fall of rome, so which one is it
Also it’s funny that you blame whites for destruction of meds, but not Turks (Asians) for destruction of eastern rome (which were ALSO meds)
Ofcourse, Asians are “ashun” so they can’t do no wrong lol
>aryans ruined everything
Ye by mixing their genes with subhuman apes
>Ofcourse they go were wealth is
Oh so no isolation for us? I thought you said we should quarantine?
It’s like you forgot how much shitskins wanted our wealth and how much we got attacked before
But we came out as winner
And if it’s ok for shitskins want to go “where money is” then it was ok to “take money out of their “nations” too”
Shit skins deserve nothing either
They don’t give a fuck because hamas is brown and Israel is “white” and since almost all hamas supporters are supporting it for sjw reasons (“oh Israel is a WHITE supramcist nation and Palestine is brown” and not “Israel is. JEWISH SUPRAmacist nation and all others are second class”) then brown “victims” are never to blame when they attack “white” Jewish aggressors.
Hell, they would say “rape is power + sex assult, but since brown Palestinians are powerless and white Jewish women are aggressors and have all the institutional power, then it can’t be rape, it’s just sexual assault.
Jews brought ALL of this on themselves
They are to blame for all this sjw anti white shit, and these anti white sjw generation will put them back in oven for good.

>> No.56939553
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there's even a suspicion that gernaics weren't even foundational to the Holy Roman Empire, they just inherited it and bastardized it after they seized overwhelming influence. But whatever, you can have it, its your s

>> No.56939580

Give me the names of bankers running the system
Why far-righters can't give any concrete information.

>> No.56939656
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lol where did I say greeks were negroes?
I said they were black, there's is a distinction.

romans mated with barbarians women and these mutts were groomed by their cuck uncles to become a 5th column within rome to eventually betray, undermine and seize the nation.
So correct, miscegenation is BAD, mixing with barbarians is a crime against humanity, absolutely
Asians don't get the same resentment because they don't use deception or rewrite history to conceal their self hatred.

I respect the mongols, to the victor goes the spoils, if they rewrote history, started we wuzzing and pantomiming their extinstence for public approval then I would consider them faggots

all western money is redistributed from the deserving to the nondeseving, your artificial lifestyle is sustained by the exploitation of the third world, a parasite living off the future potential of others. Immigrants sustained your infrastructures while you sit on your ass all day and collect a fat check, you're a benefactor of empire, your a cuck living of anther mans prodcutivity

>> No.56939666

>there is suspicion
Translated to , I am a shitskin, want to create bullshit division between meds and nords, and is deathly afraid of a new EU based on whiteness

>> No.56939667

fuck the banks, fuck any centralization, fuck any kyc, fuck you all
binary,prediction,microcap,kek w

>> No.56939705

Nigger they called Ethiopians ETHIPIA which means BURNT face.
They called people with dark skin “cowards”
If they were “black” as you proclaiming, why would they call Ethiopians, “burnt face”?
And showing your lack of historical knowledge once again
Nigger we are not talking about “Mongols”
We are taking about TURKS, and how they caused the fall of Byzantine empire
Oh and I love how you don’t care about Attila attacking rome
Only Germans
Showing me your white hatred real good here, ashun shitksin
>blah blah blah
Deal with it, we won, you lose.
Because you are a shitskin, you gonna lose a bunch more too.
And guess what, once designer kids are here, blacks will go away for good.
>muh artificial life style
As opposed to , what shitskin?
Also we don’t need your shit skins to “support infrastructure”
You can go back and build your own nation
But we know you won’t, since you are a parasite.
You are unable to sustain on your own.

>> No.56939741

Jews always overplay their cards. Its typical for evil.

>> No.56939745
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Keep it

I would rather have one based on asianess, now THAT would be based. Japan and Korean world wide confederation with thai women as breeding cattle.

>> No.56939774

Go make your AU and make it happen
Stay away from whites and Europe

>> No.56939791
File: 1.53 MB, 930x1228, Screen Shot 2023-08-30 at 8.22.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares loser, its already been discussed,
have a coke and a smile.

Meanwhile, I will dream about rome

>> No.56939813


except whites aren't native to europe
in AU would be your worst fear, you will peaking outer window every night for a lurking mongol looking or a new toy

>> No.56939864

Keep dreaming about your alternative universe were Roman’s were shitskins
You do you
>w-whites aren’t native to Europe
And somehow Asians are native to Asia?
Nah, I am not afraid
mongols fucked Asia more than anywhere else
Imperial japas was modern Mongols army
Slavery, rape, burning cities

>> No.56939990
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I don't have the meme of the bankers name on hand but all you have to do is go on pol and simply ask and someone would have the pic

>> No.56940049

Normees will either forget about it and move onto the next outrage or the tricky jews will claim to be white again and the normees will demand whites be exterminated.

>> No.56940074
File: 110 KB, 580x717, IMG_1691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t it wonderful

>> No.56940115

If people just read about Persians reducing Jews and how 30 years after they wanted to kill them all
Almost like how allies liberated Jews only to start hating them

>> No.56940168

FYI Blackrock is an entirely jewish run company.

Blackrock/vanguard is the enemy of all mankind, and they will need to be dealt with in time.

>> No.56940198
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Kvetching itt is gargantuan.
I don't need no Hitler to hate kikes

>> No.56940656

Educate the world on how evil Jews are and the truth about Hitler and the Nazis so that we can try again and hopefully succeed and put and end to this gay ass kike faggot nigger gynocentric society

>> No.56940664

>16 posts by this ID

JIDF browses here 100% confirmed

>> No.56940828

Divide and conquer
They are terrified of white unity

>> No.56940896

very true.

>> No.56940900


>> No.56940930

>worshipping a dead politician
how gay are you?

>> No.56941149

>Nasa deception, welfare drain too produce fake cgi
>Lyme disease
>pedophile colonies in SA
interesting, can anyone elaborate on these?

>> No.56941170

can you please post hitler pedo cheek touch, hitler shaking from meth withdrawal, hitler talking about how having 9 kids is good, pics of queers soldiers in the nazi army, pics of meth produced by german military? any of these would be cool

>> No.56941385

>hitler pedo cheek touch
>hitler shaking from meth withdrawal
He wasnt on his meds during olympics, sped up footage, horse races are quite exciting btw
>hitler talking about how having 9 kids is good
kys kike
>pics of queers soldiers in the nazi army
>pics of meth produced by german military
Pervitin is aryan doe
>pedophile colonies in SA
all of them shot or in KZ after long knives

How do i know youre a precious metal or GME tourist? Youre an autist schizo