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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 400x400, TurboAutist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56938204 No.56938204 [Reply] [Original]

> pic related is the turbo autist who invented the clio programming language - a language specialized for the task of building distributed systems.
> he did it for fun
> he leads the KNS project
> bear with me for a bit longer
> Indexing
> You don't know what Indexing is but you associate it with GRT and know its a "good thing"
> That's all well and good
> So why is Indexing on KNS a good thing if GRT is already so awesome
> KNS is designed to index selectively only events of interest, which leads to it having comparable processing times to The Graph while being significantly more efficient
> Node operators are able to choose which datasets to index, leading to a tiered indexing system
> Why are oracles on KNS a good thing when LINK exists?
> lower fees and quicker data verification - achieved via semi-centralization. This makes sense for customers who are cost sensitive or require quicker verification.
> You could think of KNS as more of an IaaS solution, whereas LINK is more of a PaaS solution.
> The direct comparison is irrelevant though, because KNS offers more versatility including but not limited to Oracles.
> Scalablity via sharding. Nothing new, but a turboautist like Pouya can probably pull it off

>> No.56938218
File: 333 KB, 1024x1024, KNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some technicals for you. Some fundamentals:

Right now it has a marketcap of around ~ 4.5m. Token supply is 1 billion. Validator network is up and running in testnet, with regular and meaningful updates. Most importantly, the team is headed by Pouya Eghbali who is the rare breed of person that can actually build and guide this sort of project. It's no coincidence they have a former IBM data scientist (think research level) on their team.

I saw this project two weeks ago, when someone shilled it as a sub 2m mcap project. I'm now up 100% with just shy of 2 million KNS staked for the long-haul. The janny conspiracy is real, and they are fucking you over. I'm grateful that this was shown to me, and I'm showing it in turn now because it has real long-term potential. KNS has the potential to dethrone and make redundant GRT as just a "side thing" it does. But for hopium, KNS at the same marketcap as GRT ATH will be worth $28.40 per token. As if it won't hit at least a tenth of this and go to $2.83 this run. Current KNS Price: $0.00413989

Remember this thread. I tried to tell you. That's all.

>> No.56938265

Damn he's ugly as hell. Not buying your scam for that very reason.

>> No.56938295

> Basing your opinion on a technical project by how someone looks

That's sound reasoning there anon, are you a woman?

>> No.56938304

Sub-5 males are simply untrustworthy.

>> No.56938365

I genuinely never considered his appearance or the appearance of anyone on any crypto project. But my idols growing up were people like John Carmack, Linus Torvalds, Gabe Newell, and Marvin Minsky. All my girlfriends were big fans of the Kardashians and things like that, so perhaps I can understand your mentality somewhat.

You do come accross as immensely stupid though. The difference between a Monkey and a Human is around 20 to 40 IQ points. My IQ is 138 (Not the highest, not the lowest - and lower than my father and eldest sister). Possibly, you are like a monkey to me, which is why I find it difficult to understand your reasoning.

>> No.56938382

That's why you're fucking poor dude your reasoning for buying stuff is shit

>> No.56938415

Sub-5 males detected.

>> No.56938436

You're either a faggot or a woman to think the appearance of a projects leader matters. I bought into this project over a year ago because this guy can basically do anything.

>> No.56938439

Your dick is small, too.

>> No.56938444

Yo momma so fat she better tuck her tiddies in before they fall out the bed

>> No.56938977

Ive lost money on both GRT and Link so youre telling me this Poo-yeah dude combined both so I can lose money twice as fast?

>> No.56939068

Even Sergey mogs your Pouya. In a battle of sub 5 males I am inclined to go with ticker LINK for my oracle solutions.

>> No.56939144

Sure. As a simplification, you could say it's like LINK and GRT have been rolled up into a single project. But this ignores factors like for example their IoT SDK and integration of IoT solutions for the blockchain. In reality, KNS isn't just a combination of LINK and GRT features rolled into one, but an entire platform with a range of capabilities that are much broarder in scope compared to LINK and GRT.

>> No.56939384

> I am inclined to go with ticker LINK for my oracle solutions.

Sure, for most things so would I. It's why I'm heavily invested in LINK. It's also thanks to being a long-term LINK marine that I have a deep understanding of Oracle Networks in general. No doubt, Chainlink is incredible and has already demonstrated its capability under various heavy loads, proving its scalability and reliability. To me, LINK is #1, above even BTC and ETH.

But I also know the importance of a diversified investment portfolio, and KNS is a no brainer. KNS's Oracle Solution is obviously intended for real-world business solutions that would benefit from a cheap, reliable, and fast oracle network - but one who's integrity isn't absolutely paramount. It just needs to be "good enough", in addition to the other services being utilized.

It's not going to control the global derivatives market, but it might end up being used in conjunction with the IoT SDK for millions of IoT usecases like GPRS Receivers, Agricultural Monitoring, and Building Control Systems. Use cases where data integrity is important to an individual business, but not a global financial market.

If this isn't obvious to you as a Chainlink advocate, then it means you do not understand the product you are shilling. (Luckily, you don't need to in order to still profit from it. It's just worth noting.)

>> No.56939419



>> No.56939473

How can a monkey take an IQ test?

>> No.56939855

why did they start on BSC? and don't say it's to gain legitimacy, because everyone always knew BSC was an absolute shit chain that could only bring legitimacy into question

>> No.56939872

>Just shy of 2 million
Oh, it's you again. Good luck pumping your fags.

>> No.56939879

Bags* but that works

>> No.56939926

he mogs Sirgay so hard it's unreal, KNS is going to flip LINK in twenty days time. screencap this

>> No.56940091

Probably because of the low fees. Eventually they decided to move to arbitrum because it's a better environment for stuff like this

>> No.56940107

>brown eyes

>> No.56940683

there were about 10 different chains with low fees they could have picked instead of bsc

>> No.56940712

what kind of nigger are you that you think the best fud is what chain choice they made? its completely irrelevant. BSC was a low cost chain realatively liquid and popular a couple of years ago. They moved to Arbitrage after checking out options. It's a non issue.

>> No.56940733
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1699542492296613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop trying to dump your bags on us and fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.56940832

he and his html buddy made this. that is why the homepage looks "professional". they have no experience in any of the fields they are "working" on. check their linked ins, check who is involved...

>> No.56940908
File: 93 KB, 720x1264, knsswitzerland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are sneaky little rat who wants anons to stay poor like the corrupt jannies in here. Anons this ist the next gen real altcoin with real products and a doxxed team from Switzerland.
Anons DYOR and join the train before bull.

Pajeets cant afford to live in Switzerland dont forget that.

>> No.56940929

this is so sad

>> No.56940938
File: 41 KB, 713x611, 1611518507692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up retard. BSC wasn't the only low cost chain "a couple years ago". you know jack shit.

>> No.56940948

sorry forgot to mention that it should be blatantly obvious to you why the chain choice matters if you knew a single thing about crypto.

>> No.56940976

indian scam

>> No.56941047

whats wrong with you nigger brains? No one said it was the only chain available but it was a popular well known one a couple of years ago when people wanted low fees which was important for the project to efficiently pay nodes etc.

I just can't cont this nigger convo though. Jesus you can't be serious about discussing an Indexing and Oracle project and your fud is what chain it was on. You just can't unless you are pure nigger.

>> No.56941096

How the fuck do you learn to write a language? This guy looks younger than me.
How the fuck do you make that language do something better than another language?
God I wish I had the ability to learn something like that.

>> No.56941123

holy fuck you can't read

>> No.56941134

I'm glad to see a response like this. I was looking through the thread replies and just thinking "Well, whatever. I tried". Nice to see that someone can actually recognize that it takes actual skill and talent to develop a a functional, distributed programming language.

The responses here have jaded me though. I wish I'd written a pitch for COQ INU, BONK, HUSKY or PEPE in hindsight, because unfortunately that's the target audience.

If this helped a few anons, great. I've done my bit.

>> No.56941360

It made me sit on the toilet for another 10 minutes trying to think of what I should learn. At least I realized I stopped learning complicated things.
Sure I've read more books and exposed myself to ideas on the internet and learned rules for games but I stopped learning things like chemistry or physics, both of which I sucked st and skipped in high school. And no I'm thinking, "Why not? Why not jump into something at 0 and take it all the way up. I fucking hate working in the factory. Other people learn advanced math and get paid, why not me?" I don't want to wonder how a banking app works on the inside, I want to be able to know how to build one top to bottom, or some such comparable skill.

>> No.56941428
File: 74 KB, 620x387, Kaiser-Wilhelm-II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain KNS as if I were a sub 70IQ feral nigger. (which I might be)
The mustache is very recognizable btw, which can be an advantage in Crypto. Pouya (lmao) could make it his trademark, but he'd have to style it a little more.

>> No.56941443

Only action on their Github is on the website. Nobody of that team is working on this full time....it is a hobby project destined to go nowhere. That guy in the picture runs a sports-locker business....

>> No.56941510

This is blatantly false, and it's annoying how smug your post is while being so wrong. There have been multiple updates to the testnet this week, including DB integration.

If you weren't mentally invalid, you might have discovered this on your own. Alas...

>> No.56941696

>Explain KNS as if I were a sub 70IQ

> KNS has this indexing system, it's super light, currently runs on 128mb of RAM
> Crawls 48 blocks in less than 200ms, like a lambo for indexing on-chain assets
> But it's not just about indexing everything, it's smart, only indexes what people actually want
> Nodes can be picky, choose only certain datasets to index
> KNS team thinking big brain about decentralized client, porting code to Unchained
> for the oracle stuff, KNS goes 200 IQ with plugins
> Main issue is like, how do you trust the data, right?
> Can't just spam every blockchain with proofs, that's gas fees nightmare
> So, they do this BLS signature thing, but Ethereum's like "nah" to supporting it
> KNS' solution? Peers check data on Unchained first, then push to blockchain
> Semi-centralized, but hey, it saves on those gas fees
> Plus, they got different ways to do it, depends on what users want
> And they're different from LINK, like comparing apples to spaceships
> LINK's more like "here's your random number", KNS is like "build whatever oracle you want"
> KNS is thinking about tiered node types, with different rewards
> Some big brain sharding to manage it all
> Nodes can also be local, focused on specific data
> For the networking part, it's like gossiping but with data
> If one node knows something, soon they all do

>> No.56942210
File: 85 KB, 400x400, janniescanttouchme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most irrelevant question I've ever read, if you're really so curious, go on their telegram and ask the devs directly. they did a really good job migrating with literally zero complaints though

>> No.56942238

Their LinkedIn is clear imo.... it is a hobby project they work on spare time. No start-up that is not dedicated to full time will make it long term.

>> No.56942285

will not buy because dev is not white

>> No.56942286

Notice that no one ITT said the name of this project.

No one said it because they shilled this scam here so hard a couple months back you now get banned just for mentioning the name kek

>> No.56942312

he looks like he makes burritos for hipsters
at least that turbo autist from truebit looks like he works on computers for a living

>> No.56942323
File: 57 KB, 1005x677, 1691356946131883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like micro caps that are not shit meme coins and will take a serious look at this, thx OP. This is such an odd thread, I wonder how many responses are bots, who is running them, and why.

>> No.56942328

even when you consider the fundamentals, you still have the audacity to say this? it's perfectly clear the jannies are against us anon, look at the catalog and see how many dogshit scams are still being peddled here with no obstructions

>> No.56942349

You spamming scammers spammed this BSC scam as a "LINK killer" 24 hours per day on /biz/, now you switched chains and are trying a different desperate approach. Dumb scammer kek

>> No.56942356

gotta love how much the jannies managed to filter the retards out of this one.

>> No.56942368
File: 473 KB, 1080x1231, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56942388

try harder, disinfo shill

>> No.56942390

Bot thread and OP is a faggot. Sage.

>> No.56942409
File: 45 KB, 474x711, 1687379095904155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so it looks like an L2 that was launched on 8 different L1s and it does a number of things
>databases (?)
My issue here is that they seem to be focusing on too many things at once, and the shotgun approach is the result of a number of false starts and failures. I might throw $1k in just because fuckit the price can't get much lower and it doesn't look like a straight up scam. But after reading a bit I'm not exactly inspired.

>> No.56942452
File: 66 KB, 960x720, IMG_20230604_110103_961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy and hold. Stake it for 6 months so you make some more tokens and can't jeet it within that time.

By June/July of next year, you money will be worth much more most likely.

>> No.56942773

Ok anon I am buying this unicorn

>> No.56942788

Looks like you are the fagget with all the other lying pajeets.
Miserable faggot shitting on the bizstreet

>> No.56943113

and what would you buy instead kek

>> No.56943126

Ty anon

>> No.56943176

It indicates poor genetics. If their face is malformed then their mind probably is too. Vitalik is freakishly skinny, but you can see that he would be a chad if he gained some weight. Sergey would be a chad if he lost some weight. Hoskinsöy has broken genetics.

>> No.56943712

buyed sumthin

>> No.56944545

>Vitalik is freakishly skinny, but you can see that he would be a chad if he gained some weight.
His head is freakishly large and his eyes without eyebrows look uncanny
>Sergey would be a chad if he lost some weight.
Im not even sure why i am taking a retard like you seriously, but anyway you cant be a crypto genius if you arent ugly or weird in some way
Feel free to provide counterarguments, you wont be able to post any

>> No.56944675
File: 40 KB, 604x552, 1671019046359279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fade this you're a mega fag btw