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56932615 No.56932615 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best crypto gaming project to invest?

>> No.56932622

there is no such thing

>> No.56932623

is there even one crypto game worth playing?

>> No.56932655


>> No.56932666
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>> No.56932670

minecraft, roblox, lol, cs2, wow/blizzard, gtV, rdr2
billions of good/semi good mobile games
>I think I should play a blockchain game
I'm sorry - but this is just not gonna happen until the big studios get behind this, and the general gamer is vehemently against nfts/blockchain gaming.
Just buy 50/50 sand mana and call it day...

>> No.56933118

Domi Online
Cosmic Universe

>> No.56933126

Nobody wants to play piece of shit games with worthless meme tokens

>> No.56933138


both 1000x gems

>> No.56933575

You ever heard of Aavegotchi, OP?

>> No.56933589

Any crypto game worth its salt will bake in its own cryptography. Why use an established token for no reason?
For all you know, Valve is using some inhouse crypto on their item stores.
They probably are.

>> No.56933638

It x3 in the past 7 days so you’d be buying tops right now for a while. Get back in late January/February.

>> No.56933652

the biggest one ever is about to go into production but i'm not ready to share this millionaire maker with biz just yet. DYOR

>> No.56933826

You'd use an established token if you were trying to gain access to the value already stored in it.

The rumor a few months ago was that twitter was going to use DOGE for internal microtransactions.

>> No.56933870

>don't be the participant, be the market

>> No.56933883

the new Eve Online crypto game seems like an actual game, but its in prealpha

>> No.56933896

I own a thousand cards of Champions TGC.

>> No.56933915

Are there any truly autonomous crypto games out there? Most crypto games are just regular service games with tradable crypto assets.

However, IMO an actual, real crypto game would be one that's based offfl smart contracts and could exiet petpetually. Even if the studio that made it goes under, anyone could download the client, connect their wallet and play online with their character, cards, whatever. Does anything like that exist yet?

>> No.56933921


>> No.56933952

chainlink moved on from ccip to blockchain gaming, there was a tweet some time agon. check them out, they are doing fun events for token buyers where they can get token prizes

>> No.56933983


>> No.56934035
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yes it's called BetSwirl. Fully web 3.0, trustless because you actually just wage into smart contracts without middle man trying to rig your bet. highly recommend it.

>> No.56934041

Crypto gaming is not working.
Its not about fun and games, but stealing money from newcomers. It will never be big.

>> No.56935616


I'v been programming computers for nearly 25 years and I can confirm the majority of people I'v met who have any kind of knowledge in computer programming are usually malicious and fraudulent with their developments and they pride themselves on this mentality.

Elon is 100% right in that it's mostly just people spending a majority of their energy lying while looking for a blind side angle to carry out their evil

In the king james bible, it says "satan masquerades as an angel of light, it is no wonder his followers do the same" - Corinthians 11.

>> No.56935653

I really hope Dragginz is actually a good game beyond the crypto shit. It was a pleasant surprise to see a 20x on my sns out of nowhere.

>> No.56935775
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IQ, it literally changes how GameFi works lmao, not needing to buy anything and just rent it's unironically amazing

>> No.56935795

Anything worth playing? I dont think so.

I think there's a fundamental problems with the concept of crypto-gaming. Crypto is great tech, but the properties it has are not desirable or remotely usable for the needs the gaming sector has. dnfts for skins (like in csgo) is the only viable use case for blockchain tech, but the gaming companies themselves have no incentive to implement those systems. Allowing users a free market for 2nd hand cosmetics is of no benefit to the developers, other than a marketing gimmick (and nice gesture).
Gaming as a service (like google stadia) is dead in the water. Remote decentralised computing for gaming is not viable.

>> No.56935800

Uhh anon I don’t think anyone plays video games here. That’s a silly behavior we grow out of after 10-12 years old

>> No.56935838

Most likely doesn't work and never will, kek

>> No.56935848

Nigger, you fucking idiots invade every single thread even if it's not related to you

>> No.56935858

I'm making a game now, but I almost feel dirty about it. It's almost like making a porn. I'm doing it to be creative, make some funny scenes, write some fun dialog. But am I encouraging evil by producing a time wasting asset? I wouldn't go that far, but it's crossed my mind.

>> No.56935974

None, all the crypto games suck.

>> No.56936001

that just allows retards to play with other nigger's nfts, so I think it's retarded

>> No.56936013

Issue with crypto game is that in the CORE is the idea of making money
The entire game play is revolves around at and such, just like a job, it is repetitive and boring
If they made a game to be FUN first, and crypto second, then it would have been good to play.

>> No.56936024

please tell me he's talking about gambling when he says gaming. lmao no one's going to play your metaverse game.

>> No.56936027
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What on fucking got makes you think this is a good idea faggot

>> No.56936065

sorry, but this guy has no clue how gaming works or what gamers actually look for, and neither does anyone else in crypto apparently
"crypto gaming" is trying to glorify p2w games as a good thing, which will never work
the average gamer immediately understands that the game where you pay real money for in game power with atrocious balancing is grossly pay to win and leaves
only delusional moonboys and third worlders are actually picking these up in hopes of short term profits

>> No.56936284

I can't see this ever being a thing, gamers see crypto as poison and every crypto game I've ever seen looks like an asset flip made by third worlders or college students

>> No.56936334

none, crypto games look like shitty mobile games. I could literally go download something from the app store that is higher quality for less money and less questionable legality

>> No.56936600
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pic related will claim no. 1 in gaming. only possible on internet computer

>> No.56936603


>> No.56937447
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aviator arcade
theyre making a gaming platform on base and a public bridge to/launchpad for base
i think crypto gaming is retarded, but they actually have some relatively cool ideas, good management, and almost no eyes on them yet
might treat me well once their products are public and they actually use their marketing budget

>> No.56937487

Etheremon was legitimately a good game. I don't know why it's limited now

>> No.56937504

this. original shib team. it's quietly crabbing

>> No.56937517

this fag is annoying

>> No.56937623

Tons of independent studios make games that do well. Among us, lethal company. That said, yeah, crypto doesn't add much to games. Lots of micro transactions or any pay to win features are what makes games shit. I don't see much use other than tokenizing assets or something, and that's not revolutionary or anything.

>> No.56937758

ViralX is the best

>> No.56937812


>> No.56937854

"gamers" hate crypto, literally no one gives a fuck about """"""cryptogaming""""""" except bagholders

>> No.56937882


>> No.56937951

the gaming crypto narrative sucks dick
its spread out over too many coins

it was bticoin
then eth
then chainlink
then layer ones

now gaming? its like 1000 different shitcoins to buy, i dont know which ones are going to do well

>> No.56938138

Heroes of mavia
Big time

>> No.56938182

They are too big now
I hate myself for not having bought these at the bottom. Instead I bought BTC and eth

>> No.56938279

Blizzshart is doing it with their diablo stuff included in wow
Reminder, they want money and they will do it but they have to experiment
Reminder, the US tried to destroy crypto and when people stopped investing in it JP fucking Morg*n bought crypto

>> No.56938330

virtually nothing. i thought gaming would be 10 years out. now im convinced it's 15-20 years out. there's a slim chance it even cracks the mainstream.

>> No.56938451

Crypto mobile games will explode in 5-8 years

>> No.56938556

you should explode your brains with a shotgun

>> No.56938766

nope because every single one of them is just a fucking lame "trading card" game.

there isn't even a top down farmville style crypto game yet. jesus fuck what are these loser devs doing?

>> No.56938783

but thats probably the issue. because why would you play farmville for some shitcoin?

>> No.56938809

I know exactly what you're talking about and if you shared it they'd call you a shill... Few deserve to know.

>> No.56939390

Space Nation?

>> No.56939557

apple makes it hard to implement crypto features in apps because it violates their TOS

>> No.56940566


>> No.56940581

Chainlink, ticker: LINK

>> No.56940615


>> No.56940639

Influence is fully on chain and high quality. Starknet took notice and officially partnered, so they'll get promoted when the game goes live. No VC fundraise, non pajeet devs, ex Eve Online developers, and the governance token airdrop to assets hasn't been announced nor priced in, even though the CEO dropped hints on discord.


>> No.56940659

i have the best gem in the space. trips and you get in, still low mcap with lots of big name industry backing.

>> No.56940662

Big Time, Seraph, Champion Tactics, Moonfrost, Farcana, Oh Baby Kart, Mapplestory

>> No.56940690

I think crypto gaming projects are hard for 4chan users to invest in because if you use the internet you've likely played video games. They compare the good video games they played to the bad crypto video games. Rationally it makes sense to not invest in something that looks as bad a crypto video game. So basically you need to choose the least worst looking crypto video game and you'll be part of some future 100x. In that sense that 100x does make it big, it doesn't matter to anyone how bad those crypto video games look ironically

>> No.56941478

Gala is a good bet . They have the best games I’ve seen in the crypto space with one on the epic games launcher called Grit . Currently at 3¢ the ath was around 70¢ .

>> No.56941497

This. It needs to be a regular game that is compatible with a normal crypto, Not a specialized crypto for normal games.
Its gonna be another BAT all over again.

>> No.56941505

"in the future, we wont buy games anymore, we will rent them and play them on a cloud"
-a prediction I made about 10 years ago
I hate it when my predictions come true. Can someone stop these jews once and for all?

>> No.56941512

Why would devs use crypto for this? All the big game store are closed ecosystems and that's 100% intentional. Publishers do not want you to play on someone else's platform because then they don't get your data.

>> No.56941646

crypto gaming is casino stuff

>> No.56941658

is NAKA good or did you buy at $5 like i did?

>> No.56941677

Some guys from this board launched flowerpatch (on chain Farmville) in 2019
Last time I checked it was 2020 before defi summer. It was bretty good. After that I left crypto so I don't know what happened to it. I think they moved to matic from eth.

>> No.56941764
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>> No.56941823


The imminent OGB relaunch is brimming with top-notch Web3 utilities!

NFT Marketplace
Play-to-Earn Rewards
Passive Income Opportunities
Real-World Assets through NFTs

Prepare yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience!

>> No.56942804

Check Xaya.


its amazing.

>> No.56943373

The crypto version of STEAM

>> No.56943729

renft . io , nft rental marketplace especially for games and web3

backed by ANIMOCA BRANDS and top crypto nft , gaming projects

>> No.56944302

Celestia. Do you have any idea how many gaming L2s will be using Celestia for DA and paying in TIA?

>> No.56944884

check out @playgtd on x. finished its lbp 2 days ago and goes live on uni around 1pm est

gta style p2e

>> No.56944924

Is it that retarded game with the dragons?

>> No.56944963

The concept is kinda dumb since they're essentially pay to win, or get paid to play an unfun game. The only reason monwy should be involved in gaming is for wagering on games of skill and you don't really need blockchain for that.

>> No.56944999

Damn getting rich off chainlink...why didn't I think of that?

>> No.56945029

tbf more people have made money off mobile games than selling to "gamers"

>> No.56945070

A normal game with random cash money awards would be better and you don’t need crypto for that. It would basically be a lottery. Players pay a basic subscription that goes into a pool. Good players and random noobs get awarded for doing looting something.