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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 158 KB, 1942x894, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 12.51.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56929829 No.56929829 [Reply] [Original]

In 2025 they will say it was just pure luck...

>> No.56929832

stop posting this

>> No.56929853
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>> No.56929972
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This will unironically be a top 10 coin in 2 years but they don't have an army of shills like Link did in 2017 so biz will sleep on it. Welp at least we'll get to watch them rage. Back to gooning

>> No.56929989

paid shills...thats well known now among insiders. Link was the biggest VC scam lapping as a grassroots organic project.

>> No.56930019

can you shill this to me

>> No.56930027

are there any leaks/screencaps confirming this? I know its gotta be true because this board was 100% pushing Link, tons of really well done art/memes were coming out of nowhere, and the jannies were helping then and still are now. Im astonished how well it worked and how many baggies it created, but its been running so long now its unbearable. I want nothing more than for LINK to die

captcha: RH4VC

>> No.56930039


>> No.56930048

ive had a few people personally I know tell me in chats that they were paid to shill Link and create memes from the very early days. It was all geared at Biz. OFC some got onboard and so you could argue some was organic. But there was a definite marketing campaign on biz from the beginning. I don't think anyone would try to deny thats not true for this board now. Its ridiculous.

>> No.56930054

This is so bassed.

>> No.56930068


>> No.56930088

Even to this day I still can't tell if someone is being serious when they say to buy LINK

>> No.56930097

ik for a fact the early link memes were paid for, I'd never seen shit that high quality for another project before or since, I guess it could just be zealous Link marines paying artists, either way it was coordinated and the messaging was consistent and really smart. The rubic jeets tried to copy it a few years later and it kinda worked but disappeared because jeets dropped the ball. The most telling thing about the Link push is that the mods here helped because they were loaded up. Well HEY MODS. You can load tf up on KNS too you dipshits and repeat your LINK gains...

>> No.56930102

Good morning saars

>> No.56930130
File: 32 KB, 1946x98, migrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed BSC shitcoin that just migrated to Arbitrum to try and cover its tracks

>> No.56930204

it was on BSC for low fees, but they decided to ditch the stigma of being associated with the bitch shit cum chain so they switched to arbitrum

>> No.56930228
File: 1.49 MB, 1528x786, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 14.06.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu. A project is more than what fucking chain its on dogshit nigger brains.

>> No.56930561
File: 1.59 MB, 1646x925, 756789306268aaa645cec5b46da9cd21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56931003

Calm down, rhe day of the clear board is coming, they wont survive another bull wo gains!

>> No.56931014

>ESL jeets with no reading comprehension.
That's a red flag Prakesh.

>> No.56931042

>terrible grammar
>excessive and unidiomatic use of 4channel lingo
>excessive and nonsensical use of extremely poor quality, supposedly "based" 4channel images
It's obviously a group of ten Pajeets from Telegram

>> No.56931359

Bratte sei keine Ratte.
Pajeets controll britain so what you talking about.

>> No.56931391

i'm not buying your bags rajesh

>> No.56931419

they swapped the token like 3 times since i first bought this shit... i just cant stand this kind of retarded shit

>> No.56931481

ENG in the id....is this the sign we were told to expect?

I guarantee im more British and white than you mongrel. ive posted the top of my blond hair here before. I won't do it again.

>> No.56931489

It'll flip The Graph in the upcoming bullrun, do with this information whatever you want.

Hint: Current market cap 4M

>> No.56931493

I think the devs/project are good but you fags are horrible at shilling. Just stop and kindly kys

>> No.56931528

yeah cause this board doesn't have enough Link shilling. Muh Sergey Bertray us. you fucking tedious copy paste Indonesian goat fucking call centre shill scum.

>> No.56931535

well how else are they supposed to hide the fact that theyve pumped and dumped this shit like 3 times already

>> No.56931552
File: 1.24 MB, 1004x848, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 14.11.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. Paid fudder

>> No.56931569

61k volume kek

>> No.56931578

only buying....kek

>> No.56931584

79kusd the Last 24h

>> No.56931612
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x770, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 19.28.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All thus fud from one Indonesian women changing her id....lmao.

>> No.56931630

Why did you faggots ban me in the tg for asking about chain swaps, sounds fishy. Gonna hold anyway since I forgot I held this piece of Shit

>> No.56931675

Oh I remember you. You are the guy who was trying to sell your sissy furry porn in DM's. Guess it wasn't appreciated.

>> No.56931765


>> No.56931840

>Not arraying all the sims onto one master board and using a single desk console
Like... cha! Yea... so last week

>> No.56932066
File: 425 KB, 844x1500, 1_jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like you stumbled in yesterday and are desperately trying to convince everyone you belong here. I guess I have to thank you anyways, because I wouldn't have researched the token without you, but initially I was repulsed by your oh so brown hands.

>> No.56932210

you guys are fucking nuts lol

>> No.56932219

what is this pic? chainlink dev team enjoying my money?

>> No.56932223
File: 111 KB, 300x300, TOADSCAMSELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>token gets posted on /biz/
It's too late. The normies(biz) know now!!!

>> No.56932256

Don't be stupid, research it and buy on a dip. I disregarded coins in the past because of the same reasons and got burned.

>> No.56933531

It's market cap is only just under $5m. You serious?


>> No.56933967


I still REQUEST my money back from these french mozarellairheads.

Weird and creepy

>> No.56934055
File: 541 KB, 460x243, walhberg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you just say... 4channel?

>> No.56934108

not buying your indian scam coin, kys

>> No.56934175
File: 2.29 MB, 390x277, 1699663432341791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Indian scam meme

>> No.56934202

>lead "swiss" dev is named POOJA
>not indian

>> No.56934352

>his lead dev is literally called ser gay

>> No.56934370

Did they put the sell tax back on it again pajeet?

>> No.56934374

pooya lmao

>> No.56934390

Thanks for proving my point newfag. Tell the Pajeets in your Telegram to lurk more before shitting up the board.

>> No.56934424

I’m dropping a couple eth on this project. Definitely better than holding link and getting 5% gains in a bull market. FUCK LINK!

>> No.56934519

Please change your typing style before trying to shill anything, retard. There wasn't anything better on Fiverr?

>> No.56934537

Imagine thinking these are gifs that get posted by anons on 4channel.org lmao. Back to the Telegram, cancer jeets.

>> No.56934552

You talk about this place as if it's a good thing

>> No.56934570

>muh 4channel is evil
I hate you fucking newfags. Biz always get ruined as soon as you poorfags think you can make some chump money.

>> No.56934576

Yes yes…everything except Link is a scam. You type like a fucking nerd.

>> No.56934630

normies, not indians, and they came here to help you anon, they're trying to save you

>> No.56934640

>I hate you fucking newfags
t. browsed for 2 months

>> No.56934651
File: 312 KB, 2100x1366, IMG_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it’s all the newfags posting small cap projects that are ruining biz, not the 30 link threads at the same time. Now go back to gooning to Sirgay pics.

>> No.56934921

Biz is full of scams and no one bats an eye but the second someone posts some real shit you start throwing a tantrum

>> No.56936274

This has been a link board since 2017 you stupid jeet

>> No.56937434
File: 554 KB, 1414x1005, 1674071228126660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so based and true. treuly redpilled and basadooooo!!!!! slurpers slurping thats what we do my nigga

>> No.56937454

last time someone popped low mcap coin like this I got liquidated because I was stuck in a hospital, away from my computer and wallet. make cash and go to top 100mcap.