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5690501 No.5690501 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>put in ~15k in BTC earlier in 2017
>up about 60k (was almost 100k at BTCs ATH)
>realize that I got lucky and Im nowhere near making it
>need 5 million to retire
>BTC too high at this poin, already missed the boat

Im legit depressed af dudes. What do? I could gamble on shitcoins but I want a sure thing. Youd think making more money than my dayjob on gambling memecoins would make me happy but I feel more depressed than ever.

Friend of mine is sitting on 7 figures and I wish I wouldve bought in just a year earlier. Fugg..

Also happy new year bros.

>> No.5690573


5 million to retire?! where you live, in hong kong?

>> No.5690607

2018 is going to make 2017 look like a blip
Fortune favors the brave

>> No.5690624

Why you are you depressed about getting a decent year's salary for doing fuck all? Focus on the positive.

>> No.5690632

You will never make it if you believe it.
It may seem impossible, but it's not.

>> No.5690652

buy REQ today, will x2 in a few hours, x5 january, x10 Q2 2018 and x20 eoy 2018

>> No.5690656

Be happy with what you've managed to get, you big fucking baby. $60k is a big chunk of change, life changing if utilized correctly.

>> No.5690662


>> No.5690671


because even 10x that amount wouldnt be nearly enough to retire on
and frankly for my day to day living it doesnt make a difference whether my networth is 100k or zero.

>> No.5690687

Agreed. Many people freaking out, like they missed the boat forever, but crypto is just beginning.

>> No.5690688

We need a crypto group therapy or some shit

>> No.5690728

Funny, I'm such a poor fag that I only need in the 300k range to retire...lol

Maybe stop spending money and be a comfy neet.

>> No.5690774

everything is a gamble in life. even wageslaves, are betting on the system staying the same forever. something can always change the paradigms. just focus your shit up and make it happen.

>> No.5690780


I literally live in my parents basement and barely have any expenses. Still need at least 5 mill to retire on, I ran the numbers.

>> No.5690829

literally this. even cashing out 750k worth of crypto could put you on a pretty easy life path with even sub par investments.

>> No.5690864

>750k worth of crypto could put you on a pretty easy life path with even sub par investments.

In angola maybe
around here that might buy you a nice house and thats it.

>> No.5690987

I spent 25k this year living like a monk (rent/food/utilities and less than $500 on "fun" things, on a 125k salary). Even assuming 5% growth you couldn't live for more than 40 years like that (and most of this board is <30).

>> No.5691001

>750k on a house
Manhattan or San Francisco? Move to the rust belt and you can get a nice two story house under 100k

>> No.5691056

Do you know how many posts I saw like this 4 years ago? Go ahead and kys faggot but if you don’t your ass will get rich as tits in the next bubble if you stick around and apply what you learned.

>> No.5691099

So move somewhere else, it isn't like you are going to lose out on quality of live. Plus even if your crypto profits did just get you a house, housing should be about a third of your living expenses. That's a third of what you will need to spend over your life, instantly became disposable income. How is that not huge?

>> No.5691205


I live in a small village in Cuckmanistan.
Just the land my parents house is built on is probably worth half a mill right now, not even counting the actual building. Real estate is insanely expensive here.

Six figures really isnt shit these days my dudes. Youll figure that out sooner or later too.

>> No.5691271

what depresses me is that...

>gamble life savings on magic internet money
>4x your "investment"
>still need at least 20x more to retire

I mean wtf is going on with this shitty planet?
cant a nigga catch a break or something

>> No.5691535

>a single side hussle is going to provide for the rest of your life
Diversify, bitch

>> No.5691596

Things of true value - housing, farmland, water, shares of real tech companies (GOOGL, NVDA) are becoming more and more expensive.

>> No.5691724


nigga Im gonna make 70-80k next year
Ill even move to some shithole EE country to save on taxes
Im playing all the angles here but still dont see how I should ever retire and live a life that was basically default mode for my grandfather

even if I put all of that money in shitcoins and 10x it wont be nowhere near enough

Im sick and tired of this shit I just want a house, virgin wife and shitpost on 4chan all day.

>> No.5691790

Join a pump group like this one https://discord.gg/B5zzheA and get comfy 20-40% gains if you play it safe and have a good internet bandwidth. Easiest gains ever

>> No.5691892


Buy NAV and BURST. You will make it.

>> No.5691962
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You will make it

>> No.5691964

>make easy profit
>but it's not millions
>hurrrr why even bother

Because you do it again, and again, and again. It's not the fucking lottery. You need to make educated guesses and continue to parlay your profits into more profits. OR you hold long term in the hopes it becomes the next big currency that is actually used world wide. Either way, look at your profits, not the lost potential. It sucks if you sell before $1mil and you cash out at $300k. But you know what sucks worse? Cashing out at zero. Profit is profit faggot.

>> No.5691994

750k? 300k is pretty damn solid, you can invest it in something low risk and get good passive income that would make your life so much easier, maybe not retire already, but very close to

>> No.5692071


Don't know about NAV but BURST is coming to dethrone all the fuckboi cryptocurrencies.

>> No.5692145

>300k is pretty damn soli

I literally have no idea what you are talking about
you might as well be living on a different planet than me

300k damn solid? at 5% thats a measly 15 grand a year. Thats assuming you wont fuck up and actually get 5%. and not even counting taxes, inflation and all that shit. nowhere near enough money to retire on.

>> No.5692227


Seriously, look into NAV dude. You won't regret it. Aside from having top-tier tech, they just hired a marketing team that also did cola, unilever, etc.

x20 in 2018 easily.

>> No.5692236


I don't understand why you wouldn't just cash out 300k and pump the cash into a basket of dividend stocks - meaning essentially trading price appreciation for a general 11 percent yearly return.

36k / year can have you live a comfy life indefinitely in Thailand no problem.

Meanwhile, if you were to buy a house in (((Los Angeles))) for 800k (1.5 bdr 1 bath) you'll still be kiked even AFTER you pay the house off, with 15k/year property taxes FOREVER. You'll literally be on the hook for generating that extra cashflow.

Meanwhile, I'm in Thailand spending way less than that ON RENT and living like a king, with cheap and affordable health care.

I could list more reasons an illiquid 5x leveraged """investment""" like a house is a bad idea but I'll stop there.

The USA is literally the most cucked nation.

>> No.5692245

This, we're just getting started lads.

>> No.5692250

4% rule. If you want to retire early, based on past performance of the us stock market you should be withdrawing no more than 4% of your net worth a year. Knock that down to 3% if you want to retire really early, like in your 30s

>> No.5692302


>muh thailand meme

I spent 3 years living in that shithole and am now back in europe, thanks fucking god

I will never set foot into SEA again. alot of anons who dream about "muh thailand" are in for a rude awakening once they actually try to live there for a while.

when I talk about retirement I mean real retirement. not living in some third world shithole full with monkeys.

>> No.5692334

americans are so cucked. for 15 grand I could live like a king all year round here in Poland.
anyhow, just buy link you fucktard. It's a sure bet to 100x in 2018

>> No.5692379

I'll tell you a story OP.

My net wort is about 900k euro. It's been that much for about 4 years. Hasn't grown, hasn't shrunk. On the 31st of July 2015 I had a retirement calculator open trying to work out if I could possibly retire early and live off that sum of money while investing in index funds.

In the other tab I had /biz/ open browsing threads about Ethereum being listed on exchanges for the first time. I was so engrossed in the retirement calculation that I didn't pay any attention to the people who were making rational arguments about why it was going to moon. As a consequence, I missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

The moral is that you should be spending less time asking yourself "Do I have enough to retire" and more time asking "what are the merits of this idea/investment and what could it be worth in future"

>> No.5692413

>find some ultra shit coins on coin ranking that are dirt cheap
>research to find out which one looks promising
>pull the trigger and sit on your bag for a while for them 100x gainz
This is litterally what i did when i ran i to KIN a few weeks ago when it was .00000016 eth
Now its .00000064 eth
Theres still time on it on this one its gonna moon hard this coming month

>> No.5692461

Its because poor people are getting richer wit stuff like minimum wage increases and small gains from crypto.

Rich need to incrase all prices to keep the common folk poor, while they just keep makung more money.

>> No.5692498
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>do nothing
>get shitton of gainz
>waaaw I'm so depressed

>> No.5692608 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group asap...

>> No.5692626
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Im european, Marek.
and of course 15k is enough to live in a shithole like Poland. who the fuck wants to live in poland though? even poles dont want to live in poland.

im talking about retirement in a real country . and that is a bit more costly.

>> No.5692654

calm your tits retard. Get on binance and start buying the coins that get shilled on here that havent mooned yet. I got on LEND, FUEL, ICX, POE, and fucking countless others thanks to biz. lurk more and buy low or stay poor forever anon.

>> No.5692678

I like it so far. What issues did you have? I feel as if I can live here comfy for a long time.

>> No.5692680

Make it to $1M. Put it all in some long term dividend stocks. Live off the $40k dividends yearly.

>> No.5692754

Brother I have not even 100 usd to my name and have bene in crypto since 2012

You don't know pain

>> No.5692773
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Poland is the safest country in Europe, has zero niggers and zero muslims, never had a terrorist attack. Super cheap utilities, food and housing.
Keep coping, Mohammad.

>> No.5692796

That's a really cute Pepe, dude.

>> No.5692823

are there seriously people out there that are this big of pussies?

jesus christ have a spine, anon

>> No.5692868


how long have you been there anon. you sure you want me to burst your bubble?


>nonstop visa hassle
>thais are arrogant, rude and incompetent as fuck
>sweltering heat all year round
>the bitches are legit retarded and way too dumb to have a relationship with. you WILL get bored of mindless sex, mark my words
>99% of the expats living in thailand are complete losers , impossible to build a social circle
>theres literally 4 places in thailand where you can live as a foreigner (BKK, CM, Pattaya, Phuket). theyre all shit in their own way.
>thai food is awful (most overrated on the planet)
>shoddy workmanship and terrible work ethic, forget about getting anything done properly ever
>did I mention thais are arrogant and racist cunts and you will never be able to integrate?

>> No.5693017


What would you do with 1 million?

>> No.5693027
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You're literally the epitome of faggottry and whining. Go fuck yourself, nothing will be good for you. Even after having 20 M, you will fucking whine about "muh social circle is bad to me waa". You don't deserve anything, there are people living in literal shit right now (indians), other people who live in minimum wage their whole lives, you could make MUCH more money by sitting in your ass using your computer and you whine like a faggot.
And no I'm not poor, but you're just a bitch.

>> No.5693088

Nothing wrong with guaranteed income you can live off, invest with crypto or invest in other things.

Also, that $40k is basically a $70k wagecuck salary (after taxes), since dividends are taxed way less.

>> No.5693129


>muh poor brown people

thx anon you legit cheered me up
but yes actually 5 million would be enough. I ran the numbers. Im sure I would find something else to complain about but it wouldnt be money!

and fuck brown people. I dont give a shit about some poorfags starving in India. These savages dont even use toilets I couldnt care less if they all starve to death over night.

>> No.5693188


what about inflation tho.
in 20 years those 40k will be worth half
and Im probably gonna live 40 more years at least
you fags never seem to factor in inflation when you run your numbers.

>> No.5693217

Change the course of history for myself, and my descendants forever.

Currently my portfolio is $130k , I will continue with that money in this market until I break $25 Million
At that point, I will pull all of it except 10%.
Then safe bets like real estate, bonds, etc.

>> No.5693288

Id be shouting from the roofs if I amassed 60k.. wud change my life no doubt.

>> No.5693317


thats pretty optimistic anon
the gravy train isnt gonna continue forever
I give this bullmarket another year or two tops
Ill legit off myself if Im not at 5 million then. fuck wagecucking im done with this shit.

>> No.5693388

Its optimistic no doubt
But RaiBlocks did 100x in the past 30 days.
20 cents to $20.

If I can even catch the tail end of 3-4 of these types of gains, let alone catch it at the start, I can easily turn $130k into $25 mil in a year or two.

>> No.5693435

>what about inflation tho
-Company profits rise with inflation, so the dividend would rise too.
-Stock is worth more over time, so owning it beats inflation.
-Your boss barely increases your wage with inflation, and you're stuck with that.

Inflation mainly hits housing, healthcare, and education. So I would prob buy an apartment complex with the $1M if dividend stocks aren't a great buy.

>> No.5693519

You can get bux even if this shitshow collapses in 2018 - just use it to get enough capital to invest so you don't have to be a wage-cuck.

>> No.5693530


>> No.5693551


are you willing to gamble six figures on some shitcoin?
one bad call and you get wiped out
Im not THAT crazy anon

>Inflation mainly hits housing, healthcare, and education

I remember a pack of cigs cost less than half 20 years ago
that goes for pretty much everything now that I think about it
when they rolled in the euro our purchasing power got cut in half. and the euro also lost like 30% in purchasing power over the last decades

with the way these kikes are printing money you really gotta have a margin of safety or youll end up broke when youre old

>> No.5693563

If I can even catch the tail end of 3-4 of these types of gains, let alone catch it at the start, I can easily turn $130k into $25 mil in a year or two.

But if you put it all on a stinker, you could be back to nearly square 1

>> No.5693617

I hope they officially recognize crypto. Otherwise I'm moving to Belarus

>> No.5693675

i could live the rest of my life off of 300k here in the US

stop whining OP

>> No.5693812

I don't want to die on foreign soil.

>> No.5694047
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>that goes for pretty much everything now that I think about it
Yea I hear you. That's why you have to park your money in something growing faster than inflation, like stocks or real estate.

>> No.5694125

Dont fuckin trade in to shitcoins. Hold your btc and eth

>> No.5694367

>at least 5 million

What the fuck do you need that much money for?

Here in Germany you could comfortably retire with 500k, 600k if you don't live like a fucking hedonist.

>> No.5694414
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Here's your sure thing dumbarse.

>> No.5694424

you're right OP. you're not gonna make it. but not because you bought too late or whatever. it's because you're a greedy ass pig. and pigs, as we all know, get slaughtered.

>> No.5694632

stocks and real estate prices are sky high because of inflation and cheap money. only hard assets and some commercial property are safe long-term. then you buy when it's cheap

>> No.5694682

We're all gonna make it boys

>> No.5695031
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