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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 800x803, Stinky Linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56926034 No.56926034 [Reply] [Original]

Why are us Chainlink holders so horrifically persecuted and bullied on /biz/?

>> No.56926101

Paid fud, bots, mentally ill bought the top bag holders, newfags who think they missed out, low iq mongs who don't get it, MEV faggots, and all of the dumb niggers who are invested in something that LINK makes obsolete.

This place is a cesspool. Been here since 2016. CT is unironically better for Alpha and you can block the retarded niggers and jeets over there.

>> No.56926120

because the pools closed and the fudders can't cope, they wake up every single day and think about link, it consumes their entire being... sad really

>> No.56926163

When the staking pool was open, 90% of the fud stopped. Same thing when CCIP went beta. Same thing when Swift was confirmed shortly before that. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.56926196

The people persecuting you are other bagholders.

It stopped because link community has bpd

>> No.56926233

Because holding Link at this point is a sign of stupidity. All the original Linkies have made it ages ago and only latefag retards are left.

>> No.56926299

die you fucking worthless shills

>> No.56926349

not shilling, I don't care if you buy or not, I bought my bag 6 years ago and staking (pools closed btw) my return each year is enough to live on

>> No.56926355

because it's funny AF, kek

>> No.56926356

Can one of you link marines edit OPs pic and replace link cube with hbar? Thanks!!

>> No.56926366

Get your own memes

>> No.56926388
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Ok man enjoy your Link

>> No.56926718

Because you're 80% of the posts for like 1% gains.

>> No.56926790

I think this is all true but 90% of the fud comes from bag holders and the rest is everything else you mentioned.

It doesn't matter if we know that it will go to $1k+ eventually because goddamn does it suck ass to see literal useless vaporware (not even talking about shit meme/animal coins) violently outperform link. Xrp, tardano, quant, etc. will perform while link will get shorted by an army of bots.

>> No.56926814

hbar is such shit, that between my Link and ICP suicide memes I dont even have hbar folder.
Its like making fun of Catbread token.

>> No.56926818

Because you are pathetic bagholders who relentlessly shit up the board and act smug while this is your actual performance,
>Dec 5 2020:
MATIC: $0.019
LINK: $13.50
BTC: $19000
ETH: $590
BNB: $29.73
SOL: $1.97
ADA: $0.15
DOGE: $0.003
TRX: $0.03
AVAX: $3.61

>Dec 5 2023:
MATIC: $0.81
LINK: $15.60
BTC: $43800
ETH: $2280
BNB: $232
SOL: $64.29
ADA: $0.42
DOGE: $0.09
TRX: $0.10
AVAX: $26.26

>> No.56926847

I fud my own baggies because I don't want newfags (r*ddit cucks and literal niggers) to makeit. LINK is a white man's coin for FRENs only (Far Right Ethno-Nationalists).

>> No.56926852
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Because of insufferable posts like this one.

>> No.56926860
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This is incorrect,it is a grand conspiracy involving everyone.
They can't keep it up forever though.

>> No.56926863

Despite being 90% down, paid chainlink advocate threads make up 50% threads on /biz/.

>> No.56926892
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>> No.56926908

Link ICP and Hbar shills are worse than jeet rug scams,
should all be killed.

>> No.56926921

because you've shit up this board since 2017 despite having underperformed tremendously since 2020 onward. You act like your precious shitcoin is more special than any other shitcoin despite there being 0 evidence to the contrary.

>> No.56926946
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That was one of the cringiest posts I've ever read here

>> No.56926954
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But fixed this for ya;

>> No.56926962

Cope. When we hit 1k EOY you're going back into the oven, Shlomo.

>> No.56927011

Link is a jewish scam to keep most retarded nazis broke while at the same time financing jews.

>> No.56927014
File: 6 KB, 201x251, 1696632453982587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hate us cuz they ain't us

>> No.56927027

You almost got me there jeet

>> No.56927050

LINK is unironically how tou make money off of jews and their incessant jewing. NGMI

>> No.56927182

the reason why i hate stinky linkies is because you guys can't have just one thread a day, you gotta spam retarded ass threads all day long you fuck are goddamn annoying.

>> No.56927218

You obviously didn't have to live through the nonstop shilling in 2017 and 2018. I own a bunch of LINK now but I still hate LINK shillers with a passion.

>> No.56927287
File: 24 KB, 640x540, bear fumo a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i feed my fumo chainlink

>> No.56927439

Enjoy the cuck cage while Sergey dumps on you.

>> No.56927442

Be cause your retarded cult of a premined shitcoin scam has been shitting up this board ever since Sir Gay printed millions of worthless tokens out of thin air.

>> No.56927742

0.1 big mac coupons have been deposited into your McDonald's app account.

>> No.56927824
File: 39 KB, 650x366, 4234235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we keep trying to tell you how to make money meanwhile chainlink has been the worst performer of the last two bullruns...and somehow chainlink holders call us the retards...

>> No.56927825

fucking Chain-rot at its finest.

>> No.56927846

Jannie bias. For example KNS became a banned topic just because it has better oracles.

>> No.56928343

this. Pool's Closed.

>> No.56928372
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>> No.56928759


Chinks ITT will get BTFO on the day of the bolt cutter

>> No.56929060

Because we're the most numerous and reactive community, so it's easy to farm (You)s by trolling us

>> No.56929076

because you refuse to make a containment thread