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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 600 KB, 1149x674, garbagecoindommy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56918042 No.56918042 [Reply] [Original]

is this bullish?

>> No.56918087

Oh shit look a real partnership rather than marketing scheme.
Also meme you made shows icp is rent free in your head. Sirs you got pee pee in your brain

>> No.56918131
File: 108 KB, 465x336, 133997334234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile Avalanche partners with JPM, Citi and Fidelity kek

>> No.56918140
File: 465 KB, 2618x3651, 7fc16d5e6b841f136494dcadbc64cb7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even related to icypee, didn't the company basically run with the money and start working on something else

>> No.56918150

lmao no fucking way
>you got pee pee in your brain
you got poo poo in your portfolio

>> No.56918220

Kek no they arent you have no proof of this other than a paid partnership announcement. Show me the wallets and the applications that are being used by those companies

>> No.56918229

dat cope, now pick up my trash subhuman.

>> No.56918234

No it was just announced and was presented at the COP28 summit

>> No.56918256

Kek prove the partnerships are real. You cant just say theyre using the chain without any proof. The closest thing to proof of a company using your guys chains is deloitte but they just have a subnet thats barely being used for God knows what

>> No.56918269
File: 51 KB, 692x700, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trashman subhuman cant figure out tokenization and Subnets
LMAO, eyes on the mop loser.

>> No.56918289

Kek I bet the trashmen where I live make way more than anything you make in your shitskin country of yours.

>> No.56918344

funny guy, there is no trashman in india. you fags just shit on the street.

>> No.56918504
File: 416 KB, 1439x1784, icp is getting fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56918597

You seriously think the people that hold/built icp are poos? The team is entirely white and Im white from texas. You cant say the same for yourself nor your project muhammed

>> No.56918604
File: 97 KB, 896x707, IMG_3568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The head nigga that takes care of environmental shit in the Brazilian government basically just said they are going to force every business in Brazil to use icp to track recycling and carbon credits. Crypto fags are to busy talking about what shitcoin of the week is pumping though.

>> No.56918643

>poojeet streetshitter thinks this is how white people talk
LOL "I'm from texas dear sirs"
go buy a toilet nigger

>> No.56918648
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>> No.56918704

Literal garbage token

>> No.56918729
File: 238 KB, 532x477, vita-inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, nopity nope, actually not at all
if you want something bullish this month you can either buy $VINU or $SHIB
Difference is with $VINU you're saving some money on fees and it's available on most wallets to this date

>> No.56918830
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek shitskins seething

>> No.56918909

Cope, seethe and dial8 nigger. Avax chads are winning, ICP is and has always been irrelevant. Simply can’t compete with us

>> No.56918943

>poorjeet doesnt even know what a timestamp is

>> No.56918953

Kek keep seething shitskin

>> No.56918981

>doesn’t know how reverse image search

>> No.56919004
File: 365 KB, 1000x1000, #1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they going to do with icypee? sell garbage cans for pee? lmao

>> No.56919086

Can't wait to see ICP drop out of the top 50 soon. What an absolute piece of VC pump n dump garbage. ICP cucks may as well be the BBBYtards of crypto.

>> No.56919143

I love driving through texas. One day I’m going to stop at that steak house in Amarillo and try to eat the fuckhuge steak they have. Europeans will never understand.

>> No.56919155

Yes I will seethe in the hundreds of thousands of dollar profits from holding Avax.

>> No.56919172


>> No.56919393

I literally have made a $100k already from 2 coins in icp ecosystem. Does avax has any successful coins on its chain? At least that’s what’s solona has got going for it at the moment

>> No.56919406

That’s cute. I am up 755k with my 20x Avax long

>> No.56919410

Post position shitskin

>> No.56919431

>t. gayvaxxie taking multiple injections of pozzed cum in his anal cavity everyday

>> No.56919461

Start coping when 140 countries around the world start adopting the VRC initiative powered by ICP.

>> No.56919520

I thought so larping faggot

>> No.56919628

Potential adoption, of VRC credit system powered by ICP = 198 countries.
This could be potentially be the biggest adoption crypto space has ever seen.
I know avax peasants love bragging about their trials with citi, jp morgan etc, but it only requires 4500 stakes to run a subnet. .

As of 2022, the UNFCCC has 198 parties including all United Nations member states, United Nations General Assembly observers the State of Palestine and the Holy See, UN non-member states Niue and the Cook Islands, and the supranational union European Union.

>> No.56919689

Dominic is networking his next job as a garbage collector, you really think ICP will be adopted for anything other than dumping on polcels?

>> No.56919722

Nah, you should stick to marketing coins, because who cares about real technology being demonstrated at cop28 where world leaders attend.

>> No.56919736

>he doesn't know /pol/chads already fucking won
The walls are closing in, kike.

>> No.56920093
File: 206 KB, 1280x1280, 9E885F15-AACF-4512-93A6-0806FA6D3F15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, seethe and dial8

>> No.56920145

If this was LINK you’d be shitting yourself

>> No.56920151

ask yourself why other blockchains like avax cannot run real world websites like twitter, linkedin, whatsapp, dApps, enterprise applications on chain when ICP can.
By the way avax uses bridges, which is archaic, antithetic to crypto and relies on a trusted party, while ICP will integrate directly to Bitcoin, Eth and so on without bridges, so that for example on the Internet Computer you can receive and transfer bitcoin directly and autonomously on the Bitcoin blockchain.

And ask yourself, what happens when Dfinity will be again the world's first project that implements quantum resistant signature scheme.
There are people here, who already made their 7 figures in crypto. Avax will be irrelevant in 5-6 years.

>> No.56920184

ICP runs websites like garbage. It’s all laggy shit. Amazon web-services BTFO ICP. Avax and Amazon partnership for the win.

>> No.56920210
File: 195 KB, 1024x920, 1701745697427294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl peed in my mouth today, but I didnt swallow. How many Icey Pees can I redeem? Serious answers only please

>> No.56920213

he's probably still shitting himself, but ICP and their partners are cleaning it up

>> No.56920296



>> No.56920340

stupid embed

>> No.56920395

in reality this is just enterprise middle ware that is bloat, but it still represents more of a usecase than any other coin in the space besides eth/btc
>btc allows you to transact
>eth allows you to program transactions
>ICP allows you to track garbage recycling

the trifecta of crypto is complete

>> No.56920418

It’s pretty cool that recycling credits can be paid out in btc directly from a smart contract on icp. The future is now.

>> No.56920561

Oh wow garbage on chain, congratulations ICP holders you really did it this time