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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5690606 No.5690606 [Reply] [Original]

Aaaaaaaaaaaand it moons. Just like everyone said it would

>> No.5690648

bump, it's 3xing by tomorrow

>> No.5690697

imagine not buying btcp 1 for fucking 1 at $70

>> No.5690852

for those of you that don't know. 1 zclassic = 1 bitcoin private.

>> No.5690920

there are hella bitcoin forks out there

>> No.5690970
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>in at 30

People who got in at <$5 please promise not to crush me under your gold plated lambos.

>> No.5691004


But are any of them privacy forks?


>> No.5691114

Fuck fuck fuck

Sold to wait for the dip like last time. Come on not now.

>> No.5691203
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>> No.5691234
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Theres a huge ass sell wall, can we power through it? I want all sellers to regret this so bad

>> No.5691240
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>> No.5691303

>falling for the order book meme

>> No.5691312
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>> No.5691360
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Those walls are fake brah expect them to be pulled down any time now

>> No.5691369

I went from 3k down to only 1k down from my seed. Im gonna make it bros

>> No.5691396

did the sell wall at 69500 get eaten up or it just disappeared?

>> No.5691453

It got eaten up over a minute or 2

>> No.5691520
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Im a poorfag holding only 20 of this but im so glad

>> No.5691624
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we gucci now then. Shame my last fund just come in, pretty much all in, was wanting to bought more at 0.006

>> No.5691686

wtf?. Is this real? I have bought 35 zcl at 80$ but honestly i have thought i am gonna get fucked.
This is too good to be true. I am not selling this shit till fork

>> No.5691843

I am 80% in on ZCL, 20% on XLM

>> No.5691999

Annd it's stuck at the 80k sats

>> No.5692061
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keep the faith

>> No.5692956

I’m waiting until $1k

>> No.5693033

why was everyone talking shit to me when I was suggesting this coin this morning? Was it because fucks are still accumulating, dicks..

>> No.5693128

predicting $150 today with new floor of $120.

should go nuts when fork news comes out too.

>> No.5693293
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FUD faggots get very angry when they miss a play and want everyone to drop the coin so they can feel better.

It happened to BNTY and now it's just the playground of whales.

>> No.5693395

When's the news even coming
Getting impatient and want to enjoy moon ride

>> No.5693823

People cope with missing out by FUDding

>> No.5693876
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how much is going to be Bitcoin private?

>> No.5694357

Can we ge through that wall?

>> No.5694382

let me open my safe and grab a wallet give me 10 hours

>> No.5694448


>> No.5694497

I own zcl

I don't understand how this fork shit works

My money is on an exchange, when the fork happens what happens to my zcl?

>> No.5694516

It's a fake wall set by the bot. The bot has been shitting up the coin for two days now.

>> No.5694523

Demolished that wall!!!

>> No.5694537


>> No.5694548

You keep your zcl and also get 1 btcp for each zcl, if the exchange states they will support the btcp fork

>> No.5694550

Move your ZCL to wallet, holy shit. Don't leave it on exchange.

>> No.5694573

Why is that?

>> No.5694606

the wallets are shitty af, atm. mac wallet isn't even out yet--just keep it on bittrex

>> No.5694616


Which wallet dude???

Bittrex doesn't support the fork?

>> No.5694620
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>> No.5694646

btcp is slated for q1 2018. impossible to predict when devs will make announcement of date though

>> No.5694654

The guy that made whalecoin and zen classic is also making the fork, known scammer procced eith caution

Source check his twitter, his pin tweet is him literally saying he is a scammer

>> No.5694672


>> No.5694686

privacy coin with bitcoin name? i feel confident that it will reach $200 and that could be conservative.

>> No.5694702

I'm going all in.

>> No.5694743

what? can anyone explain it better to me?

>> No.5694758

fuck sake i always am too late

>> No.5694760

will buy at next drop. this is what I fucking get for going outside

>> No.5694764

For every zclassic you own, you are going to get 1 bitcoin private for free

>> No.5694780

not really, no.

>> No.5694783
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>> No.5694813

Wow really?

When does the fork take place?

Also how do I get my bitcoin private when the fork hits?
Do I download a bitcoin private wallet too?

>> No.5694826

so pissed off that both my coins moon at the same time (DBC/ZCL)

expected DBC to moon first and than buy ZCL cheap

>> No.5694870

Link to his Twitter maybe we'll believe you

>> No.5694889

How the fuck is this so high? Wasn't it like $5 a couple days ago?

>> No.5694909

the guy is rhett creighton. pinned tweet has nothing to do with scamming. poster you are replying to is fud/schizo.

>> No.5694915

There no better moon fuel than a fork/air drop

>> No.5694936

welcome to cryptocurrency, enjoy your stay

>> No.5694940

it was 0 planned development, then all of the sudden idea to fork bitcoin into an alt's privacy code

>> No.5694944

IM rich
I had 5913 @ $7.80

Thank you Bitcoin Privatel

>> No.5695053

I have 3.8 zcl

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5695058

The forked coin you get from it is going to be over 1000

Also, just bought 90 ZCL, wish me luck boys

>> No.5695131

Leave it on the exchange until everything is confirmed. Buttrex will most likely support it but you will know before it happens

>> No.5695134

33% of my load is bought at 85000 you are sitll good

>> No.5695162

Not lambo money but you will make a few grand

>> No.5695191

32 btc sell wall holy shit

>> No.5695193

No rush to move it off the exchange. Bittrex only has problems listing ICOs which this clearly isn’t. Furthermore they already have ZCL and BTC listed so this is an obvious add for them

>> No.5695229

Remember to withdraw your ZCL to a private wallet you control. Especially before it goes up too much or you'll hit your withdraw limit!

>> No.5695241

Then I can reinvest that in another coin and make fuckton more right?

How long can this crypto shit go on?
It seems like it never stops going up

>> No.5695365

OK OP, got in. Already made +200% from it, so it's a good omen getting back in. If it doesn't double in 72 hours, I'll be mad.

>> No.5695381

where is confirmation of said fork? devs could be pumping this shit artificially with no plans to do so

>> No.5695449

they confirmed the fork a while back, check twitter and telegram, but they wont confirm the date of the fork

planned for January 2018 at the moment

>> No.5695450

Don't do your weak hands if it dumps a little bit, the whales are trying so hard to keep it low

>> No.5695451
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oooor. Wait a sec. Are you trying to dump your bags on us?

>> No.5695496

yeah I'm seeing the sell wall getting readjusted every few minutes. Those greedy basterds

>> No.5695521

Fucking whale driving the price down with this sell wall.


>> No.5695561

>x15 over a week steady
This is it

>> No.5695571

Oh it'll stop one day. But plenty of opportunity until you can afford a lambo

>> No.5695592

The fact that they are doing that is hyping me the fuck up, though

>> No.5695645

i think its going to be like this untill the dev team gives a date(hopefully before the 15th, even though they have no idea when the code will be done).

They already said they dont give a fuck about the price, and are tight lipped about any rumours that could moonshot the price. sometimes i wish they were the scummy kind of dev that announces announcements to raise hype/price

>> No.5695708

Hopefully they do get accepted on the big exchanges

>> No.5695732

Yep. That fucker is back again.

>> No.5696284

Comfy as fucking fuck

>> No.5696364

Am I too late?

>> No.5696416

is it really though, i want the whole crypto space to fomo Bitcoin Private, but most people dont even know it exist, let alone reddit that thinks its a scam

i bought in at $60, still hodling, so dont call me a fudder, im just worrried were not at the hype we should be at, or will ever reach

>> No.5696428

I don't think so

>> No.5696457

Don't worry, news are coming.
Once (if) the big exchanges get on board, this will explode

>> No.5696504

yea but how do i even get my coins on cryptopia?> I wont will i?

>> No.5696515

people are shilling their pajeet referral coins

guaranteed hacked in 1 month

>> No.5696649

the guy above talking about withdrawing into wallet early and often makes a good point. If you hold enough of this and it skyrockets to $1000 +.. you may not be able to move it to claim the BTCP. withdrawl limits are small on most exchanges unless you are power user >>5695229

>> No.5696819

The limit on BitTrex is 100 BTC for enhanced accounts, I feel like i'm okay

>> No.5696923

I don't even have enough for 100BTC limit anyways

>> No.5697029

Reddit doesn’t actually think it’s a scam - they’re just coping with missing out since literally nothing about it was on the front page during the pump. They completely missed it

>> No.5697448

Where do you guys think the price will settle this time? Wanting to pick some more up since money just came in.

>> No.5697807

wait wait wait. all the bitcoin holders are getting these coins for free. 1.7m zcl and 16m btc getting airdrop. the supply is about to increase more than ten times over. this is worrying, it'll pump to the fork block but when is that?

>> No.5698244

1 BTC = 1 BCTP
1 ZCL = 1 BTCP
BTC holders get an airdrop
ZCL holders get a fucking airport

>> No.5698420

Best BTC fork after Cash. Arguably better than Cash.

>> No.5698689

$4k here we come

>> No.5698706
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Love the analogy.

We gonna be rich boys!

>> No.5699026

who's the sucker that bought @ 115. kek

>> No.5699386

i actually bought another 50 $112

not even mad about when this time tomorrow while im eating new years lunch its up to $180

>> No.5699402

Dude just shut the fuck off. Faggot rhett craighton left zcash, then zcl, then zencash. Now he is a bcash shill and made whalecoin.


>> No.5699410

A bit long winded but please hear me out.
FOMO bought on cryptopia. Tried to install the Linux wallet but on Arch it doesn't werk. So installed the windows wallet and started syncing. It hasn't finished syncing yet, it already had an address listed when I first started it. I created a private address and tried to transfer my ZCL but this didn't work. So I created a new transparent? address as I didn't trust the default one and moved my ZCL into it.
I've verified on zclmine pro that they were moved but what do I do now?
Do I still have to wait for this wallet to sync? Are the 33ZCL that I own enough to hold to get serious lambo money? First serious reply will get my ZCL dust as long as you give me an address and it has at least 1 zcl inside it.

>> No.5699596

They are releasing an updated wallet within a few days I would wait for that

>> No.5699638

Yeah single click install wallet is almost done they said on the twitter

>> No.5699697

huh? did u mean 10 or something?

>> No.5699732

The plan is for Zclassic holders and Bitcoin Holders to each get Bitcoin Private ( BTCP) in a 1:1 ratio. In other words you get one BTCP for every Bitcoin or Zclassic you hold.

The supply of BTCP will be 18,500,000 (supply BTC + supply ZCL).

>> No.5699769

You cant transfer to a private address from Cryptopia. You shouldn't have to wait for the wallet to sync - the network has processed the transfer regardless. (Although to be super sure you could wait for the wallet, shouldn't take long if it's reasonably up to date.)

>> No.5699899

The team already mentioned that they're not going to talk about any individual exchanges until they're confirmed. Check their twitter follower count, literally going up by the second.

>> No.5699971

Source on this?

>> No.5700039
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Almost seems like this is an exit scam for a dead project that was created with the sole purpose of being a pump and dump for an MIT sociopath technocrat named Rhett Craighton.


>> No.5700099

Typical FUDder, Rhett is based as fug and the team is made up of community devs, truly what Satoshi envisioned.

>> No.5700103


Watch this, he is a studdering autist and paid bcash shill. Rich calls him out for being a pump and dumper and not using his talents to improve the world, his response is that people/holders get the coins in forks so it 'is still making people money'

>> No.5700112

Talking bullshit on biz just so you can try accumulate more at a lower price is a waste of time, biz is way too small an audience to significantly affect the price.

>> No.5700116

Cup and handle forming?

>> No.5700142

Can you get me into contact with him? I should get paid to fleece you tards. This thread is utterly pathetic.

I want your job.

>> No.5700210

k thx anon. I already got in with a few coins at 500k sats.

>> No.5700215

Sounds like you bought high and sold low and are now salty. Back to the slums pajeet

>> No.5700223
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>I missed the train and now I'm mad
See you at 400$

>> No.5700239

I'm not talking bullshit I own a total of fucking 27 wabi and 10 sumo, I started with $400 and have gotten fleeced by you tards since this is /biz/- buy my bags.

I see this as such an obvious scam and want to help the non-pajeets/chinks save their money.

But what do I know? Coin was $2 a week ago and doesn't even have a working wallet (which you need to get the airdrop btw)

Go all in.

>> No.5700283

tell your buddy rhett if i ever see his jewwy ass in cambridge im gonna box his eyes in.

>> No.5700311

It does have a working wallet (With fully private transfers, something that Verge is only just about to implement and the market cap for that is 1 billion +) - I've used it to transfer and store from Cryptopia. Don't blame biz for your failures - DYOR and you'll actually make some money.

>> No.5700320


>> No.5700352

i dare you all to selling this coin to me. i buyed at 120, it dropped to 80 at which point i sold just to cut loss haha anyway still have bitcoin I can use to transfer to superior bitcoin private, now buyed again at 95, but dropping again. guys stopp sell to big whale inflestor, this coin is good ok??

>> No.5700461
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POO detected

>> No.5700463

I bought just like you, but I'm hodling

>> No.5700497

Ok pajeet

>> No.5700539

Better have that bot ready to sell on the snapshot.

O wait, no one will want your broken abandoned stepchild coin once that happens, even the bots.

>> No.5700566
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How much is going to reach bitcoin private?

i want to know fuck

any speculations?

>> No.5700571

>coping this hard

muh adhoms

>> No.5700614

I plan to sell before the snapshot. Too lazy to write a bot for this

>> No.5700624

Market cap means nothing in crypto

>> No.5700737

>exiting before you get the free coins

>> No.5700793

I own z classic and just in for the cash. But i gotta say every time I see Rhett i wanna beat the fuck out of him. Such a little faggot

>> No.5700888

No but it just shows what people are willing to pay right now.

>> No.5700924

whos gonna buy my bags after the coin is forked? i think im gonna exit early if i see a price too good to pass up (800+)

>> No.5700976


Ugh too many things going on - I meant it gives a rough guide as to what people think the projects worth.

>> No.5701767
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>> No.5702043


>> No.5702097

$300 minimum, depending on the FOMO leading up to the fork, $500-1k.

>> No.5702127

If it ends up being $800 at the time of the fork, BTCP will easily surge past 1k shortly after people dump their coins, could be days or weeks.

>> No.5702694

I predict that the announcement will be very soon, next towo weeks will be the fork. They have already done most of the work guaranteed. Privacy coin people stay very quiet and then release big, so that the CIA or whoever doesn't 'suicide' them before the development is done.

I expect all they are doing right now is contacting exchanges about support, they probably have a dead man's switch set to release if they are killed.

>> No.5703123


>> No.5703236

or he could just go through with the fork and make shitloads more.

what sounds more likely? hm...

>> No.5703255

When Bittrex announces support this is going to alpha centauri

>> No.5703553

Whale bot has us trapped between 75 ~ 80k HODL

>> No.5703870

When moon good sirs?

>> No.5703953

Lol he is a jew and a scammer and he will dump on everyone in this thread
>inb4 pajeet mad he miss out on gains
No, i know rhett is a jew pnd king so i always buy his stuff and dump it at that i literally made 1million of 100k from zlc, im just warning everyone here, bittrex will not accept the fork and when its all over just make sure ur not holding the bags

>> No.5704055

Why would it not?

>> No.5704257

Bitcoin Dark? BTCD

>> No.5704452

sooo is it too late to get on the zcl train?

>> No.5704524

>Why is that?
And exchange is a bank. if the bank gets robbed you lose everything. Happened to me, happened to lots of us that have been doing this a while. Your bet protection is to download and install the full version from their website and run it. leave your computer on all day and just let it run. that's how this stuff is supposed to work. If we all don't do that it becomes centralized and we're back to square 1. Crypto then becomes useless.

>> No.5704719

>How long can this crypto shit go on?
Forever. People have been trading currencies since the beginning of time. Also there will be rapid growth as more normies get in. As of right now, less than 1% of the worlds population owns any crypto. Imagine how much any of this stuff will be worth when the whole world is in on it. Will take decades for that to happen but don't worry about any slowdown anytime soon.

>> No.5704900

The wallet has to catch up to the point in time (the block number) that you obtained your coins. If your wallet hasn't caught up to said point in time, your coins will not show until that block number is downloaded into your copy of the block chain. But that doesn't mean you lost your coins or it didn't work. Your transaction(s) are recorded in the blockchain. When your wallet catches up it will show. I hope I'm not misunderstanding your question.

>> No.5705190

Dump everything for it.