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File: 99 KB, 768x517, charles-hoskinson-laughs-hard-meme-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56908932 No.56908932 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit Cardano Chads, we're taking off

>> No.56908981
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>> No.56909074
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It's happening. Too bad we're the only three anons who hold ADA.

>> No.56909080

We will reach $10 this cycle.

>> No.56909089

>I eat this ice cream sundae and take a pic of me doing so for western civilization.... I'm like a Marvel hero

>> No.56909615
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It just keeps going up

Cardano Chads stay winning

>> No.56909622

I never doubted Charles

>> No.56909631

it's time, the flippening

>> No.56909632

>still zero working dApps
>7 transfers per Sunday (peer reviewed)
but hey a new hospital in Africa uses cardano to track it's hunger index! we are so winning!

>> No.56909633

"Only a 10x to reach all-time highs baggies!" - Carlos Hochkinson

>> No.56909646

Charles has webscrappers to see this comment. And it will make him seethe. he'll even make a "surprise AMA!" about it.

>> No.56909654

ADA to the moon lads

>> No.56909663
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>"ADA to the moon sirs"

>> No.56909806

Charles is unstoppable

>> No.56909827
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Charles is literally a divine entity.

The lies of Vitalik and his clique couldn't keep him down, the SEC couldn't keep him down, the VC funded media couldn't keep him down and the shit stained hands of the fudding shills couldn't keep him down.

The flippening is happening.

>> No.56909859

Just bought 5000, where do we see this going?

>> No.56909867

How can I get Charles to marry me I'm a femanon.

>> No.56909881

We hecking did it Reddit!

>> No.56909884

It'll dump again. Cardano isn't going anywhere, and everyone knows it.

>> No.56909905

I also have 8K ADA will I make it?

>> No.56909907
File: 472 KB, 1536x2048, nryntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 end of month.

$10-$15 top of bull market.

>> No.56909919

Would literally cum in my pants

>> No.56909925

lol Crapdano. When will Carlos Hochkinson stop dumping on baggies?


>> No.56909949

Holy fuck I have 35k ADAs, my only regret not buying more down at $0.25 FUCK. Just blew off to $0.50 now... I'm gonna fomo more cash in AGGGHHHH.

What's the suicide/ make it stack for this one.

>> No.56909951

charles is a very honourable and handsome man

>> No.56909961

He cares more about africa than he does baggies who are down 10x


>> No.56910132

I reckon you are about there desu

>> No.56910302
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We just broke 50 cents

Cardano Chads are unstoppable

>> No.56910373
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Just broke 51 cents

>> No.56910396

Based. Charles created Ethereum and they stole everything from him. We are on the right side of history, and I truly bellieve Cardano will flip Ethereum soon.

>> No.56910436

$1.50 EOY

>> No.56910461
File: 669 KB, 1536x2048, 7346356537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen to the lying snake Vitalik, it becomes obvious he stole Ethereum from Charles.

Vitalik couldn't even implement a staking model anywhere close to Cardano's brilliant staking protocol. Vitalik copied Cardano's plans for a privacy chain way after the announcement by Cardano. Vitalik recently praised the EUTXO model while Cardano has been using it since 2017. Vitalik even admitted to being so blind in his hatred and being a lying snake that he doesn't even know what Cardano (Ethereum's main competitor) is building.

They stole Ethereum from him and Charles couldn't let that go unpunished.

>> No.56910467

was gonna hold off buying more... so glad I stocked up 5000 this morning

>> No.56910481

it isn't coming down, holy shit it keeps going

im shitting myself right now

>> No.56910493

fucking based.

we love you charles

>> No.56910519

One last pump and dump before the court battle with SEC

>> No.56910534
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seriously, why is it pumping so hard?

>> No.56910542
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Cardano will be the largest smart contract platform in the world. Whether you like it or not, faggot

>> No.56911004
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Tried to tell them for weeks.

>> No.56911589
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It literally just keeps going up

>> No.56911628

Pre mined scam.

>> No.56911639

Literally the fairest distribution out of all the main chains faggot

>> No.56911650

Cardano is one of the only coins not manipulated by VC investment and has no large whales in control of a significant % of supply.

Your shit covered pajeet hands can't resist typing such street shitting diarrhea.

>> No.56911689

It's ICO was marketed to Japanese salarymen as a gambling platform anon. charles took the Yen raised during ICO, paid himself and his own foundations, converted it to $USD and bought himself property, a helicopter and sports cars, and years worth of luxury vacations. He did that with a premined shitcoin that he dumped on his followers. That is why he is being probed by the SEC. He is no different than Richard heart

>> No.56911714
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Nice cope faggot. You know nothing about Charles.

>> No.56911713

Charles doesn't pass my physiognomy gut test desu he just seems untrustworthy and possibly a narcissist

>> No.56911726
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#37 trending in the US on Twitter.

Holy shit Cardano Chads


>> No.56911727
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>> No.56911803
File: 67 KB, 643x479, ZgyUP_90x_J58wUFYLdoakAEBK64K4xujq6mEd1MJSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just jealous

>> No.56911812


>> No.56911850

Where’s the hundreds of Dapps and progression? How does the network generate ££££?

>> No.56911883

Why do so many pajeets shid their pants and try to straight up lie about Charles and Cardano?

>> No.56912108

Pajeet can't into Haskell. Haskell confuses and infuriates the jeet. All he can do is seethe at the sight of such a superior White man's language. In the designated shitting street he cries out in pain

>> No.56912227

>invents Bitcoin
>invents Ethereum
>invents Cardano
>shits on WEF and globohomo
>hated by pajeet scammers
And this board of gullible mongoloids still fuds his work because muh reddit. ADA and LINK are the only technologically valuable systems in crypto and no amount of brown coping will change that.

>> No.56912551

Charles is simply an unstoppable Chad.

He makes Vitalik look like a clueless goober, which he is after stealing and conning Ethereum away from Charles. Charles mogs him in everyway and people are starting to notice.

>> No.56912913




>> No.56912944

i hope cardano can join us for the bullrun, right now they are still at -83% since ath :( poor bag holders.

even boomers holding ETH are already at -47% since ath

>> No.56913047

Cardano is going to $15 from 25 cents, that is 60x gains.

What more do you want?

>> No.56913207
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cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.56913214


>> No.56913249

nigger what you are on about? do you remember how much hype was needed to make ada go to $3? there aint no way charles can gather a cult massive enough to reach $15 you are fucking out of your mind

>> No.56913257

Gorgeous coin with best tech... moon time!!!

>> No.56913284

How does 100 US dollar per coin sound to you?

>> No.56913414

I'm not ruling that out.

Cardano is the next Microsoft. Cardano will serve as a secure decentralized smart contract platform that is light years ahead in tech to everything else.

Slowly developed and peer reviewed tech that is unrivaled among a sea of centralized shitcoins.

>> No.56914003

Wtfff everyone here told me this was a shitcoin

>> No.56914123
File: 497 KB, 1536x2048, FzQgl5XXgAMfWrS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is populated by broke peasants that invest in XRP, shiny boomer rocks and something unironically called Internet Computer (ICP aka Icey Pee) that was bought for 3 cents by VCs while also being printed into inflation hell by unlimited minting.

Cardano is one of the only non-shitcoins on this board. Fudders work in full force to lie about Cardano and the divine savior of humanity (peace be upon him) Charles Hoskinson.

>> No.56914177
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I've shilled ada at least 10 times so I don't want to hear it

>> No.56914219

Cardano is a meme coin. No reason it can't perform similarly well to other meme coins but bear in mind it only has its "community" and nothing else going for it.

>> No.56914316

You don't even know anything about Cardano

>> No.56914447


>> No.56914559

Only person here not trying to outright scam no0bs.

>> No.56914634

It literally has the best staking protocol that will be used as the foundation for unlimited scaling using their stake pools and the Hydra scaling solution.

>> No.56915426

"I built" doesn't write software

>> No.56915809

They won't shit talk cardano when it reaches 100$

>> No.56916949
