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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56908727 No.56908727 [Reply] [Original]

>Started going into pajeet forums and reddits to dissuade pajeets from moving to Canada and America.

>Citing rising rents, poverty rates, fewer opportunities, mounting anti-indian racism, and

>It is visibly working. More and more pajeets agreeing with me by the day. I begin funneling those with dreams of moving to countries like sweden or estonia instead.

What have you been doing to undermine the merchant menace?

>> No.56908735

But what you are saying are all true though

>> No.56908755



and rising crime rates. Damn brain fart.


Of course it's true. I didn't say you needed to make things up. You can exaggerate if need be, but at this point there's no real need to make anything up. Day by day clown world is unraveling, because the circus has gotten too hilarious.

>> No.56909186

india has a population of 1.5 billion, or 1500 million. for every jeet you convince, their are 10,000 more ready to come.

>> No.56909222

Is this really the best use of your time?

>> No.56909232
File: 97 KB, 445x330, 646557ee455c3e16e4a9c2a0_image1BLOCKLORDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convingin pajeets and thirdworlders that nft games are still a great alternative and a good way to earn good money show shit like this and make them believe everyone can make it

>> No.56909247

>undermine the merchant menace?
Fund Hamas with Monero.

>> No.56909251

are you his boss you fucking hierarchical elitist bitch?

>> No.56909329

You are our silent and unsung protector

>> No.56909332

Too late anon, I was already born here. I made it and thrived in one of the most expensive cities in the country.

I will be more than happy to sell my property to a 65 year old retired white boomer for a fair market price of $2,000,000 CAD just before another housing crash in the future and get myself an even nicer position for the bullrun after that thoughever.

>> No.56909349

Tell them to stay where they are you fucking retard. We don't want them either.

>> No.56909788

fuck you

>> No.56909836

Telling whites it’s over and infusing their women with my bbc sperm. I’ve given at least 57 white women mulatto babies in this year alone.

>> No.56909847
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Based redditor

>> No.56909861

i'm moving anyway. can't be worse than india can it now? economy is in shambles

>> No.56910279
File: 1.51 MB, 576x1024, 1680698681515182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job bro, we all appreciate you

>> No.56910333
File: 895 KB, 1076x1526, America Estonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or estonia
Why are (((americans))) like this?

>> No.56911141

kek you should convince them to move to israel
their women love to miscengate anyway