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File: 767 KB, 1052x738, Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 02.07.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56907297 No.56907297 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56907313


>> No.56907316

Bob Iger

>> No.56907318

Native Americans. She is their warchief

>> No.56907327

I love her but her take on crypto is fawkin terrible

>> No.56907337

I think people like Chief Liz get elected just by pandering to malicious parasitism of government employees, people whose livelihood comes from government spending, people in academia, and miserable hags whose brains were broken by "higher education" indoctrination.

>> No.56907338

It's funny that they only say this when the price sticks its head out. They pray everyday it will just bleed out and go away.

Also their record of insider trading completely discounts anything they say.

>> No.56907353

>I love her but her take on crypto is fawkin terrible
go back

>> No.56907393

this has to be a bot

>> No.56907453

I have a hard time believing that there is a sizeable voter base that gives a fuck about Bitcoin and crypto. Any anti crypto lobbyist ought to know better that crypto has no middle man to threaten and put in prison. Yes, Binance got in trouble, but they are not needed by the blockchain. What about DEX's and people holding in self custody?

>> No.56907461

Too many people who aren’t one of (them) is making money. This equates to a power shift. They’re scared.

>> No.56907515


>> No.56907530
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ha no it’s just jews making money now you aren’t fooling anyone IDF

>> No.56907640
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Take your meds

>> No.56907748

Jews who are late

>> No.56907829
File: 735 KB, 704x589, 0432_SD_BEARMON-23673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, nice bait Anon.

>> No.56908013

elizabeth warren is fake and gay massive bull signal

>> No.56908127

Would! Or in her case, Wood! since she's an Indian.

>> No.56908137

The kind of people who watch CNBC
midwit NPCs

>> No.56908156

she's trying to sell the agenda of the banks to the proles

the only reason why more people aren't wise to this is because she posed as an anti-bank populist in the occupy era

>> No.56908169


>> No.56908192
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nuke elizabeth warren

>> No.56908226

Good one Chip.

>> No.56908240

... The State? Who do you fucking think?

>> No.56908342


>> No.56909164

This whore needs to die (in Minecraft).

>> No.56909312

gross, dude, what's wrong with you?

>> No.56909323

>crypto is worthless
>crypto is a meme
>crypto is not real money
>oy vey we need to SHUT IT DOWN
>it's a real threat to out grif- I mean economy!

>> No.56909330
File: 526 KB, 752x743, treasuries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Who would buy their treasuries if tether doesn't?

>> No.56909356

>a threat to their plans to tax unrealized gains and serfdom

>> No.56909363

now that fed has crossed the rubicon, how long until they confiscate tether's reserves?

>> No.56909367

they will just say muh terrorism and and not pay the bills

>> No.56909369
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Why should they?

>> No.56909373

just like CZ right
total compliance KYC ruin everything
and still get arrested

>> No.56909379

Tether is the CBDC they always wanted.
It has replaced the eurodollar system.

>> No.56909380

no tether is cartel money

>> No.56909386

US fed cartel, alright.

>> No.56909390

no mexican cartels and bitfinex

>> No.56909401

Better look up who runs bitfinex kek.

>> No.56909404

so they can be bought out by circle for sixty cents on the dollar so the fed can write off the debt when circle rolls them over after rates are lowered?

>> No.56909416

Dont care. Global US dominance will crush (you).

>> No.56909422
File: 46 KB, 648x537, warren-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes just like us!

>> No.56909439

>it's afraid

>> No.56909451

frb does not have this power

>> No.56909461

where do you think those treasuries are held?

>> No.56909465

>loosing the ability to project monetary dominance

>> No.56909498

This!!! So much frickin' this right here!!!!

>> No.56909542

neolibs cucks and other nocoiners such as the people from /r/buttcoin.
They are satisfied with the world the world organisations such as the open society built for them, and are morally comfy, no point looking behind the veil as everything is taken care of by the democratic party and it's media branch.

You wouldn't want to fund Hamas now would you?

>> No.56909545

>You wouldn't want to fund Hamas now would you?
Bitcoin and tether fixes this.

>> No.56909546

>4channer was gifted gold for this comment.

>> No.56909761

People who still watch television regularly are effectively living in a parallel version of reality to everyone else, not too far away from the version of reality seen in The Matrix.

In their version of reality, democracy is the greatest form of governance ever created and has freed humanity from tyranny, all races and cultures are created equally and women have been historically oppressed merely because men are mean and not because women are emotionally weak and easily manipulated into voting for policies that actively harm civilisation.

>> No.56909886

You just perfectly described a super majority of the people of the commonwealth. Just add in a dash of Waltham tech middle manager new money millennials and their Instagram addicted wives.

>> No.56909974
File: 239 KB, 2048x1536, donald-trump-28-09-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You wouldn't want to fund Hamas now would you?
>Bitcoin and tether fixes this.
I'm pretty sure Israel actually fixed that first. They didnt like the palestinian liberation army and the pla were blocking funding to hamas from Iran, so the gayboyfriend of murca (bibi) sorted the funding out for them. I,RON,eeeeeeee. Nuva wikkle investment scheme gone a little wrong.

They're smart. They keep telling everyone that. And strong. That's why those aircraft carriers needed to park there immediately after recent events.

>> No.56910007

The anti-crypto lobbyists in the know are trying to shut down all the shitcoins but since they know they can't stop btc they are just trying to buy it up slowly. If major institutions just started buying up btc aggressively it could cause a market panic.

The ones ranting about bitcoin are just ignorant boomers going off script. Bitcoin is obviously a threat, to the power they enjoy.

>> No.56910021

statists, shitlibs, and commies hate crypto

>> No.56910036

Would you fuck her for 1M dollars? be honest anons

>> No.56910271

Imagine believing this.

>> No.56910303

Europoors are seething.

>> No.56910311

>aircraft carriers
USS liberty 2 electric boogaloo when?

>> No.56910312

central bank

>> No.56910337
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, fedecator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voting for a serial defecator
>expecting improvements
lmao, even

>> No.56910355
File: 4 KB, 225x225, paolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>central bank

>> No.56910357

Basically any professional class person who gets their knowledge from the experts

>> No.56910369

Just got off the boat huh?

>> No.56910375

bagholders who got caught holding the zionist's bags after they hyperinflated them to fund israel's eternal wars

>> No.56910382

sorry granny should have went to the wef great reset meetings in switzerland

>> No.56910409

So, midwits. Got it.

>> No.56910423

It's actually funny she didn't get the memo and is now left holding the USD bag when everyone and their daughters have already converted their offshore accounts to USDT.

>> No.56910456

big oof my guy

>> No.56910478


>> No.56910555

Not real communism.

>> No.56910646

>Sour grapes
Poor investor.

>> No.56910676

>I love her
What's it like to be a braindead authoritarian communist?

>> No.56910714

American politics has evolved off the idea that the right and left can effectively astroturf enough issues so that they can organize and control the 2 classes of people that require lording over. They try very hard to convince both sides that there's a close even split between them (there's not) and that the issues they have chosen are organic and important for running the country (they're not). In answer to your question, "the left" is literally a metaphor for the left hand- the weak hand. These people are retarded, weak, low IQ, and have a victim mentality for most things. These are the weak shadow qualities of the left hand path. To many of them, crypto and finances are black magic that they know they have no control over. Crypto made some people rich (not them) and so it's a welcome idea that their political leader wants to come in and take away from someone more successful. After all, if you can't pick up the weak to the level of the strong, you have to tear down the strong to the level of the weak.

>> No.56910729

>Who does this appeal to?
other malignant witches

>> No.56910913

What exactly do you love about a walking subhuman leftist rotting boomer corpse?

>> No.56910959
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Cold storage defi, gold and silver are a "threat" to psychopaths that want to see every transaction and move you make in your daily life.

>> No.56911326
File: 110 KB, 692x598, jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load the Warren FUD

>> No.56911878

>a new threat out there
kek, they are buying like crazy. you guys are retarded if you don't think central bankers money print to buy BTC

>> No.56911927
File: 50 KB, 739x522, hbag.3.17.2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appeals to me., THANK YOU, pocahontas!
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.56912014

bros im thinking politicians are evil

>> No.56912104
File: 1.26 MB, 1265x880, FlawlessVictory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be woman
>pretend to be an indian to get into harvard
>and advance her law career becoming a politican
>all by pretending to be an indian
>get BTFO by trump who makes you get a DNA test that shows you're .000001% Indian
>still have a job leeching off America because you're a woman and play for the uniparty
Warren is such a stupid cunt I hate this bitch so fucking much. She's literally the female Jeb.

>> No.56912185
File: 59 KB, 615x567, Shadowy Super Coders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who does this appeal to?

Leftist faggots and empty egg carton wine drink aunts unironically. They literally eat up every retarded word she says. Meanwhile in reality:


Canada's financial intelligence agency says it has levied a $1.3-million penalty against CIBC for non-compliance with money laundering and terrorist financing measures.

The penalty is the second the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada has announced this week after RBC's $7.4-million fine was publicized on Tuesday.

The agency, known as Fintrac, says it imposed the penalty over CIBC's failure to submit a suspicious transaction report when there were grounds to suspect it was related to money laundering or terrorist activity, and failures to report information related to large money transfers from outside Canada.

>> No.56912202

>She's literally the female Jeb.

Don't insult Jeb bro.

>> No.56912249

It's a funny meme, but he absolutely is a pathetic human

>> No.56912660


>> No.56912820
File: 226 KB, 2048x1121, signal-2023-12-06-191137_002 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
