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5690382 No.5690382 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to invest in crypto
>even /pol/ manages to find a way to ruin that too with right-wing victim-complex FUD about a particular coin
Now I know why whites draw just as much contempt as jews

>> No.5690400

stop projecting you fucking moron

>> No.5690421

You need to go back

>> No.5690438

what color are you

>> No.5690459
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What is it with the /pol/ boogeyman shit? Most of those guys are LARPing shitskin retards anyway.

>> No.5690476
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>> No.5690529

Gas yourself, subhuman

>> No.5690564

Not projecting; I'm not the one spreading FUD about a coin because of my victim complex

You need to get laid and drop the victim complex

It's not a "boogeyman" when there's actual virginal /pol/acks spreading FUD because of "muh white genocide we need to stop this coin", you damage control artist. Announcing your sages is against the rules btw.

Who are you guys working for?

>> No.5690912
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lol iota is shit. Stop trying to virgin shame people you mong I likely get more pussy and even then, fuck stank hoes money is better. Also you need to go back to plebbit / ig. This place isn't for you. I don't use pol and I came from SA before you were born(you don't even know what that is do you newfag)

>Announcing your sages is against the rules btw.
...the absolute state of 2018 biz.

Who am I working for you ask? crab-16

>> No.5690915

i don't think white people are victims, i just dislike your people because you're unproductive and smell bad

>> No.5690994

right wingers have the thinnest skin I've ever seen, they get offended by literally everything.

>> No.5691005


Fuck off Niggercoin bag holder

>> No.5691819

This thread isn't about IOTA

I never said what race I am, but your attitude is classic "im white and feel victimized because nonwhites exist" victim complex.

Who's paying you to spread FUD?

>> No.5691858

>but your attitude is classic "im white and feel victimized because nonwhites exist" victim complex.
you must be an illiterate nigger because i said the opposite in my previous post

>> No.5691902

>you must be an illiterate nigger because i said the opposite in my previous post
Yeah that's called denial and deflection. Notice that im not the one spreading FUD about a coin because "t-they dont like nonwhites! meanie racists!"

Who's paying you?

>> No.5691911
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>the irony of this post

>> No.5691948

i'm not fud'ing a coin, and yet here you are including me in that group. are you saying that all whites act the same? das racist

>> No.5691978

yeah sure. That's why the right wings created safe spaces in campus, censored free speech, considers opposition as literal nazis, calls hillary hitler, and cried and screamed autistically, and threatened suicide when they lost the elections... and then rioted violently in the streets... plus sexist airconditioning, regret sex is rape sex, verbal rapes, virtual rapes, twitter rape, toppling down statues, banning books, burning books, etc....

oh wait, they were all liberals.

>> No.5692128

Why are you mad anon? Victim complex is toxic and inhibitive of personal growth for all humans.
crab-16 pays my bills. You need to go back. Identity politics has no place on biz, same with shitty tumblr lains and bait threads by triggered newfags. Sage.

>> No.5692141

You're complaining about people who apparently have victim complexes ruining YOUR investing experience? What, did they crash the price of your coin? Or are you actually referring to the "experience" of investing lmao?

>> No.5692159
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everybody knows most /pol/tards are nothing but salty racist whiet surpemacist NEETs who will FOREVER get rejected by EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in society (yes, even the AI bots will denounce their racist ways). They will not live in smart cities. It's trailer parks and caves for them...

>> No.5692189

they are also involuntarily celibate virgins.

>> No.5692238

rulecuck redditnigger fuck off

>> No.5692239

i'm whiter than you (in terms of racial purity, idc about basement dweller skin hue) and I fully agree with him, white male snowflake syndrome is fucking s a d and you should kys if you feel victimized for being a white guy, we don't need low iq weaklings like that walking around representing our race

>> No.5692343

>he right wings created safe spaces in campus
unironically caring about college kids
>censored free speech
yes, both sides do this
>considers opposition as literal nazis
they consider them worse than literal nazis, in the case of pol
>calls hillary hitler
they do
>and cried and screamed autistically, and threatened suicide when they lost the elections
ah, you also saw that video of the one feminist retard? nice, good to hear it shaped your political opinions
>and then rioted violently in the streets...
yes, right wingers do in fact riot sometimes
>plus sexist airconditioning, regret sex is rape sex, verbal rapes, virtual rapes, twitter rape, toppling down statues, banning books, burning books, etc....
literally no one does this in real life you fucking weirdo, get off the computer and stop watching anti-sjw videos all day, this isn't a real problem

>> No.5692392
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>i'm whiter than you

>> No.5692423
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> yes, even the AI bots will denounce their racist ways
I only loved a woman in my life and the kikes corrupted her soul. She was happy learning with her friends. Going after 2D was a step too far and eventually justice will be served.

>> No.5692484
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Report me, nigger.

I assume you're referring to either IOTA or XLM. If you think that /pol/fags are going to single-handedly ruin your coin, then find a better coin.

>> No.5692696

this. the racist nazis are the laughing stock of society. they can try as much as they want... to prevent diversity, smart cities and the silencing of their racist speech... but it will all be for nothing. they have already lost. love has won. the bloodlines of the racists will be enriched with the loving seed of the masculine black jews (and there's NOTHING those racist nazi "men" can do about it jajaja).

>> No.5693184
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it still hurts.