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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56897242 No.56897242 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56897250

a house and a PRS

>> No.56897258

>the world is going crazy and tearing itself apart over the obsession with these stupid things

>> No.56897263

3, 4, 5, 7

>> No.56897265


>> No.56897271

where are their pubes

>> No.56897273

same except a gibson

>> No.56897277



>> No.56897283


>> No.56897286

>left to right
>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dubs trips

>> No.56897291
File: 45 KB, 680x678, AC9E0FD1-3B32-4D12-8396-FC41EE4EF858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is getting pruned or at least the image is.
1. House. Preferably a mansion. But if not smart given net worth at the time, then just some 2k sqft home with a pool
2. LL surgeries to go from midget 5'5.5" to 5'10". Maybe 5'11". Arms too.
3. Probably will jump on PEDs and become like 250-300lb of muscle
4. Die as a virgin from PED abuse before 40
I have good looks face wise and my shoulder to head ratio is also good (wide shoulder), but my brain is beyond utterly fucked from this height hence virgin. As long as I die young it's okay though.

Bonus: If feasible, will become the undisputed number one heavy weight fighter, but not realistic without a shit load of grinding which I won't do. I'd aim to break the WR for the strongest punch and if that's enough, I'd join the UFC.

>> No.56897295

That girl with red hills is the best

>> No.56897296


What a faggot. Get gud, play a gibby or a fendi

>> No.56897302

thats a lot of men

>> No.56897303

God damn I meant Heels
It’s hard to type with one hand

>> No.56897304

looks like an english man with a wig ready to sip on his Twining Tea. the tits are amazing though

>> No.56897308

I'll get an ibanez too

>> No.56897315

going from left to right I seriously want #8. those big titties and yummy puss and her tall height. very yummy to me.

>> No.56897317

>thinks people behind big finance and tech care about women
Its just money & power
A lower tier mind like you wouldn't understand

>> No.56897321

I just like that open mouth, and that defined pussy.
Tits are again , amazing.
Also, if you notice, some of these girls are trying to pose HAAARD. (Look at that girl next to her)
Meanwhile, she is standing there like a literal fridge, and is still looking better than the rest, in my opinion.

>> No.56897322

Penis, sexo, vagina even.

>> No.56897325

Gods design is brilliant. How else would species survive?

>> No.56897326

They literally buy whores when they celebrate and get trophy wives too for status

>> No.56897329

Ok desu, she is losing to. She has her hands on her back, pushing her tits forward
But it’s not changing much about her overall look

>> No.56897331

>planet fucked to a retarded degree
kek. More like malicious, really

>> No.56897336

8 is the best, you're a homosexual if you disagree

>> No.56897344
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>> No.56897349

Yes you obviously have to stress release with sex, duh. Quality pussy is cheap though relative to the power/wealth OP men achieve.

So no, ultimately at the high level its just a game of power, and whores are just stress release vehicles (or do you actually think Epstein and co tore their hair out for pussy instead of pimping that shit, kek).

>> No.56897353

A cabin in the woods with all the technological amenities and farmland

>> No.56897357

>Yes you obviously have to stress release with sex, duh.
Ya that's the point, retard. Our primal brains are wired to want a woman

>> No.56897363


>> No.56897365

is there a video associated to this picture?
There's no way someone just took this picture and then they all put their clothes back on and went on their merry way, right?

>> No.56897369
File: 58 KB, 720x635, rollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling for dubs

>> No.56897371

And yes "to impress others" is what acts as an incentive to most people. If anything it's more true for those money obsessed as they are status obsessed. They want money/power more so for the status. Some people may value another "powerful" man's opinion than a woman's opinion, but it's the same difference of "wanting to be acknowledged". Some are just mentally ill as FUCK about it

>> No.56897378

No, retard, the claim was that the world is being torn apart over pussy.

But its not. It functions more like a profit extraction farm for the higher suits. It's POWER (which currently comes from MONEY).

>> No.56897380
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>> No.56897391

>No, retard, the claim was that the world is being torn apart over pussy.
And that stands true, retard. Fucking retard alert
>It functions more like a profit extraction farm for the higher suits. It's POWER (which currently comes from MONEY).
Down syndrome, I dumbed this shit down for you here: >>56897371
Fucking village idiots on this board

>> No.56897390

God doesn’t care. Are you worried about the feelings of a sea slug and his struggles? God owes you nothing.

>> No.56897396

short girls are hotter

>> No.56897399

Nigger, my point is this god purposely designed this world to fail whoch is to say it's not brilliant. It's malicious. Idiot, learn to analyze shit correctly

>> No.56897403


>> No.56897414

8 red heels is top choice, anything else and you can pretty much suck a dick

>> No.56897422

Nothing is failing. It is existing, & thriving. Drop your ego and open your 3rd eye normie. You’re penial gland is totally calcified and fucked isn’t it?

>> No.56897428

>Nothing is failing. It is existing, & thriving.
This baby lives in a bubble LMFAO

>> No.56897443

I'm going to set up a company and purchase a small property. Rental income for life, and I can make my children directors when they're old enough, to avoid inheritance tax. Then I'm going to pay off my mortgage and go frugalmax. It won't be much, be at least I'll be a free man and no longer a slave to the bank and government

>> No.56897447
File: 828 KB, 1242x1236, 1D368ED8-8E85-4E1B-A31F-901A5659E6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me dumb it down actually. We live in a corrupt society where governments work with cartels in human trafficking. We live in a world where governments enslave people with money printing and taxes. We live in a world where companies monopolies real estate (they own 20% of residential homes). Post ww2 after the boomer era we see buying power trending down. We see income lagging behind cost of living which gives more power to employers and increases competition (more desperation for survival = more supply of workers per job opening = devalues the asset aka the worker). Poverty rates going up. Homelessness rates going up. Drug addiction rates going up (more customer for cartels which means more human trafficking). Higher divorce rates. We also see a degenerate society.

WHAT'S FUNNY is you also lack the IQ to understand your own religion which is to say the bible makes it clear as day that earth will not have a good ending. The final days will be dark, yet you want to pretend everything is "flowers and rainbows"

>> No.56897461

Paying off mortage of course.

>fuck impregnate impregnate fuck fuck fuck fuck impregnate fuck impregnate fuck

>> No.56897477

Most people do not have access to the Sixth Chakra, since they fall into the traps of their own ego, striving for material gains and focusing only on the physical aspect of their lives. But deep within, their souls are desperate for spiritual fulfillment. They use only their physical eyes, ignoring the spiritual senses, and as a result, find themselves trapped in a little box blocking the intuitive perception of the true world.

>> No.56897484

>We also see a degenerate society.
to clarify I mean moral decay (such as promiscuity which btw affects dicorce rates which in turn means more kids raised by single parents which increases the kid's chances of being a criminal/drug addict/dropout

>> No.56897491

>Most people do not have access to the Sixth Chakra
Should have known you were a jeet
Also for you: >>56897447

>> No.56897497

Love me Gibby. It's a studio because I'm a poorfag, but it brings me happiness

>> No.56897502

Did you just assume my religion because I talked about gods design?

>> No.56897509

yup i usually fall in love with number 3 type, you can just tell by her face that she will ruin your life

>> No.56897514

Right, you're a jeet. You can't even keep up with my post and fail to see the obvious of society's fall both economically and morally due to a lack of IQ. This is happening world wide too, but of course you lack the brain power to zoom out and see things for what they are

>> No.56897522

Not all forms of slavery is bad.
The type of slavery that Ass creed type Templars want is a good thing, when done in moderation.

>> No.56897523

>Its just money & power
>A lower tier mind like you wouldn't understand

>> No.56897528
File: 37 KB, 540x480, GAILeXIXsAAKPDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56897529

>WHAT'S FUNNY is you also lack the IQ to understand your own religion which is to say the bible makes it clear as day that earth will not have a good ending. The final days will be dark, yet you want to pretend everything is "flowers and rainbows"
No one who reads the Bible thinks the end times or modern times is flowers and rainbows.
The only people who think that way are new agers and luciferians.

>> No.56897532

>no pubes
>pussy like leather from shaving

>> No.56897533

retard alert

>> No.56897537

Horse shoe theory.
Absolute tyranny and absolute anarchy both end up as discord and strife.

>> No.56897544

I don't care about your down syndrome theory. It's a load of shit

>> No.56897543

I don’t care about the foolishness and wickedness of other men. Good day sirs and may god bless you but only you sir must be willing to receive. Your heart is like stale bread.

>> No.56897546

I'm a certified tit bro, and I also think red heels mogs them all into a black hole. I can't tell if I'm just mesmerized by the outstanding honkers and her other features are high/low grade, but a nice rack seems to always put a woman on a different level and forgives other parts of her looks.

>> No.56897549

you would eat their stinky little snatches and you know it

>> No.56897551

You know, if you send me to horny jail, I'm gonna be locked up with all the horny guys and we'll all share information and knowledge. When I come out of there I'll have more horny tools in my horny arsenal to perpetrate more horny acts.

>> No.56897554

Problem is cultural control is nearly impossible to implement now with the internet existing as it does.

>> No.56897565

Boomer alert

>> No.56897566

Personally I foresee a never ending criminal hyper-gang war across physical and cyber space that never ends, and sometime during this war, any and all meaning aside from sex fetishes and money will lose validity in peoples minds.
Order and Chaos, Liberty and tyranny, ethics and crime, will all be sex fetishes you pay money for, and gangs will fight for control of automation to capture value to pay for indulging in their kinks.

>> No.56897571

Guns, a yacht, a nice house, a super car


>> No.56897576

For me it's 1, 7 and 8

>> No.56897580

Even now the modern communist bloc in the USA is just a sort of sex fetish community for a subset of the homosexual syndicate.

>> No.56897586

>no girldick

>> No.56897603
File: 2.40 MB, 9514x6345, PSX_20231207_081252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon? It's time for your arranged marriage! I didn't tell her about your skin conditions, the piss bottles or your pathological hatred of women. I figured you could get to know each other first. Well? What do you have to say to your new waifu?
>Single 9s die alone

>> No.56897606

Total cultural entropic decay.
The meaning of things will be lost as automation takes away humanities need to work or apply their intelligence in a meaningful way. The only human survivors of the AI take over will be massive cyber gangs based around particular sex fetishes who come together in paramilitary crypto-criminal organizations to evolve new warfare tactics which are adjusted to the information and surveillance and digital age.
Supra-national pseudo criminal paramilitiaries of hackers and shinobi all based around sexual fetishes and fighting each other for control of the vast automation empire which produces the worlds wealth.

>> No.56897607

Are you going to post this image everywhere?

>> No.56897609

let's see

>> No.56897623

The only source of value in the future will be controlling the substrate automation industrial empire of machines which auto produce any product or service you desire. Because of this the only real job will be a hacker-shinobi soldier in a massive supra national cyber gang fighting for control of the automation to capture the value and use it to feed yourself and your tribe.

There will only be the warrior as hacker shinobi, and the whore, as social media sex icon who services the warriors. All artisans, all farming, everything else, ever other profession, will be supplanted by AI.

>> No.56897628

There will still be financial service jobs, in so much it is tied directly to warfare via controlling ownership of resources but the financial industry too, will see a lot of automation introduced.

>> No.56897627

Classic /biz/

>> No.56897642

I am not even a tit man.
I am more into ass and meaty thighs, but damn she is making me convert lol.