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File: 541 KB, 867x707, repub-debate1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56896500 No.56896500 [Reply] [Original]

[Article will be posted separately below]

At the irrelevant Republican debate, the shit-lib moderator brought up a question about crypto using the Jamie Dimon frame of reference that it was all for criminals and so asked how much more should it be regulated.

Maintaining the theme of his platform of dismantling the administrative state, candidate Vivek Ramaswamy basically said the SEC should figure things out quickly or else fuck off entirely. I think he might have also told Nikki Haley to shut up and go make him a sandwich, but I haven't watched it myself so can't confirm.

What does biz think of crypto's relevance to national politics continuing to increase? In the next Presidential cycle after this one, how much will Prez candidates have to pander to crypto bros? Will you do the needful and vote Vivek, or will you support Kennedy even though he would just be grassy knolled if he won? Don't actually discuss the candidates that much though as it would make the thread boring. Will we have to wait for boomers to die off completely before laws become more chill and favorable for crypto? Kennedy and Vivek both clearly care more about courting younger voters in comparison to other candidates, so I think that was part of their calculation. Or is institution-capture closer at hand than that, with countries like El Salvador and Argentina being only a precursor?

>> No.56896505
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[ Article ]

>> No.56896519

>At the irrelevant Republican debate,

I appreciate the preface, but I still don't give a shit.

>> No.56896553

Really summarized it himself right at the start. Good job OP.

>> No.56896644
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, robert kennedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one willing to stick up for ethies is a pajeet... While the bitcoin maxi candidate is the nephew of a CIA assassinated President and looks like this. Thoughts?

>> No.56896662

We’ll just vote for the Trump the NFT Chad thanks

>> No.56896708

based Vivec

>> No.56896731

Doesn't matter Biden will be reelected then croak and that chick who needs a Kleenex will be running shit

>> No.56896737
File: 804 KB, 2048x2048, 1698663680698869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State is a memetic parasite, Economy is a superorganism, BTC is of Economy. As a memetic entity State is subject to evolutionary forces and it's long ago evolved to swerve in the presence of Economy. In other words: no brakes on this train.

>> No.56896743

RFK Jr. and Trump both flew on Epstein's plane... the system is rigged.

>> No.56896787

Who did Epstein piss off

>> No.56896789
File: 112 KB, 720x708, bitcoin emperor milei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if all of that is true but it sure sounds based. The way I'd put it: all the people who comprise the state are bitch-made by incentives... Most people are just creatures of the incentives acting upon them. Bitcoin has a good chance of molding the incentives, since it cannot be changed or stopped itself by those who presently have power. It will act upon more and more people over time, molding them so to speak by its own incentives. This will trickle up into governments over time who don't have the intelligence or the long-term concern to bother thinking about it anyways.

>> No.56896828

If we get another non-White president I'm not paying taxes.

>> No.56896843

Not my problem. Age of consent is fake and gay

>> No.56897109

Essentially my thesis is that state/politics are memetic entities/meme complexes (Dawkins) running on our wetware, the actual people holding high office amount to little more than figureheads. True (description) law runs memeticly on itself, false (proscriptive) "law" must either run on weak memes like "reverence for law" (weak because it's SHIT. True Law doesn't need a crutch) or actively enforced (resource intensive). Natural selection has weeded out the more harmful memetic parasites (Soviets, China bending the knee to Economy by going state capitalist etc) as they can't compete against leaner ones, and that this process will continue, with BTC accelerating this weeding as trustless money greatly improves economic calculation.

>> No.56897962

Actually neither one of them did you lying pleb.
Trump brought Epstein down you dumb fucking monkey. He is the only one who didn’t take the pedo island trip.
Kys liberal nigger

>> No.56897969

You are in for a big surprise retard, dems could only steal on election using Covid.