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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 486x461, 1700015136413476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56892754 No.56892754 [Reply] [Original]

>beoble released a statement regarding banning wallets from faggots who keep shitting up their platform via spamming and the like
>telegram cracking down on bots massively
>discord now reads your messages and bans you for being a racist/pajeet/etc
You guys DO realize /biz/ would be a better place if all of these were also gone, right? Racists specially. Antisemites. Etc.

>> No.56892779

Based. Hang all the scum of this board from planes and trees. Too many /pol/ NEETs looking to make money in their mom's basements while dropping their blackpill trash on our good faith board.

>> No.56892781

Jews are the reason I am not rich yet.

>> No.56892787
File: 26 KB, 552x555, 1700014650886222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan(nel) should spy what you type in the post box and detect if you are about to post a slur. If you are going to do that, it preemptively bans you for three months for being mean. That simple.

>> No.56892792

Second post best post and /thread.

>> No.56892795

Fuckin jews with their wallet grab scam

>> No.56892796


>> No.56892804

i think all frogposters should get rounded up against a wall and shot in the back of the head WW2 execution style but that's just me. everyone is allowed to have opinions and fantasies.

>> No.56892825
File: 507 KB, 2048x1145, 1693612482568106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremism ain't good for freedom of speech. HOWEVER this board should require you to input your wallet. If you have any LINK/AVAX/ICP/HBAR/KDA, you can't post. Period. If you have less than 1 bitcoin, you can't post, period.
This is a crypto board now bozos, deal with it.

>> No.56892830
File: 7 KB, 250x194, 1700595769666086s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you but

>> No.56892831

i agree with these to the fullest extent.

>> No.56892850

discord doesn't really care about text messages much. that tech you are talking about is actually used for image id, to detect cp and whatever. nobody is going to ban you for saying nigger in your gay little server with your autistic obese white boy friends.

>> No.56892853

That's oddly specific anon, are you ok?

>> No.56892867

discord got me banned last time cause i showed my wiener to other user

>> No.56892871

how can you tell if a wallet is from a spammer lmao you monitor the shitcoin traffic? no sense

>> No.56892891

youre right, anon do you want to post the tbqh without hte q in between, i cant it changes it to the word "faggot" :(

>> No.56892907

no one asked about your opinion

>> No.56892912

then you shouldnt do it

>> No.56892919
File: 1.08 MB, 960x802, 1696291220652842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based, we deserve an era of based people and no rajeesh bots, wgmi

>> No.56892971

cope, that cuck mentality will take you nowhere but inceldom, have fun with that, kid

>> No.56892981

No, I like being antisemitic and you will not take that from me

>> No.56892994


>> No.56893002

I truly hope you get raped by niggers so you understand why we act as we do

>> No.56893006

No, not beer, you like Budlight

>> No.56893007

thats just hacks waiting to happen you retard

>> No.56893019

no racism and anticemitism??? where's the fucking fun in that

>> No.56893041
File: 214 KB, 800x800, Women-New-2018-Summer-Fashion-Dress-O-neck-Red-Polka-dot-Dress-Short-Sleeve-Knee-Length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fags want to take the little last piece of based behavior in this shitty board, if they do its over

>> No.56893051

this, fucking retarded, the brainwash knows no limts

>> No.56893057

the only based comment on this whole thread not gonna lie

>> No.56893065

do you think you're funny, punk?

>> No.56893071

Smash, idgaf if you then say it's a man, smash

>> No.56893105
File: 255 KB, 912x720, 1696757158781173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56893146

so whats required for the 'beoble' air drop

>> No.56893220

this is a free speech board

>> No.56894513
