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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56892498 No.56892498 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that most normies are slaves to debt? If you were in their shoes and starting from almost zero, with a minimum wage retail job, how would you go about achieving financial independence?

>> No.56892552

>when you realize that keeping money in a checking account is quite literally retarded in 2023

>> No.56892593

Their only hope is YOLOing everything on shitcoins until they get like 100k or something. Then ride a bullrun or two with safer plays to make it.

>> No.56892659
File: 13 KB, 112x112, pepecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what shitcoins would you suggest gambling on, if I may ask?

>> No.56892717

Not a clue. I don't trade shitcoins because I'm not poor

>> No.56892730

This. My checking account balance says very little about how much money I have, let alone my total net worth.

>> No.56892759


>> No.56892778

When you realize that these are not “saving” on other places, but rather spending everything (pay attention to the negative value)
>when you notice that USA actively promote this type of behavior and view these as perfect model citizens

>> No.56892818

>financial independence
Normoids don't want this. They want to consoom every pay check to zero by the next pay day. Having extra money you didn't spend means you didn't manage your money well and some of it was wasted. They are that illiterate. Look at the webm. They are smiling. They are proud that they managed their money so well that it is nearly zero before the next pay check.

>> No.56892884
File: 434 KB, 1520x1968, DompEet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you also get punished for paying off your debts early, or not taking them at all? You need a good credit score to buy a house, but in order to get a good credit score you have to constantly be in debt, and lose out on interest. Might be wrong THOUGH since I'm not from the US.

I can see this being true. Often times I hear platitudes from people such as "What's the point of having money if you aren't spending it?". But that was during my first year at university. I would've hoped people matured by then.

>> No.56893196

If you don’t have money to pay off a house , you will end up paying mortgage for around 30 years, with interest rate that 4x all you owned. So if you have to buy a $750k house and you pay off $500, that $250k left over that you are going to payoff in the next 30 year. By the end of 30 years you paid almost 1 million instead of that $250k

>> No.56893212

this webm for me represents the average american woman perfectly

>> No.56893223

You're 100% wrong credit cards don't accrue interest if you pay off the statement balance every month and are the primary way to build credit score.

>> No.56893306

I showed this meme to my wife. She got mad and very depressed. She told me not all women/nurses are like this.
I guess the meme kinda struck a chord. I am too jaded to even get mad at some of the worst shit that gets posted on the chans, but I forgot that normies get butthurt over the simplest of banters.
To them confronting reality is the last thing they want to do . It is too painful for them. The uglyness is too much to bear.

>> No.56893615

>The uglyness is too much to bear.
Exactly what I thought when I watched it too

>> No.56893696

Financial independence is scary, even terrifying to the normogroid.

>> No.56893842

>you were in their shoes and starting from almost zero, with a minimum wage retail job, how would you go about achieving financial independence?

I'd get a better job first. I have worked jobs that paid better than $15/hr

>> No.56893907

>Don't you also get punished for paying off your debts early, or not taking them at all?
Depends on the loan terms. If you have a low interest rate locked in some lenders will probably cut you a deal to pay it down early with how high they are now.

>> No.56894074
File: 46 KB, 657x527, 1619033479853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It surprises me how fucking ugly they are lmao, also, yeah, debt slavery is literally the cornerstone of US economy, I wish Beoble was out already so I could use it to spread misinformation around this topic kek

>> No.56894081

This literally makes me sad as fuck

>> No.56894084

If my wife looked like this I would unironically kill myself in front of her

>> No.56894086

That'd change nothing, people won't stop debtmaxxing kek

>> No.56894105

Nah, US economy's cornerstone is Jews, and it's always been

>> No.56894177

people do it to themselves then blame the banks/politicians when the lender comes to collect


>> No.56894415

At least they can work in peace as nurses. I work with the general public

>> No.56894491 [DELETED] 

why are most women overweight nowadays? Hope on the treadmill and get birth control. You're not even getting laid!!!

>> No.56894625

what's really sad is all those women are too fat and ugly to get a man to bail them out. All they had to do was put down the KFC and they could have got some dude to pay all their bills

>> No.56896122

I too live paycheck to paycheck to DCA into alts

>> No.56896503

>what's really sad is all those women are too fat and ugly to get a man to bail them out.
send them to reddit and watch what happens.