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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56887493 No.56887493 [Reply] [Original]

Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity? AFUERA
Department of (globohomo) Culture? AFUERA
Department of Climate Change? AFUERA

What's Argentina going to do with all this spare cash?

>> No.56887498
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>> No.56887513

They’re going to buy ticker MILEI on ETH

>> No.56887609

>You do support Milei right?
Only when he stops supporting jews.

>> No.56887651

>What's Argentina going to do with all this spare cash?
Literally give it to upscale white yids like the guy to develop megamcmansion suburbs with third world infrastructure while labor is imported from 60 minutes away to maintain them then the schools collapse from degeneracy of children who aren't allowed to go outside then the ever growing mcmansion suburb just inhales money of stupid rich people all ages buying into a mcmansion and thinking hmm yes this is an acceptable home 10 bedrooms 6 bathrooms etc etc and it's not a chateau it's some fucking plasterboard house of cards designed piece of shit and the entire state revolves around not letting that market fail so everything else must be inflated so damn high until people wake up one day and think about what caused this and go start making guillotines instead

>> No.56887673

Jesus you people love to make up outlandish stories just like the jews did with the human fat handsoap and electrified floors

>> No.56887704

One of the greatest tricks the statekike pulls on us is pysopping us into thinking the business sector is "the other" and the public sector is "us." 95% of us are employed in the business sector. We are the business sector. It is our livelihoods, the products we use, everything. And the public sector only takes from us and returns little.

By doing this they can do shit like tax businesses 30% and pretend like that doesn't get passed down into our paychecks and product costs. As well as taxing our own income 20-50% by painting it as a "tax on rich people." The truth is that statist bloat is, and has always been, the eternal enemy because the state has no oversight or accountability.

>> No.56887782

Better than hyperinflation, you don't have to be white to know that

>> No.56887809

That's why we say AFUERA with state bloat

>> No.56887957

>spare cash


>> No.56887967

kike golem

>> No.56887997

He's going to ape into bitcoin, ride the next bull and time the top perfectly

>> No.56888380

Getting rid of the central bank, ministries of women, climate change and globohomo media?
How jewish of him

>> No.56888399

Right on

>> No.56888751

Literally a convert KEK, his first act in office was declaring himself a jew by choice

>> No.56888893

>get rid of central bank
>to use dollars, issued by a central bank
>WEF leader, globohomo but rightoid flavored

Brainlet or ironic thread?

>> No.56888915

this, but unironically

>> No.56888927

How is it possible for one man to be this based

>> No.56888937

I bought this at $2k MC topkek

>> No.56888958
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He is clearly a CIA plant. No I don't support neo-liberalism.

I don't support people just doing what they want thats how he get woke capitalism and trannies.

I support symbiotic relationship with capital not faceless mega corps answerable to nobody suppressing any new innovations or grass roots enterprise.

>> No.56888973

You understand this play was to remove the ability for corrupt Aregntine politicians to print themselves a new mansion from public money, right anon? You aren't stupid enough to think removing the money printer controls from the low IQ locals (who repeatedly create hyperinflation with them in south america, over and over) is a bad thing, are you?

>> No.56888975

I guess you'd rather have hyperinflation then

Argentina was about to join BRICS before this guy showed up, would you rather that happened?

>> No.56889081

They only suppress innovation in cooperation with the government, who can regulate their competition into bankruptcy. They only promote ESG because blackrock is such a huge fund and people are trying to escape (government created) inflation. It's always government.

>> No.56889113
File: 3.79 MB, 320x568, milei the bitcoin emperor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad he took the position he did to filter brainlets like you. Libertarians don't need poltards attaching to them like the low-optics parasites they are.

Argentina's foreign policy does not matter in the slightest (which Milei knows), other than to chose which nations he would rather be more friendly with. He simply decided it would be better for Argentina to be closer to western countries like the US, than it would be to join BRICS and be at the bottom of that pecking order. But you're a one-issue brainlet who erroneously believes that jews are at the center of every political/social/economic issue under the sun somehow, and so you just act like a triggered "rightwing" SJW about it even though his views on Israel/Palestine are functionally irrelevant. Can't talk about any issue ever without the jewish derangement syndrome seeping into it.

>> No.56889150
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Oh shut up how many shekels are you paid for this shilling of an obvious actor/persona puppeted by the CIA.

Let me guess NATO also good, WEF good. You think society can function with everyone atomized and self centered, answerable to nobody? You are clearly a < 25 year old zoomer urbanite who never touched grass in his life.

In a property capitalist system a company is answerable to its community there needs to be some controls to oversee this scaling to a national level properly.

In a town Harrys Dildo shop can't sell lead laced dildos because the locals will burn his shop down when their wives all end up retarded however if Harry invests his dildo profits back into his community he will be regarded as a upstanding hero of the town.

We live in a society you lizard brained kike.

>> No.56889317
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I get it, you're too dumb to understand personal responsibility. For you, government is the only way to survive, who else will stop you from being randomly murdered on the street? Oh wait..

Harry's dildos can be certified safe and lead-free by a trusted third party whose loss of trust would mean their bankruptcy. A government cannot go out of business (without a violent revolution) so brainlets thinking they are well-suited to this role as trusted third party are clearly fresh out of public school and heavily fluoridated. There is not a single role government is better suited for than private industry.

>> No.56889530

No you dumb fuck since dawn of history humans have lived in tribes, communities and social bonds and commitments have underpinned all economic activities.

You daft fuck all your telling me with this is your completely self absurd kike who doesn't realize everything productivity is build on such as roads and whatever tech a product uses has been paid for by some sort of tax or national resource extraction.

Internet was made via research govy money.

Roads same fucking deal. Name one country you neoliberal kike that having completely private roads has worked?

>> No.56889572


>> No.56889598

Accurate. Except as a European I pay 50% tax. Fuck the welfare state.

>> No.56889621

>answerable to nobody
They answer to shareholders. Go buy shares and attend the general meeting. I own Shell and Unilever and attend their meetings occasionally to loudly shout demands.

>> No.56889731
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10/10, complete and total polnigger evisceration

>> No.56889737
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>> No.56889868
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>> No.56889895

RETARD LEVEL off the charts here.

>> No.56890123

in the UK they call the leeches the "public sector" just to make people think that means them.

>> No.56890139
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kek this faggot is a literal kike boot licker

>> No.56890149

god it is so embarrassing to see people unironically hyped up by this dork just because he thinks everything you don't like is communism lmao. would have thought he was really cool and based when i was 15 too i guess

>> No.56890285

Did you know that Argentina has huge reserves of copper and lithium, and they are basically untouched thanks to a bloated and inefficient state

I'm not saying this guy's policies are needed worldwide, I just think they're what Argentina needs to get itself out of the mess it's in

It's not just communism vs capitalism here buddy

>> No.56890328
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I think it's important to start allowing the use of other money as opposed to fiat to disempower global finance. What he is doing by showing it's possible to just close down a central bank is an extremely big deal. Look at Jaime Demon this morning seething about Bitcoin while licking Liz Warrens pussy. I don't really care if he sucks jew cock to avoid getting assassinated. He's going to need all the backup he can get.

>> No.56890356
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Get in while you still can.



Inauguration Day will be glorious.

>> No.56890393

As much as I disagree with neo liberal fan boi kike swine as by my other posts there is truth here.

What he is doing short term is going to help undo some of the damage done by the communist governments.

long term its poison that will see the nation out to lizard people who will exploit the people on the same level as the commies did maybe even worse so.

>> No.56890424
File: 114 KB, 212x90, pepe-apu-frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand that he is a CIA plant and the only reason he is "allowed" to shut down the central bank is because world wide they switching to CBDC right?


>> No.56890484

wow what a retarded post, nice job anon

>> No.56890534

>>56888893 >>56888973 >>56888975
He supports a free market in currencies.
He isn't going to force people to use USD.

He supports crypto.

>> No.56890553

cry about it commie
I can't wait until he forces free markets on argentina lol

>> No.56890573

>he is a CIA plant
What are you a cold war leftist? Read some Hoppe, idiot.

>> No.56890621
File: 58 KB, 656x660, photo_2023-02-25_02-54-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: He is the andrew tate of /biz/ only 12 year old boys think hes unironically based.