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File: 589 KB, 624x831, tyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56888615 No.56888615 [Reply] [Original]

did she earn it?

>> No.56888646

Could they have a picked a nastier, poorly lit photo of her

>> No.56888652


>> No.56888664

The most inorganically shilled "celebrity" ever.
What's the end game?

>> No.56888667

what a bizarre choice and terrible photo

>> No.56888672

should've been the guy who started blacked raw

>> No.56888684

>time cultural person of the year
>taylor swift
ummmm USA bros
it's like that miss universe contest where the USA one wins when it's some botox bitch in a transformer costume with her ass out and she can't even walk next to poor miss iceland in a sad photo dress who was actually fuckable

>> No.56888702

no chang it shouldnt have and I cant wait for the day people like you get forced labotomy for your mental illness and black dick obsession

>> No.56888709


>> No.56888728

Arguably the most talked about celebrity this year, so yeah, not suprising

>> No.56888739

looks like a dude

>> No.56888746

She hit the wall. Actual lavigne aged better. Typical Anglo. She used to be cute though. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.56888759

Why all the recent shilling of her? She's been around for at least a decade so why now? I could at least understand shilling someone when they're new.

>> No.56888793

People like her music simple as

>> No.56888807


Watch the above and thread theme.

Have fun schizos!

>> No.56888833

by rereleasing her old shit? The rerun roastie of the year?

>> No.56888849

Holy fucking kek, nice

>> No.56888985


>> No.56889000

it's called BBC and don't be jealous, it doesn't suit you

>> No.56889042

he's a nice gentleman

>> No.56889056

Women do this to other women all the time.

>> No.56889068

she is a billionaire now and controls it herself with help on how to from her ex banker dad so yeah unlike all the other flash in the pan people she will be important for the rest of her life
just remember her important lesson of always strive for personal control of your situation because you will be fucked and stabbed in the back

>> No.56889203

>did she earn it?
did he earn it? fify

>> No.56889218

That's a man

>> No.56889251

A massive leftist rock the vote shilling campaign. Her fan base would heavens gate if she told them to. She’s going to tell them to vote for whoever they replace Biden with.

>> No.56889273

I think the “in control of herself” thing is a massive psyop desu. I think that’s the girlboss image they’ve crafted for her, but if she was really in danger of being in control of influencing industry in any meaningful way by without tethers and strict direction , they’d just Michael Jackson her like when he was about to get 50% of Sony

>> No.56889310

>I think the “in control of herself” thing is a massive psyop desu
Now you are just coping dude

>> No.56889364


>> No.56889402

i thought it was katie homes from an old issue jesus christ they did her dirty

>> No.56889465

I would still put my dick right between those ruby red lips

>> No.56889584
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, 1700070509195064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built for big muppet cock

>> No.56889638

The person of the year should have been “Artificial Intelligence,” I know it’s not a person but they have done that before and it did a fuck of a lot more than Taylor Swift.

t. Time magazine’s 2006 person of the year.

>> No.56889663
File: 461 KB, 512x512, taylor_swift_is_laying_in_a_pile_of_trash_bags_full_of_garbage_in_her_underwear_she_is_topless_she_i_779515928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a whole series of pics with taylor swift in trash because of this naked muppet trash fuck pic. naked taylor is hot

>> No.56889693
File: 151 KB, 1730x2048, 204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anonymous (ID: 9kFDIaYN) 12/06/23(Wed)11:46:18 No.56888746▶
>She hit the wall. Actual lavigne aged better. Typical Anglo. She used to be cute though. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.56889705

That's because he is one

>> No.56889804

her dad mentoring her about how money really works is well known by now see the ftx thing
and i didnt mean it as in she controls the entertainment industry, she was jewed out of her own work there, more in the sense that she owns that billion dollars directly and that pile of money will long outlast her popculture relevance precisely because she isnt doing retard star bullshit with it like michael jackson

>> No.56890786
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, _4e63251e-56ec-410b-b006-bbd70e4b61aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing God's work anon

>> No.56890868

>Actual lavigne

>> No.56890893

what a shit song

>> No.56890906

That's a man baby

>> No.56890948

It’s the coin flip of the century.
Heads, she doesn’t have kids with Kielce, White population is finished.
Tails, she has a child and 10miion single roastie white women reproduce, the west is saved.

>> No.56891016


>> No.56891233

I liked when they pretended that Taylor Swift asked whether she was aiding in the selling of unregistered securities if she had promoted FTX.

Lol. Lmao. (((They))) have no respect for the goyim.

>> No.56891641

You don't fuck with Sony bro

>> No.56891681

Just be glad you actually got a white person this time.

>> No.56891706

Funny you mention that there are basically no new music stars. Even movies don't have new movie stars. Like the youngest star is 40 years old. The old entertainment industry is just failing theres never gonna be anyone as big as artists used to be in the past.

>> No.56891709

kill urself my man
>t. black guy

>> No.56891732

What happened with michael jackson? are you talking about his death or the pedophile thing?

>> No.56891748

It's a uniquely american problem

>> No.56891791
File: 91 KB, 584x787, taylor_swift_alex_soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end game is she's going to get Biden or Gavin Newsom (re)elected, depending on who runs. She's owned by Alex Soros (he bought the rights to her albums from her prior label). She was extremely angry about losing her rights to that. So in exchange for getting her album rights back she must get the zoomers to vote for the Dems. The other week, she managed to sign up like 50000+ zoomers on Instragram for the Democrat ticket. The Time magazine publicity is just the establishment pulling the strings to boost the signal.

>> No.56891839

Yes, her Eras tour was significant in many different ways. For many it seemed like a true end to the quarantine era. As a financial venture it was wildly successful. I don't say that lightly, the amount of money she made from a concert tour was absurd. I never thought it was possible for an artist to make that much money simply from performing live shows.

While picking a pop music artist may seem a bit odd it makes sense given the current cultural climate, people are tired of serious and dreary matters. Time picking a fun pop artist is a reflection of that.

It's not her music, it's made by golems in a music lab and she is the face of it. These labels and marketing machines pick an acceptable golem and launch them forward as the face of their money making venture. Taylor is perfect for that role.

>> No.56891884

it's more likely that you've fallen out of touch with the content young people are consuming and so you just aren't exposed to young celebrities. they aren't trying to reach your demographic. you're just getting old, anon.

>> No.56891925

Reddit moment

>> No.56892000

She is the equivalent of Kanye West and Elon Musk merged together in the womanverse.

>> No.56892059

Oy vey this is racist I'm suing! Why isn't Caroline Ellison on da cover oy vey this is worse than da holocaust!

>> No.56892180

You do you have a good point this may very well be anudda shoah

>> No.56892333

that nfl player needs to get her pregnant asap

>> No.56892360
File: 103 KB, 628x477, 1672627496572145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Lord, greggo Tay...

>> No.56892409
File: 429 KB, 652x942, IMG_1364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was better
Captcha: MVP K GD

>> No.56892503

Isn't she like 40?

>> No.56892531

No. I’m like 40. She’s like 30 something. She was never hot though. I don’t get the attraction. She’s not ugly, but she’s nothing special. She used to write good songs though from a technical perspective.

>> No.56892535

>Typical Anglo
She always gave me some serious Asiatic vibes. Like in the eyes and upper facial structure. Am I the only one?

>> No.56892662

Can she even play an instrument these days? Doesn't seem like it.

>> No.56892766

Yes she looks finnish. T. A finn

>> No.56892800


>> No.56894563
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, 1669392657261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is charismatic enough to be visited by a black santa in a wheelchair instead of the white one

>> No.56894616

that whole thing got memory holed

>> No.56894716

Holy fuck. Why do you normalfaggots care so much about the gay shit the media puts out? It's all entirely fake and retarded. Please stop flooding the board with this garbage.

>> No.56895192

I don't get it. I try to understand why people like this woman and a lot of singers like Ed Sheeran etc. I have been unable to like one single song. Even shit I hate I admit they have a nice tune sometimes. But I can't find a tune in here music I just can't.

>> No.56895541

Why are they putting so much attention on her now?
She's an established musician working for more than a decade now with a steafy flow of album releases, concert tours and a huge fanbase.
So why are they calling her Person of the Year now, especially since her latest concert in Brazil was a disaster.
Something smells fishy here...

>> No.56895576

God damn it have you learned nothing? They're all men. All of them.

>> No.56895699

>as above so below
>satanic imagery
>couldn't even watch half the video then some obese sheboon is 'singing?' WTF is the world coming to?

For the satanic elite, karma is really important to them, but it's their own flavor, not the way we think of the word karma. Mostly (the Satanists) obey this and that satanic (perverted) 'rules' so they can pretend their victims (us) wanted or deserved whatever evil bullshit they shove down our throats. (Like covid jabbs, mask mandates, carbon tax, etc the list is endless goyim just eat the bugs and it's your fault too)

Tay doesn't know, or give a fuck what her lyrics mean, the jews bulldoze the shekels into her bank account so she sings and dances as she is told (for the devil)

>> No.56895752
File: 381 KB, 1080x1479, 1701202451685905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully greta

>> No.56895839

>She was never hot though. I don’t get the attraction. She’s not ugly, but she’s nothing special
Are you from a very white area where her look is common? I used to be but now I live in Calicuckistan where everyone is fucking brown. Even an average white girl stands out to me just because of relative rarity. What happened to this country... I need to get out.

>> No.56895856

TSwift just channels the latent neuroticism of current year white wimmen into catchy lyrics. I'm pretty sure that's why she's so popular, because all women are fundamentally messed in the head kek.

>> No.56895872
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>> No.56895954
File: 135 KB, 321x479, Taylor-Swift-Photoshoot-005-Andrew-Orth-2005-anichu90-17413069-321-479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looked so different before the surgeries

>> No.56896056

Jenna Ortega seems like one of the most popular celebs right now, isn't she kind of new?

>> No.56896523

Yes she earned it. No doubt.
Not a fan, but she fucking owned 2023.

>> No.56896704
File: 543 KB, 616x883, IMG_4082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Taylor is a tranny

>> No.56896808
File: 419 KB, 500x368, love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a comfortably straight man, I can honestly say that I'm not so sensitive and easily upset that seeing two men kissing bothers me in any way.
But I think it's fun to use that kind of imagery to troll the hyper-sensitive "straight" men who it upsets ;)

>> No.56896853

Hoping for the first. Please stop making white people for this shit corrupt world. Do not give the brownoid invaders any more white genetics.

>> No.56896875
File: 110 KB, 529x890, 1647573497264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why white women don't care about diversity, it pumps their already high SMV into the stratosphere. White men obviously go up as well, but I find we are pretty loyal to whatever our racial tastes are, whereas women will take the top 1% of Tyrones, Enriques, Chads, of any race. Or even if they don't bang any of them, they simply love the attention of being the hottest girl. I went on a study abroad to Poland, and it was one of the most redpilling experiences I've ever seen. The girls had a TERRIBLE time, as there were in shape gorgeous white women everywhere. One of them even commented "omg it's so white here" with a disappointed voice. I thought she was just being an ideologue, but not I realize she was deeply upset that her SMV took a major nose dive.

An average looking woman doesn't want humanity as a whole to be good looking. They want everyone to be fuck ugly, and for them to personally be worshipped queens.

>> No.56896901

Yes she looks scandinavian.

>> No.56896937

Braindead take. Open spotify or any goyslop service and look at every top chart. The leading actors and musicians are all at least 30 now. You get an occasional Billie Eilish, but nothing with enough talent that will survive generation gaps

>> No.56897157

Yes, we know how the world works by now. White women build social systems around them (white men, black men, brown men are their simps that work hard for a crumb of pussy). But here is the kicker, the biggest part of irony is that they're so lazy, materialistic, and so morally corrrupt, that most end up ALONE and CHILDLESS.

That's why I am a big proponent for total white extinction, the female part of this genetic line is pure garb, they fail even with everything in their favor.

>> No.56897262

Interesting. I figure there's an ulterior motive at work here bigger than just pushing a milquetoast white woman to superstardom.

>> No.56897412

>Braindead take. Open spotify or any goyslop service and look at every top chart. The leading actors and musicians are all at least 30 now. You get an occasional Billie Eilish, but nothing with enough talent that will survive generation gaps
That is braindead. You are getting old and out of touch with the younglings

>> No.56897598
File: 879 KB, 568x936, 1637095767541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except every other woman would do exactly what white women are doing now if given the chance and the roles were reversed. It's just most people on the planet are butt fucking ugly and European people look the best.
>That's why I am a big proponent for total white extinction
So you want the world to be filled with dysgenic muttoits? Gross. You're also agreeing with white women on this issue. You think simping is bad now, imagine the rat race for the short supply of white pussy if when there will only be small handfuls everywhere

>> No.56897722
File: 517 KB, 503x499, Screenshot 2023-12-07 034513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very few had a case better than hers. altman maybe


viral mind control over all our women. almost all. to the woman.

(yes i am using the terms all and our very loosely)

>> No.56897743

Get back in the oven Moshe.

>> No.56897753

>I went on a study abroad to Poland, and it was one of the most redpilling experiences I've ever seen. The girls had a TERRIBLE time, as there were in shape gorgeous white women everywhere. One of them even commented "omg it's so white here" with a disappointed voice. I thought she was just being an ideologue, but not I realize she was deeply upset that her SMV took a major nose dive.
Interesting anecdote. Fuck I need to go back to EVROPA unironically. So sick of seeing brownoid trash everywhere.

>> No.56897787


>> No.56897798

What year do you think Satoshi Nakamoto will win it?
and yes he will win it

>> No.56897813

Like I said, I am over this rotten geentic bloodline. It is good at nothing nowadays (from peak science, military might, cultural center) because white women have totally ruined multiple nations worth of history and civilization with their supply/demand antics + total laziness + extreme materialism.

No European people dont look best. This was true in the early 1900s when everyone was sharp, driven, and mentally stable. Nowadays the majority is flabby and retarded, honestly not very different from the third world (and in many ways, worse).

The point is. I hope the white woman supply shrinks by them simply failing to reproduce (which is looking likely rn stat wise).

White woman detected. Your wickedness and evil is out there for all to see.