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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56887698 No.56887698 [Reply] [Original]

I bought HBAR at $0.25
God I'm so depressed
So numb
Why did I do that?
Everybody said it would be $1 by 2023
Liars, bunch of liars
I guess I'll be holding forever, who knows?
One day I might be able to purchase a bag of insects with it in the brave new world order

>> No.56888223

Don't sell just hold and buy more & dca now that it's low or youre gonna create a new thread when it actually hits a buck

>> No.56888505

i bought when 33 cents was the comfy crab zone. but i dca down to 6 cents

>> No.56888544
File: 396 KB, 1011x739, 0cdd50b978d62a1165906582ea502a55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have legit project, all above board has to comply with regulations etc so its only semi defi.

Given that its legit project that must play within the governments system is there any reason not to launch it on HBAR?

It seems like a good chain for low fees etc. FUD me as a developer why I shouldn't use it.

>> No.56888569

Further more most of the people using my project will be on boarded via fiat payment provider rather then any exchange or DeFi exchange.

>> No.56888682
File: 52 KB, 1016x509, Screenshot 2023-12-06 234001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger this shit is dead, just cut your loss and go all in into $OP

>> No.56889308

you had nearly 2 years to DCA...

there is no FUD to not use it, Leemon and SWIRLDS also made an EVM port so ETH retards could easily port over their DAPPS and Hedera can work in tandem with antiquated ETH DAPPS. D-Rec will make every other L1 useless.

Keep building on Hedera an contact HBARFOUNDATION on twitter if yo ureally have a product, gl

>> No.56891003
File: 39 KB, 671x362, original_553298222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a pussy, hbar has the best fundamentals to be a top 3 coin. Do more research, DCA and wait for the giga pump

>> No.56891493
File: 7 KB, 533x497, 1680367178097170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. That thing you are feeling, that's shame. And that's a good thing. Once blocklords releases its token and it hits $5 bucks a token, I will remind you that I made more money with a web3 game than you ever did with your 'revolutionary tech'. That might just be the fuse that gets you to hang yourself. And I will look at your lifeless body like pic related.

>> No.56891510

sit on it a few, this market rewards patience and constancy

>> No.56891512

>Why did i do that?
It clearly was a good idea in your mind back then. So stop being dramatic, learn from your mistakes and keep playing. Retard.

>> No.56891518

Fuck web3 man Fr no one biting that shit

>> No.56891544

>you had nearly 2 years to DCA...
Sieze the day or die regretting the time you lost its empty and cold without you here

>> No.56891554

Too late OP the consensus is we're bagholding until 2030. We might see a $1 HBAR before then tho so keep your chin up

>> No.56891572

that actually shows great potential for me.

>> No.56891576

It won't go that high, you should unironically cope and seethe, faggot

>> No.56891579
File: 124 KB, 942x1300, 1582773718906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have legit project, all above board has to comply with regulations etc so its only semi defi.
>Given that its legit project that must play within the governments system is there any reason not to launch it on HBAR?
>It seems like a good chain for low fees etc. FUD me as a developer why I shouldn't use it.

>> No.56891587

Oh but it will Faggot

>> No.56891606

It's a dead shitcoin from last cycle. I honestly don't think it will break ath ever again.

>> No.56891621

2023 is not over yet my friend, give it time.

>> No.56891629

I waited about 2 years for the btc to go from 16k to 43k, it is a matter of patience.

>> No.56891631

Most vidya tokens have been pumping lately. More than hbar or whatever other trash this board shills for has, at least.

>> No.56891633
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>> No.56891640
File: 90 KB, 1075x1192, 1678134753549209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad karma will also afflict your investments anon. Be kind and receive kindness.

>> No.56891645

lmao go ahead then. if you see a 1y chart and it looks like THAT and all you can think of is "yes, i see potneital here", then buy it. It's not going much lower I reckon. Go for it. See what fucking happens.

>> No.56891648

nah dude just sell it, not worth it, get into another shitcoin

>> No.56891649

based hater anon.

>> No.56891653

>gets into shib

>> No.56891656

he will buy, the shit token will drop to 0.000032 and he will come back crying all over again

>> No.56891668

waste of time

>> No.56891670

Leave anon alone faggot, he has the right to be retarded

>> No.56891680

you poor little brown thing you're so far away from home

>> No.56891688

Suresh, what kind of project is it? I hope it allows me to track the best streets to shit on

>> No.56891692

here we have another prime example of someone autistic unable to understand sarcasm or trolling in the wild. careful children, he stinks and might spit, throws feces sometimes

>> No.56891730

Unironically, HBAR Foundation gives money to promising projects using Hedera. Are you looking for devs?

>> No.56892755

Are you retarded? We're only just crawling out of the bottom of a bear market during which alts lost 90% of their ath value.
Despite what your dopamine-addled brain tells you, building projects actually takes time.

>> No.56893081
File: 438 KB, 1644x3245, hbar redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Dog coins will unironically actually make you more money then random L1 number 3859. People dont buy HBAR for money, they buy it because they like the tech. Its a tech enthusiast token.