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56886530 No.56886530 [Reply] [Original]

I had a dream about her again, she's been gone for 4 years.

I needed that breakup. It helped me get my shit together, but I'd be lying if I told you I wished I hadn't fumbled the relationship.

>> No.56886533

This might be gayer than the tranny larping posts.

>> No.56886675

>I'd be lying if I told you I wished I hadn't fumbled the relationship.
Read this again, slowly.

>> No.56886677

feel you bro
3 years for me
got another one, but its not the same

>> No.56886705

2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.56886711

surely older than you, young gentleman

>> No.56886764

Never felt this way about any woman and this kind of shit has always been baffling to me. Imagine getting wrapped around the axle for literal years over another human bean fucking kek. Just enjoy life man, stop being so maudlin or we’ll start thinking you just like being a sad sack.

>> No.56886796

For me, she came back :-)

>> No.56886799

that's because the only thing you've ever landed is hogs. kek

>> No.56886807

tell the story anon

>> No.56886816

any tipps to let it go.
(pls. no "fuck other bitches as much as possible")

>> No.56886833

i feel u bro. no girl ever came close to my "one". Its been over 5 years.

>> No.56886862

Nah, I’ve been with at least a couple dimes and mostly eights. Couples whales in there for sure though hehe. But anyway, my point stands, I don’t cry in my cheerios about any of them cause I’m not twelve years old. Grow up man. Can’t believe you’d waste years of your life on this. Honestly pathetic. What a waste of a life.

>> No.56886905

nobody cares. literally zero persons on this planet want to know about this, including your ex and her new bf. go to any other board to post this shit but don't ever come here again.

>> No.56886947

tell the story

>> No.56887219


>> No.56887244

you blew it

>> No.56887399
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she sucked and fucked multiple dudes while you were gone

>> No.56887429
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>Have it fall apart with a girl back in 2020
>Decided to get into investing/finance to get some shit going in my life
>Now I'm trapped in investing hell

>> No.56887806

financial success, wont bring her back... unfortunately
what to do?
do you have some reconciliation stories?

>> No.56888044

:-( “the one” who got away will always hurt. Kinda sux the rest don’t even matter

>> No.56888120

>Saw her only once in my life for a first date after we met online, talked for a few hours over wine
>she was without any doubt the most beautiful and adorable woman I have ever seen, not even close to anyone else
>she didn't feel the spark and deleted the match, I admit that I sperged out during the date
>it's been half a year and I still think of her daily
>stalked her after a lot of effort and now I'm considering writing her on fb saying that I saw her profile by accident and try to reconnect with her

Should I do it bros

>> No.56888123

>she may get back to you
my ex of 5 years ago still messages me, i ignore, but what if i responded bros

>> No.56888159

who was the dumper?

>> No.56888184

she might "smell" your low value, because you couldnt find anything better than her.
but who knows

>> No.56888391
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I had a hard breakup, it helped me to dig into myself, regret things and find ways to make amends and also become a better person
I just wish the same thing could happen to me financially, I fucked up a bunch of times and only XOR stayed with me

>> No.56888408

>i feel u bro. no girl ever came close to my "one". Its been over 5 years.
There is no such thing you simp, get over it.

>> No.56888459

Cry about it it will happen to you too

>> No.56888484

do a flip faggot

>> No.56888537

Absolute woman behavior. She’s been raw dogged by several different men since then and a completely different person. You need to look forward and not to the past. Kill the weakness

>> No.56888549

Absolutely not

>> No.56888560

Someone out there is already fed up of fucking "your" adorable woman's pussy.
There is no such a thing as perfection or uniqueness in any particular women. After having sex with them a few times, they all turn to be average. Keep that in mind.

>> No.56888634
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and i sucked and fucked multipple girls while i was gone too, doesnt cahnge the fact that we both still think about eachother.

i really dont care how many guys she fcuked during our break

i still like to talk to her

obviously ill never marry the girl...

but ill keep wasting her time,why not? after this bull run ill be able to support a virgin wife, (:

>> No.56888696

if this is your ex.
i can understand you "wasting" her time ;)

>> No.56888721

Women forget about you as soon as you leave their peripheral vision

>> No.56888736

>muh feelings

>> No.56888823

He's giving you sound advice. Feelings/relationships are severely overrated, focusing so much on this stuff makes you a woman/nigger tier person. Just look at how many "happy" marriages abruptly end because of stupid shit

>> No.56888906

and you sound like you were severly hurt by your ex too

>> No.56888936
File: 413 KB, 411x837, Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 3.36.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, she acts all lovey dovey with me, but i dont belive any of it, she says she loves me but i saw her phone with all her text convos with her male freinds and the cunt is a super attention whore with low self esteem that needs constant validation and attention from men all day every day.... the only one she doesnt get it from is me, i ignore all her stupid selfie pics she sends me,

"they are just freinds" "they are good guys, i hope you can meet them" she says. she leads them on, accepts dates from them and then sucks my dick.. i feel bad for those guys putting this girl on a pedestal., mega simps and in the end she doesnt fcuk them... well im sure she did becuase you shiuld read how butthurt they get when she flakes on them.

cant wait to kidnap some virgin girl that i can impregnate and keep her locked in the house all day.

>> No.56888996

Nah, I've had six ex-gfs and I was the one who dumped all of them except for the 2nd one. Some of them had a hard time accepting it, just like OP.
Relationships just feel like extra work to me, desu. I enter them just to coom for free and eventually get bored

>> No.56889065

oh thought you missed her, and you were happy she came back for a relationship
if you dont giva fuck.
more pics ma dude ! ;)

>> No.56889074

so the 2nd one , is the one who got away

>> No.56889134

Thought you'd say that but no, I was already planning to dump her and she just did it first. A mutual friend asked me to wait until her university exams were over
The 3rd girlfriend was much more impactful, the only one I'd consider marrying (but she wanted children and I just wanted to fuck other girls)

>> No.56889177

did one of them came back ?

>> No.56889213

The last four asked to come back but I refused

>> No.56889532

now post her panty butt pics for everyone to enjoy. she does have a nice butt right anon? and last gf I had I still think about on occasion but I dont talk to anymore. I botched it to much for her to want to talk with me anymore. its more like she see's me and turns around and goes the way she just came. I was very dumb years ago and handled the breakup worse than her.

>> No.56891215
