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56881899 No.56881899 [Reply] [Original]

Play it safe with BTC and ETH—widely accepted worldwide with strong regulatory backing. Don't waste money on memecoins or in other shitcoins. That's my financial advice moron.

>> No.56881909

ordi mogs you.

>> No.56882188

Lol, it's not even profitable

>> No.56882291

Altcoins are where the real money is

>> No.56882327

If you're rich, I agree.

>> No.56882371

Btc and hbar.

Barbarians are the future not your failed pos experiment.

>> No.56882396

Your mindset is shit , change it.

>> No.56882479

Altcoins are better and even memecoins can do x1000 but btc can't

>> No.56882550


>> No.56882636

Take RISK, never play safe

>> No.56882761


>> No.56882773

Hold 10 years and you'll see.

>> No.56882972

I have 2BTC only, is this enough for my retirement?

>> No.56882988

Buy RIO - best RWA gem in the world

>> No.56883040

Should I shift my $1.2k of ETH into something else? Have like $2k AVAX, $2.6k BTC and $1.1k XRP

>> No.56883060

rate my bags goys

>> No.56883077
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>> No.56883170
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>> No.56883239


>> No.56883255

good advice but I differ a little, there will always be alt coins with real potential and not just speculative. A clear example of this are DOT, KAVA and LTC.

>> No.56883264

polkadot has been stuck for months, what are you talking about?

>> No.56883297

Sell all your bags now. Dump is coming. Don't be an exit liquidity

>> No.56883336

>No captcha needed

>> No.56883370

Even BTC and ETH are risky lmao

>> No.56883504

I'd like to know what drugs you are taking.

>> No.56883532
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I'm going more for $BNB and $CZ (best community coin ever) since Changpeng Zhao promised some safu pumps for chirstmas, but yeah this is also okay

>> No.56883622

ETH >go all in.

>> No.56883654


>> No.56883684
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>> No.56883697


>> No.56883811


>> No.56883999

Don't be overly pessimistic, anon. Don't wait for BTC to hit 12K because it's unlikely. Instead, consider investing in altcoins with solid fundamentals. Period!

>> No.56884023

Is it too late to put 10k in to btc?

>> No.56884026


>> No.56884124

Just btc . Only btc.

>> No.56884269

I won't question about your investments, but I still lean towards altcoins with potential. Care to rate my bags: HBAR, DUA, ARB, KAVA, ZIL?

>> No.56884486

Do it now buddy
Just eth and BTC. No comments for these

>> No.56884546

Wtf are you shilling memecoin??

>> No.56884683 [DELETED] 

Diversifying allows you to explore various options beyond your initial investments. I never consider going all in. Always favoring the idea of diversification but with a focus on solid potentials. That's it anon.

>> No.56884914

Diversifying allows you to explore various options beyond your initial investments. I never consider going all in. Always favoring the idea of diversification but with a focus on solid potentials. That's it anon.

>> No.56884946

Btc looks stronger but I prefer ETH over BTC now.

>> No.56884954

Memecoins are for risktakers like me

>> No.56884993

That wasn't brillion, op.

>> No.56885009

Go what is for you

>> No.56885017

You can go into memes all you can but it is better to go for something tangible with some doxed team behind them.

>> No.56885037

Only the brilliant ones get that, you freaky faggy anon.

>> No.56885046

I don't think you fully understand what I'm saying, but the decision is yours. Lately, I've been exploring into account abstraction, and it's worth considering if you're involved in the web3 space. If not, ignore it.

>> No.56885061

Not that bad, from you portfolio, I only have ARB and DUA. The rest are NXRA, TIA, SOL, WNT, SHD and SCRT.

>> No.56885103

Never enough, even if BTC hits 500k per coin. You need more. I've 500k in DUA, 2k in SHD, 20,000,000 in SHIB hoping it will do wonder again. Maybe enough for my retirement when they hit ATH. Who knows.

>> No.56885167

I'm open to exploring other opportunities as long as it promises good gains for everyone. With BTC performing well and the potential for a bullmarket on the horizon, is there something I should be aware of that I might have missed?

>> No.56885184
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Hey, anon, time to level up! BTC's your steady, long-term stock investment. If you're after quicker gains, dive into altcoins and throw in some meme-coins for that fast-paced action!

>> No.56885202

Bring in the real talk! We're all about projects aiming to unite users' gateways, putting self-sovereignty, self-custody, and privacy up top. If you're not vibing with that, time to hit the road, anon!

>> No.56885440

Hey, anon, here's the scoop, invest smart, go for those AA projects. Their security model's top-notch, way better than what's out there. It's a solid recommendation from me. No financial advice, just saying!

>> No.56885461

I expect a brighter future if it materializes. A new all-time high seems quite possible, especially given the recent market performance. I just hope it's not a bull trap. I'm tired of multiple traps.

>> No.56885514

Hey, watch out for those flashy proposed concepts that end up being vaporware! They're like mirages in the desert – here one moment, gone the next. What makes you think this won't follow suit? HODL tight, anon, and let's weather this storm!

>> No.56885648


>> No.56885676

Which project are you referring to anon? If it offers working services, that's a great advantage for token holders. The product will speak for itself.

>> No.56885750

No buy ANKR. Partnership confirmed

>> No.56885770

I ain't here to handhold you anon. AA projects are getting all the hype, we're all aware. Pretty confident the token holders are in for a sweet ROI in the next bull run.

>> No.56885780

No, not gonnnn buy that shit

>> No.56885870

>AA projects are getting all the hype
I don't seem to see any hype in this yet, or could it be that I'm paying less attention to this area of tech? On another note, I think this is way more centralize than other traditional wallets.

>> No.56885879

Jeet is about to get rekt with his bag. Why would you have such an amount in shib? That's no brainer.

>> No.56885912

I'm not setting overly high expectations, but I'm also eager to see how this concept can make web3 more interesting. As you know, the web3 space introduces new narratives almost every year.

>> No.56886036

As new challenges surface, new solutions will always emerge. That was the case before the inception of Web 3.

>> No.56886051

No sol?
Take out enj and put inj instead.

Aside from these few suggestions, you are good to go.

>> No.56886092

I've bagged all these assets, and you bet your ass I'm locking them down in a BrillionFi smart wallet once it drops. Security level: maxed out.

>> No.56886093

Never buy pajeet coins, buy only btc/eth and you shall be freed from wage slavery

>> No.56886129
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AA wallets make onboarding accessible, enhance security, and boost usability. Get this into your d*ck head, Fag.

>> No.56886139

I have millions of shit coin and meme Token
One day one will go to 1€ and im rich. Se you until then losers

>> No.56886144


From that damn list, I'm only clutching onto the one that's grinding to solve the critical crypto headache of asset management and wallet security.

>> No.56886174


SSI, privacy, and self-custody reign supreme in this damn space. Will sit back and watch how this unfolds.

>> No.56886189

Ever since Vitalik backed it, this concept's been spreading like wildfire. It's the antidote to lost seed phrases, letting Pajeets log in with ease via their socials.

>> No.56886207
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Talking partnerships, BrillionFi linked up with ItsFLUSS to unleash RWA in the emerging markets.

>> No.56886237

That's the interesting nature of the web3 space—it's captivating to explore. The challenge lies in achieving mass adoption, which is what we all desire, given that people predominantly rely on web2.

>> No.56886281

Absolutely. Such an opportunity won't exist for long. After halving, these assets will become quite expensive for poor fag.

>> No.56886293


What if they all stop to exist? I mean rug pulled.

I'd suggest you deal with fundamental project with an actual utility that supports token valuation. Stop fooling around.

>> No.56886305

>The challenge lies in achieving mass adoption, which is what we all desire, given that people predominantly rely on web2.
The question is, how does Web3 intend to do that? I feel they're key areas, which I think dev need to look at for this to be the case.

>> No.56886325

Oh yeah, I'm monitoring SUPRA's upcoming TGE. Potential 100x.

>> No.56886332

It continues to be a subject of questioning for many, but I noticed someone mentioning the need for marketing akin to Apple's approach. The key focus should be on enhancing user experience and ensuring the security of users within a particular service. While it may be lacking currently, progress is inevitable.

>> No.56886359

No oracle? Dyor on LINK, SUPRA and DIA.

>> No.56886361

>The key focus should be on enhancing user experience and ensuring the security of users within a particular service.
No doubt, these are key areas DeFi needs to focus on, but there are other areas as well.

If we really want mass adoption, we need to exist side by side with Web 2.

>> No.56886373

>No oracle

This is good as dead. The only project performing in this light is Link. The rest are struggling to survive.

>> No.56886428

Let's observe how things unfold, recognizing that as time progresses, technology evolves. I'm hopeful to witness widespread adoption of the rapid changes in the web3 space—that's what I'd like to see happen.

>> No.56886569

Why would you need it

>> No.56886580

When is the TGE?

>> No.56886658

Not just BTC and ETH but phenomenal RAIL.

>> No.56886730 [DELETED] 

SUPRA has a future, keep an eye on it anon.

>> No.56886792

It appears that RWA is a progressing narrative with great benefits, bringing real-world assets into web3 for the people and also unlock new opportunities in an emerging market.

>> No.56886845 [DELETED] 
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Seems you don't know what SUPRA is made of, dyor and keep an eye on it.

>> No.56886877


AA is on a mission for major upgrades, especially when it comes to user experience and adoption. It's the game-changer the space have been waiting for.

>> No.56886896
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Now's the golden moment for poorfags to start scooping up at discount prices. Don't be crying later, I told you so.

>> No.56886917


Any ongoing reward programs, Anon? I'm diving headfirst into the Alliance Block official smart wallet Open Beta, where they've stashed away some fat rewards for Jeets.

>> No.56886954

That's the whole damn essence of protocols like NexeraID, PolygonID, OREID, Noob. They're making onboarding Web2 plebs into Web3 a damn breeze.

>> No.56886985

Heard this partnership's gonna transform their smart wallet into the ultimate go-to for tokenized RWA

>> No.56887039
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Seems you don't know what SUPRA is made of, dyor and keep an eye on it.

Q1 2024.

>> No.56887061

I just hope people won't solely depend on airdrops but also consider the product, as it's poised to become a go-to wallet in the future.

>> No.56887094

I made some gains with PEPE, exited my position and reinvested in utility tokens. Why are you advicing Anons to stay a way from quick money, Jeet

>> No.56887147

That badass has the potential to become my go-to app for everyday financial management. It will also offer me a cash back from my daily activities.

>> No.56887159

If they continue at this pace, it may likely revolve well and get the traction it needs.

>> No.56887183

I don't know. nevertheless, I still hold a decent amount that intend holding for long term.

>> No.56887206

I wish they can realize this before it becomes too late. Crypto is about to melt the faces of many.

>> No.56887218

>Altcoins are where the real money is
Crypto gaming is gearing back to a frenzy. Only biztards will not look in the direction of Funtoken

>> No.56887290

>Privacy- RAIL
>Self custody- Rose
This is what my bag looks like ahead of the bullrun

>> No.56887324

Cashback is a rewarding addition. Let's explore how banking integration and remittance payments would enhance their product.

>> No.56887758

Smart investors ain't sleeping, they're scooping up the dip, gearing up for the incoming bull market. It's the hustle before the boom.

>> No.56887787

Chizo dropped the bomb that the GameFi narrative is dead. Jeets playing games, always feeding me lies.

>> No.56887847

I snagged a sneak peek by diving into their Open Beta Testing. No clue when the app's going live, though.

>> No.56887870

Good luck, Anon and add DUA to complete the list.

>> No.56888171

Why rush the smart wallet mainnet release when the team is still in the open beta phase? Let them continue to build, and allow users to explore and experiment with the app to further check its vulnerabilities and more.

>> No.56888487

I understand how this work. I think all the concept and approach boils down to their perception of possible regulation.

>> No.56888497

If everyone can employ this strategy we won't be at this point by now. Just wait for it

>> No.56888704

Just another concept

>> No.56889447

I wouldn't see it that way, considering how interesting the web3 space is, offering various opportunities that will definitely unlock more use cases in the long run.

>> No.56889784
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nigga i literally have 5M ticker $BITCOIN (worth ~$600k atm). i will buy your children in 2024.

>> No.56890348

Done slurping RAIL, the gain will be massive.

>> No.56891721

Btc and eth only