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File: 210 KB, 496x496, 1697843895450928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56884952 No.56884952 [Reply] [Original]

World War 2:
What Really Happened
By: Chuddy McChuddington
It's the jews, it's all the jews. One big fat jewish conspiracy. That is until a
guy came along by the name of Hitler. Hitler was a great man despite what
jews may have told you. You see, Germany and their people had become
extremely degenerate and eco
to say it? The jews. Actually i
country today! Oh yeah
gas chambers, and 6
bullshit. I mean we
likely. You know
win! The effects
European men
felt to this day
jewish media
they had abs
whole. Hitler
hand was for
was over and
do to their en
the hundreds
Oppenheimer's oud of
citizens who fac simil
Germany? If anytr g yo
supply chains to th eamps resulting in what few deatt
Auschwitz. Also If it y did happen as you claim
we went to free them
constantly antagonizing u.
starting to worry of what may fer
realizes the sheer size and complexity of the countless blatant lies they have
been solc and what implications may then be inferred ... God Help Us All.

has ha

cealt with, a

as no gen

ostated thanks to, do I really have
bat is happening in this
about the holocaust,
dow. It's all jewish
even 6,000,000 jews in Euro, in the 1940's? Not
the say the victor
N2 and the thou
were sent t
d the ri
e feedi.
ely no ha
1 nothing
to tempr
itors pr
es in tir

ur things
ety as
imately his
the war
ntries to
ssue with

be thankful for the leng

ws ... Throw n out the

ite history. d boy did they
on thousano of White
weign soil thanks tonows are still
ct it has had on culture b vay of the
wnite population lies and guilt
amning effect on s
ns u
wamon for
of conflict. I su.,ose you take lit
of Japanese citizens incinerated
truction? Or the Irish, Italian, arapanese
worse conditions compared
in thank the American/Anglo

eir people instead
ig up and frankly I am
t rest of the population

e jews in
for cutting off
ally did occur in
dn't they (the jews)

>> No.56885096
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, 1554765432298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56885107

rare instance of a hot design completely ruined by her character to the point where masturbating to her is impossible

>> No.56885123



>> No.56885355

Nothing wrong with Leyley
Your taste is just trash

>> No.56885362

>he mad
cope lel

>> No.56885367

>niggas mad
nice projecting

>> No.56885370

t. Julia

>> No.56886288
File: 758 KB, 977x604, 36426 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually know what was written? I would love to see the complete pasta

>> No.56886440


>> No.56886585
File: 424 KB, 1080x1391, 1d2ca54c021d96061fa12e08aa5cd56eb51d445bde08c90fdf0e65bd24e62d5f_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56886674

Chromosome deficient fingers typed this

>> No.56886713
File: 3.43 MB, 1615x2040, 1698136521603587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy and leyley was the great filter differentiating between normal fags and based 4channelers

>> No.56886722
File: 154 KB, 1024x975, 1700161087399515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56886763

I didn’t know we had so many Twatterniggers in here.

>> No.56886802

will this game give me a boner or is it a waste of time

>> No.56887014

why r u gay

>> No.56888433

Stay on topic fuckwits, does anyone have the real pasta?