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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56884913 No.56884913 [Reply] [Original]

Those who were here in 2021 know how hard this will inevitably pump once the returns on other tokens begin to stale

$14 by end of 2024

>> No.56885055

you better be right son, i fomoed at .55 in feb

>> No.56885145

If it goes to $14 I'm cutting my dick off and getting the logo tattooed above my axe wound. screenshot this.

>> No.56885413

It's 90% down from ATH (1000% to return). Bitcoin is 37% down from ATH. (around 60%).

Heavily oversold, once BTC starts crabbing this will go daily +10% on BTC doing a 0.5%

>> No.56886149

I fucking hope so

>> No.56886178
File: 168 KB, 1330x540, fantomdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already made the top for years to come earlier this year. There is no fucking reason it would go up except exit pump. It's dead after multichain but you refuse too see it because you failed to tp last bull.

>> No.56886271

Their marketing is shit. It's the best chain in terms of speed while also being cheap.

>> No.56886309

I remember people complain about marketing after it had done like 500x.

Fantom is fucked after multichain and hoping it wouldn't be so, doesn't change anything. The chart I linked shows tvl. No dapps anymore (Aave and everything left). You much better off if you just accept that it is new EOS, sooner the better for your net worth.

>> No.56886326

Make even bigger gains with spooky swaps BOO

>> No.56886452

>It's the best chain in terms of speed while also being cheap.
avax better

>> No.56886641

>this cycle we'll also have seething multichain fudders
it's over