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File: 56 KB, 640x799, 8D4C6BD1-F9FF-434D-A904-294073A36BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56878316 No.56878316 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin has become so jewish it's literally being brainwashed to boomers on national television through propaganda

>> No.56878347


People are easily manipulated.

>> No.56878412

Isn't this a great thing for us? I welcome the boomerush.

>> No.56878422

I'll take their money

>> No.56878438

that's a man

>> No.56878462

>"Whatever you do please don't exit our fiat scam game"

>> No.56878852

I know

>> No.56878874

Accurate reporting is rare, an informed public is a beautiful thing.

>> No.56878877

Sorry that you were too retarded to buy the bottom :(

>> No.56878894

Problem? I need my exit liquidity.

Simple trading strategy:
MSM reports Bitcoin is a scam = Buy
MSM reports Bitcoin is a hedge against inflation and good way for goys to make some money = Sell

Stop complaining about the zog media anon, and start using it to your advantage.

>> No.56878897

the thing OP, is that people are really easy to manipulate.

>> No.56878932

I can keep DCAing in and out of bitcoin at 2-year intervals thanks to normies who buy and sell based on media sentiment.

>> No.56878960

You do not know what it means for something to be jewish. You can use that label for a lot of things. Banking, usury, the dollar, but Bitcoin is anything but. You should give labels to things that you do not understand. It makes you look like a total utter fool.

>> No.56879669

No, it isn't

>> No.56879717

Look at those dick suckin lips. Small shaped mouth too = tight and a good time

>> No.56879798

Bitcoin is more scarce than gold. There are record outputs from the mines every year, whereas bitcoin emission is steadily dropping

>> No.56880174

I know

>> No.56880208

everyone is gonna get so rekt in 2025 lel

>> No.56880263


>> No.56880769

shut the fuck up

>> No.56880962

satoshi was a jew. his name was hal finney. he was the first person to post on the original bitcoin site. its over OP.

>> No.56880972

scarcity means nothing
they're just taking a piss on boomers to make them talk about it
it worked on you OP

>> No.56881023

Bitcoin has always been jewish

>> No.56881036

i forgot to say that he alsp received the first bitcoin transaction from "satoshi nakamoto" (himself)

>> No.56881145

Does this mean boomers are gonna start dumping their mc mansions for bitcoin

>> No.56881270


>> No.56881312

its "scarcity" is irrelevant because you don't do anything with it.
without gold, you would not own a computer, because there would never have been electronics. there are cancer drugs that would not exist without gold. there would not be a single satellite in the sky. not a single space probe in operation.

>> No.56881321

is this it? is this the golden bull?

>> No.56881346

Not a fool but a well poisoner. Common tactic for them.

>> No.56881461

Yeah, they flipped the switch and now Bitcoin good, crypto bad.
Who's this Jewish princess?

>> No.56881782

no, it's a jewish scam pump

>> No.56881904

jewish propaganda isn't accurate reporting shlomo

>> No.56882016

Bitcoin is also a jewish scam

>> No.56882019
File: 61 KB, 500x544, bullshitmarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are trusting a guy with the last name Fink to save your bags?
an unpleasant or contemptible person.
inform on to the authorities.
"there was no shortage of people willing to fink on their neighbors"
fail to do something promised or expected because of a lack of courage or commitment.
"administration officials had finked out"

>> No.56882104

exactly, don't trust jews anons

>> No.56882161

And that's a good thing

>> No.56882168

they can't hide it anymore

>> No.56882202


>> No.56882208

He's cute though

>> No.56882216

She's not a man retard

>> No.56882250

Sorry, I forgot I have to call him a "she" in current year

>> No.56882272
File: 45 KB, 450x339, 766ab5d35e692b6eeb9212cc4d1fc301360128f4b51a3de87bc05ffa8a863023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If boomers don't buy the corn, they'll buy shiny rocks and make the marxists look bad. Can't have that in an election cycle. Plus, corn in profit = increased tax for ((the treasury)).

>> No.56882284
File: 80 KB, 667x1024, 1700268340530610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckle up, buttercups.

>> No.56882332

kill yourself jew
that's a real biological white female

>> No.56882348 [DELETED] 

Is this some sort of reverse psychology and we should actually be buying?

>> No.56882443

yeah it's all a jewish scheme

>> No.56882494
File: 195 KB, 1024x920, 1701745697427294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.56882528

That's why I try to short it on Kinetix, not being able with current price action, but you get my point
Also, what a fine beautiful delicate gentleman, BBC built

>> No.56882561

Fuck you jew
you just hate white people and want to see us suffer

>> No.56882574

You'll suffer when she shows you her feminine benis

>> No.56882581

good, it makes me money and kills fiat (fake government momey)

>> No.56882588

That's not a femboy you idiot

>> No.56882592

"She" probably has one bigger than yours

>> No.56882599
File: 56 KB, 640x665, 1592444317985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say...

>> No.56882603

You fucking short and I will fucking cut your balls idiot, set a long, 45k target, cope and sneed

>> No.56882613

>fractional reserve fiat systems aren't jewish but bitcoin is!
the brainwashing provides exit liquidity to people who know the motions of a bubble and can sell the top.
call it what you want but fiat is far more jewish than this.

>> No.56882668

She has a PUSSY you jewish faggots

>> No.56882709
File: 4 KB, 250x200, 1701739637702290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just a pussy - a boypussy
Financially speaking, of course

>> No.56882778

Nope, it's a biological pussy
keep seething jew

>> No.56882864

Sorry, I didnt know "she" had sexual reassignment surgery. I stand corrected, fren

>> No.56882877

I have memories of this place.

>> No.56882880

die jew

>> No.56882898

Hey, at least I dont go around calling dudes women just because it's the current year

>> No.56883376

Stop insulting Jewish people. They've done nothing wrong.

>> No.56883391

bitcoin is scarce because numbers can be used as abstract placeholders of real objects. It's not apple, but it's apple = 1. therefore let's remove apple from the equation and all we're left with is 1. therefore because 1 abstractly could represent a scarce apple, it means 1 can be scarce just as the thing 1 could represent could be scarce.

>> No.56883410


>> No.56883427
File: 55 KB, 587x534, 1661496018833424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56883530

all of our 401k's are exit liquidity for boomers, any dollar you can take from them is a win

>> No.56883706
File: 109 KB, 989x310, Aug 21 2023 CryptoJelleNL ETFs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, the ETF issuers have started the ad blitz, ooops I mean paid placement, oooops I mean the giant coincidence between BTC scarcity and the fact that ETFs are coming soon.

Expect more of this from pic rel

>> No.56883899

...that was his point. Gold is the alternative they don't want you to use to exit the scam.

>> No.56884938


>> No.56884985
File: 51 KB, 1242x782, stoch-rsi-anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final deadline coincides exactly with STOCHRSIANON

I am convinced we are going to dump back to 30k, then shit will get approved, and we will see the greatest run up of all time over the course of a year before another gigadump

>> No.56885106

I know why
>Attack binance
>Watch our "american" enterpreneur wallet, JP Morgan gave him 5 stars

>> No.56886276
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Bro crypto is so underground and has potential to 100x from here."
>CNBC advises boomers to buy bitcoin.
Can Bitcoin maxis just sell and move on. Once Boomers, women, or, blacks start to invest in something it's over and time to find something else to invest in.

>> No.56887620

hey the jews can crash btc any time they want, but for now they've decided to pomp so might as well enjoy the show

>> No.56887734

Not a man, but definitely a male.

>> No.56887833

Wouldn't that just increase value with more people buying in? Isn't that how it works? Also, niggers will be the last demographic to be pro btc because they aren't smart enought to steal it from other people.