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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56876340 No.56876340 [Reply] [Original]

Look at all these losers "investing" the money. A million fell from the sky, go enjoy your life for once you bum

>> No.56876381

>money ends

shieeeet, wish i had invested

>> No.56876413

Just buy a 80k car, not 300k. 80k gets you a nice car

>> No.56876414


>> No.56876464

But my house costs $3 million and I don't make enough at my job to pay for it. $1 million barely makes a fucking dent.
Also I agree with this. 80k-100k is good enough for a decent "family car" if you have kids. Anything above that is for vanity.

>> No.56876477

>go enjoy your life
To enjoy my life I need first of all to leave the rat race. That's only possible by investing.
Anything else is retarded shit.

>> No.56876532

300k car gets you sex, 80k car keeps you incel tier

>> No.56876556

exactly, no amount of wasteful spending will feel better than sleeping at night knowing all your bills are paid and you can just chill and do the things you love now.

>> No.56876566

Spending $1k on a high class escort also gets you sex you faggot, imagine blowing 300k to attract gold digging whores

>> No.56876598

I'd invest half, spend half. Then hopefully by the time I've spent the $500k I have at least another $500k I can spend

>> No.56876637
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I would:

- Buy a $300k house.
- Pay off my dad's mortgage and car payment.
- Pay off my mom's car payment.
- Invest the remaining $600k.

What would you guys do?

>> No.56876706

I've never had more than $12,000 in assets and my liabilities are double. I can't imagine fully how exciting the potential of having $1,000,000 and what one can do with that. I used to just say invest it all in some index funds like a growth fund and value/div fund. But really? I would fly and boat around the world, visit all the countries, do all the drugs, fuck all the women, experience all that life has to offer. I want to live abundantly, not in scarcity and restraint. After feeling satisfied I'd probably have a few hundred thousand left over, so I'd trade and invest with that.

>> No.56876821

i've seen plenty of stories like these with people that won the lottery, they usually waste all the money living like kings and then...they can't really go back to the rat race

>> No.56876893

>get cash flows
>do all of that and still have the million when you're done
Chimp difficulty level

>> No.56876923
File: 33 KB, 1000x1000, fuck-paid-advertising.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cock sucking paid shill. how about i buy a car from a maker thats defunct? that way i dont have to parade around being your free commercial.

>> No.56877116

$1 mil can't change your life. But its enough to invest and grow into something that is.

>> No.56877179

>falling for youtube user engagement farming clickbait
I bet you also take surveys to find out which marvel character you are that you see on random ads huh OP

>> No.56877686

nigger mindset. If I just got a million dollars I would put it into AVAX, wait 8 months and withdraw it for 10 million.