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56872954 No.56872954 [Reply] [Original]

Goldbros what went wrong?

>> No.56872988

I like Peter. He's very funny if you know how to read him. He made me laugh a few times with his shitposts.

>> No.56873640

Fucking hell dont stand up until saturday please gold bros.

>> No.56873918

just bought the dip

>> No.56873934

buy the dip

>> No.56873945

Jews at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are shorting the metals market with fake contracts.

>> No.56873976

Price is back under control. A few bad actors were trying to pump thep rice and trick people into buying gold. They will be dealt with.

>> No.56874045

Have been for a very long time. This market is entirely in control of very large institutions. Which is why I am staying out of it.

>> No.56874058

Crypto is more controlled than metals.
CIA controls Satoshi wallets and Fed controls all ramps.

>> No.56874079

eternal crabbening

>> No.56874087

If that were real. It's a good thing they keep metals prices down. It would negatively affect their portfolio in other industries and consumers.

>> No.56874116

I have my doubts that the CIA is truly controlled by government. They seem to be doing their own thing quite often.

>> No.56874123

The hope is that one day their strangle on the market will end, and the decades of manipulation will be undone in a very short period of time.

>> No.56874162

Major US politicians like senators and presidents have mentioned that the intelligence agencies basically so whatever they want. It’s not uncommon for the Supreme Court to attempt to reign them in with rulings.

>> No.56874237

How is it supposed to end?

>> No.56874282

if this was possible, it would be even more bearish for your shitty "asset", meaning that there is no control for spot contracts
it just makes more of a case in favor of blockchains with strong nakamoto coefficients

down bad for you idiots

>> No.56874291

Hopefully with the total destruction of the state of isreal. But more likely with the hyperinflation of the USD or collapse of the world economy. People aren’t buying gold as a get rich quick crypto shitcoin. It’s a store of value for when things get rough.

>> No.56874299

>Crypto is more controlled than metals
crypto has the most difficult to manipulate market in the history of mankind
24/7 liquidity across the globe makes it for a huge spread
this pisses off boomers to no fucking end

>CIA controls Satoshi wallets
schizo cope

>> No.56874304

>store of value
midwit term
you can't store value
nothing stores value or has "Inherent" value
value is always dynamic

>> No.56874311

HT milk

>> No.56874365

Cool. Then go buy some more internet tokens. Hopefully they do you good when the lights go out. I’ll feel good knowing that I’ve got enough boomer rocks with “no inherent value” to keep myself alive for decades in a Venezuela tier economic collapse.

>> No.56874404

>when humanity reverts to the stone age my life can really begin

>> No.56874483

how else would you have the gold bull run start?

>> No.56874488

I can have an understanding of why metals are valuable and put enough money into them to be safe without spending every cent I own and pinning all my hopes on it. Something cryptofags don’t seem to understand is that you can have multiple kinds of investments for multiple potential situations. Iut seems like most people here simply don’t have the money to do more than dump $10k into shitcoins and hope to win the lottery.

>> No.56874519
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gold didnt break ATH when adjusted for inflation. it was at 2.5k in 1980.

>> No.56874529

kek, stupid fucking boomers

>> No.56874572
File: 125 KB, 675x698, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do the meme lines go on these charts?

>> No.56874589

>stupid boomers owning something that is currently worth more than ever

>> No.56874611

strawman argument.
when you really need your gold to do something, it's the price in another's fiat currency that matters. the rest of the time it's just sitting there, and it can be relied on to be able to perform that one trick at literally any point in the future.
it's not an investment, it's real savings.

>> No.56874625


>> No.56874626

Flew too close to the sun

>> No.56874644

actually metals manipulators have always been caught pushing the price up, not down, because that's opposite where it should go in the deflationary environment we've had for decades.
today gold is now correcting the mistake of trusting the fed and treasury to be able to unwind stimulus programs and put both the economy and the US fiscal health back on track simultaneously.
it can't, and, before gold can really appreciate, the US will have to cut spending. it won't just let go and slide into collapse all at once.

>> No.56874676

>and it can be relied on to be able to perform that one trick at literally any point in the future.
>it's not an investment, it's real savings
This is why I buy precious metals. It is a real, tangible store of value that will persist beyond any man-made institution in this century. An ounce of gold that you dig up from the tomb of an Egyptian Pharoah has retained its value. I never expected it would make me rich. It's meant for my children's children.

>> No.56874786
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Bros my gold looking a little weird, is it supposed to be like this?

>> No.56874794
File: 59 KB, 654x642, 321654987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have my doubts that the CIA is truly controlled by government
The CIA is the real government, dumbass.

>nakamoto coefficients
Cringe, I hate zoomers who pretend to be intelligent.

>schizo cope
Satoshi is Japanese for intelligence
Nakamoto is Japanese for central
It's only you single-digit IQ bumbling retard NPCs who actually believe Bitcoin is some kind of grassroots movement.

>> No.56874990

Reminds me of that one time I found a nigger on the blockchain

>> No.56875009

>CIA controls Satoshi wallets and Fed controls all ramps.
And? They'll sell to me when the US Gov finally gets margin called

>> No.56875124

Gold is such a scam, they can just print it ad infinitum like they do with dollars

>> No.56875155

you are supposed to save the chocolate inside for a survival situation

>> No.56875212
File: 1.68 MB, 1540x784, 1701701140578844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, survival food is standard.

>> No.56876176

I love how metals baggots cannot accept the fact that supply primarily comes from miners who's sole job is to dump loads of metal when prices are high. They actually think miners are on their side and not the other way around.

>> No.56876379

How can one be a bag holder when metals are very nearly at the ATH? Do you think everyone who owns gold bought in a January of 1980 and never again? Kek

>> No.56876469
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1213216888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love how Bitcoin baggies cannot accept the fact that supply primarily comes from miners who's sole job is to dump loads of BTC when prices are high. They actually think miners are on their side and not the other way around.

>> No.56876515

Central banking and the ability to “short” technicals while being in countries that ban gambling.

>> No.56876575

>I “sold” 400 tons on the market
>it’s accounted for within seconds
>it hasn’t moved an inch
>I “bought 800 tons on the market
>it’s accounted for within seconds
>it hasn’t moved an inch
>I’m up 20%
>good thing I made collateral calls with the bank that is my friend who also shorted before I sold and then called before I bought.

>no way for the fed to argue this is manipulation, especially when retards repealed glass-steagal

>> No.56876729

I am a very large investor. By weight, I am obese. Needs my gold, someone must want it to go up at some point.

>> No.56877001

>Cringe, I hate zoomers who pretend to be intelligent.
I'm older than you
also you're in the crypto board and doesn't understand a day 1 term, you should commit suicide

>Satoshi is Japanese for intelligence
>Nakamoto is Japanese for central
ok so you're just joking then

>> No.56878447

Stablecoin printing.

>> No.56879643

ATHs are overrated. This sentiment just stems from boomer fear. They can't tolerate chaos or uncertainty they just need everything to advance slowly and predictably so they can just copy the in crowd. Its why they fall for so many ponzi schemes. Sad!

>> No.56879974

Storing value = ability to preserve time and effort

It takes real life la or and time to get commodities into the market.
Gold and silver are monetary metals because they preserve this time and effort (value) into the future with relatively little to no corrosion.

I really shouldn't need to explain this stuff.

>> No.56880598

gold's value isn't inherent from market conditions, you have the brain of a woman if you can't put this concept inside your head
breathable air is valuable but its MARKET VALUE is 0 because of abundance
get it now, midwit?

>Storing value = ability to preserve time and effort
and you cannot store that
you will never be able to store that
even a battery containing potential energy, cannot be priced in a fixed value, because it all depends on availability
if we end the green-energy scam and go full nucelar, the price of energy goes to near 0, residential power bills becomes essentially 0

store of value == you are a fucking midwit or borderline stupid
that's why you think a demonetized asset is a good buy, because you are stupid and emotional

>> No.56880676

stablecoins are minted from US short term treasury bonds, which are cash equivalent
you CANNOT fake a US treasury bond
tether has 80 billion worth of those

if you think that someone can fake a US treasury bond and get the US treasury to pay them interest, you should probably exit finance and go work as a numerologist for some roastie magazine, or maybe form a cult where you scam other schizophrenics

>> No.56881430

>80 billion collateral
Aren't them on 1,000 billions?

>> No.56881999

And they tell me you can't eat gold

>> No.56882110

Tether is not back by US treasury bonds, that's USDC. Tether has a backing of absolute garbage junk.

>> No.56882133

I shorted at 2130 and you fags were all calling me a retard

i closed for profits yesterday, enjoy your shiny rock 2% gains in the next decade boomers

>> No.56882150

>gold's value isn't inherent from market conditions
Are you ESL? What is this supposed to mean?
>breathable air is valuable but its MARKET VALUE is 0 because of abundance
Are you trying to imply that there is an abundance of gold and it is therefore not valuable? Because that’s not only wrong, it’s retarded. What does any of your inane babbling even have to do with the fact that gold is a hedge against market failure?

>> No.56883022

>we built a nuclear power plant, so power is now free

You know that Nuclear plants on average take 30 yrs to generate profit on investment, right? The notion of energy cost approaching 0 because built nuclear plant is retarded, they still require the use of finite resources which just like PMs, fetch price based on demand. Market conditions demand price of gold goes up, and it hasn't kept pace. Ez buy, and ur a retarded faggot.

>> No.56883032

Totally organic price movements. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.56883152

the only bull market case for NOT being in gold is the hubris of thinking people 1000 years ago were literally cavemen discovering fire for the first time and that we are so technologically advanced we invented stuff way beyond their comprehension like the us dollar and a banking account, which they also invented 1000s of years