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File: 477 KB, 1170x1071, 8B5FBAD6-CEC2-47DE-A3EB-031F903B4E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56870162 No.56870162 [Reply] [Original]

Do women really invest nothing and spend all their income on traveling and stupid shit? I’m having a hard time believing they are this stupid

>> No.56870169

If you ever meet a woman you will have your answer

>> No.56870177

Women are permanently indebted because their large social networks provide them with a feeling of security, if they need money they can ask (You) for £5k and (You) will give it to them.

The only men who act similarly are NEETs and fat guys who have low self-esteem and spend all their wealth because they simply don't care about the future.

>> No.56870185

women know if they need money simps will give it to them on command, so there's no reason to save or invest

>> No.56870186

yes and horny men pay for everything for them anyways. and now they take our jobs too

>> No.56870192


>> No.56870209

What a fucked up system. Boomers really screwed up by allowing them into the labor force

>> No.56870220

they like to think of the things they buy as "investments"
>i think im going to invest in a humidifier
>i want to invest in a new washing machine
>i've invested in an electric blanket

>> No.56870232

Yes but these guys are exaggerating.

Women don’t spend all of their money because they believe some random simp will pick up the bill (unless you’re talking about her parents/husband that she doesn’t plan to find for a decade). They’re just not smart enough to care. The few that do care would rather have the social brownie points than financial security. Even the one successful engineer woman I know spends all her money and is tens of thousands of dollars in debt despite being raised by a middle class family and making as much as I do. For reference, I routinely spend thousands of dollars helping out my family members and still have around $70k in liquid assets in my mid 20s.

>> No.56870234
File: 222 KB, 1500x1000, student debt 14 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women who went to college in the 2000s still have 90% of their student loan debt left over.

>> No.56870235


>> No.56870244

We've been saying this for 20 years and nothing has improved, it's just fucked. It's always going to be fucked and you have no future.

>> No.56870265

First world women maybe, I'm a poor third worlder from Argentina who wage slaves and spends all the money I can on BTC so it deflates instead of inflating. It helps that I'm autistic so I don't feel social pressure to wear makeup or be presentable so it's easy

>> No.56870272

It’s third world women as well only literal Autistic women invest their money. Women should be investing in their looks while men invest money

>> No.56870286
File: 1.36 MB, 1242x1234, 87317CA5-4FE5-4700-84D3-270DAAAEFC30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Literally EVERY women I've met does this shit

>> No.56870292

How does being a faggot and a man larping as a man with fake tits add to op’s point about real women and their shit business skills?

>> No.56870298

Well if I make profit with the money I can invest in looks in the future,
I'm not a tranny

>> No.56870305


>> No.56870315

not the women in my family but otherwise yes

>> No.56870319
File: 44 KB, 657x527, qawvqadqtcwb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a 3rd world Autistic gf.

>> No.56870407

You think you do but you don't trust me.

>> No.56870431

post your butthole to prove you're a woman, whore

>> No.56870439
File: 79 KB, 841x697, FrfzzUGXsAU0joW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not FUD me on 3rd world autistic girls.

>> No.56870470

How does that proves I'm a woman, men have buttholes too
Because you don't want a socially retarded person as your romantic partner, also being autistic as a woman kinda makes you a bit more "masculine" brain and pattern of thoughts, most men want normal social well kept and sociable women

>> No.56870481

No anon. Women spend all night looking at charts and gambling.
They don’t just spend on all their money on clothes and vacations with the hopes that someone will just along and solve all their problems as has been the case for their entire lives

>> No.56870502
File: 13 KB, 657x777, c67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a spastic sperg myself though.

I have ADHD and PDD-NOS.

I want something like this one.

>> No.56870506


>> No.56870624

>I want something like this one.
A woman putting on a performance trying to become youtube famous by playing into neet culture?
The simping is bad enough but that you actually fall for this shit is giving me secondhand embarrassment

>> No.56870837

I dunno her mannerism and speech makes me believe she is actually sperg.

>> No.56870909

Yea i was the anon who posted about condo sister a while ago. When i was young i gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was even a fraction as smart as me … but time after tome again i am betrayed by my own naivety. ((Most)) women are dumb as fuck. Theres a few that have high emotional intelligence and have somewhat more logical brains, but in general they are all sheep that are controlled by their emotions. In this world of easy dopamine and women worshiping, why would they put risk and grind on themselves when they can just throw a hissy fit and get what they want.
They are terrible with money, and are driven by their primal urges to fit in.
>t. Anon who’s older sister manipulated him into giving her money when i was much younger

>> No.56870989

100% she loves anal

>> No.56871063

generally, yeah. but there are always exceptions to any generalization, and unless you focus on finding an exception you will forever live in your confirmation bias reality. all you notice are the loudest most consumerist ones; the ones who are not you will never notice because you aren’t looking for them and they contradict what you believe to be true.

>> No.56871093

Your fault for not teaching her she needs to do something to get the money

>> No.56871095


I am saying this because I myself am one despite the fact that none of you will believe me because theres no way the average girl would ever visit this board. I would like to tell you that we do exist even though maybe we’re a little odd or off putting. I will not visit this thread again because I would rather not read the replies.

I first came here around ~2017, bought eth at $190, bought render at 17c, bought vidt (remember that old coin? well I made nothing off of it lmao), and recently I bought rsc among other things. I think you will rarely find women around investing circles, but we are here just hidden. best of luck.

>> No.56871104


one last thing: if the only way you can feel any sense of self worth is by crying about how someone else is stupid, you do you but I pity you. rent free.

>> No.56871106

Trannies don't count

>> No.56871133
File: 32 KB, 640x691, 3d2ecb4829e4cd07 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the same small amount of women traveling as the same small amount of men investing who just make a noise about it. Do not let the social media fool you.

>> No.56871181

You will never be a woman.

That being said, hey 2017 /biz/raeli. I miss bitbeans. Made a killing off redd(it) coin. When will my real life begin?

>> No.56871201

Been investing my whole adulthood and very happy that I did. BUT you honestly are fucking idiot if you don't spend any money and enjoy your life when you are young and healthy. Personally I think traveling and exploring the world is one of the best investment to yourself you can make. If you don't like traveling, then don't travel, but pls make sure you also enjoy your life when you still have your health. You invest money to make more money to retire and chill one day. Too bad it usually means you retire when you are old and not in so good health.

>> No.56872063

most of them are like that. not all.

>> No.56872087

>from Argentina

>> No.56872099

definitely a women

>> No.56872103


>> No.56872105

It's easy to be stupid with money when it's literally thrown at you

>> No.56872145

I know a woman who invests heavily and has been for years. She lets men spend their money for her traveling and stupid shit. Yes. Being a woman is life in easy mode.

>> No.56872935

I spend all my money on video games and furry porn

>> No.56872950

Traveling and experiences make life worth living. Who cares about having 10M in the bank if your life is boring. What's so great about dying a multi-millionaire and having few life experiences?

>> No.56873085

You say that because you are different. I like sitting alone and unbothered and do my thing. The thought of people around me, with all their useless talking and fakeness, the thought of travelling to some paradise only to sit there, miss my charts, and have the same thoughts I have only stronger because every other person's stupidity and vanity deeply upsets me. You wouldn't understand if you tried. We are a different species, you and me.

>> No.56873105

Because people with responsibilities need money only children care about enjoying their lives.

>> No.56873153

the best experiences are the outdoors where it costs nothing you matrix dependent cock sucker. only a fucking clueless woman would post this shit.

>> No.56873165
File: 91 KB, 1179x881, Fxu4UBRaMAEWNz5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travel is full of so much bullshit it's not really worth it.

>> No.56873193
File: 792 KB, 845x1092, IMG_6144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t look down on women. We do our best to invest too. It’s a scary world out there.

>> No.56873206

They are short sighted, detail oriented creatures that expect to be perpetually taken care of, so yes, the investment minded female is a rare one

>> No.56873381

I’m a woman and I’ve been dca into vra for the past 2 years

>> No.56873412

Be me
>Meet girl, 8/10
>Fall in love
>Tells me she has money problems
>Clear her £22k debt
>Get engaged
>She runs up £18k in debt
>Her father contacts me out of the blue, telling me she owes him £40k
Feels bad, bros

>> No.56873426

I was talking to a few women I work with not that long ago about this. They all answer "that's for my future husband to worry about" and most of them say it's because they're arab and in their culture the man pays for everything. What they most have in common though is being around 30 and being unable to hold a relationship, not realizing they won't be finding a husband if it isn't soon.

The women are children meme is not far off for most of them. They can't even envision a life where someone else isn't taking care of them

>> No.56873437

talked gf into investing in crypto after I already made 6 figures of it. She finally gave in after months of me talking about it, she invested fucking 50€. She bought Ethereum at around 140€ meaning she sits at a crazy good profit but IT'S FROM 50 FUCKING €. A week later she spend 120€ getting a new haircut. Woman can not be helped. You can take a horse to the water but even when attempting to force it to drink, you might fail and end up drowning it. I'm going to fucking retire by 2026 and she won't for another 50 years. Simple as.

>> No.56873450


It's true for 95% of them. They are sure that there is a husband/father/brother/the government there to take care of them inevitably. And in some ways they're correct, this is coddling. They are the grasshopper.

>> No.56873581

That’s what you get for being a retarded simp.

>> No.56873617


>> No.56874481

Why would they invest? When they hit the wall and get tired of having casual sex and traveling and whoring around they'll just find some virgin mechanical incelneer to provide for them. That's their investing strategy.

>> No.56874859

Would you save yourself if you knew you could just latch onto a provider in your late twenties and just leech?

>> No.56875204

Actually a lot of women are pretty good with their financials because women by nature are skimpy and as fuck.

>> No.56875716

My gf and I traveled a ton together and we could afford it but sometimes she would obviously splurge on something and say it was from credit card points, for instance, $2k a night paris hotel that obviously was not all points.
She'd say "what's the point of having money if you don't spend it?"
It took a lot of lecturing to get her to start investing and understanding cash flow etc. Also to understand that retirement is literally impossible if you start too late
They spend it because they're fucking stupid. They just don't take the time to understand money, probably comes from being generously provided for. Versus the boys who we tell if you can't make a dollar you're both not a man and unfit to breed

>> No.56876109

Brb, just gonna go on a camping trip out of the city. Got my Land Cruiser, my camping gear, my gun, all ready. Oh wait. I don't have any of those things because I don't have the money for them
If you have no money you'd starve naked in the nature that money is exchanged for resources to make it pleasant

>> No.56876208

Stupid? That's what men are for.

>> No.56876269

that is bullshit. more people watch primitive technology than faggot hipsters camping in the woods in their 100k sprinters.

>> No.56876274

But anon, I enjoy making money most of all

>> No.56876325

I don't care about what people watch, or say, I care about what they do

>> No.56876341

Yes. Most women have been psy-opted into the “experiences over material things” meme. They unironically believe when they are old they will be more happy reminiscing of the times they fucked chads in Europe then having a paid off home and being secure.

>> No.56876358

Solution: don't have thousands of pounds. That way when she asks you to pay for things, you have a genuine reason not to.

>> No.56876420

Some do, some don't. Many men invest nothing and spend all their money on travel, entertainment, status symbols, convenience, and other stupid shit. Surely you have a male friend who bought a nice vehicle that he shouldn't have.

I don't deny there may be gender differences. A woman might be more likely to rack up debt while single with the expectation that she'll get married and her personal debt will become a shared debt. My coworker's wife waited until shortly after the wedding to inform him of her large credit card debt.

>> No.56876582

>I'm autistic so I don't feel social pressure to wear makeup
It's very telling that this is how trannies (see: males) out themselves, talking about makeup. The bizarre notion that women wear makeup to look "presentable" is so common that it's projected onto the incel's fantasy of being a woman who is as socially outcast/autistic as he is.
It's weird how common this oddly specific theme about makeup is among men larping as women on 4chan. I have seen it multiple times now. It's like you genuinely cannot bring yourself to think of anything else related to the state of being a female human.

>> No.56876664

Women have layers of safety nets and free money that allow them to basically live without savings comfortably. Their parents will house/feed them and pay their bills. Men will give them trips/money/entertainment for sex.

My ex, when reviewing her finances after losing her job, actually said "the only way I will ever be able to make a living will be porn". Her mind was completely unable to consider actually getting an education, a skilled job, or starting a business. Rather, it was to sell her body.

>> No.56877100

theres an orbiter in your bathroom.

>> No.56877233

She was probably older. Father was probably also not a large part of his life and he probably didn't have a larger brother/s

>> No.56877254


>> No.56877472

They can't see past the tip of their nose. My ex-wife was taught about the market, was shown historical bitcoin charts, and even somewhat understood the importance of a decentralized internet.... Still divorced me over cutting back on everything, trading in the car for a used car and no longer eating out. She now lives in a studio with some dude while my portfolio skyrockets. She lost her alimony because I was able to prove infidelity.