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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 937x715, 20mil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56859023 No.56859023 [Reply] [Original]

20 million stinkers have been migrated

>> No.56859106
File: 105 KB, 800x900, IMG_0673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m literally never staking

>> No.56859142
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 9rRNawMu_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and 20 million retards have been blocked o Twitter by Chris Barrett. (they are still triggered to this day)

All is well

>> No.56859159

And I'm literally never unstaking.
The duality of man.

>> No.56859205

you'll want to switch to a new address once a quantum-safe signature scheme has been implemented

>> No.56859348

>calling them retards
>name of the site changed like a year ago
>guy calling other people retards doesnt know what the website is called

>> No.56859535

Isn't that nearly 100% of v0.1 stakers?

>> No.56859684

2.7 million stinkers left

>> No.56859710

lol v0.1 was 23 million link?

>> No.56859930


>> No.56859943
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1518373848932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking V0.2 has been a massive success. There is already a documentary in the works. It will be in theatres next year

>> No.56859957


>> No.56859962


>> No.56861195

next year as in 2024 or 2025?

>> No.56861460

Fill 'er up, boys. We don't need these linkpool abominations taking up our space.

>> No.56861561

i migrated 115 linkies last night bros, i know i won't make it but its something

>> No.56861965

can you stop shitting up the threads? I can't even tell if you're fudding or shilling. Take your meds.

>> No.56862435

he posts in every thread and it's extremely annoying. Report him when he does it.

>> No.56862652

Ngl, I think I will never do this, I'm awfully tempted to sell all my stack but what stops me from doing it is that I'll probably not be able to chat with anyone on Beoble since LINK is my fattest stack

>> No.56862697
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 1618941374898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell, nobody gives a damn

>> No.56862703

Two more weeks anon

>> No.56862705

Stake, what's the worst that could happen? You're making money anyways

>> No.56862716

please don't sell marine, wagmi

>> No.56862719

CHUD NO FUD kys nigger faggot, or grow some balls and hold like a man

>> No.56862768

can you unstake whenever with v2 or is it the same as v1?

I ended up losing my seed phrase to my wallet (I still have access through my phone) but I would have to unstake my LINK in v2 to move to a new wallet and hopefully restake

i’d only be risking 2k LINK but for a poorfag that’s a good amount

>> No.56862807

>can you unstake whenever with v2
You push the "I want to unstake button" and have to wait for a month in v0.2. You need to move your crypto to a wallet that you have a seed phrase for. What you're currently doing is incredibly dangerous for your financial well being.

>> No.56862992

I know I just still have hope I can find it

I didn’t realize it was a month cooldown so I couldn’t just unstake Thursday move to a new wallet and restake huh

>> No.56863100
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Dr:ns didnt read, never staking

>> No.56863118

Pool is getting rather stinky