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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56850225 No.56850225 [Reply] [Original]

Most poor people are dumb and bad with money, so they deserve to be poor.

>> No.56850235

true but the system is rigged for jewish mindsets anyway

>> No.56850261

even if you cast a spell and redistribute the global wealth equally to every person on earth it will congregate to a select few given enough time

>> No.56850265

Most rich people are dumb and bad with money too, they're just descended from someone that wasn't

>> No.56850315

Sure, but if the fiat system wasn't so dysfunctional and parasitic there would be a "rising tide lifts all boats" effect of actual economic progress. That's why you the state-media try so hard to gaslight the public, because they know they are benefiting at the masses expense. Socialism for banks isn't capitalism.


>> No.56850329

The truth: your fate is decided at birth due to your genetics

>> No.56850333

a better system for poor people (the majority of the population) will come along then, no worries

>> No.56850338

So my point was it doesn't really make much sense to be too hard on poor people and the mostly dead middle class, when they are actual victims of an oppressive oligarchic system.

>> No.56850354

ultimately the systems that provide comfort to the poor need to deteriorate for there to be motivation to meaningfully change anything

>> No.56850419

it's 'inevitable' or cyclical. might take centuries but a debt reset is going to happen eventually barring some civilization-changing tech (the internet isn't it)

>> No.56850495
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>> No.56850582

Rich people stay rich because they're good with money. In China the descendants of the pre-communist elites are richer than average, despite their grandparents having all their wealth taken away and suffering decades of persecution. If a family stays rich beyond a couple of generations that's because they've cultivated a culture of good money management.

>> No.56850602

So wait, does this mean Jews really are superior?

>> No.56850613

it means they're good with money

>> No.56850674

intelligence does not really have anything to do with it. most poor people are poor because they are consoooomers.
they don't save, so they don't invest. for young people especially, it doesn't even occur to them that investment is an option. they go around thinking "capitalism is evil" or some such thing because a teacher or a tv show or movie told them so, unaware of how people all around them are becoming wealthy, unaware that public companies are 100% available to them, too.
they don't lack any intellect they just regularly choose not to use it because they have kneejerk reactions to the world around them: they have no moral compass and are instead conditioned to be automatically contrarian to the things they see and hear, instead of debating the merit of something based on some unchanging principle (morals).
in fact, the "midwit" exists because the slightly above average college-degree bearing millenial/zoomer is significantly more likely to be this kind of person. then, add just 3-5 more IQ points, and they become contrarian to the post-ironic contrarians, and become a "day trader" and fall for dumbass shit investment bankers sell via trading "professionals" on youtube and such.
but if your financial moral compass begins with "i should save more than i spend out of every single paycheck, without fail" even if you can't explain why that's true, you are impervious to all these pitfalls, and pierce each veil one by one, simply by doing your own thing and not listening to midwits and their worthless advice.

>> No.56850678

They don’t and youre a parasite

>> No.56850695

no, it doesn't, because they're responsible for this: >>56850674
despite temporarily bearing all the great truths, prior to the rise of america, they refuse to compete openly _especially_ in america
the recusant always burns in hellfire.

>> No.56850768

Do you really have to ask? Take a look at Israel then look at all the islamic shitholes around them. Stop playing coy, the answers are right in front of your dumbass.

>> No.56850806

>money good people bad
Dumb loosh harvesters.

The whole point is trying to keep people here isolated, lonely, unhappy and cutoff is to harvest your loosh.

Kikes are basically parasites that create trauma amongst the populace to garner gibs from astral farmers.
This is why they steal, kill, lie, cheat, genocide, scam, etc
All of it creates conflict, they gain materially from this conflict and the harvesters approve of their actions and this is why nothing changes.

You want change, do everything opposite of what a jew does.

>> No.56850833

No, you can't change this world. If you want to succeed, do as the Chosen do. It's your choice, so don't act helpless.

>> No.56850841
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You can't harvest my loosh kike.

>> No.56850871
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I challenge your "someone" to the rights of this garden, it's mine for my taking, I see your games now and I'm going to fight you till the end using my spiritual energy, you made a mistake not killing me when you had the chance.

>> No.56850889

>muh helping poor people stops progress
yea its not the cost of drugs, tax evasive billionaires, gatekeeping elitist school systems, unfair wages, slow as fuck archaic government system, corrupt leaders . ..no lets just turn a blind eye and accept that its the poor people who are the problem. fucking absolute retards, this board is going to hell.

>> No.56850936

>poor people are poor because they are consumers
u realize an economy only functions if people buy shit, right?

>> No.56850977

This is absolutely true and it's one of the most difficult things to navigate once you start putting away some good money. It's like the temperaments in dogs. There are people you give $100 to and they instantly start figuring out the best way to make it grow. There other people you give $100 to and they're already fantasizing about how they're going to spend $120. There are people who are always thinking about the set of skills they use and develop to produce their wealth. There are other people who every time you look at them seem to be doing pretty much nothing. They're terminally stagnant. I thought everyone was either like me or had the potential to be me, but it is not the case and that means life needs to play out way more differently than if everyone was just waiting for the right opportunities to come along and set them straight. You put a piece of cake on the table, they'll eat it. You think, I'll put 8 cakes on the table, they'll eat that too. These are the sort of experiments you don't even want to engage in because the only conclusion you can walk away from them with are the Jews are absolutely correct, there are things called "goyim" and they are no better than cattle.

>> No.56851058

A good culture of money management needs to include extremely careful mate selection as well. It's not just a mindset or a philosophy passed down over generations. It's who you choose to have kids with and especially, ESPECIALLY the family of the person you choose to sleep with. Poverty that meets wealth doesn't result in the poverty becoming wealth, it results in the wealth becoming poverty.

The hardest decisions you'll have to make if you want to preserve wealth are the ones where you are dating a perfectly nice girl, but it turns out she has some genetic illness that will pass down to your children and their children's children or she has a shitty family and you have to essentially be like "I am drawing the line in the sand, you aren't worthy and anyone else at my level deeming you worthy is making an error. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone closer to your level or learning to be better at deceiving someone above it, but you've failed this time."

You absolutely don't want to be that guy showing up to different events or conferences and everyone's girlfriends or wives are like "oh yea, I work for the state department." "I work for Goldman Sachs and my wife is an analyst at RenTech." And it gets to you and you're like "yea I work for a private equity fund...my girlfriend? oh she's a special education teacher and her dad is a greeter at Walmart when he isn't serially unemployed." You'll find yourself sitting at tables you don't want to be at. I've been there and the price of being a nice guy only gets higher the bigger your bank account gets. Not worth it.

Family culture encompasses a lot.

>> No.56851108

>muh money velocity
You're an idiot, no one needs you to regurgitate the dogmas of the dysfunctional establishment status-quo.

>> No.56851141


>> No.56851145

Kind of true. But originally society was structured to provide safety nets and many-many easy ways to recoup and recover. Now it’s literally hard mode git gud faggot or be born to long nose tribe.

Protip: Avoid women, never let anyone know how much you make, never be hood rich, drive cheap affordable shitheaps, dress in used clothing, get /fit/ for both health and cheap food gains, avoid media and entertainment, and always hide your power level. Once you’ve truly made it, you can go full mask off Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

>> No.56851159

The tough truth for aspirationally high-class people like myself. Despite being an outlier from your immediate family with respect to temperament, intelligence, and ambition - others will inevitably associate your unbecoming family members with your (often unknowingly, it is simply natural). This is why I do not discuss my family with colleagues/potential partners, unless they begin probing, at which point I will describe them with honesty but little embarrassing detail.

>> No.56851326

You guys sound like you're reassuring yourselves (hence a comforting childhood cartoon character picrel).

>> No.56851333

all of that is tolerated because at the end of the day basic needs are sufficiently satisfied

>> No.56851358

most poor people refuse to sacrifice now for gains later.

>get a roommate? ew no i dont like that
>wahh i cant save up a downpayment

>study something boring that pays well? / have a boring job? i would never!
>wahh i cant live the life of an accountant or engineer

>skip vacations? skip other expenses for years to save money? no way
>its not fair you have savings and i dont

its all so tiresome

>> No.56851380

In my experience, at a certain point you need to cut ties and start a new brand. Maybe there's another way to do it, but that seems to be the most simple and efficient. The higher you rise in status the less people want to hear about the rookie problems you're navigating. It makes everyone uneasy. Again, I say this from experience. From their perspective, the easiest way to make sure they never come in contact with your junkie brother is to cease contact with you. There's probably someone else out there like you or better that doesn't have a junkie brother or maybe they do, but they have essentially made the guy a stranger.

At a certain point everyone around you is just like "why are you even putting up with that???" In this case "that" being defined as anything that is disposable from your existence, but you are not disposing of. The thing about people is that everyone publicly loves to say "oh, it's so nice that you're taking care of your junkie brother" and it's true, that is nice. But the guy that solves problems by any means necessary, the guy who removes problems from existence rather than keeping those problems as pets, is the guy everyone wants in their list of contacts. It's not easy to be that guy and it's really hard to be that guy and also not simultaneously be an asshole.

>> No.56851425

ITT a bunch of larping /biz/ oldfags trying to sniff out that richfag who doesn't belong here. incredibly based. love these faggots like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.56851532

Yup, most Americans are spiritually Jewish through social and economic engineering.

>> No.56851690


>> No.56851812

America is the capital of Judaism and don't you forget it.

>> No.56852217
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is it dumb or smart to use leverage
im on kinetix and im afraid ill get my left arm amputated by liquidation