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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56849212 No.56849212 [Reply] [Original]

Been watching shitcoins pop off and do ridiculous gains every day on dextools for a month now and not a single one has been called early by biz, or if it has the threads have had no traction
all you guys do is obsess over link and kaspa, and fantasize about the bull run next year while shitcoiners are making life changing money every day
does anyone know the secret to success on these shitcoins? seems like as soon as they go on trending for the first time its a surefire 2x but beyond that is a gamble
should i just ape 20 bucks into anything new that doesnt sound retarded
how do you ensure you arent gonna buy something that could mess with your wallet?
i must know these ways
seems like as long as you only aim for a 2x and move on its easy?

>> No.56849228

The secret is that nobody knows which coin is going to moon its a lottery game and you're buying tickets. Anybody that tries to tell you otherwise is lying

>> No.56849276

Yep biz is dead.

>> No.56849283

two days ago someone said to buy beam and it did 200% a day later. you just never buy whats shilled

>> No.56849294
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Naw just use your brain faggots just got a 10x soon to be 100 within a few weeks

>> No.56849295
File: 103 KB, 1023x676, IMG_20231025_173447_378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been calling 0KN for the past months and niggas didn't listen
I'm up about 200k on this shitter

>> No.56849297

this is bullshit. i knew BNB was going to be a hit when i first used it. bought in at 50 cents and sold my whole bag like an idiot at around $26-$28 thinking just like you, conflating pump and dump worthless shitcoins with something that people were going to buy no matter what price it was at coz muh utility. that error costed me $7 MILLION!

>> No.56849304

thanks just bought 100 mil

>> No.56849354

>your welcome
>trusting an ESL
It was probably you who posted that thread.

>> No.56849362
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Picrel was the mechanism by which (((they))) caused those conditions.

>> No.56849367

Yeah it was retard which is why I’m up 10x

>> No.56849407

thanks anon, i just bought $100 of coins listed on there and made $40k profit. It's so easy

>> No.56849420
File: 77 KB, 719x496, SmartSelect_20231124_035437_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I have been trying to tell this board about ALPH for weeks now. I have made a 5x in that time and I still get called a pajeet on every thread. This board doesn't deserve gems

>> No.56849482

Kek, christcucks lose again

>> No.56849678

Took me 2 years to build a telegram.sniper bot for uniswap. It has many filters you can set up to increase your chances. I am unemployed so I never had a chance to properly try it out, but I will soon! @UniswapSniperTGBot it's free to use with empty wallet otherwise it charges 10% of total amount invested! I got lucky few months back when I was testing it, it done over 100x on 2$ investment on LSD coin and few others!

>> No.56849741
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More like the jews lose, whenever the jewish mental weapon of mass destruction (((christianity))) is exposed for being what it is. The Christians themselves as individuals are not our enemies (even though they serve the jew's interests), we need to remember they're victims trapped in a jewish hypnotic trance/spell. We can break that spell/trance and free them.

>> No.56849764
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>> No.56849779
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>> No.56849792
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