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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 600x459, 1701561468083268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56846525 No.56846525 [Reply] [Original]

weekly volatility is zero. it is about to explode to the upside.

it has been going sideways for 6 years, the longest accumulation period of any coin currently.

you have no fucking idea how valuable this will be

>> No.56846566


>> No.56846590

didn't they just get hacked? LOL
People hate on "dino" coins, yet forget Monero is the king of dino coins

>> No.56846599 [DELETED] 
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>t. living in hyperinflation
I owe 8.9k to loansharks now or they are going to hurt my family and Israel keeps bombing me.

>> No.56846604

more like Zero

>> No.56846737

you will be distraught when you see the 2019 style golden bull run for monero begin. this will be 2 years straight of green only. I'm in and highly leveraged.

when this plays out I'll be free forever and my real life can begin and I'll have sex

>> No.56846752


>> No.56846960

Monero is fucking ancient dogshit with zero dev team. And they will probably never do trustless cross chain atomic swaps like other privacy projects.

>> No.56846966

kek, 2017 called and wants their shitcoins back

>> No.56847013

It, like the whole of defi, is currently being blocked across the UK, Europe and US; need to be able to identify customer I'm each transaction to deposit to a regular bank. Keep up with the news brah

>> No.56847249

the exact words said about Bitcoin 10 years ago.

>> No.56847258

Fuck you, I'm not that lucky.

>> No.56847264

>trustless cross chain atomic swaps

I hate you insufferable retards so much it's unreal.

>> No.56847272

I love how Monero feds tell people to buy their honeypot shitcoin from literal honeypot centralized exchanges

>> No.56847292

The only thing at all that is decentralized in this entire fucking game is PoW. If you're not mining a fucking coin or doing a transaction, you're going through someone else. You can't have two chains magically communicate with each other, someone is mediating the transaction and collecting a fee. I bet you think layer 2 is super cool too, don't you faggot?

>> No.56847299
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It consolidated for 200 days and then when everything started moving up, Monero dumps an additional 20% and it struggling at lows.
Imagine putting your money into this crap.

>> No.56847376

>You can't have two chains magically communicate with each other
Yes you can
>someone is mediating the transaction and collecting a fee
That is a cex.


>> No.56847391

They're going on a major crackdown on Algerians and Romanians using it to launder money and traffic people. Shrimple as.

It started in the uk, is moving across Europe and into the US. They're having multinational summits discussing precisely this now.

>> No.56847419

oh so they can just stop it? oh... wait no they can't HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.56847437

>to perform an atomic swap, the two cryptocurrencies need to be based on blockchains that share the same hashing algorithm

>> No.56847486

Thats not true. It's binance's spin. You can see an actual atomic swap exchange in action at https://dexstats.info/

>> No.56847623
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You might be mocking us now, but me an my wife's bull will be having the last laugh when XMR hits 20k

>> No.56847742

based anon.

get a few wownero too, it's cheap right now and will hit ATH again, 100%

>> No.56848134

uhh the gubments of the world basically blacklisted this shit
i hope you are right $60k moonero would be life changing money for me.

>> No.56848197

>Still available on Binance, Kraken, Bitfinex, etc.
Hurr Durr muh ebil darkweb top secret underground coin that govt's can never trace... watch this, when I post this link some bot is gonna reply with an ancient geocities link that will trace your ip.

>> No.56848254

1. There's no XMR/FDUSD pair on Binance with at least 0 fee on maker
2. Volume is dogshit compared to other coin, there's barely any demand
3. Look at XMR/BTC chart
4. Google XMR/USD. Look at YTD %.
5. $170 is enough for the entire dark market capitalization.

>> No.56848291

> $170 is enough for the entire dark market capitalization.
not enough for gray market, CIA black ops, and cartels though

>> No.56848486


>> No.56849023
File: 415 KB, 1078x633, W2S3Qh5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment on the black market.

>> No.56849032
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Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment for ransomware piracy.

>> No.56849036
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Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of accepting crypto donations for ISIS and assorted terrorist groups.

>> No.56849043

oh hunny, you are a virgin?
sorry I dont take investment advice from incels

>> No.56849047
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Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of accepting crypto donations for far-right and assorted extremist groups.

>> No.56849057
File: 255 KB, 881x800, vfCeGmN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of crypto payment for buying virtual gift cards in the US.

>> No.56849062
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not volatile at all

>> No.56849066
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Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of crypto payment on the EU's largest Bitcoin storefront.

>> No.56849074

>look at this article from 2019 that describes theoretically how it could work

Nigger. Nobody is doing """atomic swaps""". Everyone is using a third party.

>> No.56849077
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Reminder that Bitcoin's exorbitant price is NOT the result of organic real-world supply & demand but is instead the result of 10+ years of demonstrably fraudulent trading by a cabal of profiteers who are counting on you to take the bait and FOMO in every time they initiate a pump.

Reminder that this same kind of market manipulation is how utterly useless memecoins are also able to inexplicably attain multi-billion dollar market caps.

Reminder that price action in a market this spectacularly fraudulent is therefore not truly representative of an asset's actual value and is an inherently meaningless metric.

Reminder that such fraudulent trading is not consistent with long-term growth and stability.

Reminder that Bitcoin is now rapidly losing real-world economic relevance to Monero as *reliable* privacy and *full* fungibility become evermore necessary for truly permissionless crypto transacting. https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org/#MoneroReplacingBitcoin

Reminder that maxipads are delusional bagholders who actually believe Bitcoin can continue losing real-world economic relevance without it negatively impacting the price.

Reminder that those same maxipads will attempt to distract you from Bitcoin's downward spiral with constant appeals to historical price action that, as seen, is inherently meaningless.



Reminder that actual ADOPTION = sustained & growing utilization by non-speculators as a medium of exchange in a real-world economy for the purchase/sale of goods & services.

Reminder that Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has consistently growing demand from non-speculators due to it becoming the exclusive medium of exchange for cyber-related black market commerce.

Reminder that this growing demand makes Monero the only cryptocurrency with a guaranteed floor since commercial users will continue buying it no matter the price or market conditions.

>> No.56849102

I spend XMR more than any other coin. I've never used it to buy drugs.

>> No.56849105

Youre 3 years late NEWFAGGOT GO BACK

>> No.56849115
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>> No.56849129
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all based

>> No.56850638
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>> No.56850685

I hate holding this coin. I've got like a suicide stack of an undisclosed amount but i've been so tempted to swap it for something that will give me a return. I remember mining this stupid shit when I could have been mining Kadena or Kaspa ughhhh

>> No.56850696

Ask me.how I know you're low IQ?

>> No.56850717

anyone got the monero/midwit image? the one where the graph looks like an M

>> No.56850739
File: 93 KB, 1241x749, k2E2Rkb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone got the monero/midwit image? the one where the graph looks like an M

lol like clockwork

>Reminder that those same maxipads will attempt to distract you from Bitcoin's downward spiral with constant appeals to historical price action that, as seen, is inherently meaningless.

>> No.56850896

Atomic swaps with Monero are dead because the guy giving up his Monero is probably getting tainted BTC, ETH, etc., in return.

>> No.56850927

I don't buy drugs, I don't buy cheese pizza, I don't do ransomware, I don't donate to ISIS. I buy groceries and pay my electric bill.

>> No.56850953

Coincards sucks, their fees are way too high. 4% on a Wal-Mart gift card? Fuck that. Bitrefill is way better.

>> No.56850970
File: 227 KB, 860x947, 1671311440435417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitrefill is way better.

Refuses to accept XMR for some reason.

>At Bitrefill, you can purchase gift cards using a variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, USDC, USDT, Binance Pay, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Dash.

>> No.56850997

I used coincards, fees were shit, so I use bitrefill. I'm paying bills, couldn't care less what crypto they accept.

>> No.56851040

lmao I fucking wish. Total horse shit. People don't value privacy. If I had invested a shitcoin like Bitcoin or Doge I'd be rich.

>> No.56851092

Also why does coincards require my name, location, and email? Bitrefill doesn't ask for shit.

>> No.56851133
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KYC requirements vary by jurisdiction. CakePay also requires an email address, you give em a phony one, nobody cares.

>> No.56851285

>a coin with infinite supply thats currently solely used for drugs is going to $60k
damn i never thought about it that way OP, youre right! just bought 5 coins

>> No.56851318
File: 396 KB, 646x1080, MuhInfiniteSupply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin with infinite supply

over an infinite timescale, wetbrain. There will be more BTC than XMR in circulation until 2040.

And that doesn't even factor in all the coins being lost over time.

>> No.56851381

Monera is what btc wanted to be. All it needs is some adoption. But like "money" it shouldn't go up or down. It should stay exactly where it is. And should make like %5 every year. If you hold monero thinking that it'll moon you are a retard and you'll die poor.

>> No.56851704

> monegro
Nobody cares about your premined botnet coin. It didn’t even hit ath in the last cycle, probably because that fat fuck still has millions of coins to sell on open market to finance his orgies in dubai and thailand.

>> No.56851728

Cope, It's because no blockchain dev worth a shit will touch your glownigger honeypot with a 10ft pole.

>> No.56851781

They've got some tranny dev with a beard who wears a maid outfit while giving talks. That's gotta be worth something, right?

>> No.56851860

Monero is undervalued because regulated exchanges can’t list it. If Thorchain ever gets their shit together and integrates it, it removes a ton of barriers and Monero will surely moon.

>> No.56851893

Atomic Swaps are a meme. There is always a trusted third party.

The reason shills want to push AS so hard on XMR is because they want XMR to adopt layer 2 garbage. Layer 2 is an attack vector. They got their foot in the door on Bitcoin because of scaling. XMR doesn't have this blocksize debate issue, so they can't split the community on it. So they try to sell Monero holders on "decentralized exchange" which is complete and utter bullshit. There is no such thing as a DEX.

>> No.56852003

> no such thing as dex

You can ignore this retard

>> No.56852313

Not a store of value+users are mentally ill+number go up kek

>> No.56852319

Since this has a fixed supply that's more believable, what's a good stack to have?

>> No.56852322

Kaspa mooned without big exchanges