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56845208 No.56845208 [Reply] [Original]

This is the official $17 waiting room for the popular Internet cryotocurrency coin Chainlink ticker Link. Please help yourself at our honesty bar and remember to respect our neighbours later when $18 room opens

>> No.56845219

what snacks we got, gimme something crunchy

>> No.56845223 [DELETED] 

good to be here sir, thank you. after an extremely long coke fueled link trading day yesterday this is a perfect way to unwind

t. anon who called this move and now sits on a $96k long

>> No.56845233
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Oh boy!

>> No.56845241


>> No.56845278
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was gonna buy 200 more at 14.30 but didn't have the cash, now I'm flush with cash and it's at 16, I know if I fomo in now it's going to crash

>> No.56845287

$17 is worth celebrating, but I'm really looking forward to flipping DOGE.

>> No.56845290

lol dude i used to be like you when link was going in between 30 cents and 50 cents, hahaah in a couple years it wont matter if you got some at 14 or 16 dollars dont sweat it man buy whenever you want hahah (:

>> No.56845307

Playing with fire there, anon. We're one announcement away from a God candle that makes Dirk Diggler look like Tom Thumb. Link under $20 is a steal.

>> No.56845329

dude no announcement now will take link up. only bitcoin will carry it along with the bull run.

the only thing that will make link moon now is actual adoption.

for now it seems like that will take 5-15 years.

the good thing is tho. most kids in school right not will ne jealous of us buying now. when these kids are 30 it will be too late for them.

thankfully in 15 years oll be the prime age of 45.

>> No.56845331




>> No.56845335
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I don't want chainlink to go to the moon because if I'll sell everything I'll lose you all

>> No.56845337

stop posting our dead name you fucking schizo. we are SDL now. got it?

>> No.56845339 [DELETED] 

there could be any number of announcements to carry it up, not just BTC.

the fact glnk is still trading at ~200% premium shows you institutions are willing to pay $40-$50 per link just to have regulated exposure. they clearly know something

>> No.56845345

kek you will never be a real token tranny

how you doing based kiddo aww shucks no poolers missed out haha pools closed kiddos based!

>> No.56845346

>actual adoption
That's exactly what I'm talking about and it's imminent. Perhaps you haven't noticed.

>> No.56845616
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>> No.56845659

This is now the official $14 waiting room.

>> No.56845670

I'm thinking about placing my life savings of $40,000 AUD into LINK...

>> No.56845701

people have been saying this since the ico

>> No.56845702

>Lost $16

This is now the official $15 waiting room

>> No.56845709
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>look who just entered the room...

>> No.56845976
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>> No.56845987
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also reminder that a high price isnt inclusive to all economic backgrounds or tolerant of poor people so the price can't go that high

>> No.56845998
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>> No.56846313

just buy back in lower or only sell like 3/4 of your stack dummy

every linkie should be keeping at least 1k link to stake permanently.

>> No.56846338

>people have been saying this since the ico
and the people saying it now are swift, hong kong, and bnp paribas

>> No.56846533
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>> No.56847063

Still -66% from ATH, imagine celebrating that

>> No.56847074

Just checked chainlink. Still no volume and the whale still distributing. Good luck with your moon mission.

>> No.56847175

so what you're saying is its still time to buy? buy low sell high right?

>> No.56847219

Dumber things could happen. My entire nw is riding on this basterds

>> No.56847268

>for now it seems like that will take 5-15 years
yes for the actual adaption of every financial and industrial branch
10 years is when tokenized assets and metals are included
that whole SWIFT shit is coming way earlier, they stated somehow around 2026 in their newest article

10-15 years for 81k per token
3 years for mid triple digits at worst

>> No.56847298

>that whole SWIFT shit is coming way earlier, they stated somehow around 2026 in their newest article
How is ETH going to handle all these transactions. You do understand blockchains don't fundamentally scale, don't you?

>> No.56847373

I will only get excited if we cross 20 and hold it

>> No.56847508
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>only bitcoin will carry it along
Actually, Link is the one carrying Bitcoin along.

>> No.56847516

The Swift thing is about cross-chain, dumb dumb.
It involves all kinds of public and private chains.

>> No.56847708

Same, so frustrating, even when we dumped to 0.14 I didn't buy too much because I wanted an even better entry.
Really the move was to just DCA regularly, but it wasn't so obvious in 2018 (never cared for assblaster threads because of my inate distaste for tripfags)

>> No.56847718

I think we'll manage that in jan. I think end of next year we'll likely have beaten the old high.

>> No.56847767

Way too optimistic I bet. It hurts so much bros. Link deserves triple digits right now at the minimum.

>> No.56847775

imagine holding this when you could be holding bittensor

>> No.56847801

>imagine holding this when you could be holding bittensor
imagine holding that when you could be holding DZNT

>> No.56847880

I am rich in chainlink if I can get into my og binance account

>> No.56847889

that hasn't changed kek. it's been 6 years of banks saying "chainlink soon"

>> No.56847937
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i try not to get too excited about short term price changes, think long term.
But god am I excited.

>> No.56847978

Except tokenization by legacy finance is fully underway.
And no project is closer to mass integration in this ense than chainlink.

Plus, what else is there outside of massive legacy adoption?
Grassroots adoption, which essentially means Defi.
And guess what, Chainlink reign supreme there too.

>> No.56848011

Give me your details and I'll send you half.

>> No.56848063

yeah yeah it's been fully underway for 6 years, with nothing to show except lying corporate faggots saying it's underway

chainlink sucks for anything except vrf and price feeds. nobody uses keepers, ccip has no volume. crosschain has been solved well enough by other projects

>> No.56848118

how many private chains are there? They don't even exist.

>> No.56848251

>Except tokenization by legacy finance is fully underway.
No-one has any interest in tokenisation and even if they did they wouldn't need chainlink, they'd use their own oracles and settle it on ETH. You're delusional if you think banks are going to just spin up their own chains themselves.

>> No.56848257

midwit detected

>> No.56848272

>I remember 5 years ago
>When the price was the same

>> No.56848345

>No-one has any interest in tokenisation
At least TRY to sound intelligent when making FUD

>> No.56848430

Ok be real tea guise. Is chinklink having an ETH-like run in 2024-2025? Because if yes that’d make a single link cost $820

>> No.56848452

$1t market cap

>> No.56848478
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>it's been fully underway for 6 years
lmao no it hasn't.
There was interest 6 years ago, but nothing like today.

>> No.56848527

What if I told you the last run-up only happened because the collective daily manifestation of "Your a maniac" pasta.

>> No.56848536

Imagine one day you wake up and Chainlink announces the creation of the creation of the Chainlink Interoperability Coalition (CIC) whose members consist of all 11 thousand banks in the swift network, google, microsoft, 100+ normie brands like Nike and Louis Vuitton as well as 50+ projects on the top 100 ranking.

Imagine the massive green dildo when it happens and the seethe from nolinkers. A new subplebbit will be created called r/buttlinkers for copers.

For now just imagine, soon you won’t have to.

>> No.56848681

>The Chainlink Interoperability Coalition (CIC)
I like the sound of this; it has gravitas. This is just the sort of thing we need to really solidify the place of Link in the consciousness, and forever blow away the annoying quantards and cripplettes

>> No.56848742
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/thread. There is nothing “close”. Last week that ppt slide said theyre considering more experiments LOL

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56848757
File: 407 KB, 1125x1594, 5047BE58-110E-4BFD-8A81-ED08C59310C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel delusion fantasy

In this fantasy - does everyone get together and, speaking about you, collectively talk about you were such a genius the whole time?

This is what joining a cult does to you

>> No.56848768

What’s funny is that Thomas fuds chainlink because he holds a shitload and he’s so sure of link winning that fud doesn’t matter, that’s what he thinks at least. It does affect the short price action though, even if only a small effect.

>> No.56848803

>does everyone get together and, speaking about you, collectively talk about you were such a genius the whole time?

Yes, and I share a huge bigmac meal with my bros

>This is what joining a cult does to you
“Chainlink, the cult that makes you money”. Hey, has a nice ring to it!

>> No.56848804

Imagine being so retarded to think
>lol it’s fine if it could be $1,000/token today because in 10 years it’s guaranteed to be $1,000/token and so I don’t care if it’s $1,000 now or then

Without stopping for a second to consider that you have then had 10 years of opportunity cost to diversify and grow that wealth elsewhere.

This guy is either mentally handicapped or so far off his rocker that he literally is in this only because he loves Chainlink and getting rich is not even a consideration in his brain.

>> No.56848811

I don't think we are flipping $16 into a support. Sold some of my stack.

>> No.56848820

Look at the hopium on this broad

>> No.56848928


>Have a confirmed partnership with swift and dtcc to create the worlds biggest liquidity layer
>Receive initial funding from one of the worlds richest men San…dro Sa…lsano
>Be mentioned in book written by the head of the world economic forum
>get Evan Cheng, a crucial member that made possible to create every apple device on board as technical advisor
>get worlds 100th richest man on board as advisor. Ex CEO of google/Apples board of directors/deep ties to DoD and governmental institutions
>Anthony Hopkins shilling Chainlink on Twitter

And you think chainlink creating a coalition is hopium? Son… this is not hopium. This is reality thats yet to be publicly disclosed. That’s it.

>> No.56849079

>muh appeal to authority
so in conclusion, yes, it is extreme hopium

>> No.56849093

>This is reality thats yet to be publicly disclosed
but you have managed to figure it out, huh
the absolute state of deluded bagholders

>> No.56849206

All of crypto is "hoping" for mass adoption; and Chainlink's case is the least hopium-based out of all of them.

>> No.56849207

>appeal to authority
i think you may have confused 'client base' with 'authority figures' but that's ok. Keep talking, it's really making me question my 6-year investment plan and 7-figure portfolio.
Also, is it lonely being you? You sound utterly miserable. Hope you're alright, mentally speaking.

>> No.56849219

there are no clients, only PoCs
a client would imply some kind of payment, which there's none
>blahblah insults, coping and deflection
have fun as we're about to enter year 10 of smartcontract.com with absolutely nothing to show for it

>> No.56849300
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>$0 revenue

HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow imagine being that ignorant what a fucking loser

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56849308
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Good post. Just fyi you’re trying to reason with an extreme amateur investor who’s in a cult. She doesnt understand the basics of business, opportunity cost, etc.

>> No.56849401

>absolutely nothing to show for it
I'm a millionaire from it, anon, and it's only going to get better. Sorry you're no good at investing. Better luck next time.

>> No.56849419
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>a client would imply some kind of payment, which there's none

>> No.56849570

why so much resistance at sixteen

>> No.56849668

I've been waiting all weekend for funds to hit coinbase, the minute they land on Monday I don't give a shit what the price is, I'm going to market buy as soon as I can
The torture of not being in the pool is driving me insane

>> No.56849830

You're still early, anon; Just not as early as a small number. You will get to stake; you'll just have to wait a little while. You prob know but make sure to get them off the exchange asap and onto Ethereum mainnet with your keys airgapped with a hardware wallet.

>> No.56851366

it's not hitting $17, it can't even break $16 and can barely keep up with the rest of the market

>> No.56851900

160% in last 6 weeks not good enough for you?