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56843652 No.56843652 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56843662

by sleeping

>> No.56843667

Just close your eyes bro

>> No.56843680

Have you tried killing yourself? I heard that might work.

>> No.56843698

You can't.
I've had it for 20 years.
It's a fucking nightmare.
I have more memories of staring at the ceiling than I do with my children.
My life is an unending single day stretching through time until my inevitable demise.

>> No.56843705


I drink warm milk dipped in avocados.. and I watch a mika tan video

>> No.56843715

before bed
>go to bed at the same time every night
>only use bed for sleeping to help brain associate bed with sleep
>exercise regularly
>go for a walk before bed to get blood flowing and help clear your mind
>stay well hydrated

in bed
>focus on relaxing different parts of your body that you could be unconsciously tensing (for me it's usually the face/jaw)
>square breathe until you feel more relaxed (breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, repeat)
>try and clear your mind of any thoughts or focus on a sound like rain or white noise to stop yourself from thinking
>don't think about sleeping or trying to sleep, focus more on how tired you are or how nice it feels to relax

>> No.56843726
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>I drink warm milk dipped in avocados.

>> No.56843752

when biz is good, it's good , thanks anon

>> No.56843760

you're terrifying me. pls be a larp

>> No.56843765

Get loads of exercise and don't touch caffeine or booze

>> No.56843766

Gay sex does the trick

>> No.56843776


also don't do any stimulating activities before bed like gaming, watching exciting movies etc. Instead you can read or if you do watch something, make it something unstimulating.

>> No.56843778

Caffeine is the devil my brother

>> No.56843805

Just close your eyes retard

>> No.56843804







>> No.56843823
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>> No.56843826

I'm not sure

>> No.56843851

You got some good advice here op. If you have tried all of that stuff, try Lunesta. You shouldn't and likely can't take it long term, but for a few nights a 3mg tablet will help reset your system. Good luck and God bless you. I know how debilitating bad sleep is and truly hope you find relief.

>> No.56843875

I read a book usually 30-60 mins and um nodding off no screens blue light fucks with you

>> No.56843886

-exercise during day
-dont eat close to sleepy time
-avoid blue light within a few hours of sleep (ideally avoid screen time all together but that's a bit difficult so at least use flux or some other night filter)
-practice meditation as this helps you clear your mind and regulate your breathing on command
-avoid bed except for sleep
-watch or read something comfy right before bed (personally i watch documentaries or bob ross and doze off every time)
-supplement melatonin if nothing else works (careful not to overdo this since you can become dependent)

>> No.56843888
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Find love. The cause is state of mind.
Also, don't stare at a screen for hours before going to bed. Bang your love instead.

>> No.56843917

Quite honestly a lot of caffeine early in the day and none at all for the 8 hours prior to bedtime seems to be helpful, in my experience at least

>> No.56843931

Use the crash to your advantage

>> No.56844481

stop doing cocaine idiot