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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 605x323, TYLER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56838383 No.56838383 [Reply] [Original]

we need to find this coin right now and wagmi

>> No.56838391

Just wait to buy on Monday, goy

>> No.56838396
File: 21 KB, 300x230, coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.56838398

sell signal

>> No.56838413

what the fuck, we don't even know which fucking coin is, you tell me right fucking now

>> No.56838424

who is this

>> No.56838441

Just bought, you are all gonna rope yourselves when this shit hits 1usd, easiest money ever. Try a little bit harder and you'll find it.

>> No.56838448
File: 112 KB, 487x489, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll kill you if you don't tell me what coin it is. Tell us and I'll let you live

>> No.56838458

It’s beam kek. These fuckers created the technology on KAS and the market cap just doubled in a couple minutes.

Take a look at this shit, easiest 10x ever:

>> No.56838470


133.76M TOTAL SUPPLY and around 2.5-2.7k holders


>> No.56838472

maybe in 5 mins, when I finish sending more money to eth.

>> No.56838473

Nigger WTF just aped into this shit before amerifats wake up and see the post. 10k views in one hour is fucking crazy. Financial freedom here we go.

>> No.56838479

how fucking good is it, tell me how fucking good the coin is

>> No.56838486

Check the market cap/circulating supply and holders at the time he posted retard, it’s beam

>> No.56838496
File: 12 KB, 160x307, BEAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded, BEAM SUPPLY IS 52.34B and the fucking coin is 133M are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.56838503

Here you go stupid fucking nigger:

It’s beam the PRIVACY token and not the GAMING one.

The one developed by the same guy that lead the development of KASPA, you dumb FOOL.

>> No.56838505
File: 194 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_2023-12-02-18-41-04-746_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56838508

Time's up motherfucker tell us. I WANT TO BE FUCKING RICH

>> No.56838510
File: 124 KB, 599x662, Screenshot from 2023-12-02 08-39-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually bigger than i thought. Is legit enough to be followed by Cameron Winklevoss.

>> No.56838513

See the post above retard. I’d be mad at your nigger ass if it weren’t for the fact both you and me are about to make retarded amounts of money.

Wagmi you retard

>> No.56838515



>> No.56838518

you're welcome retard

>> No.56838523

OMFG is this fucking true? I'M THAT FUCKING EARLY FOR ONCE

what the fuck is going on with this, is it a meme coin?

>> No.56838528

you're a smart anon, now tell me how high can this go, can it go to 1B market cap?

>> No.56838529

thanks anon, my yacht will be named after your anonId.

>> No.56838537

Is it beam or is it pepekoin

>> No.56838544

The fucking website looks so good, I still don't understand what the fuck I bought but I want to buy some more, someone spoonfeed me

>> No.56838551


>> No.56838552

Seems like Pepe but the move has already moved

>> No.56838554

pretty sure this is a jeet scam, the main dudes id is even brown

>> No.56838564

I don't think Winklevoss would follow a jeet scam. And at 12M market cap I think we're early

>> No.56838583

where do you buy this shit

>> No.56838596

oh ok so ur samefagging with the twitter screenshot guy and ur probably the dev

>> No.56838600

Fuck it I aped in, unironically it looks like it will easily 10x, even 100x is possible.

TG looks good, website too. For some reason Winklevoss follows this shit. I think redditards will buy the fuck out of this once they notice at 50M market cap

>> No.56838608

I don’t understand if it’s pepe or beam..

>> No.56838615

Yeah genius, I'm the dev of a coin that launched in MAY and pumped 300% in the last days, are you too fucking retarded to understand that this coin is actually legit and on Monday it'll be shilled to thousands of normies, and you can buy before them?


>> No.56838644

tell me when u plan on rugging and ill buy some

>> No.56838647


buy here >>56838515

>> No.56838652

I bought some too
fuck it, gonna hold till monday at least and see what happens

>> No.56838657
File: 23 KB, 499x174, lock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidity is locked for 68 years you fucking retard. Dex score 99, no tax, no shit

>> No.56838693

Realistically how high will this shit go?
It pumped in may this year too

>> No.56838711

It seems it's the original pepe. So I'll say it'll reach $pepe market cap. That is 40x from here.

If the team delivers it can reach 1B market cap during a bullrun. I'll dump 10k if it drops to 7c but doesn't look like it

>> No.56838716

bought 1 ETH. Lets go!

>> No.56838725

Whats the 50% supply holder

>> No.56838744

Had same concern before buying, but checked telegram. 50% is staked, that address is the staking contract.

>> No.56838761

Beam is skyrocketing and i bought bought it and pepelmao. 2 gems 1 thread?

>> No.56838766

It’s 100% Fringe Finance
>literally $4 million MC
>launch imminent
>altcoin basket loans
>defi margin trading
>launching on 5 chains

>> No.56838773

Except liquidity doesnt match...

>> No.56838780

Wait what did I miss what did he say about liquidity

>> No.56838782

its pepekoin 100% confirmed retard
go look for yourself, everything matches the screenshots that ape posted

>> No.56838784

It's in the screenshot from dextools. Scroll up

>> No.56838786

It's pepe we already found it here >>56838505

Stop shilling other shits.

We now know you can stake and get basedai tokens in return, which actually has liquidity. This project keeps getting better. wagmi

>> No.56838789

keep this thread alive for people waking up
this shit will explode on monday

i put in 0.6 eth just now.

>> No.56838790

its a jeet scam, check the twitter the winklevoss guy doesent follow it.

everyone in this thread is a liar and possible just the same guy

>> No.56838792


>> No.56838796

He is literally right

>> No.56838797


How much are you guys expecting it to moon buy when he releases the vid? Gonna buy a bag but unsure of size

>> No.56838805

Man i don't know, if its true that winklevoss doesn't actually follow it then I'm worried why the earlier guy would photoshop the picture.

>> No.56838808

wtf are you talking about retard

idk about twitter, too lazy to check that shit right now

>> No.56838817
File: 65 KB, 616x398, winkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he does, fucking idiot

>> No.56838829

Checked it for myself

>> No.56838835

how's the weather in mumbai rajesh?

>> No.56838846

troll ass nigger leave this thread if you're not gonna contribute and just troll the entire time

>> No.56838848

Cameron follows it. It is legit, go check yourself. Can't post handle here because it gets flagged as spam.

@pepekoins (replace K with C)

Staking is very sweet, project looks fucking solid. This will fly

>> No.56838853

Pepe is a dead meme and you will all lose money. Checkem

>> No.56838854

I have been thinking about something to put some spare money into, so if either of these two work out thanks again /biz/.
You guys gave me Kaspa, Toshi and AVAX which all had substantial rises to catch as long as I watched them daily.

>> No.56838860

What you don't understand is that this is not a memecoin. You're fucking blind

>> No.56838867

price is dropping as i type this, from 9 cents to 8 in a few minutes

>> No.56838870

Who is Tyler and why is he important?

>> No.56838871

It was around 8c when the thread was created idiot. We're at 10-12M market cap, it won't matter when this flies to 100M or 500M.

I hope it dumps to 6-7c so I can buy more

>> No.56838878

we don't need your $5 contribution, poorfag.

>> No.56838884

he has 88k followers, that's all that matters

>> No.56838896
File: 100 KB, 806x639, jeetScam2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to press this button rasheed

>> No.56838899

>just hit ath
How about no.

>> No.56838906

You're asking the wrong questions. Try now with Who is Cameron Winklevoss.

Also that Tyler dude has 90k followers and he's making a video about pepekoin on Monday. Normies will buy this, because it's not a shit memecoin, it's not even a memecoin.

>> No.56838920

ATH is 40c back in May, idiot

>> No.56838928

he's tallking about beam nigga not your gay pepcoin.

>> No.56838950

>failed at samefagging

>> No.56838960
File: 739 KB, 1080x1454, 1000044317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I dig in, the better it gets. We've found a true gem.

>> No.56839009

Nobody's trolling, this is obviously a jeet scam
I'm not coming back, so don't bother replying to me.
t. 1pbtid

>> No.56839022

>liquidiy locked
>most impressive website ive ever seen
>around since 2016

see you later braindead nigger who hates money

>> No.56839029

Literal ponzy scheme.
>hurry, buy this crap that has no value, it will go 100x
>OMG i need to buy it right now, while it is cheap as fuck, just 0.10 cents
>meanwhile the group that created this stuff spend 0.00000000 to create all those digital coins, already profited 100 million on something that is worth nothing.

>> No.56839040
File: 53 KB, 673x672, 7e5ms01w46xb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utilizing the coin
>pepe paint app


>> No.56839055

How retarded will I be come money? Just threw 10eth at this pepe

>> No.56839067

Are you asking whether being rich will make you a fool?

>> No.56839072


>> No.56839121

you fucking retards are giving away your money to a twitter faggot that is about to dump on you for the 100th time on pepe scam token #1000, fucking pathetic

>> No.56839126

That's an understandable concern. A few good things to do whether one is rich or just has spare cash:
a) have value that isn't tied to your local currency whether it's in other banks or gold/silver you own
b) be sure you're ready for supply line disruptions with emergency food, water, power, etc
Not only does the first park value away in ways that aren't as easy to spend as just clicking a button or taking out your card, but as you think and plan what's best for your living area you will naturally spend more time thinking in ways that aren't impulsive. You'll get into that research mindset due to wanting to maximize the money you put into these areas.

But let's say you have no concerns at all about your local currency crashing or supply line issues due to war, economy or natural disasters. If you're rich and don't need to work as often if at all:
a) why not keep doing research to multiply your funds in a slow and steady way since you now have way more money to invest
b) start working on your physical fitness to maximize the time you have to enjoy your riches since you have a lot more free time now
c) remember you lived all this time finding enjoyment without hyper expensive things so there's really no need to be a big spender every day
All these things create a better mindset because you're thinking about what you're doing rather than just living on impulse. The same way you wouldn't dump too much money into one investment opportunity, don't do that over purchases that will often be one-time experiences that start and end on that day. Planning for the future doesn't stop at becoming rich.

>> No.56839143

Price dropped upwards to 10c

>> No.56839171

thanks gpt

>> No.56839181

I think GPT would give you an even longer answer. I've just thought about your question before because I've felt the impulses and /biz/ gave me picks that did 10x and 100x this year and barring some crazy disaster, they will rise further.

>> No.56839203
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, 1701417540192310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went with beem because it looks like the least retarded of the two

>> No.56839205
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 3b5290530e774ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 15k of these. I always buy top of the pumps. Do what you want with this information.

>> No.56839213

god damnit

>> No.56839215

we're pumping

>> No.56839244

man i went with both and am up 50% on beam. Bought more of pepe though. Beam volatility is fucking nuts

>> No.56839257

that's only because people mistankingly thought it was beam, but its pepe he was talking about and pepe is flying now as people wake up

>> No.56839273

Just bought a lil token bag. Are you guys waiting until the vid drops on Monday or just gonna unload if it does a 5x/10x before?

>> No.56839288

I've read enough. Holding for a 50x or killing myself. Simple as.

>> No.56839293

if it somehow does a 5x before monday im unloading half my bags lol

15000 at 8 cents stacklet, wish i got
more but it is what it is now.

>> No.56839302

50/50 is a plan I follow sometimes only because I can put it into other projects.

>> No.56839337

I don't think so; if that was truly the case, it would have gigadumped by now. I'm assuming its pumping because the guy on twitter found some legit connection with it and Kaspa.


Not fudding pepe btw, the tweet from Tyler is obviously not about beam.

>> No.56839405

hmm, could be
i didn't look too much into beam desu, except this thread

>> No.56839466


>> No.56839503

holy shit WTFWT
it just went to 19 cents for a min there

>> No.56839504 [DELETED] 

He's following dbi lmao

Dbi will moon tho

>> No.56839530

I don’t even know how to buy shit coins
Spoon feed me how like I’m a Coinbase nigger (I am)

>> No.56839537

sigh, i was going to put in a sell order on 1inch in case it doubled when i was asleep but i was too lazy

>> No.56839546

fucking jeets dude you niggers spam and scam without ever getting punished.
If I ask for help your fucking ass will ID flip 80x to report me.

>> No.56839551

oh boy
there's a lot to learn

first things first, do you know what a wallet like metamask is?

>> No.56839553

buy eth, send eth to metamask, then buy in uniswap

here's link >>56838515

>> No.56839563
File: 183 KB, 400x400, 1668435371612461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice totally organic thread

>> No.56839565

>coinbase nigger

>> No.56839567

I do not
I have addresses I can send/receive crypto on in my Coinbase though
And this is an app or a website or

>> No.56839568

Dead board OP has 40 posts out of 50

>> No.56839580

metamask is a wallet (browser extension) also a smartphone app.

You can use your existing address in it. It's used to connect to defi websites/apps like unidex where you can trade for shitcoins (by paying ETH)

>> No.56839585

Is biz really this low IQ? It’s fucking BEAM you stupid idiots, it literally jumped from $4 million to $22 million in minutes. Some of you don’t deserve to make it desu.

>> No.56839591
File: 17 KB, 318x412, pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiot I made the post because I knew the coin was going to be big, anon found the coin, and I bought at 9c, now it's 14c.

And it's going to keep pumping because this shit is legit. Yes I posted 22 times, because IAGMI

stay poor, we're going to 500M whether you like it or not

>> No.56839605


>> No.56839617

>in my opinion a unicorn
this is not a matter of opinion. unicorns are factual entities. retard detected, statement discarded.

>> No.56839638

A super secret scam?! I'm in

>> No.56839640

Better learn it fast. The 100-1000x gems only happen on-chain

>> No.56839641

Just dropped 4 ETH in here, wish me luck boys

>> No.56839650

Unicorn (billion MC) has been confirmed
Strap in boys

>> No.56839655
File: 21 KB, 273x364, Keyser_Söze_-_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keyser Söze

>> No.56839660



>> No.56839674

and im talking about pepekoin, not that beam shit


>> No.56839678

whats on monday? we're talking about crypto, not stocks

>> No.56839686

See second post in the thread. The original tweet isn't talking about beam

>> No.56839689

did you even read the OP screenshot of this thread kek

>> No.56839696

godspeed retards

>> No.56839697
File: 263 KB, 1080x1881, 07ed2770e0330c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd imagine everybody who is in Twitter actively following this already owns this coin. So that might be "sell the news" event. Not fudding, just saying.

>> No.56839700
File: 378 KB, 598x1087, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he confirmed it

>> No.56839720

And now BEAM will probably drop, kek

>> No.56839723

It was the frog coin lol, but at most has a 10x left desu with a $20 mil mcap. 20x is a long shot.

>> No.56839727

i only bought 0.64 eth worth.
im already up 2x, but fuck im feeling regret now for not buying much more, this shit might go straight to 100mil on monday

>> No.56839730

literal forever poorfag cant open a fucking twitter link to check for himself, what a fucking chud virgin loser fag

>> No.56839750

I think the only people who bought beam just because they thought it was what twittr guy was talking about were people in this thead

>> No.56839752

Same man, I'm taking solace in the fact that I will use most of the profits off this measly stack for the next opportunity "risk free", Just gonna stay glued to /biz/ and keep a finger on the pulse

>> No.56839770

It's dumping now lmao. Thanks for playing biz

>> No.56839771

dont press is it mooned just beacuse you didn't buy, keep up the good work normalfag

>> No.56839790

You'll feel stupid next week when it hits 40c

>> No.56839799

Not buying your scam, Arjpoot. See you at 0.04 tomorrow

>> No.56839820

Dat 9 eth buy

>> No.56839852

why not just look for actual projects instead of these random retards who will slight you as soon as they get the chance

>> No.56839897

68 years locked liquidity. No tax, no honeypot, 99 dex score. 50% staked. Cameron Winklevoss follows pepekoin. Stay poor, we're likely going above 20c today.

>> No.56839970

>Cameron Winklevoss follows pepekoin

He also followed that meth head Dev and DBI. Didn't stop the tranny and nigger whales from dumping it on everyone else. Think bigger

>> No.56839992
File: 460 KB, 1254x1156, Screenshot_20231027_105109_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56839994


You never learn

>> No.56840012

Just saw it. 120k buy in. Never follow money that's what the niggers tell me atleast.

>> No.56840024

literally just hit .20 cents after the dump. Legit doubled back so hard everyone came in unison.

>Muh"3 hours of people finding it what is muh patience" brainlet IQ detected.

>> No.56840028 [DELETED] 

DBI is beginning it's recovery after a long accumulation phase. All these shitcoins have massive shake outs.

>> No.56840041

How do people see at 120k buy and sell for 1k at a price near 50% down from the buy. Hialrious to watch these things sometimes. Watching people sell and buy back in hours later, or try to ladder attack it lmao.

>> No.56840065

for real, they are retarded
that 120k buy is just a hint of what's coming. we'll go to 25 cents in an hour i bet

>> No.56840108


Where is that 120k buy? is it in the room with us right now?

>> No.56840285

Ah crap. I finish work and see this thread. Working overtime was a bad move.

>> No.56840295

we're still early, just bought more in the big dip, early whales dumped.

>> No.56840297

Actually bro you're right in time. It's down and about the same place as when OP found it. Same risk now but some whales are gone. Wish I were you with a buy in at 15.

>> No.56840307


This retard is about to buy a bridge.

>> No.56840310

Zerohedge I think.

>> No.56840340

If you create something at least don't name it pepesomething,it's overdone , nobody fucking cares anymore you stupid peasants. get rugged he will dump his bags on your stupidd ass niggers

>> No.56840366

what? what coin you niggers

>> No.56840372

i boughted a bag lads, doomp coming, i'm sorry /biz/

>> No.56840380 [DELETED] 

>muh Chadbros

Yeah sames as DBI and that shit was also a scam that not even Gemin,CZ and kraken follows could save.

DBI 2.0 here go

>> No.56840393 [DELETED] 

lmao why are you blatantly lying? It's up 4x right now from the first post about p3p3coin in this thread. Name changed because of the gay ass spam filter.

>> No.56840444

No it's not, I'm the OP, first buy was about 9c. It is still early.

>> No.56840459

Nigger you are dumb as fuck. It was at 10 when OP MADE the thread. It was found later at around this price.

Again, better timing than anyone else in here frankly. Everyone knows what these coins are by now so either shut the fuck up and ape in or fuck off. No shit its a potential rug. However come Monday when that dude tweets it out and 100x the amount of people buy in you're all gonna feel retarded.

It's literally gambling so you might lose it all.



You fuckin idiots need to learn to read and tell time.

>> No.56840468

appearently I bought 5000 back in 2 buys during april and early may. not bad I have a decent amount in my stack already. wish it was more but im fairly broke and didnt think to stack more of this during its down times til now

>> No.56840515
File: 152 KB, 1080x489, Screenshot_20231202_190821_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This has already been top#1 trending coin in dextools for couple hours. Now it has dropped a bit. Not fudding, but how do you reckon this'll fly anywhere since everybody who's involved with memecoin trading is aware of this already?

>> No.56840519

I've lost so much oney bros.. i only have $2k left but i'm thinking of throwing $1k at this.. how high can this shit go? I don't want to buy the top because this board only shills stuff at bad prices...
Same with FINE at $21mm "it's the next pepe bro buy now" and it gigadumped 1 day later

TL:DR is this legit faggots?
Should i buy now or wait for a retrace and how high can this shit fly?

>> No.56840526

Possible absolutely. Just depends of course. 5b is my highest wager and that's the fuckin peak of peaks. Take some profit along the way. You don't buy coins and they explode then and there. Monday is the goal. Two more days niggers.

It's what pumped it to .20 for a second.

I'm worried about everybody's ability to atleast read and understand information.


I'm fine bros. I promise. ;)

>> No.56840532

I threw $1000 in. Fuck it. I am 100% selling before Monday though in case he announces some other coin

>> No.56840561

Yes bro. You click a button and it explodes and you sell. Literally minutes a day and you can be a bigillionaire. The goal is Monday and 100m/500m/1b MC.

>> No.56840571
File: 39 KB, 600x600, pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a- are we rugging anons?

>> No.56840580

Best of luck bro. Don't watch it too much. I made like 120k from 8k on TSUKA. Took unrionically two weeks. Watching it the whole time would of drove me insane.

>> No.56840676
File: 359 KB, 968x1110, 72ADC1F2-BB5E-4926-B448-B4E6D611E842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am watching too much right now but it's only like 3 days' pay for me. Back to watching link hit this ceiling I guess

>> No.56840741

Aaaaaaand rugged. Thanks for playing biz.


>> No.56840770
File: 48 KB, 1044x251, Screenshot_20231202_184621_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly don't know what rugged means.

>> No.56840858

Why do you care so much? Go jump in /GME/BBBY/LUNC/, seems more your speed

>> No.56840894

Yes biz buy high sell low.

>> No.56840918


I love how you both reply around the same time. Samefag nigger

>> No.56840994

seems lege i'll be honest

>> No.56841025
File: 37 KB, 432x497, imagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having a bag of Boss Token when it's under $1m cap

>> No.56841041

It's TAROT of tarot finance

>> No.56841151

Yep looks promising. Dropped 3 ETH

>> No.56841217
File: 832 KB, 1080x2161, Screenshot_20231202_203635_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nigger bot has been selling and buying actively for past day. Has raked in over 10 eth with this coin.

>> No.56841233

What is promising?

>> No.56841234


Actually seems like most of the volume is from this one wallet.

>> No.56841261

Why would this do well though? With all the other shitcoins.
We got pepe, Shiba, etc., why would this do well also?
What are they offering to the table?

I'm mostly in AI, gamefi, and web 3 tokens.
Other than this guy shilling this, I fail to see where the value of this is. 3,000 people hold it though.

>> No.56841323

Right, just buy a Trump coin for the election instead

>> No.56841341


Memecoins rarely have much logic going on with them. You just buy some dumb shit and hope for the best.

>> No.56841395

He already tweeted out what it was wtf are you on about. Monday isn't going to change a damn thing kek
This shit is another FINE
back to 1m MC come Monday WATCH

>> No.56841402

its SYLO coin

>> No.56841483

what was it

>> No.56841632

its MAGA $TRUMP. Mooning as we speak.

>> No.56841661

I only accumulated 2500, I'm not going to make it

>> No.56841780

<10k? sad

>> No.56842159 [DELETED] 

I'm looking on the twitter and no, Winklevoss is not in the verified followers list.

>> No.56842188 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1150x870, Screenshot 2023-12-02 at 2.09.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NVM, guess you're right. If I had seen this at 5 am this morning I would've 10x my money already lol

>> No.56842313 [DELETED] 


>> No.56842620

checked. i was successfully shilled. thanks op. glhf.

>> No.56842753


>> No.56842782

damn, missed the picobottom by a few hours because i got distracted

aped 1 eth. coin looks good. the website is trippy as fuck, might be the best one i've ever seen.

godspeed anons. lets see where this thing goes.

>> No.56842819

most anons got in around 9-11c. we are all extremely early.

>> No.56842830

yeah remember how "the dev" was shilled

>> No.56842876

the mcap is 20m, how high could it realistically go from here?

I'm not expecting more than a 5x to be honest

>> No.56842971

its dumping already

fuck you indian scammers

>> No.56843034

Is it $VARK (aardvark)?

>> No.56843142

bought 1710 pepekoins at 0.138

>> No.56843198
File: 7 KB, 250x140, 1699091541697883s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.56843205

i'm guessing the same. I think 100M-250M marketcap is reasonable, given it's currently at 20M marketcap.
Monday needs to pump a lot of volume into it. Beyond that it needs exchange listings to go anywhere.

>> No.56843281

What coin are you talking about even?

>> No.56843337
File: 113 KB, 1055x723, level2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who level 2 at this bitch?

>> No.56843430

$pepec0in (replace 0 with o)

i know it looked like a complete jeet scam at first glance, that's until you see the website and who follows it on twitter and you're like "oh shit"

>> No.56843478

Don't Buy Inu $DBI

>> No.56843494

Die in a fire, pillowtranny

>> No.56843540

If you didn't buy (pepe) then why are you still posting?

>> No.56843565

Who says I didn't buy nigger? Ever heard of fudding for a lower entry?

>> No.56843587

5x is guaranteed. 20x would be a blessing.

>> No.56843626

when you say blessing do you mean unlikely bonus?

>> No.56843633

its at 16cent now
is it still worth it or should i wait

>> No.56843634

just checked literally fucking everywhere on reddit for any mention of this coin and found nothing. if that isn't a bullish indicator that we're early as fuck then idk what is. easiest 5x till Monday, and after Monday its going parabolic once the mass shilling begins and the redditfags start pouring in

>> No.56843693

I might buy a little more if it hits 12c

>> No.56843719

why do they put most liquidity on uniswap v2 and not v3

>> No.56843944

what are uniswap gas fees like? haven't bought anything on-chain in a while

>> No.56844009

checked. they fluctuate a lot. i've spent $40 on gas (link staking) and i've spent $3-4 in gas in the last month.

>> No.56844133

Mine was about 15$ on a .5eth swap. Make sure to increase the slippage to 3% or you might lose it the first time like I did.

>> No.56844141

is it on BSC?

>> No.56844308

I strongly believe it is $KNS, the same as many others in this thread.

DePin is the new DeFi and KNS will be king - oracles, IOT, data query.

>> No.56844385

Gtfo with your shitcoin, it's been confirmed it's pepe

>> No.56844474

Has it lost its steam boys or were those early whales selling...

>> No.56844502
File: 141 KB, 1290x808, IMG_4281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56844571

I have 500 peepeecoins. Am I gmi bros?

>> No.56844734

Looks like I missed it

>> No.56844791



>> No.56844821

its supposed to be a decentralized ai coin you niggers, and the ai part is about to be released

>> No.56844848

dumbass niggers missed it

>> No.56844851

I dont get it
I just bought because the website UI brought me back to a simpler time

>> No.56844908

Sell signal has been issued. This gonna crash.

>> No.56844918

some negro made a twitter thread about this back in may

>> No.56845036

don't forget to tipping me retard

>> No.56845076 [DELETED] 
File: 3.59 MB, 4096x4096, 1694186_1-transformed-transformed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Weaponized Autism is new official /biz/ coin.



>> No.56845262

just bought about 1300 pepe, am I gmi?

>> No.56845292


looks like its dying fast now

>> No.56845315

ygmi fren

>> No.56845600

You're a fat pussy

>> No.56845684

A boat of women that have had sound and light proof helmets on for their whole life. Not retarded, just very quiet. Sometimes the eyes roll around from the lack of muscle strength but nonetheless they fuck GOOD.

>> No.56845821

This post does confirm the project for those too lazy to read up.
With that said, looking it over it checks off every box for me. I think a 4-5x is locked in. anything over 20x would be lovely but tough to say, would require CEX listings I think.
Going over the tg, it looks like he is fully on board with the team now and developing their marketing team which is very bullish in my opinion.
The website looks to be copied from a project called VIDYA however, but the execution is a lot better in my opinion. I've seen a few projects try and copy that concept but this is the only one that really clicks in my opinion.

>> No.56845843

This faggot is just going to use you cunts for quick pump. Enjoy being his exit liquidity.

>> No.56845999


>> No.56846383

fuck you guys. i just bought nearly the top at 0.155 and now it's fucking dumping

>> No.56846473

this thing is gonna 3-5x on monday when he shills it
buying the dip

>> No.56847356

Check this out. This is the original pepe. We're quite early


>> No.56847365

How can I see tweets without a pay account?

>> No.56847395


>> No.56847618

I bought, this isn't even on the Delta app?

>> No.56847684

i have 7600 pepec0ins (fucking antispam), what am i in for?
btw this tyler whoever the fuck said on tg he would start shilling in 3 hours on twitter

>> No.56847698

tyler's shilling is what'll pump us
you should be fine for 3-5x at least just gotta be patient

>> No.56847936

Funarcade; a GambleFi

Someone turned a $22 deposit into a $3000 in just 9 days with $1300 from Epoch 1 PIP

Set to claim even MORE with PiPayment at the end of Epoch 2!

>> No.56847977

okay I dropped 3 ETH on this LETS GO

>> No.56848006

That Tyled nigga said in the Telegram he will make a 2 thread tweet in about 2 hours from now. Shouldn't we shill it to reddit at the same time ?

>> No.56848012

Adf? Yes. I fucking hate you kike!

>> No.56848043

metamask sucks, use rabby instead if you're on chrome
dexscreener or dextools to check those coins chart, you can directly connect your wallet and trade there. be aware it's on ethereum so the fees are high, you'll have to pay 10-30$ of transaction fees

>> No.56848095

you dont need to pay for a twitter account ffs, just create an anonymous one with another email address

>> No.56848225

Noooo, my opportunity to be rich and stop being a slave goes again, I'm from Argentina and my wallet is only 200USD in BTC... I can't really invest a lot because money here costs nothing. I think I should put everything I have so at least I can get some more... but damn, to know I could stop dooming about the posibility of never dooming about meeting ends again...

>> No.56848386
File: 47 KB, 584x427, 87toz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought, so we'll probably dump soon

>> No.56848612

We're likely seeing 30c by tomorrow. Bottom is in.

>> No.56848688

Pepe meme coins will never go parabolic because major exchanges will never list them. Too many people in the mainstream associate Pepe with racism for it to become a media sensation like Doge or Shib.

>> No.56848704

you mean like $pepe, retard?

>> No.56848739
File: 4 KB, 250x241, 1693367913481610s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepe0oin fags totally btfo when pepe violently pumped at launch. The "we were first pepe" posts were pathetic, abandoned project by scammers trying to resus.
Pathetic, this was less than a year ago, the amount of newfags here is stunning.

>> No.56848812
File: 31 KB, 2000x2000, multiversx-egld-egld-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGLD is set to double this month,

>> No.56848873

yes but it may work
this is their old website: memetic.ai
token holders could bridge their meme to p3p3coin. so now you can stake p3p3coins to earn basedai. shouldnt we buy basedai too?

>> No.56848931

irrelevant, obsolete

>> No.56848942
File: 117 KB, 730x783, ooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56848949

tyler durden just revealed the name, let's see. I'll accept a simple 5x, i'm not a greedy man

>> No.56848967

lol it's actually pumping
when do we sell

>> No.56848982

do no redeem ser, the tweet is still fresh
he said he will make a youtube vid about it on monday too

>> No.56849059
File: 82 KB, 706x708, dbi_status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBI scammers are back to SCAM more after their methhead just lost.
If you are buying:

1. They didn't tell you 2 weeks ago, they are telling you know, they already loaded their wallets, you think you are safe since LP is locked but they control at least %60 of coins.
2. This group constantly creates legit looking shit tokens does nothing, artificially pump it, fuck a couple of suckers in /biz/ and then move on to their next project.
3. They somehow convinced twins, CZ, Kraken etc to follow them on twitter but nothing else. Their shit tokens will never get listed on exchanges. DBI didn't. This new scam one won't.
4. They never deliver any promises they make, they couldn't even created ordinal nfts.
5. They are followers are not leaders: They don't make trends, they just tried to revive a dead trend (nfts). I'm assuming this time they are trying to resurrect another dead trend which is pepe based shitcoins.
6. Pic related DBI market cap. They started it just like this. Go buy LINK, real PEPE, even random shit tokens from dextools which has a low marketcap and good score, but don't buy this shit from arabic crooks.

>> No.56849175

lol seriously. people here are so fucking retarded

>> No.56849179

>DBI scammers are back to SCAM more
unironically bullish

>> No.56849187
File: 1.83 MB, 2208x2707, 1699782819699456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it started:

How it's going:

Tyler is a loser who was shorting the bitcoin from $30k, I reckon he needs money for his short position to not liquidate so he started to advertise scams from this group.

Like picrel NAZI killed DBI, I will kill this scam, by fudding hardcore, when that video is released, normies will buy cheaper than you, if they bother. (don't forget that normies don't have metamask wallets)

>> No.56849213

dbi had a nice pump, you just need to sell at time

>> No.56849217

> on stellar

>> No.56849254

This whole thread smells of fecal matter.
Must be the inorganic "discussion" thats happening ITT

>> No.56849267
File: 18 KB, 474x306, th-4036294094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig has %0.6 of the supply of this token:


who's craig?

tl;dr: he was one of bitconnect scammers who owned %1 of dbi, now he owns %0.6 of this new scam. he literally dumped $50k every day on /biz/ and then lost all of it to HEX. Now he needs more money to partipicate more ponzi schemes.

>> No.56849309

how do you know it's his wallet?

>> No.56849315

fuddies BTFO
we are pumping as we speak
no you will not get a lower entry

>> No.56849322

What coin brother? Give me the name and I'll ape in right now.

>> No.56849332

Retard here.. what's the current status of DBI and what other token did these scammers launch?

>> No.56849334
File: 7 KB, 229x220, IMG_4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56849337


>> No.56849348

It’s pepec0in on eth, check dextools

>> No.56849371
File: 137 KB, 2842x776, LOLSCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sir someone exposed our scam"
>"Just artificially pump it and spread more hopium"

>> No.56849386

Once he called it a 'project' I thought ok this must be something decent but flying under the radar

Then I scroll down and turns out it's just random frogcoin #43916 and it's already quadrupled since this morning and retards are still piling in kek never change fags

>> No.56849431

prove it's his wallet

>> No.56849463

100m 500m 1b 3-5b. Are all possible. Each less likely than the last for sure but.

>> No.56849489

Kek buddies you will stay poor

>> No.56849504

Yes fuddies get the rope kek

>> No.56849514

We will make it bros fuddies btfo

>> No.56849529

5B without any CEX?

>> No.56849530

How to edit post

>> No.56849576

Just sold after doubling my investment. This is too risky to hold any longer. Have fun ya’ll, I’m outies

>> No.56849590

let's be nice to each other and helpful and show what kind of community we really are when we know everyone here is just trying to meat ends meat

>> No.56849637

It's Settled ETHXY Token (SEXY)

>> No.56849766

Absolute state of shills of this scam. KEK.

Don't let Craig and his 60iq minios take your money, if you bought it just take your profits and leave.

>> No.56849797
File: 200 KB, 768x576, ogpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep fudding, we're unstoppable. 500M is the first target

>> No.56849988

wtf is DBI

>> No.56850002

you're going to rope so hard when it hits $1 tomorrow night.

>> No.56850050

i'm a holder and i'm sad to see this too. someone please tell me this isn't a scam. i hate this craig motherfucker and this is the same vibe i had with DBI. i bought so much and was up like $10k. i'm conflicted though since DBI team hasn't rugged and they've been building this whole time. what do we do bros


>> No.56850076

Why is it going to hit $1 tonight? The cats already out of the bag, it was already trending top 10 on dextools yesterday and he’s already admitted on twitter that this is it

>> No.56850143

Is this a scam or not?

>> No.56850151

they dont start marketing until monday. Monday will hit his youtube, as well as dedicated tweets. Plus, his marketing team gets to action.
I figure itll hit $1 after that.

I noticed he also has BASED AI (will be a L1) connected to the project, only 3.5M marketcap atm. I expect that to get a pump as a biproduct so throw a sui stack there also.

>> No.56850178

nvm bro, this isn't proof that the wallets are connected. i was being retarded since i used OR in etherscan instead of AND

>> No.56850186


>> No.56850210

What's the ticker ?

>> No.56850224

I suppose. I might throw my profit back into it (especially if it drops again) for a “free” gamble. I was going to stake for based ai but the gas fees weren’t worth it with my minuscule bag

>> No.56850307
File: 4 KB, 338x92, howmuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much can I expect from this and how much time I should hold? It's really pumping hard; I'm a poor gal from Argentina, not sure how much I can expect from this investment

>> No.56850321

its in their tg, i'm not going to post the etherscan for it here because it will probably get flagged as spam

>> No.56850323


>> No.56850443

Lol dbi has nothing to do with this. DBI is going to moon btw. Been holding 2x off the bottom for months, as soon as it breaks out of that range it's going straight back to 15-30m mc while /biz/ seethes on the sidelines.

>> No.56850465

>only 3.5M marketcap atm
Am i retarded or what are you talking about? It's $30mil marketcap atm
Unless you're talking about DBI fuck off with that scam that already pnd'd

>> No.56850488
File: 716 KB, 3446x1956, Screenshot 2023-12-03 at 10.10.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. this isn't a scam and neither is DBI. both will moon and biz will seethe. if ur not convinced, just go their website, pic rel. fuck you guys for fudding dbi also, team has been super active putting out comedy videos every week as well as a video game. stay poor

>> No.56850508

>>56850307 you can probably expect it to double in the near term, like this week or this month. after that, it can go much higher buy it depends on lots of factors

>> No.56850515

Tyler's BYAC friends will start pushing it tomorrow. Join the TG and stop being a nigger bizraeli

>> No.56850516

Craig has nothing to do with the dbi team he's just a low impulse control nigger that got in early and dumped everything he had. If he's really in this coin expect him to do the same, and if he has enough of the supply expect it to -90% from whatever the top is when he starts unloading.

>> No.56850551

yea i just checked. it's not his wallet. i initially thought it was his wallet cuz i was using etherscam filters in a retarded way (OR instead of AND) and i thought there was a connection to his wallet beingxen .eth. but there isn't. we're safu

>> No.56850561
File: 164 KB, 594x637, 12p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy is a poompor lol he has a paid signal discord why would you trust him

>> No.56850566

How does 10k EoY sound?

>> No.56850580
File: 26 KB, 586x443, 13p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea and then he'll dump from his non-public wallets

>> No.56850595
File: 44 KB, 599x703, 14p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he feel he needed to post this

>> No.56850607

> team has been super active putting out comedy videos


>> No.56850618
File: 172 KB, 1399x977, 15p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying into this candle idk bro

>> No.56850629

really does look like *someone* will dump their bags onto this

>> No.56850655

What does EoY stands for?

>> No.56850659

We're still early. We're going to 500M market cap.

>> No.56850975

well that was quick lol. now it will crab for 2-30 hours, maybe a small (fake) pump back to ath or a bit higher. then it will bleed the fuck out over the next few days. good job, retards

>> No.56851028

pepe crashed many times between those pumps

>> No.56851055


>> No.56851110

i solded before this dump, gl frens
might swing if this ever becomes green again lmao

>> No.56851147
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig here, guys this can be the next ethereum, all you have to do is sell your car, house everything and buy this. I personally promise you that your funds are SAFU, and WAGMI. This token is the biggest event since GME and i'm here to tell you that you are going to make it big. Just buy with everything you have. It's already made 1000x, it can make another 1000000x, easy gains. To FUDDERS
stay poor fudders, we are all going to become rich while you serve us. HAHAHA. This is a great token man. I'm just boing more nice dip there.

>> No.56851219

Wallets bought this loong before this thread and dumping on you currently:

bought with 0.1ETH made around 10 ETH thank you for you donation /biz/

made around 30 ETH, thanks to kind souls in /biz/

Here's some facts:

1. Tyler is a faggot who shorted bitcoin from $30k, so now he advertises scams. Just reported him to SEC, hopefully he'll go to jail.
2. This DBI team is bunch of arab faggots who ran away from god emperor MBS. When mbs caught them he'll literally execute them with sword. Also reported that motherfucker to Saudi Arabia government, hopefully they'll kidnap & cut him into pieces, since scamming people is HARAM and forbidden.
3. Craig literally bought this token from $0.0004 since he's the part of these scammer group.
4. These group scammed $$$$$ /biz/ with DBI, their threads should be removed and they should get permabanned, hopefully it'll happen.
5. Normies won't buy this since they don't have metamask and nobody will list their imposter scam
6. Normies will mistakenly buy PEPE instead of this since it's listed almost all exchanges and have a better team
7. These scammers should be doxxed, swatted and reported to SEC/FBI/Saudis

Anyone who bought it and didn't sold it yet is a retard and should die poor. there are like 60 shills in this thread so i'm guessing poo prices are all time low. All faggots shilling it, please post hands.

>> No.56851254

East of Yorkshire

>> No.56851481

Fucking nigger. I will hex you. You will suck cock in alleyways for food in no time

>> No.56851528

good job anon you fudded me out of this

>> No.56851559

you mean there are people who bought early and are dumping? no shit that's the name of the game. it's almost like some people bought $pepe early and made tons of money dumping on newcomers

>> No.56851865
File: 96 KB, 797x532, 1c6017998a954d62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pumping again

>> No.56852051

>screeching noises since he missed a good entry

>> No.56852120

this aint pepe, kid

>> No.56852197

>buy in
>immediately rugs

its so fucking over bros