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56837602 No.56837602 [Reply] [Original]

guys, i have an idea to fuck all the non believers, make em stress a little. LISTEN, it's simple:

early chainlink staking is coming up in couple of days, alot of fakers who didnt stake in v0.1 are shitting their pants not having elligibility for early access, and cann only access staking in general access. ISUGGEST that even if you plan to have a side stack you can sell or whatever the fuck reaso ure using to not go all in, into staking, i suggest you add more to your stacks in early access just to fuck with the general access cucks. you can always unstake after general access is gone, but then, the cucks who never believed will have to look for the pool opening.

LFG im going all in into early just to fuck with general access

>> No.56837614

Wait we can withdraw from 0.2? I didn't realise. I think ill all in too

>> No.56837619




>> No.56837636

yeah of course you can unstake, but you have a cooldown period of 28 days, so its safe to go all in really

>> No.56837662

Stop being a fucking tripfag and I'll read your posts.

>> No.56837667

it's the same bobo israeli faggot who is literally the only person who tripfags, he's also the god candle anon and he gets paid to fuck people here full time.
He spends most of his days on pol because he gets paid more there.

>> No.56837691

Stinky chud cope, you’re not secret schemers you’re just incel chud losers LOL:

>> No.56837694

do read the OP it's interdasting

im not a bobo, and i'm doing iut for FREE

>> No.56837871

>doesn't deny he's israeli

>> No.56838135

i said i do it for FREE, have you ever seen jews do anything for free?

>> No.56838230

Yeah that way only true linkies will get in even if it means monitoring the staking pool 24/7 waiting for any withdrawals, while the lazy newfags will get fucked

I already planned to go all in early access regardless though

>> No.56838302

yep, i think every early access fag should go all in yo fuck with general kek

>> No.56838313

I am staking max amount on two wallets in early access which would leave me with a couple thousand stinks to sell if it appreciates rapidly
General access losers will never get in, pool is closed

>> No.56838334

it s3ems like sergey is favoring only the true believers, he increased community pool x2, and gave all v0.1 2x the alloc. meaning he doesnt plan to give place to general, if every early staker actually doubles his stake, general are fucked

>> No.56838337
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stake demon.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.56838397
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>meaning he doesnt plan to give place to general
Wouldn't say so, yes Sergey favors true believers EVEN if they are newfags, he doesn't shun newfags just for being new. Priority migration/early access gets the most yes, but anyone who truly wants to get in will get in, even if it means having to snipe open staking positions later on. Just like with Chainlink price action, anyone who truly wanted it got a chance to get in, same exact thing here.

Bottom line is perfect wallet distribution like pic related isn't achieved on accident, this is all planned and calculated in advance.

>> No.56838416

>all those 7k wallets only shows that the 7k limit isnt enough, many wanted to stake more but couldnt, i guess in early they will go for it. i already had 80% staked in v0.1, ill go allin this time

>> No.56838443

>all those 7k wallets only shows that the 7k limit isnt enough, many wanted to stake more but couldnt
And Chainlink is entirely aware of that. Why do you think they spammed the staking eligiblity check so much? They already have all the data, know how much LINK you still have and approximate how much you will stake on average. These are data analysis autists, none of these numbers, wallet caps or staking pool size changes were made randomly.

>> No.56838555

Damn, staking pool is almost filled 50% and early access didn't even start.
People waiting for general access are fucked

>> No.56838698
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i did the math, 100% of links that were staked in v0.1 are either migrated oe still in v0.1.

during early all those that didnt go all in staking in v0.1 will consider it in v0.1 + add to that the new wallets elligible for early.
there is a big change general access is fucked

>> No.56839488

qwassup with the sdl spam? is this mental illness ?

>> No.56839590

Probably a buck broken past LPL bagholder who went insane after the entire LPL debacle and now keeps spamming the same shit LPL bagholders were spamming years back as a way to cope while his brain short-circuits I guess

>> No.56839636

I will be upping my stake from 5k to 7.5k when early access opens, leaving me 1.5k to dump

>> No.56839665

How is it possible to get a new wallet eligible for early?

>> No.56839732

early includes v0.1 stakers, and those who held link without qelling or moving foe a certain period of time, you need to check eligibility, its not just for v0.1 stakees

>> No.56839913
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SDL is a good play, only mentally ill butthurt anons and a couple twitter fags are all that can try to denigrate it. SDL is up 17% on the daily where LINK is up 7.7%, it's just easier to manipulate but SDLs value is palpable.
If there's 1m space left for general access, it's literally only 10 blocks (2 minutes) to get everything from the priority pool into the staking.chain.link pool because the keepers will be firing off 100k LINK batches. the general access people's heads will spin by the gas costs stake.link will pump up to so they can force them in ASAP.
If it all gets in, SDL's APR will double.

>> No.56839929
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>> No.56839948
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non-believer here, this plan would totally crush me and i wouldn't stop crying because all i think about every day is "staking" chainlink (which means paying ETH gas to interact with an ethereum contract to deposit ethereum ERC20 tokens).

>> No.56840047

bla blaa blaaaaa, same bullshit arguments used by the LPL cucks, who by the way, actually got cucked.

>> No.56840110

based but please stop sniffing glue before you post, take literally 5 seconds to proofread what you’re about to post under your trip. You can barely spell and it reeks of curry

>> No.56840154

LP Share chads have never been down more than people who held LINK down from $50.

>> No.56840186

If the v0.2 pool fills up during early accese then the sdl/lpl cuks can't get in, right? Fuck these faggot scammers. I hope there wont be any staking spot for general access

>> No.56840358

yep they cant get in, i think its any linky job to go all in into ezrly so those cucks wont get any allotment (but i wonder, maybe they xill use node operator allotments, but im not sure they have enough nops to fill the whole scam pool

>> No.56840511

If the OGs who bought in under a dollar couldn't fill 22.5m before v0.1 general access, what makes you think that newfags buying at 10x the price will be able to fill 40.875m before v0.2 general access?

>> No.56840555

max link per wallet was 7000, i know many linkies with 250k link who didnt bother making enough wallets to fill their whole stack. i guess with the extra 7k we get per wallet, most will double their link staked, which will effectively fill up the whole pool.

im adding extra link just to fuck with general

>> No.56840610

I doubt we'll even see the 23.5m post 4.75% APR come through during priority migration.
You're a namefag blinded by sentiments of an anonymous board and not thinking in real world terms. Some of your assumed "early access" LINK wound up in the priority pool because the users can get free SDL exposure by doing so.
Ultimately, time will tell.

>> No.56840696

Also jesus fucking christ your retarded plan would just let stake.link priority pool LINK into the staking.chain.link pool whenever the "fuck with general access" people unstake, the automated priority pool keepers are going to be way better at watching for openings than a human can
You're a sub90 IQ retard and I'm out this thread, I wish I could emoji on this shitass board and give you some modern shade.

>> No.56840729

what if we dont unstake huj? what will your cuck watchers do?

>> No.56840748

>i suggest you add more to your stacks in early access just to fuck with the general access cucks.
why, so the team can post on twitter for good boy points. Fuck them. btw you are chriss barret

>> No.56840755

>if every early staker actually doubles his stake
Big if. That's alot of link. I'd estimate the early access pool tops at at 32-36mil and the rest goes to general access.

>> No.56840784

wait kek i basically filter out (still aware of it though) biz spam including sdl since the posting is so jeety but is all they are doing is allowing users to give them link so they can put in general access and mint off some shadow token to give off as rewards which get redeemed for link in the end? why doesnt every v0.1 person just offer this as well, then fill up the v0.2 pool in early access then to 1. ruin this sdl shit cause the spam is annoying and 2. to get whatever additional fees from this service.

>> No.56840832

Actually fuck I called my departure too early
Just gotta say you're 75% salt 25% brain now I'm gone.

>> No.56840839
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the plan my man, you can unstake any point you want, but seeing yhe sdl fags losing yield is like having cake and eating it too

>> No.56841153

nice quotes bro

>> No.56842224

>have never been down more than people who held LINK down from $50
Kek, LPL ATH was $68, after Jonny rugged LPL dumped to $0.20. That seems like a bit more of a loss than LINK saw

>> No.56842246

$37 not $68, but my point still stands

>> No.56842552
