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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56836501 No.56836501 [Reply] [Original]

What will you be doing once you make it?
I will probably end up killing myself when I finally hit 8 figures and realize that hasn't changed my life for the better.

>> No.56836570

>It's another demoralization thread episode

>> No.56836614

I hit mid 7 figures. Besides quitting my job I don't do anything just video games and shit posting.

>> No.56836621

why would I kill myself if I finally have money? I'd be on a tropical beach all day

>> No.56836626

Sauce? I want to feel happy

>> No.56836645
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odoriferous and lubricious tomboy pussy is the kryptonite of hopeless insane autists such as myself

>> No.56836656

Move to a big city and have fun if you hit 8 figs

>> No.56836946
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I reached 7 figures in 2021 and have been crabbing since then. I truly believe I can get to 8 figures by 2030 if I keep on working and investing like I am now. I really only want like $3 million and then I'll quit working full time, pursue more of my hobbies plus new ones, and travel more. Bonus points if I can find a woman with the same mindset as me to start a family.

>> No.56836959

im just gonna be a fuckin piece of shit. buy all the solid assets ive lusted for over the years

>> No.56837006

I'd like 3 million dollars in the next 3 years
I have 100k.
I have no idea how to do this.

>> No.56837292
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>killing myself
at least you're honest. money doesn't buy confidence, believe it or not. if you're born an incel, you die one. plus you didn't earn that "make it" stash, you took from other people who likely had lives, a family, a great career, etc. who lost it all to you and understandably, some may have killed themselves because now they can't afford the upper middle class lifestyle they built from the bottom up

also, when you make it as a young incel, it's like retiring young which is worse. you're already unproductive now at mommy's house consuming tendies and gaining pounds, so you're semi-retired already. old fucks who retire from wagiedom with social security usually get fatter, lazier and die much faster than those who continue to work while collecting social security benefits. not trying to be a negative nancy but pep talks don't really do shit unless you're selling books, profiting off hopium losers

>> No.56837325
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Money will not give your life purpose, it will only make some things easier, go to therapy, go to the gym, start touching some grass, meet some people, pet some dogs, adopt a cat... and then you will find your own purpose

But responding to your question, I'd surely buy some $VINU to support them and also invest some of my bags there to make them grow, $BTC will be a fair bet too

>> No.56837350
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All my wealth gain is going to be spent on attacking Americans and counter Jihad, all Abrahamic nations must be eliminated. Only Slavic orthodox and Balkans will be tolerated.

Once I hit 7 figures I'm donating my kidney and will launch my first attack against Egypt and all CIA outposts.

>> No.56837378

Maybe if you started thinking less about ''your life'' and more about the life of others, you could actually fix this. If you actually made it to 8 figures, there is so much you could do. Also you sound like someone who's never had sex. Don't want to be rude but go have sex

>> No.56837932

Marry, procreate, and vacation.
I didn’t make it this year and I still went out on dates and went on 4 weeks of vacation.

>> No.56838051


>> No.56838118


>> No.56838336

why wait?
do it now.

>> No.56838369

I wrote things down many years ago, haven't made it, but decided to start fulfilling the list the best I can.

Waiting for things to change by making it is equal to waiting for a trans surgery to fix your mental issues - suicide

>> No.56839437

At least look into making myself less reliant on the supply chains I currently use for food.

>> No.56839454


>> No.56839460

>all Abrahamic nations must be eliminated. Only Slavic orthodox and Balkans will be tolerated.

Newsflash: your orthodox and in fact any form of Christianity is the most Jewish of the three Jewish religion. It is Jewish ideology and slave morality at its natural conclusion.