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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 783 KB, 1125x1658, F59170B5-BB5B-4421-8493-E2B4FDD81AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56834343 No.56834343 [Reply] [Original]

hiring 50 more people. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA tee up the next 700k dump

>> No.56834362

That's so bullish.

>> No.56834376
File: 773 KB, 1125x1764, F1B6E1A2-0A43-4A3A-AE47-CBB3265971DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously has any computer in history hired this many people without revenue? They love shitting all over their marines who in turn love eating shit… win/win

>> No.56834384

incredibly bullish

>> No.56834396

>Seriously has any computer in history hired this many people without revenue?
what? a computer is hiring people now? the fuck?

>> No.56834400
File: 849 KB, 1125x1893, 82AD939F-D5B8-4C3E-A9BF-21D66AD48A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is cringe barrett getting an assistent? They can help get the mouse her cheese delivered

>> No.56834403

Wow thanks for the update. Fudders doing gods work for free. Super duper bullish.

>> No.56834414

Nice there will be 65 link threads up the same time instead of the usual 60 now.... Buy my erc20ser, banks will use it in thmor weeks, yes exarep i mean shanlank!

>> No.56834419

I really wish I could work for Chainlink, but I'm an electronics engineer so I don't have any useful skills for them.

>> No.56834420

He is hungry.

>> No.56834430

Typing fast. Reminder for all, all culties have is grammar/semantics picky wins…cant blame them tho, when youre THAT covered in shit its hard to think

>> No.56834434

How much do you weigh?

>> No.56834471

They just got a whole bunch of link that retards staked and now they can sell it back to you again. Ofcourse theyre going to hire some more lifestyle coaches lol

>> No.56834538
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 9rRNawMu_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts reeks of seethe

> (Chris Batter owns you)

>> No.56834588

>crazy eyes
You just know he knows hes stealing from them

>> No.56834632
File: 357 KB, 1125x895, 2823DF1B-AD0D-42FD-9E13-BCDFAD5275CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metric fuckton of real estate in your head

>> No.56834654

82kg @ 183cm, but I'm in the middle of a cut. Don't know why you'd assume that all engineers are fat.

>> No.56834656

They need more "Head of People" positions, and "Head of Head of Peoples"

>> No.56834701

Poc pls, think about the blackrock slaves!

>> No.56834801

These dumb faggots won’t hire me despite having plenty of experience. I actually despise them.

>> No.56834812

Have you tried making yourself look like a rat?

>> No.56834814
File: 13 KB, 165x158, 0FEC70EE-4C61-4774-BC45-E04C8DD4D961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please give me attention
I'm a generous person. 1 reply, just for you sweetie.

>> No.56834818

They're the best team in the world. I think it's for the best that they won't hire us. We'll still get unfathomably rich from their work, it's just a bit sad that we can't help out.

>> No.56834842

Speak for yourself, I absolutely guarantee I could deliver value to their company. I think it’s a piss poor choice on their part not to hire me.

>> No.56834851

>Metric fuckton of real estate in your head

Says the retards who have twitter accounts dedicated to hating Chainlink


>> No.56834858

hiring people is a bad thing for companies they are for sure going under soon

>> No.56834879

This is the phenomenon with retards. They dont actually realize they have down syndrome

>> No.56834911

>Anon lists interests as being "based and redpilled"
>asks interview panel to sell him a pen

>> No.56834915

I unironically am about to apply. If I get in, I’ll pull some strings and bring you onboard.

>> No.56835023

another 50 scammers that CCIP profits will be going to instead of linkies in their cucked staking contracts, holy kek

>> No.56836451
File: 254 KB, 1970x1438, HR1639007691941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HR roasties +750
>Devs +1 (Internship)

>> No.56836470


>> No.56836476

Mind if I DM you my contact info?

>> No.56836500
File: 468 KB, 3398x880, 1700960417457897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update your meme, Anon.

>> No.56836545

They hire too many non-productive people anon. Do you really want to work with a bunch of pink haired cunts?

>> No.56837428
File: 891 KB, 789x732, stare 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expanding the business = bearish

>> No.56838538

Sell signal. Good time to lock in profits.

>> No.56838549

Look you can't just get out staking v0.2 in 7 years without a staff of 800 women on $200k per year

>> No.56838689

Weird strategy to tell us about your FUD campaign before proceeding to create the threads a few days afterwards

>> No.56838713

>I really wish I could work for Chainlink
me too. all youvneed is to get in, then you can collect your paycheck remotely without doing any work. you can even keep your original job, it's a dream

>> No.56838720

Sergey funds everything by popping up a new wallet and starting relentless dumping. The rug will probably start after staking is full/closed.

>> No.56839843

>company is growing in real terms
it's over!

>> No.56839924

Yeh, That, and that the price of their token is up over 100% in 6 weeks. Kinda sucks for us fuddies but shit happens. Hang in there, bud

>> No.56839944

>only 16 people that do actual work
kek not surprising that they have no working product

>> No.56839968
File: 16 KB, 436x426, 1697435924695308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50=50 hr roasts=50 songs eoy

>> No.56839981

sirgay needs those roasties

>> No.56840055

> 2 man team
> Hiring 50 more people

>> No.56840121

>Seriously has any computer in history hired this many people without revenue?
>any computer
Kek. Anyway, pretty much all unicorn companies work this way. Chainlink is different in the sense that they are not even expected to turn a profit at all, since they are bankrolled by their own tokens and function more like a research lab / network custodian. Fuddies never seem to grasp this though, except to screech "DAS RITE, THEIR ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME IS SELLING TOKENS", conveniently leaving out that has been the plan since ICO.

>> No.56840202

Does anyone else freakin HATE chainlink

>> No.56840243

how does a whore like this get to the top so quickly?
this whole society reeks of corruption to the core

anyone has a sauce on her getting pussyraped?
i just cant believe the shit women are allowed to do and still get it all, they dont even look like junkies even though they behave like it

>> No.56840392

>porn sick poorfags who create nothing
you're worse than common whores

>> No.56840449

you gamble with shitcoin wtf do you even create? are you retarded

>> No.56840666

I create good content that makes you seethe, loving relationships, artwork, and friendships - and my investment in revolutionary technology creates armies of fuddies who will never have as much money as me.

>> No.56840679
File: 101 KB, 680x445, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and fuck fudniggers

>> No.56840789

have you even read my post? you seem retarded

>hurr durr i create le blublbe im le god
literal retard