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56833864 No.56833864 [Reply] [Original]

Where does the "men have no wall" myth come from?

>> No.56833877


>> No.56833881

Shut up roastie

>> No.56833905
File: 779 KB, 320x254, 1677756278331405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biology. attractiveness is a visible feature of fertility and men don't lose it with age unlike women.

>> No.56833906

Men are born "postwall"... It isn't a myth. Women have a wall. Also offtopic pls don't ban me janniebros.

>> No.56833940

Holy fucking cope lmao
You're delusional

>> No.56833947

Go back roastie

>> No.56833949 [DELETED] 
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Men have no wall. This dude is 70

>> No.56833961

Because a man is valued by his assets

>> No.56833990

Men get over their wall in their 30's, women hit their wall in their 30's.
We're both going different directions, most men are untouchable until 30 when they have enough resources to not be considered a slave.

>> No.56834021

Because women become infertile at a certain age and men can make babies until they're 90 (see Bernie Ecclestone, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro)

Pretty self-evident

>> No.56834032

do you still have eggs?

>> No.56834035

Men that can't get laid in their teens and twenties like normal people cope that they're just a late bloomer, they'll surely get that prime teen pussy when they're in their thirties. It also serves as a good excuse for them to never approach women, because they're always about five years away from hitting their prime.

>> No.56834041

so it's male cope?
makes sense

>> No.56834071

Nah it's not. But money and resources wont make you attractive, only the pay pig. If you could get laid in your teens/20s you'll be able to get laid later on if you take care of yourself.
If you think age/money will make you more attractive you're a pathetic loser

>> No.56834074

>women don't hit a wall
>but men do
>refuses to date younger than herself
are you retarded? that clearly proves that men don't hit walls.

>> No.56834097


Exactly. See DeNiro, Pacino etc

>> No.56834245

aging makes literally everyone unatractive what drugs are you smoking?!?
30 year old people are far, far less attractive than 20 year old people, imagine denying this lmao.

>> No.56834289
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daddies, obviously. are you new to life?

>> No.56834332

Nah they're not. Pitt looked his prime from 30-40. There's an interview with Selen Gomes and Kendall Jenner thirsting over him and saying how he only gets better with age.
Look at tiktoks of George Clooney and all the thirsting 20's cuties and roasties commenting that he aged like fine wine.

You seeing it from a men's perspective. Men looking for youth in a women because that means she's fertile. Women have a different perspective on the world. The only thing they're interested in is how you make them feel. They feel your age. They like a pretty face, they dont really give a fuck if you got wrinkles, because you got that pretty gene and it doesnt matter that you older, because you dont get infertile as a man if you take care of yourself.
Go out and spend some time with women and one day you'll understand what I mean.

>> No.56834371

so you're more attracted to a 20 year old male when you're 30 then? spinster?

>> No.56834379

Women's main value to men is being attractive. Mens value to women is more complex. Yes whores and roasties care about finding Chad but most decent women just want a man they can follow. As men mature their qualities become refined and better. As women age their qualities decline and become worse. This is the rate destined by the gods. Do not be mad, adapt.

>> No.56834418

kill yourself

>> No.56834454

Lol. Exactly. Retard thinks he's a women, but doesn't understand them.

>> No.56834527

YouTube app added it

>> No.56834555


>> No.56834574

I think that's mostly the truth, I mean, I'm sure you've heard the phrase that women mature more quickly than men do. Part of that is also emotional intelligence, life experience, obviously financial stability.. and it all lends itself to confidence; which is not the end-all be all of attractiveness, but it helps a fucking lot. Personally I don't see what the woman are bitching about here, I mean if you would stop liking silver foxes, then this wouldn't even be a thing. But if a man is attractive, typically he's universally attractive to all ages, regardless of his age. It's the same thing with women, it's just, men are into youthful features. And if you lose them, you're fucked. Too bad, that's how the world works.

Confidence, emotional strength, a masculine core; a lot of those things take time to develop. And a lot of boys just aren't going to have it. This whole thread is just female cope. Sorry you age, sorry you're attractiveness is connected to it, that sucks. If you want to correct this, then stop finding mental/emotional strength attractive. Cause you're basically only going to find that in older men.

Now let me mansplain to you what you should do now that you know the truth:

>Lock down the best you can find while you're young, cuz it's going to get a fuckload harder as you start sagging all over the place.

Or get cats.

>> No.56834586

>refuses to date younger than herself
Literally what women

>> No.56834620

Did some roastie visit 4chan for the first time and get perma triggered? Lot of "male wall" posts today.

>> No.56834625

they're not hard to find, it's
all of them.

>> No.56834649

depends what they want you for. if you wanna be the adventure sex guy or if you wanna be the family daddy. They'll always be attracted to Chad, even if he gets older as long as he doesn't lose his youthful charisma and doesn't get fat. Hollywood screenplays are written by nerds, so they tried to shame older men that go for younger girls in sitcoms.
Also it sounds a bit bitter to shame older women as they can be very attractive, some even until they're forty. They'll still be like children, so treat them as a child and not with bitterness, which means you take them serious and it doesn't show mental and emotional strength to do this.

>> No.56834682

4chan virgins and incels

>> No.56834689

Look! He made the thread again!

>> No.56834698

>they most sexies men look better with time
they have money to get better
we are poor man
we arent brad pitt

>> No.56834736

money doesnt matter. they wont say this about jeff bezos.
its the fact that they're hot and stay hot.
young hot guys haven proven that their genes are good enough to stay attractive as they age.
alternatively you can work on your dominance and charisma. that actually the biggest. but you have to go down to your core and dont play a character. they'll feel that something is wrong with you

>> No.56834746
File: 46 KB, 800x420, how-amazon-ceo-jeff-bezos-transformed-from-skinny-to-buff-800x420-1527072335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean a couple of billions pump that dominance and charisma if im honest with you f a m

>> No.56834773

It's something guys who are struggling with girls need to realise to. They make the mistake of thinking women are attracted to what they are.

>> No.56834821

>youthful charisma
There's no such thing man, it's just charisma. Charisma is presence, authenticity, and attentiveness. Personally I think you need mental and emotional strength to do it. It's not so easy just showing people who you are, and expressing yourself; making yourself visible. I learned that pretty late. "Chad" just gets it early on.

I get the feeling we're not going to agree on this so we'll agree to disagree.

>> No.56834870

"you're obsessive"
"ew toxic masculinity"
"you're lazy!"

90% of women in the current social dilemma. unless you find that 10%, which is extremely fucking rare. you'll never be good enough for them.

>> No.56834873

Chad isn't a real person tho. It's just alpha behaviour which anyone is capable of and can also be learned. A nerd in a lab can be an alpha in his environment and slay qt autismo pussy for life. He doesn't need to be some weight lifting meme character.

>> No.56834877

Honestly the first one looks more genuine. Women see through the pseudo villain badass front on the second. A smirk is very attractive and when he knows how to convey himself the first one is better. (but yes i know the videos from him at that time. he appeared creepy/cucked) Guys will be more attracted to the second one. And I admit it looks cool.

>> No.56834882

>just be brad pitt bro

>> No.56834894

Some of you have a brain

>> No.56834927

Girls love fun. When you dominant and confident, but boring you'll get pussy, but less consistantly

>> No.56834951

You're just inceling dude. Taking an adversarial position toward women is going to defend your virginity to the death. You're brainwashing yourself with the red pill shit, stop reading it.

Yeah I'm aware, I'm just using the local slang. I have disseminated this to death on /adv/ and altered myself dramatically through a lot of study and emotional work. Chad is a mindset. That's all.

Your inner Chad cringes whenever you're insecure, or accept less than you deserve. I can hear him now

>What the FUCK bro

Can you hear him? Listening to you doubt yourself?

Next time you're doing something that takes some balls, ask yourself

>What Would Chad Do?

And you'll hear him say

>Go for it brah, you got this brah

>> No.56834971

These DGG posters are becoming embarrassingly easy to spot. There's no fun in it anymore.

>> No.56834976

Based anon. I think that other guy is black pilled not red pilled however. The red pill is the truth you speak. But potato, potato.

>> No.56834977

I don't know what that means so I'm going to call you a faggot

>> No.56835001

checking em

>> No.56835002

i don't have an adversarial approach to women, i have an adversarial approach to the women i described - i still fucked them, but i'd never date one for an extended period of time. the 10% who aren't a knee jerk reaction to being raped in their youth are the ones i'd marry and they're hard to find. i can tell you've never dated in the current climate.

>> No.56835077

I probably would not fuck them. Honestly, I've never heard that from the girls out here. I don't know if that means they're behaving around me, or if I'm living in some geographic anomaly, but I never run into women like that.

>> No.56835174

>i've never heard that from the girls out there
you don't interact with women

>> No.56835201
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Why are people bothering replying to the underage/lesbian woman in denial? This board is fucking shit now.

>> No.56835218

You're just a beta who girls know they can say that shit to

>> No.56835236

Yeah not really
I would say 25 IF you are already athletic

Age 20 i looked like a kid
Age 32 now better but worse than 25 if at this time i had same muscles etc
(The area around eyes shows age damn) but otherwise its fine

Girls however damn, SOME are qt at 30 but its like 1/20 of what it was when they are 20

>> No.56835266

You can believe what you want. I live in Florida, there is a lot of hot bitches out here. Girls don't talk to me like that.

>> No.56835283

it happens when BTC crabs i notice. the lurkers get bored.

>> No.56835301

Men have a wall but it’s more gradual and much later in life. So long as you are fit and have a full head of hair you can easily slay top tier women up til your 50s whereas much women will have trouble getting chads attention after age 25

>> No.56835304

>hot bitches
nice larp

>> No.56835313

As long as you can shoot your load your dna material is of good quality whereas a womens old eggs are have subpar quality and they are a shitty incubator for producing a baby and will likely lead to complications

>> No.56835336
File: 152 KB, 1117x2417, average youthful looking incel that doesnt age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does the "men have no wall" myth come from?
Incels coping

>> No.56835353

You never been out here have you

>> No.56835394

Hey dyke you posed someone bald who dosent lift and probebly agrees with you on just about everything.

>> No.56835400

>he was a Chad back in his day

>> No.56835501

they also posted their location, kek.

>> No.56835579

Delusional legacy psychopaths
What compels them is probably something worse than the devil being cross dimensional and purely out to kill anyone in their way to polluting the world with their offspring
Everyone who has read a book knows your sperm creates autism at 50+, you should be having healthy children in your 20s surrounded by family making space for the young to breed
Buy the mcmansion goyim, you haven't had balls in three decades

>> No.56835677

I have 8 figs and tried getting women to value me based on my money. It worked and I found some dumb whores that I could tell despised everything about me except my money. Now I have a girl that actually loves me and thinks $100k is a lot. The lesson here is that if you think like this poster you're probably an ugly unhappy loser