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56828812 No.56828812 [Reply] [Original]

Do you plan on buying a house in the next two years? Do you think you'll get a rental eventually? What's your plans anon?

>> No.56828820

Not sure yet

>> No.56828826

I'm motivated.

>> No.56828857


>> No.56828978


I'm not buying a house until it's realistically within my budget and my home expense is 1/3 of my take home pay or less. When I am above the median income but the median home payment is 100% of my take home pay the system is all fucked up and participating in it is foolish.

>> No.56829003

You think rates coming down will help ya?

>> No.56829054


No I think lowered rates will cause home speculation to get out of control again and cause people to think they can turn a profit on a half million dollar rotting boomer shack made out of plywood.

>> No.56829088


>> No.56829126

In 2020 I was getting ready to buy a house

was looking to keep my mortgage payment under 2k a month. With the interest rates at the time I could afford a 400-600K house, now with interest rates I can afford a 100-200K house.


>> No.56829138
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My monthly rent is $383. Though it's just a sharehouse, I have no intentions of buying a house anytime soon.

>> No.56829209

Is it comfy like hey Arnold?

>> No.56829212


It depends.

>> No.56829258

Yes, but for me. Fuck being a landlord.

>> No.56829273

I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans and am making less than 6 figures a year, I'll probably never own a home

>> No.56829282

You're like an MD or a lawyer, right?

>> No.56830774

*knuckle pop*
*clears voice*
>is this thing on? Testing testing 1, 2, 3

Proud rentcucks are by far THE most retarded, coping, POORFAG, soiboi faggots to exist on earth

You are LITERALLY throwing away money on rent. Then you're so retarded you try to cope like "wahh, you're paying property taxes tee hee" *eats own shit*. Hey dumbfuck, your landlord gets charged property tax and you know what he does? HE FACTORS IT INTO YOUR RENT hahahaha, yeah that's right. You're paying property tax on property you don't even own you stupid faggot

Then they talk about "muh ability to travel" (as if selling a home is some foreign, impossible concept) but literally sign 6-12 month leases completely thwarting any travel options unless they buy out their lease... what a massively stupid thing to do. "Yeah I want the ability to travel but yeah I'm signing this doc that literally straps me down in one place unless I pay $10,000 to get out of it"

>I don't have a lease
This post isn't about just you, you stupid fuck. Just because YOU don't have a lease doesn't mean the vast majority of rentcucks also don't.

I could go on and on. About how after 10 years a MortgageChad™ will have tens of thousands of dollars in equity. How their mortgage will be basically the same but rentcucks will be paying on average 30% more then than they are now. How rentcucks literally live 6 inches away from their neighbors. How they have no yard. No attached garage. The crime rates. The stairs and walking 100+ feet to your car (don't even act like this isn't annoying) then the stress of finding a close parking spot and constantly parking near the dregs of society who will smash your car with their door and other belongings.

Being a rentcuck is so impeccably retarded it's unreal and only surpassed on the retard spectrum by their pride in being such lowly peasants

>> No.56831172


>> No.56831207


>> No.56831219

Didn't see much of it but yes, I guess so

>> No.56831222

Its funny watching white people become megalomaniacs because they think they have some kind of deal with Jews.
I don't want to hear any whining from you when rentcucks decide to team up with shitskins and vote to expropriate all housing for "refugees".

>> No.56831338
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You rent too, stop paying your property taxes and see what happens.

>> No.56831355
File: 137 KB, 1212x844, rent vs buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm, sorry sweaty. the numbers have already been crunched with the current interest rates. no one wants to by your fixer-upper bag

>> No.56831673

When rates go down prices will rise again though

>> No.56832013

>When rates go down prices will rise again though
prices haven't even adjusted to the current raised interest rates. Real estate is very illiquid unlike stocks or other assets, so there's a lag. The fed can choose to lower the rates whenever they feel like it, but probably not until the next recession hits, and by that time demand for housing will decline.

>> No.56832120

Yeah prices have just stalled. When rates go down they will no longer be stalled and go up because everyone is waiting for the to go down

>> No.56832222
File: 38 KB, 1184x364, S&P case shiller 2023-12-01 111706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing prices are at an all time high, and mortgage rates are higher than they've been in the last 20+ years. Long term, housing prices will rise, just as all assets do. What do you think happens next in the short term?

>> No.56832244

>Long term, housing prices will rise,
>What do you think happens next in the short term
Continue to stall like the already have until rates start lowering

>> No.56832316
File: 122 KB, 957x948, Recession probability 11-9-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continue to stall like the already have until rates start lowering
what happens if there's a recession?

>> No.56832351

>Housing prices will continue to rise even though the supply of available human beings that can buy them is dwindling down towards zero

Assets that you can't sell are functionally useless, completely without value. This market will crash just as every market eventually crashes.