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File: 263 KB, 1202x700, DQmTB5MvQjvWwJDpB8eNLansHPHyV975uc2UZkLuB1nRfjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5680352 No.5680352 [Reply] [Original]


im not here to shill anything literally buy any coin apart from XRP and if you got BTC Hold FFS

im not some racist scum but the fact that over the last few weeks ive seen so meany posts where people have mentioned wellsfargo not the main point of the post just sly adding the name in somewhere just to advertise there corrupt banking system, its over guys the Jews are here to try and control what is supposed to be a decentralised and fair for everyone banking replacement.

but no, people that believe in fairy tails and want to control the masses and rule the world threw manipulation and propaganda are here to fuck it all up again and keep us chained to the dark ages and them in control.

the only solution really is extermination but im not talking about just one religious group. im talking about all of them need putting down, Jew Christian, Muslim etc..... all of them any one who still believes in this fairy tail bullshit to try and control and manipulate the world to do there bidding.

ffs guys we are living in a new world now a world that has never before been so enlightened and connected and we are still trying to control everyone with this shit.

its not going to end well people are tired of getting fucked over more and more are getting red pilled and waking up and when enough people do and band together the shit is going to hit the fan. there is going to be a momentous movement old vs new and we will either come out the end of it better or not at all.

>> No.5680405


>> No.5680411

if XRP overtakes BTC its over guys they would have won they will just use there position to control and manipulate the market just like every other market on earth

>> No.5680475

Fucking jews

>> No.5680513
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>> No.5680537

for the love of god

>> No.5680570
File: 691 KB, 500x641, tumblr_nej92v0HH41rbnx7io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hodl BTC
>Buy Ripple while it's cheap for either small or huge gains

>> No.5680577

this whole post reeks of reddit

>> No.5680624

i aint no reddit chad normie

>> No.5680635

>xrp taking "market dominance" is the same as killing an idea
hahaha, QE and debt based economies are getting their just desserts

>> No.5680649

What I got from this OP:
>hodl BTC long term

Thanks op, duh.

>> No.5680653

Cool blog.

>> No.5680668

ps, buy silver

>> No.5680673

Religion is an important component to culture. It gives people a framework to build their principals on and a shelter from unsavory components of society.

I know the concept of god is bullshit, but some people are too dumb to function otherwise and would be lynching Innocents for fun.

If you want to beat the Jews, quit whining and be better than them.

t. anglo

>> No.5680676

This enough of this fucking bitching if you invested in ripple while it was under a dollar would be silent.

Crypto is worse than banks with this pump and dump scams and no regulations.

>> No.5680695
File: 65 KB, 538x539, kingbugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is king. It will never die. If you don't have faith in bitcoin you will get rekt. Alt bloodbath will come in januari 2018.

>> No.5680709
File: 15 KB, 203x152, 1310496497472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does this even mean?
go gas yourself reddit

>> No.5680713
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EnLIghteNed and CoNnECtEd goyim

>> No.5680719

>reddit chad

>> No.5680736

You sure use reddit-spacing like a pro, though.

>> No.5680842

Why do fudders always start fudding when a coin is getting traction?
Just stfu niggers, and jump on the gain train.

>> No.5680858
File: 29 KB, 422x395, 102546548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, Bitcoin crypto gained mainstream popularity & usage from the Darkwebs originally yo'. Drugs/people trafficking, slave trade, money laundering etc. That was one of Bitcoins heavy base usage.

Ripple is a clean crypto.

It'd be interesting if the normies realised what their beloved crypto history was.

inb4 sjw and moral fag. idgf

>> No.5680921



>> No.5681201

its not a crypto and its not clean

>> No.5681583

>it's not a crypto
I'm loving this meme.

>> No.5681623

You guys are like crypto SJWs lmao. kys faggot

>> No.5681646

Keep fighting the good fight anon. Ripple is a black mark on the entire cryptosphere. Burn it down.

>> No.5681729

>the good fight
lol why do you retarded neckbeards always have to be so fucking gay? moralfag all you want, you missed out on easy gains
>muh crypto
shut the fuck up, your buttcoin is still safe and inefficient as ever.

>> No.5682066

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this kid thinks there is still chance

>> No.5682108


Before crypto they have been using USD for the same goddamn shit. They still use USD for drug money, guns, and sex you dumbfuck. Anyone will use anything that has value whether it is crypto or not. With crypto there is no CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE you fuckin crossbreed nigger pajeet

>> No.5682638

Can you use ripple to buy drugs on the darknet safely? If the answer is no, ripple isn’t taking over shit

>> No.5682733
File: 284 KB, 1600x912, new-reaction-meme-troll-song-lol_o_2097153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW christianity is actually true and is the main cause of this age of enlightenment

>> No.5682793

wrong, it has nothing to do with xrp use and what people buying xrp expect from it.

>> No.5683034

Use XMR in that case, it's the spiritual son of BTC. XVG is just a joke as same privacy that Firefox Private Mode.

Bitcoin is just an old tech, worth nothing.

>> No.5683056

>things never change
Bitcoin is obsolete, but that's just how technology evolves.

>> No.5683189

So are they going to 'use' xrp so people drop their Bitcoin for it but then dump xrp and buy Bitcoin for da cheaps

>> No.5683199
File: 732 KB, 749x1113, LOANS RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loans are what got us into this mess. Not even kidding. Loans, credit, debt based economy is the very reason btc was created. The money lenders are the cause of a lot of our problems in the world economy.
Imagin a world in which nobody could get a loan for a house, car, education etc. Sure some rich bastards gain a bigger advantage in acquiring those things but they won't buy everything (if they do you just refuse to pay a high premium for rentals and the market for rent becomes competitive). In reality they don't buy everythign because its a waste of thier money to buy overpriced assets. What actually happens is the driving force behind pumping these prices dies and the prices drop by 90%. Sure people who took out mortgages and loans to buy overprices assets would lose out but shit happens. If anything the debt needs to be written off and a reset but what we will get instead is a collapse and it is all thanks to crypto. Having loans in crypto IS the banks old trick and if you fall for it again you are really dumb. NEVER get a loan in crypto. EVER. The only acceptable loan right now is one to buy more crypto, one which you have no intention of ever paying back. Time to bleed the banks dry.

>> No.5683427

bump for importance. fuck this jew coin

>> No.5683436
File: 72 KB, 600x315, SALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ( and please explain this to me if I'm wrong ) Isn't SALT utilizing a Crypto based Loaning coin as we speak ? Isn't crypto being infiltrated by Loans and potentially credit right now or am I misunderstanding something about SALT?

>> No.5683496

Funniest shit I have heard

>> No.5683898
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is actually more decentralized than Bitcoin,

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.