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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56830674 No.56830674 [Reply] [Original]

>the jews are responsible for all my (financial) shortcomings and failures in life

>> No.56830700

implied no one

>> No.56830702

Bot? Slave? Glowie? We will never know...

>> No.56830716

The Jews are responsible for all the Jewish tricks in society for the goy to fall

>> No.56830718
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>business and finance
OK vatnick

>> No.56830725

Shabbos goy OP is unironically paid a pittance to make "consensus cracking" posts like this all over the web to create the illusion that people don't see the apparent truth of the world

>> No.56830733

I post on biz and pol regularly and I like jews overall. the religion is highly criticizable and should be illegal, but thats a separate topic than just hating a long noser.

>> No.56830736
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>> No.56830754

Lazy? Incompetent? Retarded? All 3?

>> No.56830760
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mostly govs actually, and who are behind govs? Well those are jews, IDK who idea was the ETFs initiative even so is just them showing how tired are them of NFTs Web3, and crypto in general, so they're just trying to control them.

I hope all this regulations Finally get my IQT bags pump as CS2 finally enters the Crypto market

>> No.56830786

Objectively true.
I'm trying to play by the rules THEY set decades ago and since THEY set the rules, of course THEY put advantages and railroads for people they like.

>> No.56830790

normal jews are cool

>> No.56830800

>cs2 entering the crypto market
listen you fucking faggot you better stop with this misinformation already it's malicious as fuck.

>> No.56830802

I guess you also believe that the moon landing was a fake and that reptilians built the pyramids.

>> No.56830814

>He thinks crypto somehow isn't controlled by these people
It's been under their control since day 1 lmao.
>ETF's means jews are breaching in my little tree house exclusive club normies don't know about!
Retard. Fucking moron, honestly.

>> No.56830829

honestly, it's all the fault of the Chinese government, not the Jews.

>> No.56830836
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you guys are not playing the game correctly. that's all.

>> No.56830845

the fault lies with the patriarchal machismo that is secretly active in our constitution, we must fight to abolish this government and rethink our society in order to move towards a free world where women have equal rights.

>> No.56830851
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>> No.56830859

adam sandler is pretty nice and cool

>> No.56830884

he's somehow right tho

>> No.56830896

IQT itself is based and I believe pretty much all nft collections will implement it but i dont know why you are parroting the cs2 + blockchain rumors because that is legitimately never going to happen. Ever.

>> No.56830904

There should be no "game", faggot.

Society was a fucking mistake. Abolish everything and rebuild from 0.

>> No.56830936

and chuddies like you reflect everything that doesn't align with your retarded views on the world to justify you being a failure as something outside your control. people getting paid by some shadow government to get a narrative going in some obscure forum only like 40 thousand people around the whole fucking world visit (most of them going to /b/, /v/ and /pol/ anyway).

What a fucking child.

>> No.56830952
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Valve shall use $MATIC as their main transaction tool for when they embrace blockchain technology to double the amount of money they milk out of CS2.

Load up on IQT, MATIC and 1INCH faggots. You have been warned.

>> No.56831101

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.56831267

This. We need to dismantle white supremacy instead.

>> No.56831285
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No, but they are responsible for my race feeling tons of self hate and guilt and willingly destroying their own peaceful, prosperous countries as a result. And it looks like justice is inevitably going to be served for that so... sorry not sorry. What is the running count for expulsions now, 208?

>> No.56831315


>> No.56831337

go back to /pol/ and yeah they imply it
except for the goys that play the game
go back 2 /pol/, there's a serious irony that you guys come here for financial opportunity like a bunch of mexicans after your homeland gets shit up because of your qanon tier policies

>> No.56831362

>kikes spilling seethe
bullish, they know this bullrun a lot of antisemites are gonna get out of the rat race

>> No.56831366

From the river to the sea.

>> No.56831372

but we're betting against fiatcels and winning

>> No.56831381


Consider meds

>> No.56831392
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this but unironically. J almost retired last bull market and jews ruined it. Jews are also fudding my bnb bags

>> No.56831414

You chuds are the guys who direly need some anti-depressants to get over yourselves, I made it past 7 figures years ago because I was smart enough to leave the sinking ship that is /pol/ more than a half decade ago.
I used to be a nazi chud before the term chud even existed, I didn't need meds to get over it.

>> No.56831438
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>need some anti-depressants

>> No.56831449

It'll do you better than seething about life, consider it.

>> No.56831489
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>the goy is becoming too aware

>> No.56831516

Bruh I've been aware of their power structure for over a decade, I just learned to play along instead of seething on /pol/ for years.
Any gains that you newfag /pol/migrants make will be a fraction of what jews and jew aligned goys will make, you have no chance.

>> No.56831952
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They are all three.