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56827679 No.56827679 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from the fact that Bloodborne is hard and sucks ? I played it for the first time and kept dying. What's the point of this game ?

>> No.56827684

>loosing to a guy in a wheelchair

>> No.56827696

Get good enough to finish the game, then you will see why it's one of the few games worth playing.

>> No.56828055

Did you play dark souls? Never beat bloodborne but I had some glitch during a boss that shot me up in the air and I was stuck and besides that wasn't that impressed but I was drunk and kept dying

>> No.56828072

>losing to a guy in a wheelchair
>probably lost to intro-wolf too ayylmayonnaise

>> No.56828079

any starter tips? played the fuck out of elden ring like 600hours but couldn't get with this shit for the life of me. just kept dying and dying.

>> No.56828092

>spoiling the fun
I would give all my wealth to be this new again.

>> No.56828101

You can't profit from being stupid and having bad reaction time, git gud.

>> No.56828102

>started with the most casual babbyshit of From's catalogue

>> No.56828113

Where are you specifically and what weapons are you using? Always pick the hunters pistol and the saw cleaver at the beginning of the game. Upgrade your weapons and your character when possible.
Bloodborne is a fast game that plays differently from Dark Souls/Elden Ring. The whole point is evading and gitting gud instead of cowering behind a shield. When dodging/dashing, go towards (or to the sides) of the enemy instead of dogding back. This is the biggest beginner mistake. Once you know how to play aggresively and time your hits, parries and dodges the game gets real fun.
The game is all about pattern recognition. I believe in you anon.

>t. beat Bloodborne 3 times +DLC

>> No.56828136


>> No.56828138
File: 1.23 MB, 2988x5312, all you need.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be a redit tier meme but i applaud you, based BB maxxeranon.

>> No.56828142

>When dodging/dashing, go towards (or to the sides) of the enemy instead of dogding back
god fucking damnit. thanks anon, i ALWAYS dodged back and those mfers kept pounding me. never made it far and just always ragequitted. i'll fire it up tonight

>> No.56828221

The wolf did indeed kill me. You can't kill it without the weapons, can you ? If the wheelchair thing is a spoiler, I don't want to know.

>> No.56828230

>just grind this garbage for 50 hours until you develop stockholm syndrome

>> No.56828243

you can get father cascoign stuck in the strairs, you just run up the strairs, then when he follows you down, quicly run down the stairs and go right under the straits, he will keep aggro on you, and you can attack him with the fucking big axe

>> No.56828324

>spoiling the fun

>> No.56828340

Sekiro > Bloodborne.

>> No.56828345


>> No.56828422

sekiro is garbage, i'm sorry, there is no fucking diversity in builds just counter, counter, counter , even a fucking chicken can wreckt you if you cant fucking counter him.
i dont understand the appeal?
bloodborn, has build diversity and mutating weapons
its not my fault that papah serg delayed ccip once again, probably because the ccip users wernt ready

>> No.56828453

Don’t give up. It’s the best Fromsoft game of all time. Use the saw and be aggressive in your play style

>> No.56828649

I started again and picked the cane. those two wolves keep fucking me up.