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56821854 No.56821854 [Reply] [Original]

>There is still a GME general

>> No.56821889
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>there is still a general for the zeroed out stock of a bankrupt box store that is now doing business as a bankrupt online seller with a business model of spamming your inbox with discounts until you order a single piece of Chinese cookware for $6 + free shipping

>> No.56821902

Stay mad hedgies

>> No.56821939

I get a good kek about it every single day

>> No.56821976

Hedgies made money on BBBY, you only took losses. Cope

>> No.56821993

just DRSed 100 more shars, thanks hedgie!

>> No.56822007

There is a lot of mental illness on 4chan if you hadn't noticed. Even still it is surprising there would be enough on biz to have put their sense of identity in something so reddit. Probably mostly anons from pol who only started browsing biz when the GME meme first took off.

>> No.56822029

Even reddit purged these retarded baggies off their main pages. Why do we put up with it?

>> No.56822030

The Donald subreddit getting deleted caused an exodus of redditors

>> No.56822065

I'm just not gonna sell. UGHHH, I know, sorry. It's just I'm not selling it (My GME) HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.56822112
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>> No.56822125

Thanks for playing

>> No.56822128

I am very mad I shorted your bags to actual zero. I will wipe my brow with your money.

>> No.56822170
File: 80 KB, 419x480, bigCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget there's also a bbby general and that company's literally bankrupt kek

>> No.56822690

be nice to the mentally retarded

>> No.56822711

You’re welcome to lose money any way you like. And I’m welcome to laugh at you.

>> No.56822728

FUDtards seething

>> No.56822750

Never gets old.

>> No.56823061

They just talk about influencers though, they don’t even pretend it’s about a stock anymore

>> No.56823090

it's not really yours, you have it with a custodian and they can sell it whenever they want
not your keys

>> No.56823163

One random faggot made millions out of thousands and retards think they can replicate his success. Pretty pathetic.

>> No.56823175

Looks like a pajeet shitcoin scam chart.

>> No.56823536

The first MOASS was done by options gamblers forcing a gamma squeeze but reddit brainlets think options bad and won't try to do what actually made GME squeeze in the first place after 3 years of DRSing and being as mentally ill as trannies or LINK baggies

>> No.56823589

kek you are the scourge of this board
keep up the good work

>> No.56823622
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Yes I am seething right now aaaahhhhhhh my shorts are printing money aaaaahhh i have too much money which is making me so maaadddd!!! XD

>> No.56823726
File: 60 KB, 800x495, gme thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably mostly anons from pol who only started browsing biz when the GME meme first took off.

It is, bagholding GME let's them do what they do best which is blame Jews for all their problems in life. Weirdly they think a "based jew" called Ryan Cohen will save them with his Jewish magic, and also there is an alliance with Reddit. They don't like to think about that a lot.

>> No.56824370

Its true though, do you niggers even know what a gamma ramp is?

>> No.56824420

Because it's hilarious

>> No.56824431

Yes, I agree with what you said about Jan 2021 being a gamma ramp

>> No.56824525

Mental illness

>> No.56824537

Comedic value. It's why the Qanon threads were allowed to exist on /pol/ until they started spamming every thread with their faggotry

>> No.56824545

I still can't believe it's above $10
the amount of shilling when it was under there was unbelievable it should be back at $2-3

>> No.56824559

it's above 10$ because all these retards are bag holders kek

>> No.56824564

so why not stop pissing money away DRSing and just force a fucking gamma squeeze?

>> No.56824569

that would require paid moderation

>> No.56824592
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Im going to enjoy making the “told you so” threads after this shit unfolds

>> No.56824600

yeah but everyone here bought before $10 so they are bagholding in profit whatever they are still holding
except newfags/tourists

>> No.56824648

retards together strong

>> No.56824646


Yeah, the GME apes are based as fuck because they held through to an 80% loss like a bunch of chads.

>> No.56824656

You'll be happy when the money printer is turned on and all the newfags go there instead of making threads.
Same reason theres still a president Trump general.

>> No.56824675

its crazy bruh. i went in their a couple times randomly and its all literal schizos talking to each other, not a single sentence made sense.

>> No.56824685

reddit apes really ruined GME

>> No.56825634

I go in there and pretend to be a comfy GME holder. I wonder how many baggies I've fooled into continuing to hold.

>> No.56825671

I know there will be a day when there's an IQT general, idk when, I simply know

>> No.56825673
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Less hopium
More copium

>> No.56825677

Fucking kek, ngmi faggot

>> No.56825680

If only there was a new NFT run, unfortunately for you...

>> No.56825688

what makes a nigger get into something like that? crack? meth, perhaps? even heroin lmao

>> No.56825694
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And a LINK general

>> No.56825697
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>> No.56825747
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I like to pretend I'm a shill for Kenny/Citadel Capital. I'll post either repetitive fud with the words slightly changed to make it seem like I'm using a script. Sometimes I'll drop a subtle gramattical error to make them think I'm ESL.

All this to say, this causes them to believe they and their shit stock are important enough to hire paid shills for. And so they keep buying more shares everytime they "expose" me. I like to think I'm doing them a favor because if they ever realize they wasted thousands of dollars and 3 years of their life, they might an hero.

>> No.56825762

This is exactly my philosophy. You nailed it, bro.

>> No.56825820
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I hate them so fucking much. How jaded do you have to be

>> No.56825822

Yeah poltard obsession with jews is just lazy cherry picking on steroids, to the extent their views become unfalsifiable for them. Often I'll talk about an issue I care about in an articulate fashion, and they will read their own reductionist jew obsession into what I'm saying as if I were just dog whistling agreement with them. Like with my opposition to central banking / fiat currency system for example. All of the potent intellectual dismantlement of that system come from libertarians, which includes jews such as Murray Rothbard. Sometimes a few of them will just refer to Murray Rothbard as a "based jew", if they even know who he is. Which is fine if they give respect where it is given, but it's also lazy par for the course cherry picking. They'll ignore the tons of europeans who advocate for and benefit from the parasitic banking system, they'll ignore that most of the substantive critques about central banking come from jews, they'll ignore that their own ideological faction does not contribute anything to the discussion other than low IQ seething and bad optics.

>> No.56825872


>> No.56825896
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>>56821854 >>56821889 >>56821902 >>56821939 >>56821976 >>56821993 >>56822007 >>56822029 >>56822030 >>56822065 >>56822112 >>56822125 >>56822128 >>56822170 >>56822690 >>56822711 >>56822728 >>56822750 >>56823061 >>56823090 >>56823163 >>56823175 >>56823536 >>56823589 >>56823622 >>56823726 >>56824370 >>56824420 >>56824431 >>56824525 >>56824537 >>56824545 >>56824559 >>56824564 >>56824569 >>56824592 >>56824600 >>56824646 >>56824648 >>56824656 >>56824675 >>56824685 >>56825634 >>56825671 >>56825673 >>56825677 >>56825680 >>56825688 >>56825694 >>56825697 >>56825747 >>56825762 >>56825820 >>56825822 >>56825872

>> No.56825922


>> No.56825960

We are days away from moass, I dont think anyone has really understood this. They weren't going to do this months ago because that would've gave us plenty of time to get loud and throw a wrench in it. They have undoubtedly been planning this for well over a year. They did this last minute knowing they were going under in the very near future.

RC tweeted a 20/40 week old baby exactly 20 weeks ago, tomorrow is labor day...

In the Gmerica NFTs there are subtle hints at moass like a countdown timer showing T-00, rockets launching, and 3rd quarter moon phases

News about Arnal the Bobby CFO

Chinese economy is collapsing in literally days

Fed just started dumping MBSs Friday

10Y broke out of its 40 year down trend

Fed is telling people to buckle up, and there will be casulties

Bond market is collapsing

50% of GME is DRSed and growing rapidly

Sept 1st the ISDA Phase 6 went into affect

Shitadel has been borrowing money left and right, and their lifelines are running out

Kenny moved to Florida, then leveled 3 of his homes to build 1 mansion for his mother. He did this to protect his wealth. So he knows somethings coming for him

Shitadel's bonds were just downgraded to 1 category above junk bonds

Gamestop is doing something with Gmerica

Ryan Cohen is doing something with bobby stock, and/or buy buy baby

Gamestop has yet to officially release the marketplace

IMX has yet to bring their games to the marketplace

Plus many other things, somethings brewing and we're teetering on moass any day

>> No.56826225

jews are fine, zionists can get fucked and cope

>> No.56826250

TEO MORE WEEKS of it, at least.

>> No.56826273

so... jews can get fucked? you realize they are all zionists right?

>> No.56826286

And a BBBYQ general, although I think that one is just a running joke as the stock doesn't even exist anymore.

>> No.56826305
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Based post

>> No.56826313

I hate reddit so goddamn much

>> No.56826372

poltard here. Other than your use of the word dismantlement, your post seems pretty based.

So you think there is nothing at all to the jewish worldwide conspiracy? Is it only some jews? Is it rich men, who sometimes are jews? How do you see it?

>> No.56827086

why does /pol/ shill this stock?

>> No.56827110

There's two.

>> No.56827254

Bobby Fischer was based.

>> No.56827430

Extremely rare exception

>> No.56827442

Sure maybe but the person responding to you that he’s buying more shares is also in this thread saying he’s pretending to be a comfy holder so your shill is self refuting kek

>> No.56827446


>> No.56828299

>There are still two (2) GME generals

>> No.56828303

based as fuck

>> No.56828722

It’s 3 now

>> No.56828753

>idf propaganda in full swing
you hate to see it

>> No.56828773

I like to go in their threads and kek the baggies and/or post pasta. I know other anons do this as well. If we keep this up, they will be driven off this site.

>> No.56828786
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holy shit do you really believe anyone in a hedge fund has even heard of this site, much less comes here to post about your bagholding?

take your fucking meds Jesus Christ

>> No.56828787

Yet you get mad when someone says kek crypto baggies because you are indeed a dumbfuck crypto baggie

>> No.56828829

They don't. The mentally ill people on this board just like to pretend that all the types of people they hate just happen to be one person. Black and white thinking, very lazy and schizoid.

>> No.56828926
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God i bought like 500$ of this in 2020 and im down 70% lmao i knew this shit was retarded but the 500 was well worth it to learn to never listen to reddit trannies or 4chan baggies on wha to invest in.

Best of luck to those of you still in, but this shit aint goin nowhere anytime soon.

>> No.56828984

>GMEtards kek our crypto bags the hardest whenever the crypto market is pumping
Funny how that works.

>> No.56829022

Trust the plan bros, two more weeks and Qanon will make Trump president with the military!

>> No.56829032

Namefags are the biggest cum guzzlers of them all

>> No.56829043

It’s still not at the $59k you dumped your McDonalds paycheck in baggie

>> No.56829060
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The BBBY saga has showed me /biz/ is as stupid, naive and desperate as Rebbit.

Half of the catalogue are bagholding cult generals.

>> No.56829085

What about a screen of a GME chart on a long-term downward trajectory to $0 is "FUD"?

Stupid nigger.

>> No.56829283

I have 1600 shares and went green multiple times this week

>> No.56830436

kek baggie

>> No.56830469

/biz/ is the financial arm of /pol/

>> No.56830498

didn't read, shut up kike

>> No.56831476
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these """people""" should get their circlejerking fucking """discussion""" to beoble or some other platform.