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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 388 KB, 1917x921, Dexscreener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56823774 No.56823774 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Binance is reaching an all time low in trust and value for both institutions and people, almost all platforms are receiving harsh criticisms. So what platform is the best? I always looked into alternatives but both dextools and uniswap seem a bit unpolished and flunky. I used to think dexscreener was a bit rough round the edges but coming back to it its really good

>> No.56823791

I never understood why almost all of /biz collectively agrees to use this god-forsaken app that is broken almost all of the time

>> No.56823799
File: 188 KB, 512x416, 1621371282810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody remember matrixlabs?

>> No.56823809

all the jeets are there, that's why its so popular around here
afaik they pay the devs to let some tokens slide with their scams and there's even cases of rating manipulation

>> No.56823813

Never had a problem with UNI but what do I know

>> No.56823815

w-we broke 2k eth bros

>> No.56823819

matrixlabs aquarium

>> No.56823826

can i ask how? the tax fees are stupidly high, it breaks when you need to speed trade, the data is at least 10 minutes wrong, plus the multiple data breachs they've had
im surprised it doesn't have any charges pressed against the devs but then again they probably live away from the states

>> No.56823831
File: 5 KB, 206x440, 1631981180218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck said dexscreener

>> No.56823843

Chinknance, scam for the boomers
Jeetland and the place where tokens go to die
if your token launches here you know it wont last a week
pretty good, the UI is on the old side but at least it makes sense and it actually does what it promises

>> No.56823846

>the tax fees are high
take the problem to the chain not the dex dude

>> No.56823856

the only reliable thing i remember about dexscreener was that off topic post on /pol about chasing the black swan hold on let me look for it

>> No.56823858

I liked Etherdelta

>> No.56823860

your mom

>> No.56823864

Based, never heard of that one. What makes it special?

>> No.56823867

share the deets anon

>> No.56823870

here found it

>> No.56823873

>the best DEX
>shitcoin nigger dApp
The best DEX is XRPL and it has always been from the start. Everything else is for gambling niggers. Enjoy high slippage, retarded impermanent loss from rugging and gamblers removing liquidity, and high fees just because fuck you.

>> No.56823880

Etherdelta biggest flaw is the fact that you can't find a single tutorial on main social media (youtube, instagram) unless you look really fucking hard for them, it's too much of a bother

>> No.56823890

>The best DEX
>Shitcoin nigger dAPP
>Suggests a noname shitcoin nigger dAPP
uhhh anon?

>> No.56823908

See this is why dextools is a stain in decentralized crypto. You cant mention dexscreener without getting the dextools hate because people now associate DEXes to Dextools and its just not how it works. But all of you have 0 understanding of economics so who the fuck cares

>> No.56823913


>> No.56823925

No cap the silent sleeper of 2024

>> No.56823953

It's one of the oldest dexs out there and nowadays probably completely obsolete. But back in 2017 it was an absolute goldmine for obscure shitcoins before they hit the big exchanges.
Yep. Back then there was an anon here who made a tutorial of sorts for navigating ED. I wouldn't even have heard of Etherdelta without the guy.

>> No.56824048

That's the only bad thing about some DEX, you have the most useful ones obscured by the lack of tutorials. Unless they release them by themselves you have no real way to learn how to effectively use them. And most of them don't even have videos

>> No.56824063
File: 172 KB, 891x648, 79799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't begin to express my gratitude when they add these icons to the tokens. God who the fuck told everyone making the tickers unreadable was a good idea. I NEED VISUAL DATA PEOPLE

>> No.56824068

this is the only way i found about grok and glf fr

>> No.56824078

The real one is the filter.
>Don't want a jeety project?
>Don't want your usual scam
>Don't want another variation of Doge?
>Don't want any alt for some reason?
It's such a gem

>> No.56824083

haven't used dexscreener but im assuming they sell their trending spots like 90% of the dex right? (talking abt dextools)

>> No.56824085

wouldn't be surprised that's how most of them make money

>> No.56824105

Don't think so. They update based on social trending + engagement or smt like that and there's always a link so you can see why it updated. At least that was how it worked the last time i used it. I never saw noname stuff so im thinking its pretty legit. Useless if you dont know what you're looking for tho

>> No.56824108

>useless if you don't read
no shit

>> No.56824417

Binance wasn't a dex so idk why you would mention it

>> No.56824425

It was the best option til dexscreener came out. So they're still stuck on dextools because they dunno.

>> No.56824434

Uniswap is the only dex with liquidity. Everyone uses uniswap on eth. Period.

>> No.56824445

Darkside from Twisted Metal 1, based patrician gigachad

>> No.56824451

Fuck is this link

>> No.56825244
File: 26 KB, 680x544, 1680175530900954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, sir. That is not Kinetix dot Finance. This thread is misinformation. Delete it at once.