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56821004 No.56821004 [Reply] [Original]

Go fuck yourself

>> No.56821016
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But... How?

>> No.56821025
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>> No.56821048

lay down the ketamine and stop shitting up my board, elon. i'm not asking anymore.

>> No.56821074

Go sit on a menorah, Moishe

>> No.56821095

What would happen to the economy if the government charged less taxes when a corporation paid their employees more?
Let's say there's a huge recession but you keep on hiring and paying top dollar, what would happen if your tax bill went down to zero?

>> No.56821155
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I just pondered on how one would technically achive to fuck... yourself?

>> No.56821165

>Let's say there's a huge recession but you keep on hiring and paying top dollar, what would happen if your tax bill went down to zero?
It would be fine anyway name 1 service the US gov provides to you on taxes that makes your life any better, and the roads are just mad max goyslop conveyer belts

>> No.56821227

You can’t bend you dick far enough to shove it up your ass?

>> No.56821238

>"don't believe everything that comes out of my mouth"

How dumb can one man be?

>> No.56821252
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Which one does more drugs?
Mr "LeftardsAreShit" or Mr "GoFuckYourself"

>> No.56821339

tbqh Shane McGowan was looking in better nick recently than Mr GFY here. And he just died.

>> No.56821549

>not THAT free market

>> No.56821594

I did, atleast 3 times last night… i could not last till 1st of december

I actually lost November 15th too

The problem with not cumming is that your asshole and dick literally start to hurt

>> No.56821602


>> No.56821637
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I would but between daily waggie plust endless grinding on apps to make some extra to BARELY get EOM, don't have much time for this kind of pleasures.

When its not my fucking boss or my retarded gf or her stupid son, its the bears.

>> No.56821670

come here and fuck me if you have the balls OP

>> No.56821678

why am I not surprised a crypto gaymer is also a cuck

>> No.56821682

november is almost over anon you're gmi

>> No.56821693

hes a millionaire who has bad taste in absolutely everyhting what can you expect from him

>> No.56821703

Grimes was an exception
still dissapoint in her for that shit tho

>> No.56821721

not only grimes, his sons name is shit, his brand decisions are shit as you cn see with twitter, hes just lucky hes a billionaire from the craddle because if not he'd be a retard bsement dweller crypto coper 4chan user just like everyone else here

>> No.56821723

Why are white people like this?

>> No.56821733

Elon does look like if he was a peasant he'd buy belle delphine water (good ending) or be andrew tate fan (bad ending)

>> No.56821743

well, at least he managed to get a gf, what have (YOU) achieved?

>> No.56821749
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what if, and hear me out-

>> No.56821757

The cost for building and maintaining infrastructure is a drop in the tax bucket. A majority of tax money now goes to pay the salaries of politicians and “social programs”

>> No.56821763

It's spelled Blocklords you fucking retard

>> No.56821767
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>> No.56821775

you shnould just kys at this point anon

>> No.56821779

Like this: x hamster com/ videos / ts fucking-herself 13293769

>> No.56821782

no one cares about your shithole thirdworld fag

>> No.56821790
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Based BL player.

>> No.56821877

Worst part of that schpiel wasn't the advertiser rant.
It was the "no one has done more for climate change than me". Oh fuck right off you brazen liar.

>> No.56821908

>He thinks we can change the trajectory of Earth's weather on a global scale
Go back nigger

>> No.56821940

You're sub-70 IQ nigger if you do not think that.

>> No.56821961

At least I'm not in the center of the bell curve you frothing faggot

>> No.56822066

I mean... I can't prove anything to you over the internet and it's goofy to brag, so it doesn't matter whether you believe me. But the fact is that I have actually taken a clinical IQ test and I'm very far to the right. >95th percentile.
But more importantly, ask literally anyone else far to the right too, and they'll all tell you what a complete moron anyone would have to be to not believe in climate change at this point.

>> No.56822110

Oh so you're just cranked up all the way on autism.
How can you think the models we produce are accurate in the slightest, considering the billions of variables in the equation of "climate change"? No shit the climate's changing, but to say we are the culprits holding the smoking gun is midwit surface level thinking. There are so many things involved in the giant fishbowl we live in, it's literally impossible to replicate even with a quantum computer with a billion qubits or whatever you reddit cucks like to talk about.

>> No.56822114
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fuck me yourself you coward!

>> No.56822131

boxxy should be a milf by now eh?

>> No.56822174
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Melon Usk is a globohomo puppet leading the Fake Awakening, a front for the MIL-IND-COMPLEX.


>> No.56822190

Anyone found/got the meme token for this yet? I looked around dextools and couldn't find anything that popped up past 24 hours.

>> No.56822296

>How can you think the models we produce are accurate in the slightest
Because they've made predictions that turned out to be right on point. There are billions of variables but they normally all blend together to an approximate equilibrium, where significant changes only occur over the course of thousands of years. We don't need to understand the movement of every atom to look at the big picture. To look at actual history.
And our (very well understood) greenhouse effect equations show that emitting GHG to the magnitude that we do would disrupt that equilibrium and lead to rates of temperature increase only previously seen a couple of times in Earth's billion year history. And what do you know: the temperatures are in fact now rising as much as we've only seen a couple of times in Earth billion year history. And we continue to see it decade after decade.
The only real uncertainly in the models was not the correlation between temperature and CO2, but how much CO2 we would actually end up emitting decades into the future. We still don't know that, but it's looking bleak.
You think that's all a big coincidence? That some cataclysmic event is just randomly happening exactly at the same time that a potential cause of that event happens? And not just any cause, but a cause so obvious that we predicted before it took off?

>> No.56822381

I read everything, but I now realize I'm talking to a well studied autistic faggot. You're just regurgitating the same assumptions that the rest of the grifters say. Job security amirite
Think for yourself for once instead of taking theories as fact. You gained tools from education, fucking use them bro

>> No.56822433

What exactly do you mean that I should do what you say think for yourself and use the tools I've been given? Because I thought that meant to look at the evidence and see for myself what that evidence supports. And that's what I've been doing.
The result is that it very clearly supports climate change, so I think for myself that climate change is obviously real.

>> No.56822467

Boxxy will be wider than tall by now

>> No.56822476

roger that

>> No.56822485

Looking at evidence is only part of it. If you're genuinely curious, you would question every piece of evidence, but no, you just want the reddit points for thinking current thing is right and preaching about how smart you are how much better your IQ is etc etc. You're a rat looking for cheese and acceptance from the other rats.

>> No.56822600

I have questioned every piece of evidence. The result is still that climate change is obviously real. The evidence is rock solid.
I don't want acceptance or "believe current thing", if you knew me IRL you'd know that I dislike most people and I hold several very contrarian views. You keep coming with these laughably wrong assumptions about me. Perhaps it is YOU who should stop and question what you think you know. Perhaps it is YOU who want to fit in with the opinions of your circle, because here on 4chan climate denial is in fact the mainstream view. I am not impressing anyone by telling the truth as I've done. Everyone here is like you, not me.

>> No.56822620

What did he mean by that????

>> No.56822643


of course climate change is real, the earth is always changing

>> No.56822669

I don't have to specify anthropogenic climate change because everyone including you knows that's what I mean.

>> No.56822698

the reward for paying your employers generously is the ability to attract high quality workers and retaining the experienced ones
>dude what if we had a complex social credit system for even greater incentives!

literally all our problems are state induced to begin with

>> No.56822740

You aren't wrong, I could be projecting, but you already showed me your cards anon. You spit out assumptions as fact already. You said the earth should be in equilibrium, which just isn't true and if earth were in equilibrium life wouldn't be able to exist. You also said the earth has only experienced this drastic change in climate a few times in a billion years, another assumption.
Again you said we made models in the past that came to fruition, which just isn't true. The models 20 years ago were saying Florida would be underwater.. right now. But of course the goal posts moved further back, even considering the fact that industrial activity and CO2 production has increased even more since then.
You're a smart guy I'll give you that, but you're a dumbass.

>> No.56822765
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Yes, there is a token. Now kindly fuck yourself

>> No.56822782


>> No.56823212
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He kind of exposed that the entire basis of money making in the economy of the West is through appeasement of advertisers. Advertisement itself is quite literally the most useless invention as it serves no other purpose than to distract you from your daily business in order to spend money on something you did not previously think about.

The fact that entire industries can succeed or fail based on the money received by "advertisers" basically means everyone is trying to appease the top 1% for a crumb of their shit.

There actually should be a deeper discussion about this, since people's time and attention being sapped by advertisement objectively means the world is less productive and less active.

>> No.56823241
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>> No.56823254


I respect Elon more after this.

>> No.56823267

wonder if musk and thiel still talk to each other
i know david sacks is besties with elon but i didn't see thiel and musk together

>> No.56823328

Why isn't LA under water then? You MASSIVE faggot. Yea I am midcurved as fuck but im not gullible like you.

>> No.56823335

Based based and giga based

>> No.56823436

why did he say this immediately after his visit to israel?

>> No.56823642
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It really is much deeper, goes into the pharmaceutical companies and pic related.

From the top down.


The government and corporations are one, socialist fascist entity.

>> No.56823691
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>> No.56823701

>acts tough
>can't even beat zuckerberg
lmao even

>> No.56823770

I hate Disney like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.56823785


>> No.56823861

I’m sorry that the gross hippy you’re in love with turned out to be a whore

>> No.56823869

He probably is an Andrew Tate fan though

>> No.56823893

>it’s real
Ok according to “climate change” water levels should be at least 1 feet above everywhere. (Thanks to the past 40 years of melting or whatever)
Find me a picture
Florida is perfect for finding evidance too
It’s barely above ocean level, so any changes would have been obvious using a satellite
Where is the evidance?

>> No.56824087

no, you misunderstand
of the pair?
one of them indeed had talent
and the sole 'gross' in the proceedings remains, that she felt the need to pair with an actual whore on so many levels as Musk.

>> No.56824126

Social security, Disability, Welfare, Food Assistance, Military,transportation, waste, education, emergency services. The list goes on. Government? It's these fucking companies. 40% of CocaColas profits come from food stamps. Government is what holds this shit we call society together. You autists ignore everything until you need it.
Corporations own us with lobbying.

>> No.56824158
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>It's these fucking companies. 40% of CocaColas profits come from food stamps Government is what holds this shit we call society together.

If the government is owned by lobbying corporations, then the government is also compromised. They're one and the same.

These corporations found out a long time ago that Government is the biggest business of them all.