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56819986 No.56819986 [Reply] [Original]

after 4 years of learning how to trade I have finally become profitable.

all I can say is this:
look for trading methods/instruments that are not widely used.
there are things you can trade which require different strategies but which almost no one talks about.

the kinds of things where even if there is a youtube video about it, there are maximum 100 people who even watched the video.
the kind of stuff that is not even on your radar.
the "things you didnt know that you didnt know about" kind of things.

thats where the money is.

>> No.56820012
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I am poor. So i have to do trading with other peoples money.

>> No.56820034

i am poor too but I am finally breaking out but i got here by doing exactly 0 of what /biz/ told me to do

>> No.56820053

Thank you. This valuable secret information might just be the "edge" I finally need to start making money by investing

>> No.56820075

I am also profitable trading. My strategy also nobody knows about. OP might be using a similar strategy to mine but we would never know. I gathered it from hundred disparate sources on and offline. The intersection of people having seen similar sources and being able to apply it similarly is really small

>> No.56820103

there is a natural barrier of entry to the stuff that works.

its called required effort and time and also a certain intelligence but much of it is luck.
one is lucky to have stumbled upon a profitable method.

one can have 150 iq and still never find anything profitable.
you have to be lucky.

>> No.56820125

When I was younger I was given advice about the 2 surefire ways you can make money:
>do something nobody else CAN do
>do something nobody else WANTS to do
Your methodology works for you at this time, and congrats anon, I hope you make a ton from it, but stay vigilant. If the secret to your success is simple obscurity, it will be found out eventually and you must adapt.

>> No.56820340

I agree but many mistake it with you just have to be lucky. This is so not true. You can be licky a hundred times over, if you are not prepared to capitalize on said lucky opportunities you will not make it.

Many people think ok i will just sit around and maybe get lucky but thats not how it works. You have to work hard to hone the skills, and when you finally get lucky have the strength and the will to act upon it.

Also anons should hurry up. Your lucky moment may be just weeks ahead, so dont sit around and think yeah you have a couple years to get ready

>> No.56820367

its not even that obscure.
i could say i trade seasonal calendar spread trades on futures.
i could say i do cash n carry,

most people just do not bother with that if it sounds too complicated

>> No.56820498

>>56819986 (OP)
Thank you. This valuable secret information might just be the "edge" I finally need to start making money by investing

>> No.56820628

I've been studying and practicing on paper on and off for about a month now, and I'm honestly getting frustrated. I haven't found a strategy/market yet that I feel I can apply consistently with my current resources and abilities. I started practicing the psycho cybernetics stuff and I expect to stumble onto something that fits, but I feel like I'm all over the place right now. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration to keep digging and trying OP.

>> No.56820646

based i too turn poop to fertilizer

>> No.56820667

Trading happens to be just the first step, smart shorting.

And for sure stick to good assets with good records as KAVA, XMR, also some good chices are (ofc) ETH and Btc just don't dilude yourself that much

>> No.56820674

Any breadcrumbs of info/traders you'd suggest a newbie to check out?

>> No.56820723

A month is nothing. Have a timeline of like two years. Thats just to get the skin hardened. So plan your circumstances meanwhile accordingly, i mean expenses, job, family etc…

Resources, anything and everything. Read the daily news and try to make sense of it in terms of what moves the markets. From this follow all terminology and technical terms you see. Anything and everything you read should make sense to you. If it doesnt, follow it.

No shame in starting at investopedia or pf reddit or /smg/ but go deeper from there

>> No.56820741

we will not subscribe to your youtube channel anon

>> No.56820749

what information, practically nothing was said by this dickhead.

>> No.56820757

That's the joke retard

>> No.56820759

Go back normie scum

>> No.56820775

the important thing is to know how to take advantage of the pump of the main coins, not to suffer with altcoins.

>> No.56820779
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>> No.56820790

and one thing counteracts the other, a job that no one wants to do is well paid, but it is probably a low-skilled job that anyone can do and because of that the pay is low.

>> No.56820796

tell me that you at least take a bath, please

>> No.56820808
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people repeat the right choices so much and yet its so hard for retards to do the right thing

>> No.56820815

madonna whore complex but for finance too

>> No.56820818

back to where, adv/

>> No.56820827

OP gives generally good advice, but it leaves room open for pajeets to scam more easily

>> No.56820829

exactly.... owari da for newfags

>> No.56820841

awww youre so cute and mentally handicapped

>> No.56820848

and never, fucking ever, bet everything you have on it

>> No.56820852

wgmi, but we have go through pain and desperation, bankruptcy and suicidal tendencies first kek

>> No.56821042

I hear ya, and most people say similar about the timelines. It certainly makes sense given the amount of information to digest and the amount of time needed to watch charts and start being able to spot trends. I'm not gonna let that dissuade me though because I'm not most people. If I have to go get a job again, so be it, but I'm gonna at least try. I've done it before when I started a business in an industry I knew nothing about 5 months prior. I broke even in 6 months and paid cash for a house a little after a year in business. I'm gonna try regardless of what anyone tells me about the timelines, because I don't care if I go broke again. I'd rather keep trying and failing then be an employee til I retire. I went back to working for people the past 10 years and I'm sick of it. No matter how nice of a job it is, I absolutely hate having my good nature exploited or getting stressed about other people's money. I'm just just not wired to accept it as "normal". Thanks for the advice, I know you meant in with sincerity, and im not arguing with you, I'm just motivating myself with this post kek.

>> No.56821052

>t. gambler on a brief lucky streak

>> No.56821330

my point is that there are thousands of opportunities in derivates. you can make strategies for derivatives which exhibit certain characteristics that you would like to see.
there are derivatives which trend much more than pure price.
there are derivatives which mean revert way more than pure price.
some of them can be constructed using futures, others using other ways.

thats the stuff which is under the radar most of the time.
the market makers want you to trade price like a good goy when there is a whole world of derivatives where you might find opportunities more easily.

>> No.56821632

one of the simplest derivatives could be taking a long on ETH and short on BCH.
its commonly called an inter-market spread.
there needs to be a reason for this trade and it could be that you are more bullish on ETH because its what it is and more bearish than bullish on BCH.
simply put. its more likely that ETH moons than BCH at this point.

by going long and short at the same time on two cryptos, you are also eliminating most of the dollar risk.
if the dollar goes up, most other things have a tendency to go down.
if you are both long and short two assets which are negatively correlated with the dollar, you are basically long and short the dollar at the same time thus eliminating it completely.

in crypto there are counterparty risks.
if you ever held a winning position for a long time especially a leveraged one, you may have encountered a counterparty liquidation.
these kinds of trades need to be monitored carefully.
another advantage is lower volatility and a further advantage is the trendiness, spreads trend nicely.

>> No.56821661

i dont trade spreads though, I find them to be hard to gauge.

>> No.56821690
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Your "edge" is illusory and you will be back in the red soon.

>> No.56821741

> crypto
Sorry sonny I don't fuck with computer funny money
Glad your number went up though. Buy something nice and relax

>> No.56821766

to chart this >>56821632
spread in particular, you could take ETHUSD price and divide it by BCHUSD price.

in the oil futures you have the crack spread between crude light and brent (long CL1, short BB1 or vice versa depending on ratio), in agricultural futures, you can find seasonal patterns which are spot on most of the time. there are futures calendar spread trades that you can take the same dates every year and expect to be profitable in 80% of the times

i havent done much of this but it seems promising if looking for certain characteristics like predictability.
in crypto it seems early to spot any seasonality since there is not much historical data especially for altcoins.

>> No.56821842
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I thought getting my SORA card was going to be enough, but now I have to trade too, this is a fucking job

>> No.56821875

The whole point if TA is because other people follow the same constellations of lines and a herd mentality is formed. Using "tools that aren't widely used" defeats the whole purpose.

>> No.56822229

I kind of agree with this but it depends. If there's not enough retail money trading the old school TA, then market makers will have their way and cut those traders to bits on painted tape. If the amount of retail money trading can overwhelm the market makers ability to paint tape, the old school TA will work. Depends on the environment, who is controlling the money flow