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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56819358 No.56819358 [Reply] [Original]

I am tempted to migrate to v0.2 but have a few questions, thought you guys might know:

. Is it true that apy is reduced to 4% this time?
. How much time does unlocking take if I want to sell?
. Is it true there is no guarantee build rewards will be distributed?
. Will the team continue to sell while the community is locked in?

Thanks guys. By the way I don't care about fud or shill I know there has been a Chainlink effort to have ambassadors here but I just want to know the facts so I can make the best decision for my money.

>> No.56819371

3.7% actually
3 months
yes (500 million still in their hands)

>> No.56819377

Fuck off chainshills, not buying.
Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.56819433
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>> No.56819573

fucking fuddies are relentless.
floor is 4.3% if the pool fills, otherwise higher. it's 28 day lock out period. there is no timeline that i know of for build rewards to be distributed but chainlink risks some lawsuits against them if they don't follow through. team will sell, but that doesn't mean open market dumping. link paid to stakers, otc sales, etc are all factored into this "release" of supply.

>> No.56819738

>chainlink risks some lawsuits against them if they don't follow through

Why? Did they legally promess anything?

>> No.56819772

what do you mean by floor? Sounds like typical shady language from the team.

OP - build rewards literally don't exist. There is a 0% chance you get anything

>> No.56819877

>. Is it true that apy is reduced to 4% this time?

4.32% is being distributed out to a full pool of 40.875M Link tokens; i.e. 1.7656M tokens in reward distributed per year to the community staking pool.

However, because the rewards to the entire pool are static but people can unstake and restake at will, individuals' reward rate will be dynamic; aka if half of the pool is filled, then those who are staking get double the reward. If only one person is staking for the year then he'd get the full 1.7~M link tokens.

Makes sense?

>> No.56819904

>They own risky rugpull shitcoins





Pic related.

>> No.56819912
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>> No.56819914

there are official blog posts detailing all this shit, I like straight answers as much as the next guy but why the fuck would you come here for information that determines your investment choices

>> No.56820003

>He doesn’t know what “floor” means
The state of this board

>> No.56820078
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>chainlink risks some lawsuits

>> No.56820131

>the BUILD rewards are coming anyday now, just trust us guys!

>> No.56820143

So there is no guarantee build rewards will be paid then. This plus the 4% reduced rate really makes me wonder if this is worth it. Last bull the team killed all the pump dumping on our head I don't want this to happen again

>> No.56820145

*promotional. Please deposit over 100k to get 5.60% for 3 months.

Get the fuck outta here boomer.

>> No.56820173

This doesnt include the massive token valuation increase that is about to happen. Effective apr% on chainlink staking will be much higher when all is said and done. Or you can stay in stable and earn 5% from your bank like a little faggot.

>> No.56820243

if you're anticipating a massive token valuation increase then introducing any additional risk (like submitting your tokens into a beta staking contract) for a measly 4% return is dumb as fuck.

>> No.56820294
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>This doesnt include the massive token valuation increase that is about to happen.

The "interest" or what you NEETs call "staking rewards" is dilutive.
Meaning they're dumping tokens into circulation which creates downward price pressure on the token.
Because Chainlink has no revenue, the only way they can pay out interest is from dumping more of their premined shitcoin reserves.

This shitcoin is now going into a dilution death spiral. Just look at what happened to ICP.
And LINK does VERY POORLY in bullruns, not to mention it's going to get fucked by the SEC in 2024, along with other shitcoins.

>> No.56820306

"The whale, which accumulated ~11M $LINK($80.32M) via 81 wallets in September and October, has started depositing $LINK to #Binance since Nov 22.

The whale has deposited 1.92M $LINK ($27.8M) to #Binance and will make ~$14M after selling."

>> No.56820361

Hello ser
What do you recommend to buy?
Please denounce the Talmud and the Quran and I’ll buy what you’re shilling. Thank you ser

>> No.56820444
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Total shitcoin death

>> No.56820477

So you’re a no coiner lmao
Opinion discarded

>> No.56820481

Literally every blockchain is subsidized and doesnt currently generate enough revenue through fees to be sustainable, but thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.56820508
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>Literally every blockchain is subsidized and doesnt currently generate enough revenue through fees to be sustainable, but thanks for pointing that out.

That's a great reason not to own any of this premined garbage then, no?
Thanks for confirming my research and avoiding a shitty investment.

>> No.56820569

nebulous terminology referring to ui and features of the network could be distinguished from promised dividends in a court.
even if you're thinking of it in terms of fiat, link was 7$ during v.1, you had 4.5% return in link, and it is also now around 15$. that is a 10% gain in less than a year in fiat if you were to sell the rewards.

>> No.56820581
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Also are burgers excluded from steaking? What are the forbidden countries?

>> No.56820672

If there is any fuck-up with the staking contract and people lose their LINK chainlink is done for anyway

>> No.56820685
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>Dilution death spiral
Max supply of 1 billion, with a emission schedule known in advance

>> No.56820739

Imagine owning a company with a share count of $1 billion shares outstanding, 60% held by 1-2 people.


>> No.56820809

Imagine comparing stock shares to crypto. NGMI

>> No.56820921
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You're right.
One is a legitimate business which issues shares to raise money for legitimate business purposes and is investment-worthy.

The other is an unprofitable software company masquerading as as a legitimate business, despite issuing an illegal security they used for funding, and ran off to the Caymans, like FTX, to avoid any legal consequences.

>> No.56820932

yes because we all know that technical fuckups spell doom for crypto projects. they'll just say "oops thanks for playing! it was beta staking after all" and continue on

>> No.56821242

>pouring over boilerplate TOS agreements
fuddies are pathetic

>> No.56821257

they would lose all credibility. there would be no "continuing on".

>> No.56821323

Why is it only 40.875 instead of 75m like originally planned?

>> No.56821351

>8 pbti
This is the polish guy that got doxxed yesterday.

>> No.56821362

It’s worth it to qualify for the build airdrops alone

>> No.56821368

>but teh build airdrps are teh faaaaake

>> No.56821426

>dilution known in advance
>its a discord post

Kek this can't be real. You can't have Sergey playing hollier than thou talking about centralised paper promises and then doing this

>> No.56821479

They're increasing the size as they test new functionality.

I'd imagine they don't want to go straight to 75M because it's expensive. The rewards right now are coming straight out of Chainlink's wallets.

>> No.56822095

lmfao /thread

scroll up and use common sense, there are no build airdrops

yes they hid this in their chat room...another obfuscation from the team. Most people don't notice this stuff but autists keep a running a log of every little detail. Notice it's not on the main website. This, amongst the obvious items like Sergey working with FTX, Celsius, etc. makes it incredibly hypocritical when he drones about truth and trust. Only a pure psychopath can operate like this