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File: 358 KB, 1746x1108, refugees welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56818931 No.56818931 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56818950

Who will inherit Kissinger's links now

>> No.56818953

What did he mean by this?

>> No.56818961

>Investing in a libtard wef pawn

>> No.56818999
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Kissinger was based

>> No.56819013

It was his fault tho, just because he’s reluctant and realized his mistakes now doesn’t change that. You can read about how obsessed he was with defending Israeli interests during the Yom Kippur war while him and the Nixon admin who were elected to do away with insane civil rights act bullshit went through with bussing and integration etc

>> No.56819028

He's literally the one who shaped the policy lmao.

>> No.56819044


>ctrl+f "Kissing"
>0 results

>> No.56819053
File: 736 KB, 1333x1367, charlie munger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie Munger also died, news 18 hours ago. They say perfect things come in 3s. Whos the final tumor to get excised?

>> No.56819055

Please let it be Soros

>> No.56819061
File: 55 KB, 850x400, kissinger-race-war-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger was a rotten kike who plagued humanity for far too many generations. He says that with contempt for White people. Ill follow with another text that perfectly explains the why for him saying that.

>> No.56819065

I wonder how many children he deflowered and sacrificed.

>> No.56819071
File: 248 KB, 720x722, saved this 10 years ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56819072

Even if you're right, he will be forever redeemed by going out on a high note.

>> No.56819077

>take THAT, Kissinge...
>wait a sec
>0 results


>> No.56819088
File: 696 KB, 744x858, jews are cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's literally the one who shaped the policy lmao.
As shown in this:
The TLDR is muds dont give a fuck about a holocaust that never even happened, they dont have sympathy for jews, jews might lose control if they dont slow the rate of muds down. Also Whites are getting angry, so better slow the rate down or they might kill jews, but not stop it. Trump was exactly what jews wanted. The border wall is the perfect metaphor, a wall that only covers 75% of the gap. To slow a few of them.

>> No.56819094

>As shown in this:
*as NOT shown in this

You forgot a key word.

>> No.56819097

cntrl+f what, I said kike instead of jew.

>> No.56819099

The argument is about Kissinger, anon.

>> No.56819103

Shut up you communist faggot. The cap shows a pentagon related kike from the bush admin said slow the niggers down or the scam might go bust. He admitted jews are behind non-White immigration and said keep the flow coming just bring a few less of them not as quickly.

>> No.56819113
File: 309 KB, 1015x470, kissinger power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger is jewish, if you werent aware.

>> No.56819114

>He admitted jews are behind non-White immigration
"He" as in "not Kissinger".

>> No.56819119


>> No.56819121

Theyre both kikes from the US state and both were in favor of non-White immigration while wanting to slow it but thanks for arguing in bad faith like you werent aware thats the connection. Shill.

>> No.56819128

>both were in favor of non-White immigration
Even if Kissinger was (you haven't posted one shred of evidence though), he will be forever redeemed by denouncing mass immigration in the final days of his life.

>> No.56819134
File: 171 KB, 550x400, shillingintensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if Kissinger was (you haven't posted one shred of evidence though)

>> No.56819136

Is this room open again?

>> No.56819143

>Kissinger wanted mass immigration!
>source: some other jew wanted mass immigration

Pure pilpul kikery

>> No.56819150

If Chainlink is going to be successful, Sergey is going to have to kiss some major Jew ass.
That's all there is to it.

>> No.56819185

clearly an anti-Semitic dog whistle

>> No.56819335

>kiss some major Jew ass.
Major Jewass is the name of my Steely Dan cover band.

>> No.56819364

You and your kind will be hunted down like rats. You will retreat to your caves like your neanderthal ancestors.

>> No.56819465

It’s all up to Schmidt now

>> No.56819475

Mass immigration is coming to end, whether you like it or not.

>> No.56819495

A real Holocaust is also coming, whether you like it or not.

>> No.56819949

Hey guys, turns out you can say woopsie sorry right before you die and it makes it all ok! Kill people? Just apologize? Rape a ton of dumb liberal women? So sorry! Now youre a hero!
>you are permanently retarded, do not pass on your genes. If you have already done so, give them to a stable relative instead so they have a chance based off your spouses genetic potential.

>> No.56819973

Do Jews have a name for their uncle toms? Kissinger and Bobby Fischer types that turn against their own kind

>> No.56820008

>worshipping kikes
Can't wait to drop this shit coin.

>> No.56820025
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>> No.56820028

He's getting his 18th heart replacement this week, sorry anon he's immortal

>> No.56820041

First you have to show Kissinger had anything to do with propagating mass immigration.
And if you can in fact show this, then he's turbobased for recanting, setting a massive precedent.

Nice id color, homo.

>> No.56820134

he's trying to make it look like selling tokens to retail is not his business model, it's just happening incidentally. not a security, not financial advice, no liability here mr. judge

>> No.56820302

There is zero comparison between the two, Fischer was actually based

>> No.56820315


>> No.56820339

Carter’s wife died and Carter isn’t far behind so that’s 3, potentially 4

>> No.56820347


pro-immigration lefties SEETHING at based Kissinger's anti-immigration rhetoric.

>> No.56820355

>his entire life of kikery is undone by one semi-based thing he said
lol nah

>> No.56820373

Saying mass immigration was a "big mistake" is beyond semi-based.
And I can't find a single instance of him ever supporting it.

>> No.56820474

So firstly, his renouncing of Germany's immigration was because of Hamas support. Its loterally just more jewry. He is not le based anti-immigrant pro-national identity he is just pro ZOG puppet state and illegal land occupation and jewish ethnostate (its not based when the ethnistate is jewish because theyre literally nigger savages)

>> No.56820510


>In 1973, Kissinger did not feel that pressing the Soviet Union concerning the plight of Jews being persecuted there was in the interest of U.S. foreign policy. In conversation with Nixon shortly after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir on March 1, 1973, Kissinger stated, "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, and if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."[116] He had a negative view of Soviet Jewry, calling them "self-serving bastards" and stating that "If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic."[117] and "any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong."[117]

are you sure

>> No.56820518
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231130_081321_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second here is one example, chuddy boy
Pic rel

>> No.56820539

This is possibly the only slighlty based thing he may have ever said. Even if the context was him whining at the thought.
See point 3

>> No.56820555

>He is not le based anti-immigrant
His literal words say otherwise, kike

>> No.56820576

He’s talking about literal war refugees from a regime the US themselves fostered but which collapsed.

>> No.56820588

are you retarded bro? you're trying to gaslight 4chan of all places about Kissinger of all fucking people?
is this bait? what the fuck is this moronic defensive shitposting about this centenarian kike vampire all of a sudden?
what's next, Soros is actually the good guy?
fuck off

>> No.56820611
File: 93 KB, 768x759, 1701109624618061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirgay leaves no survivors at McDonalds.

>> No.56820631


Not the same guy but I was actually curious today about why all of the news jews and college types hate him, especially being a jew himself. It's quite remarkable when a high level government jew is for some reason "universally reviled" by the same kinds of people who lie through their teeth. And I came to find out that he was largely anti-semitic himself and more or less a realist on foreign policy so it's all clicking now.

>> No.56820691


What did Charlie Munger do that makes you so negative? he gave hundreds of hours of great commentary and advice for aspiring investors and traders throughout his years all of which you can find on YouTube.

>> No.56820727


He once gave some great advice and told people to not dare feel sorry for yourself and situation in comparison to what others are going through, referring to his kid dying from cancer. His great advice for dealing with depression kek

>> No.56820877
File: 251 KB, 938x397, qww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jew wanted the nigerification of other countries too

>> No.56820933
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 15449878545555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kissinger turn against their own kind

>> No.56821376

Those are literally US assets and allies, anon.
If the US left them to be killed by the commies they would make it very hard to ever get any more international grassroots support in the future.

Soros promotes mass immigration, Kissinger bashed it.
Not hard to understand the difference.

>> No.56821438

So basically solving a problem jews created by doing jewish bidding? Youre retarded, only a kike would defend kike interests and kikes while calling those that call them out kikes. Youre either the stupidest 14 year old or the most worthless mole on the payroll. Time to either get a job or switch careers, faggot. You got btfo.

>> No.56821462

Hes a global citizen in support of a new world order. He is for ending us/british/roman hegemony in favor of the one world one corporation form of government
Again, why would I care if the CIA can play its little games abroad? Their interests arent aligned to mine nor any average citizen. Can you find one article or video where soros denounces open borders without it pertaining to immigrants hating israel?

>> No.56821472

Kissinger not soros*

>> No.56821492

Like Sergey, he was a fat Jew

>> No.56821791

tons of refugees are rapists

>> No.56821817

literally worst person in history, absolutely vile degenerate murderer

>> No.56822025
File: 618 KB, 220x220, 1680631208388674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best example of Kissinger promoting mass immigration:
>a few ten thousand south Vietnamese assets as Saigon falls

The best example of Kissinger opposing mass immigration:
>him literally saying "mass immigration is a big mistake"

Kissingerchads, we can't stop winning!

>> No.56822101

How many Syrians accepted in actual Israel? ZERO. Literally none

>> No.56822166

is his older brother

>> No.56822208

i havent seen any evidence of henry kissinger supporting mass migration particularly in this thread. the only thing you can hold him to is turning Americans into ziobots

>> No.56822228

Are Jews mental? That doesn’t even make sense. He is claiming that it’s because of white guilt Holocaust that Jews are in power.
But they also want to gradually lower the white pop to…?
Do they hate whites who saved them from ovens (why even there are whites in USA who have “guilt” over holocaust when they are actual saviors of the Jews is just beyond me)?
Everyday I understand the story of haman better and how Persians who saved Jews from Babylon ovens, became so pissed off in span of 30 years, to plan their extermination
West should have read this a thousand time
This situation is literally the end game of that story, resulted in death of thousands of Persians

>> No.56822256

Please be klaus

>> No.56822307


Yes. It's literally happening right now. They killed Christianity, which is ironic as fuck, because naive evangelical whites are their biggest champion and defender. Now the brown hordes will consume them inevitably.

>> No.56822480

Einstein was a plagiarist and Kissinger was a staunch warmonger. Good riddance.
Also, silver collecting and warehouse opportunities welcome crypto refugees since many of you lack the stamina to become rapefugees.

>> No.56822535

I think he is trying to say chainlink moon mission is about to start

>> No.56822634

And I don’t think anyone would care about them burning in oven
The brown who hate them, don’t give a fuck about them, and whites who didn’t hate them at first, are realizing how ungrateful they are, and probably turn their back to their pleads.

>> No.56824008
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May the dirty rat rest in piss