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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1920, cybersecurity dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56818471 No.56818471 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that easy to get a high paying job in cybersecurity?

>> No.56818482

Cute chick that I knew that had no knowledge or coding skills just got hired as database developer.
its so over

>> No.56818490
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Unless you give source, this will be some random toktok dance with someone else having overlaid the text.
First day on the internet, OP?

>> No.56818499

>you don't need a certificate
>obtain a certificate
I want to punch her in the face

>> No.56818629

Sad that they will have to dance without a wage and without a camera

Cyber pandemic here we come

>> No.56818653

Guarantee if she actually said that and this isn’t some ragebait using some random bitch flailing around with overlaid text that her job has absolutely nothing to do with actual cybersecurity. Like all those clowns who bragged about how much they made “coding” with no prior background (before they all got canned for doing nothing of use lol) and they were just email pushers only hired since big companies were bloated with the money printer for a while.

>> No.56818661

jpop ruined an entire generation of women

>> No.56818689

>aunt works in IT/infosec
>stills gets adware and popups on her computer
>has 5200 tabs open on her tablet
>is GS12
>keeps asking to use my computer for work because she keeps downloading viruses
>gets pissy when I tell her no
>won't let me touch hers
>I've been fixing the family computer since I was 11
The government, nay, all social systems are built like this - underqualified people in positions they shouldn't be
I make more money as a pseudonymous /d/ artist than I would have working for the gov thankfully

>> No.56818695

kpop* ruined it
Jpop is based

>> No.56818709

> Uk fag on 70k with 3 years experience (high wage here), in the US is made 150k

>> No.56818720
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you can't get into cybersec without coding skills, a good understanding of networks and web applications and a billion other shit

cybersec unironcially has to be one of the hardest fields in tech

t. MLE

>> No.56818725
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Too late. I read your typo and absorbed it first.

>> No.56818727
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i hope this bitch gets killed by a pack of wild niggers

>> No.56818747
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>Apply to cybersecurity job
>Lie in the resume
>Take the interview
>It's 3 management of cybersecurity guys
>they start bombarding me with questions i can't answer
>"Well yes i have a love of continual learning and im just figuring out what area of cybersecurity i want to get into"
>They tell me the interview is finished and im not suitable for the job
>"B-but muh tiktok said i didn't need to know anything about cybersecurity to get into the job"
Gen z has to be retarded if they start believing the hard paying jobs are all "lies people dont know anything" or some crazy shit like that. It's like how fox news believes american culture is over just because they sell disabled black santas at Target. Who the fuck cares, maybe someone will make a token about it and we can all profit but it's not like it hits the country in any way. Fuck off

>> No.56818765

This is how you get data leaks. You know now.

>> No.56818849

I went to an interview at one of these places and there were something like 8 managers. 6 were middle aged looking men men, almost all of them were balding/bald. The ones who were not balding were obese. Two indian, 6 white. The women included some diversity whore still wearing a covid mask and some 40yo chick who got pissed when a nigger called her 'ma'am' (angry that she is fat and middle aged).

Something like 70-80% of the average employees were women in their 20s, there were maybe 1 or 2 white guys, the rest were indians who didn't speak english.

Needless to say as a white guy with all his hair and not morbidly obese, I was not selected for the final round lol.

These places have become dork harems, all the /biz/tards on here (or probably redditors) who post about "pulling 20yo girls as a bald 40yo" mean they create situations where they're the only guy, then creep on their employees. Quite pathetic desu. And when the business falls apart (as I have seen before when a bald middle aged lawyer hired an attractive 24yo with no experience besides college as the second most powerful person at the business), it will be 'no one's fault' and they will all try to parachute to a new company to repeat their cancerous process.

>> No.56818852

>I make more money as a pseudonymous /d/ artist than I would have working for the gov thankfully
That's the problem though, you can't just 'be a guy', you have to be the best so you can filter out all the losers who create businesses where thots get hired.

>> No.56819320

wow wow wow thin and young? what a perfect female

>> No.56820077

BuY My cOuRsE!!!!!!

>> No.56820151 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56820238


>> No.56820341

Depends what you consider cybersecurity. My company has an "infosec" team. They're not incompetent, but they also don't do anything special. They just buy solutions from actual security experts, make sure that's installed and they follow up on its threat notifications, they make sure all the company computer policies (like what you can click on in windows) are good, and tell us about smishing and phishing.
That's probably not a "cybersecurity" job if you work in the field, but I don't think the average woman can comprehend the difference.

>> No.56820380 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56820408

actual security and threat analyst here.
nobody is going to hire anybody in this industry without prior IT experience, help desk fags at the bottom and system and net admins are the preferred.
women in this industry are also all retarded diversity hires and end up sucking dick to get in. hilarious how many “le tech women” are literal whores who can use a mouse and ping a man for help when a scary alert pops up

>> No.56820470

>no need to know math, code or having a degree
>just obtain the necessary skills and certifications
>which are knowing math, coding and having “degrees”
Wtf is this slut talking about?

>> No.56820495

lol so untrue, your post reeks of seething incel

>> No.56820526
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There's been a big push very for cybersecurity recently. Ive been seeing news articles shilling for how easy it is to get in, and how huge the expected demand is going to be in the coming years. There's a "non profit" company that provides free training courses for cybersecurity. I dont know if it's easy, but theres clearly an expected demand that the industry is trying to meet. They did the same thing with programming a while back.

>> No.56820531

based are we winning tranny sisters?

>> No.56820552

she's wearing shoes indoors

>> No.56820563

what if an entity is pushing those retards as cibersec incompetent wagies so the companies are easier to hack? sounds like a james bond tier plan but it could work

>> No.56820609

you have 0 idea lol, another seething incel who has never touched a vagina. Companies like airbnb, amazon, and expedia are close to 500 million a year in losses

>> No.56820642

Oh, reminds me of 2 product managers that got hired at my software company. Absolutely no experience in tech or payments and never bothered to learn tech or how even the software (our product for that matter) worked.

Company restructure where they brought in old employees including leadership to fix shit up because the investment firm saw it being run into the ground, those 2 product managers got the axe so quick.

>> No.56820657

*only works if you're a woman, even better if not white. What a joke

>> No.56820701

There is a big shortage of cyber security specialist and it's not that easy as you think, although if you already are in the IT sector it might be easier as you already have a basic understatement of technology. But the reason for the increased push might be because cyber crimes are increasing rapidly and with dumbed down people it's pretty easy to perform a cyber crime.
People are struggling to put 2FA on their accounts, not to mention the lack of cyber awareness

>> No.56820745

>some 40yo chick who got pissed when a nigger called her 'ma'am'
I’ve had that happen multiple times.

>ugh, ma’am??
Yea bitch, next time I’ll refer to you as a sir.

>> No.56820794

Call em "lady", they love that too

>> No.56822103

>all the /biz/tards on here (or probably redditors) who post about "pulling 20yo girls as a bald 40yo" mean they create situations where they're the only guy, then creep on their employees. Quite pathetic desu.
how is that pathetic? why would a 40 year old man go for a women 30+ if they don't have to? Just wait your turn zoomer in a few years you will have a harem of 20 year olds

>> No.56822124

just apply for a junior position, in her case is 90% luck to find a junior position with 0% experience required and 10% dick sucking hability

>> No.56822161

It's easy when you fall within the DEI sphere. Otherwise, if you're a straight white male, it's over.

>> No.56822210
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Why does women dancing make me so angry

>> No.56822258

Yes, it's the exact same "shortage" as when Obama said everyone should learn to code. And now no one can get a programming job. Security wasn't a serious job 6 years ago and it isn't a serious job now, because there's no money in being secure.

>> No.56822270

Because youre not legitimately pulling them youre just keeping them captive and then inducing Stockholm syndrome. Read what he actually wrote, youre basically saying
>isnt it more based than entrapping 30+ year old toasties?

>> No.56822278

Because it makes light over a serious situation and highlights how women have a monopoly on the means of attention

>> No.56822284

It's not the dancing alone, it's the accompanied text that implies a usually male-centered tpugh to get job can be easily attained by roasties.

>> No.56822317

That's not dancing.

>> No.56822330

and this is why everything gets 'hacked' every day and there are no consequences for companies for losing customer data from mongodbs set up with a tutorial, default passwords and open ports to the web. we need more windows, active directory and roasties

>> No.56822465

How is that not "legitimately pulling" and what would be legitimate? That's such a stretch and cope, something a twitter weenie would do to label something "problematic".

It's not any different than school, if you're around people you eventually form relationships and hookup.

>> No.56822493

Haha, yeah...

>> No.56822518


>> No.56822575

Oh nothing.
The other anon is right, we all got laid in high school, it's impossible to get through it without having sex because if you put a bunch of teens in one place for long enough it's impossible that some of them don't score.
You'd have to be a huge loser but everyone on /biz/ is a Chad

>> No.56822830

Hear, hear! Now who would like a snifter of Pappy Van Winkle in my limousine?

>> No.56822869

Post art example. I’m actually looking to contract someone at the moment.

>> No.56822872
File: 353 KB, 745x924, 1701375899315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why we're getting more hacks by the day. Cyberpandemic here we go!

>> No.56822905


>> No.56822990

i would watch Dijkstra dance while text bombards me with formulae and calls me incompetent

>> No.56823005

No she just sucks good dick and tickled the right man’s prossy

That is the female “entry level”

>> No.56823016

> People are struggling to put 2FA on their accounts, not to mention the lack of cyber awareness

I think the problem is that companies still expect you to have passwords and for the passwords to be the same as all of the other passwords.

The sign in with Google technology has existed for years and now sign in with MetaMask is even better but companies still want passwords

>> No.56823053

>noticed the filename

kekd outloud

>> No.56823066

would cyber her security before giving her the job

>> No.56823112

How do you see the landscape for smut drawings as a side gig with AI eating out the medium?
I feel lost and don't wanna do it anymore with AI taking the space. Should I do it and go for a hyper stylized approach for better dick recognition?

>> No.56823130

I would exploit that ass in a heartbeat.

>> No.56823234

I, as a user, want passwords.
I DONT want a central authority to own all my logins.

>> No.56823247

They usually don't give those jobs to people with no IT experience, unless you've got connections, you'll likely have to work at the helpdesk first like everyone else. Unless you bullshit your resume, that works too.

>> No.56823650

Reminds me of the time I interviewed for a job working on Linux systems like 10 years ago and the guy interviewing me shut down as soon as he saw me because I was in shape and clean-cut and he was a fatbeard. Clearly a guy that shaves and lifts weights can't be a true Linux appreciator.

>> No.56823686

Because they're gloating over men having a difficult time while they live life on easy street and any wish they have is auto-granted.

In other words, "haha fuck you got mine" attitude.

>> No.56823820

>Pappy Van Winkle
sir, i am only interested if you have gray poupon?

>> No.56823862

I've only got beige poupon

>> No.56823878

>the entire zoomer "culture" in one single video

>> No.56823917

That applies so almost all computer jobs Anon.
You don't need one to start but many businesses will pay for you training if you are young.

Not shocking.

>> No.56824052

millennial whores started this whole gay "dancing" and zoomers continue this "dancing" abomination while listening to very bad music
they always tell you how they "love dancing to this gay music" while spastically twitching

>> No.56824090

Because you are interrupting the process of doing business to be a pathetic out of shape pussy chaser in your 40s like you're some sophomoric boy. If pussy is so important then go back ukrainian chicks on vacation to poland, stop turning tech into a faggy joke.

>> No.56824094

what the hell is going on?

now cybersecurity

why do you fags fall for it over and over?

>> No.56824163

getting a good job in CS is fairly difficult. convincing idiots to pay you for a 300 dollar ebook that doesn't do anything to prepare you for actually getting that real job is easy.

i phone screen a lot of security people and most of them can't answer 101 level questions. they took a 4-12 week course which is enough to fool the idiots in HR into thinking they're viable. they're not.

>> No.56824295

Do you think I give a shit about your business? Fuck off retard, I work for a paycheck. The business could lay me off tomorrow and replace me the next day, you're a moron if you're going to be a single guy not fucking young chicks easily "for the sake of the business." What kind of a maladapted retarded loser do you have to be suck the dick of businesses in fucking 2023 lmao

>> No.56824322
File: 2.98 MB, 1080x1920, 310585438_849401333078532_911296383809969215_n (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech is really that easy

>> No.56824336

no idea, but she should give me private lessons on penetration testing

>> No.56824386

Its an unspoken rule to hire a few hot bitches who do nothing in every tech company to motivate the betas who actually do all the work to keep coming in and not off themselves

>> No.56824450

you just need dsl

>> No.56824479

Companies with smart management hire those girls in marketing because they can pay half as much and get the same results. They also keep the marketing and dev departments in close quarters, but not too close because the devs need to concentrate during the day.

>> No.56824487

If you're a cute girl ready to suck your boss off anytime he wants then yes

>> No.56824516

Happens more often than you think. Especially if some IT dweeb is the hiring manager.

>> No.56824521

It's pathetic because you have to run an entire company into the ground for something i get for free

>> No.56824560

Because it's the clumsy retard tik tok style of dancing. It's not real dancing. A beautiful woman dancing seductively (read: not twerking or any other type of spastic movement) is captivating. This is just video goyslop mostly for people who cannot into sex.

>> No.56824568

and just like that, the generational top of cybersecurity is in

>> No.56824726

No, but you can get a mid-paying job grifting those dumb whores who think they can, or just mugging them, whatever.

>> No.56824762
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>> No.56825797

>database developer.
What in the hell is that, just buzzwords to say "DBA"?

>> No.56825854

Because she's being paid for the work someone else does right, she's bragging about it and probably doesn't know it (retarded).

>> No.56825882

Application layer attack vectors aren't that common. Incompetent staff is the main attack vector. Once, i entered a bank main office by just showing a fake google meets meeting to the secretary. I knew the name of someone there, i made an email almost identical to his, i didn't even bother with the domain name, and the roastie gave me access through all their building security systems.

>> No.56825891

programming is pretty legit if you're not a pajeet. You can do anything you can think of.

>> No.56826264

MOAR, give me more. bonus points for three tards dancing talking about how they started BIG BUSINESSES

>> No.56826288

top signal. get out.

>> No.56827480

Aha holy shit I thought you were exaggerating but you nailed it anon, you actually unearthed one such specimen in this very thread
Grim desu

>> No.56828207

>/d/ artist
EXTREMELY based. you found the perfect niche

>> No.56828225

because you are a seething frognigger, a roastie with a penis. watching other thots get attention for doing nothing upsets you because you want to be like them, hence why you post this shit on this board.

>> No.56828258

Lol I remember my first dev job we were put on the end of the office with marketing right beside us. Got to listen to the girls talk shit for hours on end while doing my work in silence. Have to say it at least broke up the monotony a bit

>> No.56829377

>seeing other people getting paid for doing nothing, while you are being productive yet called “low value” because you don’t make 6 figures and is not a 6 feet chad is not a cause to anger nor frustration
Good job slave

>> No.56829411

Shes the thing standing between you and your private information lol.

>> No.56829480
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This is how it works:

Tech companies hire brown code monkeys for $7hr, and H1B code monkeys for half of what an actual American would cost. All of the real work is done by a few white hetero cis men. The DEI hires are there for WEF mandated diversity scores.

>> No.56829515

Checked and staged video pilled. Off camera is the disaster of random shit strewn all over the rest of the place.

>> No.56830346

It's the brazen confidence of the body language it exudes.
You're seeing someone move like they're at the top of a dominance hierarchy, all while they assert something difficult and complicated is easy and simple (and, simultaneously, financially rewarding).

She confidently and carelessly seeks to undermine the validity of your dutiful struggle.

This discrepancy between your reality and the one posited by this high-serotonin woman creates a rift:
either her confidence is unfounded, or your struggle is meaningless.

You resolve this by either being angry at her falsehood, or become depressed inwardly at the realisation your struggle was for naught. It's not just about cyber, obviously this is an affront to all skilled work.

>inb4 she's just shilling
Yeah, but there's plenty out there who aren't. It's reverse gatekeeping.

>> No.56832338

>just learn some python bro (udemy link) and uhh do some easy boxes on htb and uhh do a linux course (udemy link) and you are good to go bro! Don't forget your CCNA, A+ and N+ doe!
And anyone wonders why companies get hacked holy shit
>t. cybersecurity/cs degree chudcel

>> No.56832421

oh shut up bro , I literally done the same thing and I got the job. It was so fucking easy.
My uncle talked to a team manager that he knew and I had the job within two weeks bro

>> No.56832634

you jobless too? i got a MS in cyber security from one of the first schools that offered it 10 years ago or so. couldn't even get a help desk job

>> No.56834519

The guys you are arguing w/ are virgins, them thinking there's some code/'rules' is dead giveaway. There's a middle line between you and them though, I'm fine with doin my job well and using whatever I can in life to fuck chicks I wanna fuck.

>> No.56835836

>underqualified people in positions they shouldn't be
This. A billion times over, this.
And things keep getting worse and worse.

But it could all be changed in an instant.

>> No.56835993

It is for women, now most teams have a lot of pressure to meet quota for women in cyber I think because it's one field where incompetence is rife and women will get hired because they're women.

>> No.56836006

>women in cyber

>> No.56836011

All you need is to be hot and get the simps to carry you.

>> No.56836023
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mfw seeing this after leading the project of updating MFA methods company wide, this dumb bitch has never been a verbal punching bag for users when all you need them to do is update passwords

>> No.56836371
File: 497 KB, 500x377, E0B4A26882B4481481E68FF0C83BA8A6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what you should do - make fake personas on LinkedIn with good resumes and add a bunch of recruiters. Record the zoom interviews. You might bomb a few but write down the questions and study what they are asking. Eventually you can get good enough to do it on your own.

>> No.56836541

You guys know she's talking to white women, right? They get hired anywhere they want by simply existing.

>> No.56836575

Not for cyber, you get bonus points for being diverse as they are only hiring these for quota.

>> No.56837030
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you sure got that whiny inkwell !

>> No.56837116

It is, believe me. I'm a crusty bofh type of wet blanket person, who takes a dim view of this kind of thing. So, it's pained me to have to endure engaging with these know-nothing 'women of tech' types who rule the roost in our sec department. Attending conferences, giving each other little awards. Being unable to compute themselves out of a wet paper bag. Breathless company-wide messages about the latest "phishing" (unironically labelled) attacks. Constantly escalating their intrusive third party spyware a/v crap onto our hardware.

the horror

>> No.56837143

We outsource cybersecurity reviews and testing to a third party at my work, and most of them unironically are pretty fresh graduate women.

I think because 99% of the work is filling in documents about risks and mitigations, not actual penetration testing which I assume is done by a few neckbeards they keep in a backroom somewhere.

>> No.56837170

White women are diverse enough
They are women

>> No.56837201

Heh, penetration.

>> No.56837227

it's called on-the-job training (lite diversity hire version), retard. white males need not apply

>> No.56837253
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>actual penetration testing which I assume is done by a few neckbeards they keep in a backroom somewhere
Nah, it's WFH now, and it's not called a neck beard when you have a full beard, you fucking racist.

>> No.56837589

That’s actually a really decent stack xD
If you add some linux to it youre pretty golden.
Especially if you do some hackathon or contribute to some projects or github repos, youd already have tons to talk about and have the necessary background knowledge to start off at near mid level.
Im not meming some of these companies hire people who arent that good, and those certs are really solid in what they try to teach, if you actually take in what they teach not just glance over em to pass the test.

>> No.56837651
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Dancing is over rated a women should carry herself submissive and gracefully.

I can't wait till the Greco Buddhist empire returns, thank god Myanmar is doing the good work of exterminating the Muslims in the SEA, now we just need to get rid of the American monster mongoloids.

>> No.56837690
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This is true. Average IQ in the west has been dropping and I have noticed almost all attacks now from western sources are social engineering 80 IQ "lel d0xbin sim swapper" skid BS.

The only good low level attack vectors are coming out of China, DPRK and Russia with even some bios level firmware attacks.

only use for women is testing physical security via social engineering etc.

Only decent female "hacker" I have known was maybe faith from hack that site back in like 2006 when I was like 14 years old and she was 15 years old...

We all know what lel admins was doing with her while giving her all that "teaching" kek.

>> No.56837729

Kind of true. Need to find a directional vector from a rotational vector? Easy to find the math&code to do that. Programming is more about logic anyway. Which is why Indians are so bad at it.

>> No.56837751

I'm pretty good dev and I am awful with at maths and have god awful working memory, my IQ is 129 but all in verbal and logic.

For me coding is like verbal/language lego blocks you stick together with mechanical reasoning.

but if I didn't have google I'd be fucked, I know what needs to go there I just don't know the exact details due to shitty working memory.

Weird asf to have high IQ and god awful working memory but I have ICD-10-CM and ADHD so probley some sort of brain damage sperg effect.

In my brain I see code visually flowing like a tree chart.

>> No.56837823

every day I thank my lucky stars I am a retard caretaker and never have to deal with women like this. only women I see regularly are fat stupid ugly nearly senile boomer women with very low self esteem and just want to die already.

>> No.56837863

It's easy to find programs that want to charge you 10 or 20 grand to 'place you' in a cybersecurity job. Too bad it's far too good to be true. People that are in cybersec tend to have been working their way up IT or as a sysadmin at least for years.

>> No.56838110

Why do you people post marketing videos as ragebait and some sort of proof that women are somehow ruining specialized fields?

You'd imagine people in this board would be able to distinguish an ad from reality, but... You are all fucking stupid